Hunter laptop poll says coverup changed the election.

I wasn't even aware that this dude "Hunter Biden?" was running for any political office, let alone president.

So, what's with this legendary laptop? Did it have classified documents on it that compromised national security or something? If so, I hope FBI agents seize it immediately!

So, what charges have been brought against this dastard?
Hunter Biden. The guy that calls his own father, "pedo peter"
His niece also showered with her granddad.
Im sure you heard of him.
Yeah, the sheep on both sides do it. The more times they see the same story the more they believe it is true.
which is why i seldom get the point of calling one side sheep. that "tone" itself simply makes people do the whataboutisms and spin off to useless turd flinging.

i do 100% agree that if this site has a history of lying, they are simply not to be trusted, especially when they seem to be doing something for a given side or agenda.

the part where you and i seem to diverge is i don't let that mindset shift. that is a baseline to me, not a point and counterpoint argument.

given that, the FBI has been busted time and again for going after trump and using anywhere from improper to illegal methods to do it. how people can trust them NOW i simply don't understand when we know the people doing the "raid" are the same people busted for lying to FISA to frame trump.

when i point this out, im DEFENDING ORANGE MAN AND STOOPID!

no. im using the same "logic" as we both validated previously. BUT TRUMP BROKE LAWS!

which one(s) - point them out where he was found guilty.

and here come the excuses and theories. nothing solid, nothing proven. no physical proof trump broke any laws, just a bunch of haters going after him cause of hate.

hate him. i don't care. but people you love have the exact same rights as people you hate. period end of story to me. saying someone deserves punishment due to your hate is the epitome of the ID syndrome and entitlement phases.

i am not a fan of trump. not because i hate what he does but how he chooses to do it. i actually agree with many (not all) of his policies. i don't like how he simply returns fire on the same juvenile level that the left does it.

it's like screaming back at a baby hoping that with get the baby to stop screaming. we need to desperately get past all this bullshit we're mired in but far too many people are sold on one side or another to the point that if i don't agree with you, then i must disagree with EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU and support EVERYTHING YOU HATE.

and that mindset spawns the stupidest conversations mankind has ever put on this planet.

but that is why both sides do it. return fire / revenge. the same methods you bitch at you turn around and use and it spirals us deeper into the abyss of turds.

Are you really this desperate? When all else fails, you bring up HB's Laptop.

First and most important, there is no clear chain of custody as to who, what, when, where or even fucking how to prove ownership of the laptop.

Next, this is nothing but a cheap distraction from events around Shit-A-Lago. We know who took classified material from the WH. We do not how to prove ownership of one fucking laptop.

Next, who fucking cares. Ivanka and Jared made millions of dollars when the Traitor was in WH and you people remain silent.

You people had Red, White and Blue shit fits of HRC's emails, but when the Traitor illegally removes classified material from the WH you cheer him on.

HB is NOT running for any Federal/State/Local Office. The laptop is question cannot legally be proven to be his. Chain of Custody cannot be established.

How did Ghoui get possession of it, who passed on to Ghouli, how long was Ghouli in control of it?

This senseless, meaningless, devoid of any real importance distraction brought you by people who praise and worship at the feet of The Traitor. Don't look at Shit-A-Lago, look over here.
which is why i seldom get the point of calling one side sheep. that "tone" itself simply makes people do the whataboutisms and spin off to useless turd flinging.

Tis best to call both sides sheep since they both are.

the part where you and i seem to diverge is i don't let that mindset shift. that is a baseline to me, not a point and counterpoint argument.

my post was in response to someone posting the exact same story with the exact same poll from a different site as if that made it more credible.
I see you pedos in TN are forcing your nieces and your daughters to give birth to your children now.
Round here we call that "projection"
Your boy showers with his children. What a trashy fucking family you hold on some sort of pedestal.
Another reason why democrats are often related to pedos and groomers.
Are you really this desperate? When all else fails, you bring up HB's Laptop.

First and most important, there is no clear chain of custody as to who, what, when, where or even fucking how to prove ownership of the laptop.

Next, this is nothing but a cheap distraction from events around Shit-A-Lago. We know who took classified material from the WH. We do not how to prove ownership of one fucking laptop.

Next, who fucking cares. Ivanka and Jared made millions of dollars when the Traitor was in WH and you people remain silent.

