Hunter Biden


Yes, they, the defense team and the Xiden admin, and she rejected it
Dude, where are you getting your news? She voiced concerns about the constitutionality of some of the items in the agreement and noted that Hunter didn’t have certain protections that he didn’t seem aware weren't covered. Yes she rejected it and told the two sides to clean it up and during the renegotiations Hunters team backed out because the protections weren’t being included
and Comey wasn't fired because he wouldn't drop the case against Flynn...geez, why do you keep lying?
I should clean that up. Trump asked Comey to drop the Flynn case and Comey said no, then Trump fired Comey soon after because of the “Russia Thing”…. Which involved Flynn
Dude, where are you getting your news? She voiced concerns about the constitutionality of some of the items in the agreement and noted that Hunter didn’t have certain protections that he didn’t seem aware weren't covered. Yes she rejected it and told the two sides to clean it up and during the renegotiations Hunters team backed out because the protections weren’t being included
hahah yeah...she raised concerns about the sweet heart deal the Xiden admin tried to give Hunter because it violated the US Constitution...what part of that don't you grasp?
I should clean that up. Trump asked Comey to drop the Flynn case and Comey said no, then Trump fired Comey soon after because of the “Russia Thing”…. Which involved Flynn
no, he didn't ask him to drop the Flynn case either....but regards, Comey was certianly fired, and rightfully so...he was part of the Obamagate russian hoax....

And yes the President can fire the FBI director, because the FBI director works for the President, as the power of the executive VEST in A President.
hahah yeah...she raised concerns about the sweet heart deal the Xiden admin tried to give Hunter because it violated the US Constitution...what part of that don't you grasp?
What’s sweetheart about leaving him open for prosecution on related crimes and not giving him full immunity ? That was a concern the judge brought up and that’s the training Hunters team backed out of negotiations
no, he didn't ask him to drop the Flynn case either....but regards, Comey was certianly fired, and rightfully so...he was part of the Obamagate russian hoax....

And yes the President can fire the FBI director, because the FBI director works for the President, as the power of the executive VEST in A President.
I never said Trump couldnt fire Comey. Just just said why he said he did. Because of the russia investigation which Trump then appointed a special prosecutor to investigate ( per your logic) all making sense?

As for trump asking Comey to drop Flynn investigation. I’ll trust coneys meeting notes and sworn testimony over trumps tweets any day
Dude, where are you getting your news? She voiced concerns about the constitutionality of some of the items in the agreement and noted that Hunter didn’t have certain protections that he didn’t seem aware weren't covered. Yes she rejected it and told the two sides to clean it up and during the renegotiations Hunters team backed out because the protections weren’t being included

Slade, in post #3,377 of THIS thread;

She doesn’t grant these things, they are contained in a written deal. Those protections weren’t written in the deal and she brought it to their attention, then they rejected the deal.

Slade, in post #3,377 of THIS thread;

She doesn’t grant these things, they are contained in a written deal. Those protections weren’t written in the deal and she brought it to their attention, then they rejected the deal.

Yes, and I further elaborated.

Judged brought concerns about the deal and told both parties to polish up. Hunters team rejected the deal after that cause those protections were not in place.
So who rejected the deal, because in two different posts you provide two different answers? Did the judge reject the deal or did Hunter's attorneys reject the deal?
Both. The judge told both parties to polish up after she voiced concerns and then hunters team walked away from it because protections were not in place
I never said Trump couldnt fire Comey. Just just said why he said he did. Because of the russia investigation which Trump then appointed a special prosecutor to investigate ( per your logic) all making sense?

As for trump asking Comey to drop Flynn investigation. I’ll trust coneys meeting notes and sworn testimony over trumps tweets any day
Yes he fired him over the russia hoax, obviously justifiably as we know now
What’s sweetheart about leaving him open for prosecution on related crimes and not giving him full immunity ? That was a concern the judge brought up and that’s the training Hunters team backed out of negotiations
Haha that was part of the deal, that’s what the court rejected
Not to mention the rest of it, but that was the icing on the cake
I believe Trump even said it was how comey handled the Clinton forgiveness
Yes that was part of it too…he completely mishandled that as wel…remember dems were calling for him to be canned before trump did it, then when trump did what they wanted…they tried to impeach him over it
Yes he fired him over the russia hoax, obviously justifiably as we know now
Ok so he fired him over the Russia hoax and then started a multi year investigation into himself about the Russia hoax by hiring Mueller?? And meanwhile arrested his old campaign manager for colluding with Russian all while proclaiming publicly that it was all a hoax?! Wow, things must be fun in your world of twisted logic
Haha that was part of the deal, that’s what the court rejected
Not to mention the rest of it, but that was the icing on the cake
Right so back to my point. The “rejection” wasn’t because it was a sweetheart deal, it was because it had elements that were unconstitutional and set up Hunter in a way that he appeared unaware of. Is any of that untrue?
Ok so he fired him over the Russia hoax and then started a multi year investigation into himself about the Russia hoax by hiring Mueller?? And meanwhile arrested his old campaign manager for colluding with Russian all while proclaiming publicly that it was all a hoax?! Wow, things must be fun in your world of twisted logic
No Trump team Russian collusion
The special counsel found that Russia did interfere with the election, but “did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple efforts from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.”
No Trump team Russian collusion
The special counsel found that Russia did interfere with the election, but “did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple efforts from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.”
What you're describing is conspiracy... There was no evidence of Trump team conspiracy to aid or assist in the crimes the Russians committed. But Manafort was absolutely found to have colluded with the Russians when he fed them polling data and then lied about it. Thats the definition of the word. Y'all really need to start using dictionaries
What you're describing is conspiracy... There was no evidence of Trump team conspiracy to aid or assist in the crimes the Russians committed. But Manafort was absolutely found to have colluded with the Russians when he fed them polling data and then lied about it. Thats the definition of the word. Y'all really need to start using dictionaries
One more time numbnuts
Mueller investigation found no Trump team Russian collusion none. And that includes Manafort

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