hunter lied to the judge


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Hunter Biden told judge under oath that he was a member of the Connecticut bar in good standing - but he was SUSPENDED two years ago for failure to pay fees
Hunter Biden told Delaware district judge Maryellen Noreika that he was eligible to practice law in Washington, D.C. and Connecticut can reveal Hunter was suspended from practicing law in the Nutmeg State more than two years ago for failing to pay his $75 annual fees
A former Connecticut state legislator called Hunter's statement to the judge 'extraordinary' adding that he 'misled the court'

Hunter Biden suspended from Connecticut bar misled judge UNDER OATH

Not only is he a POS but a exceedingly stupid POS.

Boy, the apple did not roll far from the tree in that family.
He certainly lives the life of royalty though. Like he is privileged. No one will ever indict him of any crime and give him 20 years and more in prison like he deserves.
Hunter lied??

but how is that possible? :rolleyes:


Hunter Biden Accused of Perjury:​

Claimed Active Connecticut Bar Membership Under Oath Despite Suspension for Unpaid Fees​

1 Au 2023 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Hunter Biden, 53, has been accused of misleading Judge Maryellen Noreika of the Delaware district during a plea hearing last week.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Judge Noreika had rejected the shameless sweetheart plea deal for Hunter Biden. The plea deal had covered Biden’s tax issues from 2014 to 2019, drug use, and a gun charge that were to be pled as two misdemeanors for the tax charges and a diversion on the gun charge.
During the hearing, Judge Noreika inquired Hunter Biden about his professional credentials and current bar standing.
“You’re member of the bar?” Noreika asked.
“Yes, Your Honor,” Hunter said. “District of Columbia & Connecticut, Your Honor.”

Connecticut records, however, reveal that Biden was suspended from practicing law in the state over two years ago due to non-payment of his $75 annual fees since 2018 and he has not been reinstated.
The Connecticut Judicial Branch spokesperson confirmed that Biden is “currently not in good standing.”
The discrepancy was initially spotted by Connecticut lawyer and columnist Kevin Rennie, who brought attention to the matter on his blog, Daily Ructions.

I`m shocked. Shocked, that a Biden would lie in open court, but again Hunter is only doing what he was trained for by his father.
Indeed, the license is paid up, in perpetuity. that former clerk was mistaken and not authorized to speak for Connecticut, funeral information will be released when it is available. :laughing0301:
Lying under oath is perjury. Period. Didn't Democrats set perjury traps for all the Trump administration folks and then prosecute on misrememberings.
Hunter is guilty of far more than perjury but this is the route they follow? well if it gets him life in prison I wont complain much. I`ll still complain because if it were an 'average citizen' they'd be thrown in a cell under the jail and forgotten but because its the Maoist Mafia, Hunter will never see a day in actual prison.
In the end, it appears that Hunter is worse than his old man memory wise. He forgets his laptop is in a repair shop, left his little coke baggy behind in the WH, and now has forgotten to pay his annual license fee.
This is smartest guy Joe Biden, his dad knows.

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