Hunter Biden’s Ass Is Grass

That doesn't mean he's not a business person, he's just a bad business person.

As to getting a job because of his daddy? Every job the Trump kids had is due to their daddy.

Who the heck are you talking about? Certainly not Hunter Biden!

Not true about the Trump kids, it just infuriates you that President Trump's kids turned out so well, and are all accomplished in businesses they have chosen.

Hunter Biden is the bane of their family. No other way to put it.

What jobs have they held that were not in their father's business?
thats called good parenting and how this country was built,,,

It's called not accomplishing anything without the help of their father.

How does he "help"? You don't know, do you?
Nope...Biden is not like trump. He will not call the DOJ and demand the investigation be curtailed. He will allow the process to go forward. If trump's kid was being investigated, he would have called Barr and gotten it killed by now. We would know nothing about it.

It is an audit. trump has been audited, according to the Liar in Chief, for the last couple years.

Good one, you're being facetious right?

You are talking about the same person who, as Vice President, forced a prosecutor in the Ukrain to be fired or quit, right?

You mean the guy that was carrying out the established policy from the Obama administration, with support from EU, Ukraine anti-corruption groups, the IMF, that guy?

It is still called extortion!
I actually agree with Geraldo's take on Hunter. To paraphrase he said Hunter is a fuckup who at best who took advantage of his father's position in government to make millions of dollars that he would have never sniffed on his own merit. At worst he's a criminal. Regardless of your politics you should have a problem with this guy.

Agree. He is the black sheep embarrassment for sure. But other than law enforcement taking a needed look, why is he worthy of so much attention?

He could be a criminal and his dad could very well be one as well. I doubt we will ever get to know whether both of them broke laws or not, but nothing about Hunter’s foreign business deals smell like roses.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was tax fraud on Hunter's part (if not money laundering), but Joe Biden's been looked at several times and no involvement found. Reminds me of criminally embarrassing relatives of past presidents.

How do you know Biden's been looked at? How did he make millions of dollars, own 4 homes, and has never earned more than a little over $100,000 a year? His wife is a junior college instructor, so she is not raking in the dough. Where did all that money come from?
Federal criminal investigation has started into Hunter Biden focusing on his business dealings in China
Sounds like a distraction from the proven Biden crime family corruption regarding the Ukraine bribery/extortion/money laundering scheme with Mykola Zlocheveski, IMNSHO.
Federal criminal investigation has started into Hunter Biden focusing on his business dealings in China

Taxes..hmm..where have I seen a political figure appear to get in trouble over his tax returns in the last few months??...Oh yeah. EL Prez!!
And Hunter isn't even a political figure. Yawn.....after all that bullshit of an October Surprise, you'd think it would be something more sexy.
And where have we seen the current President being accused of Tax Evasion by the unrelenting IRS...never!

Stick around. The game's just getting started on that. You may have to wait a while after he leaves on 1/20/2021.
Sure puppy...the IRS doesn't give a fuck who you are; you don't pay, they brutalize you.
It's obvious you've never been audited and don't know anyone who has.

I've been audited twice. You are right. It's no picnic. I'm pointing out that it really isn't big news that they're going after him for tax evasion and not some
of the more "sexy" things in that dud of an October Surprise.
Tax evasion earned Al Capone a one-way ticket to Alcatraz.

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Gee, ain't it funny how every thread started about the Biden Crime Family gets turned into a Trump-hating fest. You liberals dimwits have no defense for the Biden family crimes.

Here's another accusation against Hunter. It appears he's started smuggling his whores into the Swiss Embassy building where he has an office. What a fucking joke!

Hunter Biden Accused of Smuggling Ex-Stripper into Govt Building in Washington D.C
Gee, ain't it funny how every thread started about the Biden Crime Family gets turned into a Trump-hating fest. You liberals dimwits have no defense for the Biden family crimes.

Here's another accusation against Hunter. It appears he's started smuggling his whores into the Swiss Embassy building where he has an office. What a fucking joke!

Hunter Biden Accused of Smuggling Ex-Stripper into Govt Building in Washington D.C
That's why I've put everyone of the scum on ignore. It's pointless to even see what they say.
Gee, ain't it funny how every thread started about the Biden Crime Family gets turned into a Trump-hating fest. You liberals dimwits have no defense for the Biden family crimes.
There is no debate that Hunter is a depraved failure of a human being. What is significant to the country is his Dad exploits Hunter's reckless personality for financial enrichment.
Gee, ain't it funny how every thread started about the Biden Crime Family gets turned into a Trump-hating fest. You liberals dimwits have no defense for the Biden family crimes.
There is no debate that Hunter is a depraved failure of a human being. What is significant to the country is his Dad exploits Hunter's reckless personality for financial enrichment.
What is even more worth noting is how thia country is repeatedly embarrassed by our right wingers, who will make up lies, tell them to themselves, then believe them. Like your post.
Gee, ain't it funny how every thread started about the Biden Crime Family gets turned into a Trump-hating fest. You liberals dimwits have no defense for the Biden family crimes.
There is no debate that Hunter is a depraved failure of a human being. What is significant to the country is his Dad exploits Hunter's reckless personality for financial enrichment.
What is even more worth noting is how thia country is repeatedly embarrassed by our right wingers, who will make up lies, tell them to themselves, then believe them. Like your post.

