Hunter Bidens dark history.....

impeach hunter, and then lock him up like Trump did Hillary.

end of problem


Sure that is a small portion. The left on the board will care about as much as cohen and the ignorant negro jackson lee.

They are pathetic people folks.

Trump and his supporters are pathetic. Trump makes fun of a disabled reporter. Gaetz attempts to exploit a serous issue that Hunter Biden had to face. Even Rush Limbaugh had to leave his show for a time because of a serious addiction. Matt Gaetz was caught driving under the influence in 2008.

Sure that is a small portion. The left on the board will care about as much as cohen and the ignorant negro jackson lee.

They are pathetic people folks.

I hope he sues the pants off Gaetz.
Hunter Biden didn't do anything, that we know of, anyway. He got a job giving the company insight into the US legal system on its board. He got paid a lawyerly salary.
Grow up.

Gaetz (a lawyer) was pointing out that Hunter is a sleazebag coke head and everything he mentions is public knowledge and in court records.

Rush Limbaugh was a addict too.

Sure that is a small portion. The left on the board will care about as much as cohen and the ignorant negro jackson lee.

They are pathetic people folks.

I hope he sues the pants off Gaetz.
Hunter Biden didn't do anything, that we know of, anyway. He got a job giving the company insight into the US legal system on its board. He got paid a lawyerly salary.
Grow up.

Gaetz (a lawyer) was pointing out that Hunter is a sleazebag coke head and everything he mentions is public knowledge and in court records.

Rush Limbaugh was a addict too.

Once an addict, always an addict.

Sure that is a small portion. The left on the board will care about as much as cohen and the ignorant negro jackson lee.

They are pathetic people folks.

I hope he sues the pants off Gaetz.
Hunter Biden didn't do anything, that we know of, anyway. He got a job giving the company insight into the US legal system on its board. He got paid a lawyerly salary.
Grow up.

True, he didn't. His dad though. Did. His dad is as corrupt as they come. Little hunter has provided the evidence to show that. Brain dead mopes, like you, ignore reality because it hurts your tiny little heads.

Sure that is a small portion. The left on the board will care about as much as cohen and the ignorant negro jackson lee.

They are pathetic people folks.

I hope he sues the pants off Gaetz.
Hunter Biden didn't do anything, that we know of, anyway. He got a job giving the company insight into the US legal system on its board. He got paid a lawyerly salary.
Grow up.

A lawyerly salary. Really.

Do you know what the average lawyer makes.


Sure that is a small portion. The left on the board will care about as much as cohen and the ignorant negro jackson lee.

They are pathetic people folks.

I hope he sues the pants off Gaetz.
Hunter Biden didn't do anything, that we know of, anyway. He got a job giving the company insight into the US legal system on its board. He got paid a lawyerly salary.
Grow up.

Gaetz (a lawyer) was pointing out that Hunter is a sleazebag coke head and everything he mentions is public knowledge and in court records.

Rush Limbaugh was a addict too.

and what foreign government is he working for while his father was VP???
There really is no bottom to the hypocrisy of Trump and his lickspittles.

Even though they continually get bitch slapped for all the benchmarks they set during Obama's rein (deficits, attacking Syria without congressional approval, use of personal communications devices for confidential government business, ad infinitum), they still have not learned to stop making yet more hypocritical standards which will also come back to fuck them up the ass.

I am starting to think aliens from space have come down and excised seven pounds of brain matter from each of these dumb fucks.
He got a job giving the company insight into the US legal system

Burisma had no need for such "insight."

Hunter Biden never showed up to "work."

This job was a CONDUIT for a KICKBACK of US foreign aid.

Sure that is a small portion. The left on the board will care about as much as cohen and the ignorant negro jackson lee.

They are pathetic people folks.


Alcoholic Gaetz is impugning someone's past problems with drugs and alcohol? Really?

Oh wow. That is fucking incredible.

There really is no bottom to the hypocrisy of these lickspittles.


Looks like he came from a somewhat limited gene pool.

Sure that is a small portion. The left on the board will care about as much as cohen and the ignorant negro jackson lee.

They are pathetic people folks.

I hope he sues the pants off Gaetz.
Hunter Biden didn't do anything, that we know of, anyway. He got a job giving the company insight into the US legal system on its board. He got paid a lawyerly salary.
Grow up.

Biden will be living in dubai soon enough

Sure that is a small portion. The left on the board will care about as much as cohen and the ignorant negro jackson lee.

They are pathetic people folks.

I hope he sues the pants off Gaetz.
Hunter Biden didn't do anything, that we know of, anyway. He got a job giving the company insight into the US legal system on its board. He got paid a lawyerly salary.
Grow up.

lol No one can be that naive. He got the job because his father was VP and they thought the were buying access to the WH for $50,000 a month. In December 2015, it turned out they were right. As the Obama administration became more worried about the Hunter Biden scandal, Obama sent Joe Biden to Ukraine and authorized him to deny US aid to Ukraine if the President of Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor, Shokin, who was investigating the very corrupt company Hunter Biden was working for.

The whole impeachment circus is intended to get out in front of the true abuse of power by Obama and Biden.


Sure that is a small portion. The left on the board will care about as much as cohen and the ignorant negro jackson lee.

They are pathetic people folks.

I hope he sues the pants off Gaetz.
Hunter Biden didn't do anything, that we know of, anyway. He got a job giving the company insight into the US legal system on its board. He got paid a lawyerly salary.
Grow up.

I have to ask. Do you really not see anything odd that Hunter Biden was suddenly hired by a major Ukrainian gas company at a salary that was roughly 4 or 5 times the amount actual experts are paid while his dad was the administration point man on Ukraine?

Sure that is a small portion. The left on the board will care about as much as cohen and the ignorant negro jackson lee.

They are pathetic people folks.
The problem is when you compare Biden and Trump: this is what you get ------> Trump is the embodiment of a criminal and criminality in office. Biden may be corrupt but, why did the GOP and Trump miraculously discover this when Biden announced he was running for office? I mean Biden was alive and kicking the last ten years. Why now Trumpy?

This is not a new discovery. It was only the Democrats losing the WhiteHouse that stopped this issue from being buried.

Sure that is a small portion. The left on the board will care about as much as cohen and the ignorant negro jackson lee.

They are pathetic people folks.

I hope he sues the pants off Gaetz.
Hunter Biden didn't do anything, that we know of, anyway. He got a job giving the company insight into the US legal system on its board. He got paid a lawyerly salary.
Grow up.

lol No one can be that naive. He got the job because his father was VP and they thought the were buying access to the WH for $50,000 a month. In December 2015, it turned out they were right. As the Obama administration became more worried about the Hunter Biden scandal, Obama sent Joe Biden to Ukraine and authorized him to deny US aid to Ukraine if the President of Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor, Shokin, who was investigating the very corrupt company Hunter Biden was working for.

The whole impeachment circus is intended to get out in front of the true abuse of power by Obama and Biden.

It was actually 86k per month. Hunter probably got certain percentage of it. Laundered hidden money funnelled into the democrat globalist coffers. We can only imagine whose beaks were dipping into that till.

The democrats utterly scared shitless not to mention the RINOS and we can all imagine who they are.

Briberys, payoffs, blackmail, the ways of the world and we have the stooges in their voting base giggling about it all.

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