Hunter laptop poll says coverup changed the election.


your overall level of fucktardedness is as legendary as i heard.
You can rave as inanely as you need to, Sunshine.

Rules of evidence are inescapable, however. Contaminated evidence is impermissible.

John Paul Mac Isaac: “I do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year and a half to insert questionable material into the laptop..."
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You can rave as inanely as you need to, Sunshine.

Rules of evidence are inescapable, however. Contaminated evidence is impermissible.

John Paul Mac Isaac: “I do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year and a half to insert questionable material into the laptop..."
so, if a gov official raids a home and refuses to be watched in what they do, can they taint the evidence?

how do you know there were not multiple attempts to insert questionable materials in what you're confiscating?

fyi - here is where you scream foul at the logic and apply it only where it emotionally suites you.

and your fucktardedness.
Hunter has nothing to do with any election. If anything, he contributed to your MAGAs losing because you spent all that time trying to make everyone look at that instead of working to work on what good you could do in the future for the country.
Ok, stick with that. It's what Hunter, Jim and the VP Biden were doing.....don't forget, the 10% 'for the Big Guy'.
If the Good Guys take the house, I'm sure you'll hear a lot more about the laptop.
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8 in 10 don’t know about a laptop, or even care. And in other shocking news, no other place on any media source, is any story that f a laptop being discussed.
Depends where they get their news........

'Skews me'.

The New York Times Admits Authenticity Of Hunter Biden’s Laptop​

The New York Times has finally admitted to the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop and the data contained within the device.
The New York Times Admits Authenticity Of Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Original NYT article is paywalled.

The Hunter Biden Laptop Is Real​

Our ‘newspapers of record’ become something else when they conspire to deny facts and hide truth.​

Opinion | The Hunter Biden Laptop Is Real

EXCLUSIVE: Now Washington Post reverses course! Paper joins NYT in finally admitting Hunter Biden's laptop IS REAL - nine months after it first received - and dismissed - a copy of the hard drive and ONE YEAR after authenticated it​

  • The Washington Post finally admitted Hunter Biden's laptop is real, nine months after first receiving a copy of the hard drive
  • The newspaper made a u-turn in an piece published Wednesday, after months of publishing articles suggesting the laptop could be Russian disinformation
  • The Post said it had cyber forensics experts validate its material, using similar methods experts hired by used back in March 2021
  • Washington Post finally admits Hunter Biden's laptop is real
I wasn't even aware that this dude "Hunter Biden?" was running for any political office, let alone president.

So, what's with this legendary laptop? Did it have classified documents on it that compromised national security or something? If so, I hope FBI agents seize it immediately!

So, what charges have been brought against this dastard?
FBI has had it since 2019.......FBI whisltle blower just came forward with info the FBI is quashing the investigation. Imagine that.
Are you really this desperate? When all else fails, you bring up HB's Laptop.

First and most important, there is no clear chain of custody as to who, what, when, where or even fucking how to prove ownership of the laptop.

Next, this is nothing but a cheap distraction from events around Shit-A-Lago. We know who took classified material from the WH. We do not how to prove ownership of one fucking laptop.

Next, who fucking cares. Ivanka and Jared made millions of dollars when the Traitor was in WH and you people remain silent.

You people had Red, White and Blue shit fits of HRC's emails, but when the Traitor illegally removes classified material from the WH you cheer him on.

HB is NOT running for any Federal/State/Local Office. The laptop is question cannot legally be proven to be his. Chain of Custody cannot be established.

How did Ghoui get possession of it, who passed on to Ghouli, how long was Ghouli in control of it?

This senseless, meaningless, devoid of any real importance distraction brought you by people who praise and worship at the feet of The Traitor. Don't look at Shit-A-Lago, look over here.
Laptop only shows money being made for 'The Big Guy' while he was a sitting Vice President.....Makes Trump/Ukraine look like a walk in the park.

Just think, the first VP to be impeached for letting the Chinese shake him down.

This is a matter of a national security Mar-A-Lago by a mile.,
FBI has had it since 2019.......FBI whisltle blower just came forward with info the FBI is quashing the investigation. Imagine that.
Judging by someone who should know, It sounds as if quite a bit of stuff you would enjoy has been added to it.

John Paul Mac Issac, the owner of the repair shop where Hunter Biden “forgot” his laptop, has admitted he knew of “multiple attempts” to insert “questionable material” as coming from the hard drive.

“I do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year and a half to insert questionable material into the laptop as in not physically, but passing it off as misinformation or disinformation as coming from the laptop,” he continued. “And that is a major concern of mine because I have fought tooth and nail to protect the integrity of this drive.”

The reality is that It has been irretrievably compromised, and the rules of evidence makes it worthless in any court of law. It only serves as hyper-partisan hype.
Judging by someone who should know, It sounds as if quite a bit of stuff you would enjoy has been added to it.

John Paul Mac Issac, the owner of the repair shop where Hunter Biden “forgot” his laptop, has admitted he knew of “multiple attempts” to insert “questionable material” as coming from the hard drive.

“I do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year and a half to insert questionable material into the laptop as in not physically, but passing it off as misinformation or disinformation as coming from the laptop,” he continued. “And that is a major concern of mine because I have fought tooth and nail to protect the integrity of this drive.”

The reality is that It has been irretrievably compromised, and the rules of evidence makes it worthless in any court of law. It only serves as hyper-partisan hype.
Bullshit.....reread your post:

“I do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year and a half to insert questionable material into the laptop as in not physically, but passing it off as misinformation or disinformation as coming from the laptop,” he continued. “And that is a major concern of mine because I have fought tooth and nail to protect the integrity of this drive.”
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Bullshit.....reread your post:
You just have to accept that the legendary laptop from hell has been so thoroughly compromised in the required chain of custody, it is only suitable for hyper-partisan hype, useless in any court of law.

Attacking a politician by going after his relatives is hardly a novel tactic, but the much-hyped laptop may only serve for Biden's enemies need to blow gas.
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NYPost is Murdoch owned trash
Lib-speak interpretation: “I’m furious that some journalists are still reporting the truth that we fascists work so hard to hide”
and they quoted the same horseshit poll in their story
Lib-speak interpretation: “I’m furious that some polls are revealing the reality that we fascists are so desperate to conceal”
Like I said earlier, the sheep will believe anything, as they lack critical thinking skills.
Lib-speak interpretation: “I’m a mindless fascist sheep who regurgitates the ‘sheep’ line thrown at me because I lack critical thinking skills and basic thinking skills”
Yeah, the sheep on both sides do it. The more times they see the same story the more they believe it is true.
Uh…it is true you fucking high school dropout.

It was a real poll and those were the real results :lmao:

How much of a desperate extremist does one have to be to deny all reality 24x7? If you want to complain about the poll, fine. If you want to take issue with the way it was conducted, fine. But to claim it’s “not true” is fucking fall-down hilarious.

It happened, Gulping Gay Turds. 100% true. :laugh:
It’s ok little buddy…hang in there. We understand how frustrating facts are for you little propaganda-consuming fascists :itsok:

This from the guy that posted the exact same story/poll and did not know the were the same


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