Dang, you mean like Russia, Russia, Russia....dumbass.
Gee, ain't it funny how every thread started about the Biden Crime Family gets turned into a Trump-hating fest. You liberals dimwits have no defense for the Biden family crimes.
There is no debate that Hunter is a depraved failure of a human being. What is significant to the country is his Dad exploits Hunter's reckless personality for financial enrichment.
What is even more worth noting is how thia country is repeatedly embarrassed by our right wingers, who will make up lies, tell them to themselves, then believe them. Like your post.

Dang, you mean like Russia, Russia, Russia....dumbass.
No. Like, the opposite of that. The entire world knows Trump is Putin's useful idiot.
Gee, ain't it funny how every thread started about the Biden Crime Family gets turned into a Trump-hating fest. You liberals dimwits have no defense for the Biden family crimes.
There is no debate that Hunter is a depraved failure of a human being. What is significant to the country is his Dad exploits Hunter's reckless personality for financial enrichment.
What is even more worth noting is how thia country is repeatedly embarrassed by our right wingers, who will make up lies, tell them to themselves, then believe them. Like your post.

Dang, you mean like Russia, Russia, Russia....dumbass.
No. Like, the opposite of that. The entire world knows Trump is Putin's useful idiot.

The opposite of that?? You mean like something that's actually true.
Gee, ain't it funny how every thread started about the Biden Crime Family gets turned into a Trump-hating fest. You liberals dimwits have no defense for the Biden family crimes.
There is no debate that Hunter is a depraved failure of a human being. What is significant to the country is his Dad exploits Hunter's reckless personality for financial enrichment.
What is even more worth noting is how thia country is repeatedly embarrassed by our right wingers, who will make up lies, tell them to themselves, then believe them. Like your post.

Dang, you mean like Russia, Russia, Russia....dumbass.
No. Like, the opposite of that. The entire world knows Trump is Putin's useful idiot.
You should be reported to the authorities.

For what?

Obstruction of Justice.

Apparently you have concrete evidence that Trump colluded with Russia yet you did not disclose it to Mueller and his team.

That makes you a criminal.

Are you a criminal?
Gee, ain't it funny how every thread started about the Biden Crime Family gets turned into a Trump-hating fest. You liberals dimwits have no defense for the Biden family crimes.
There is no debate that Hunter is a depraved failure of a human being. What is significant to the country is his Dad exploits Hunter's reckless personality for financial enrichment.
What is even more worth noting is how thia country is repeatedly embarrassed by our right wingers, who will make up lies, tell them to themselves, then believe them. Like your post.

Dang, you mean like Russia, Russia, Russia....dumbass.
No. Like, the opposite of that. The entire world knows Trump is Putin's useful idiot.

The opposite of that?? You mean like something that's actually true.
Sure, cultist. Sure.
Apparently you have concrete evidence that Trump colluded with Russia yet you did not disclose it to Mueller and his team.
It was proven in the Mueller report that the Trump campaign colluded with Russians. The entire world knows this. The excuse was that it wasn't criminal. So this is the new standard.
Oh. I see.

The fact that the report said NO AMERICAN CITIZEN was found to have colluded with Russians meant Trump did.

You are aware, I doubt, that the Rachel Maddows of the world parsed words in the report to fool folks like you.
Apparently you have concrete evidence that Trump colluded with Russia yet you did not disclose it to Mueller and his team.
It was proven in the Mueller report that the Trump campaign colluded with Russians. The entire world knows this. The excuse was that it wasn't criminal. So this is the new standard.
You are one of those stupid people Gruber told us the Dems count out to get shit passed. No collusion from any American. Period. Now cry some more.
The fact that the report said NO AMERICAN CITIZEN was found to have colluded with Russians meant Trump did.
The report didn't say that. And i didn't say, "Trump". I said the campaign.

So, a lie and a misrepresentation on your part. Weak sauce.
And the campaign had AMERICAN CITIZENS and the report said NO AMERICAN CITIZENS.

So no lie and no misrepresentation.

Marinara sauce.

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