You people had Red, White and Blue shit fits of HRC's emails, but when the Traitor illegally removes classified material from the WH you cheer him on.

HB is NOT running for any Federal/State/Local Office. The laptop is question cannot legally be proven to be his. Chain of Custody cannot be established.

How did Ghoui get possession of it, who passed on to Ghouli, how long was Ghouli in control of it?

This senseless, meaningless, devoid of any real importance distraction brought you by people who praise and worship at the feet of The Traitor. Don't look at Shit-A-Lago, look over here.
Dude, even Hunter didnt deny it.
Now your media darlings have admitted it.
But you stupid fucking cultists on here still play merry-go-round with it.
And for what? What do you get for looking like a dumbfuck cultist?
Tis best to call both sides sheep since they both are.
has the "other side" ever EVER gone "wow, you're doing the same thing"?

i've never seen it making doing it so constantly about as useful as tits on a nun

my post was in response to someone posting the exact same story with the exact same poll from a different site as if that made it more credible.
yes. that was stupid. but then again, both sides do it. :)

to back that up more....far too often you search on something you'll see thousands of results. dig in, it's the same bullshit story on "repeater" sites. its seriously warped how people view something to be popular / high mindset.
Hunter Biden. The guy that calls his own father, "pedo peter"...

So, this Hunter Biden is an ordinary citizen who has not ever been charged with anything concerning a legendary laptop computer?

IMHO, "Whispering Ray, The Man Who Controls Weak Minds" is a far more entertaining confection.

Screen Shot 2022-06-21 at 5.42.26 PM.png
Dude, even Hunter didnt deny it.
Now your media darlings have admitted it.
But you stupid fucking cultists on here still play merry-go-round with it.
And for what? What do you get for looking like a dumbfuck cultist?
the stupidest move of the year is charging people for theft of a diary.

nothing says "this is real" than a vast effort to punish those who brought it to light.
the stupidest move of the year is charging people for theft of a diary.

nothing says "this is real" than a vast effort to punish those who brought it to light.
Confessions and expressions of regret by the thieves should be taken into account.
Hunter's legendary laptop from hell has been far too severely compromised to be taken seriously in any legal venue. It has been in the hands of some thoroughly disreputable characters.

Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 12.14.28 PM.png

"The ongoing continual possession of evidence is important in the individualisation of the evidence."
[Possession continuity - CHAIN OF EVIDENCE]

The cause célèbre is only fodder for hyper-partisan media entertainment.

John Paul Mac Issac, the owner of the repair shop where Hunter Biden “forgot” his laptop, has admitted he knew of “multiple attempts” to insert “questionable material” as coming from the hard drive.
“I do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year and a half to insert questionable material into the laptop as in not physically, but passing it off as misinformation or disinformation as coming from the laptop,” he continued. “And that is a major concern of mine because I have fought tooth and nail to protect the integrity of this drive.”
[Mac Repair Shop Owner Reveals 'Multiple' Attempts to Insert 'Questionable Material' on to Hunter Biden's Laptop]
Confessions and expressions of regret by the thieves should be taken into account.
great. but it validates what they "stole" as being real.

now deal with bidens daughter claiming biden was improper with her in the shower and she was molested.

and here you will go saying THAT ISN'T TRUE - FAKE NEWS!

from a diary you validated by your actions.

you can't spin fast enough to satisfy a liberal these days. hell, anyone.
Hunter's legendary laptop from hell has been far too severely compromised to be taken seriously in any legal venue. It has been in the hands of some thoroughly disreputable characters.

"The ongoing continual possession of evidence is important in the individualisation of the evidence."
[Possession continuity - CHAIN OF EVIDENCE]

The cause célèbre is only fodder for hyper-partisan media entertainment.

John Paul Mac Issac, the owner of the repair shop where Hunter Biden “forgot” his laptop, has admitted he knew of “multiple attempts” to insert “questionable material” as coming from the hard drive.
“I do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year and a half to insert questionable material into the laptop as in not physically, but passing it off as misinformation or disinformation as coming from the laptop,” he continued. “And that is a major concern of mine because I have fought tooth and nail to protect the integrity of this drive.”
[Mac Repair Shop Owner Reveals 'Multiple' Attempts to Insert 'Questionable Material' on to Hunter Biden's Laptop]

your overall level of fucktardedness is as legendary as i heard.

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