Hunter who?

like trump's impeachment was? I agree. And for sure, the demofks are not honest fkers at all.
Not at all. Trump’s impeachment began with a whistleblower report that Trump was abusing his office to attack his political rival.

See! I can actually describe the accusation and justify it before it was investigated.

You can’t.
Not at all. Trump’s impeachment began with a whistleblower report that Trump was abusing his office to attack his political rival.

See! I can actually describe the accusation and justify it before it was investigated.

You can’t.
just like this one, but we now know it's tony. see how it works? wow huh?

BTW, first base.
for what?
Chain of custody and what was on the laptop. You don't know your own story?
Mac Isaac contacted Giuliani, who he said was his "lifeguard"—voicing credence to the conspiracy theory that the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign was behind the murder of campaign worker Seth Rich.[37] Steve Bannon informed the New York Post of the laptop,[38] and he and Giuliani delivered a copy of the supposed laptop hard drive to the publication.[39] Weeks before, Bannon had boasted on Dutch television that he had Hunter Biden's hard drive.[39] Giuliani was later quoted as saying he had given the copy to the New York Post because "either nobody else would take it, or if they took it, they would spend all the time they could to try to contradict it before they put it out".[26] According to the New York Post story, a person—who Mac Isaac could not identify because he is legally blind[40]—left the computer at the repair shop to repair water damage, but once this was completed, the shop had no contact information for its owner, and nobody ever paid for it or came to pick it up.[41] Criticism has been focused on Mac Isaac over inconsistencies in his accounts of how the laptop came into his possession and how he passed it on to Giuliani and the FBI.[41][37] When interviewed by CBS News, Mac Isaac offered contradictory statements about his motivations.[42] Thomas Rid, a political scientist and disinformation expert at Johns Hopkins University, noted that the emails could have been forged or that forged material could have been mixed with genuine materials, a "common feature" of disinformation operations.[43] The Daily Beast reported that according to two "individuals with direct knowledge", multiple senior officials in the Trump administration and reelection campaign were aware of the laptop hard drive "several weeks" prior to the New York Post story.[44] Giuliani later confirmed to The Daily Beast that he had informed Trump about the material before the New York Post story.[45]

If Giuliani and Bannon refuse to testify (Bannon's case again), thats going to be problematic. Or do you think Bannon will testify this time?
Chain of custody and what was on the laptop. You don't know your own story?

If Giuliani and Bannon refuse to testify (Bannon's case again), thats going to be problematic.
then for sure, I don't answer without specifics most times. The pawn dealer as well. I can't fking wait.

oh, and every mther fking fbi agent with it as well. whooo hooooo
then for sure, I don't answer without specifics most times. The pawn dealer as well. I can't fking wait.
Yes, I think his name is Mac Isaac. I am sure one of them have a copy of the warrant they state was used to seize the laptop.

thats going to be problematic.

Sorry I don't know how to imbed double quotes:
Well if your start witnesses refuse to testify that tends to look bad. Especially when they are the ones making the allegation.

They said Isaac gave them a copy of the laptop and they give it to the NY Post. So we'll have to depose the Post too.
We'll have to find out how Isaac would take a laptop from someone without contact information, especially as he's legally blind.
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Joe Biden did something with zero evidence that it actually occurred?
The evidence that has been discovered on the laptop seems to suggest that something illegal did occur. How long are you going to dance around in circles. Accept the investigation with the same fervor that you have accepted the frivolous investigations of the past six years. If you are correct in your beliefs, you can do as the republicans have done after being exonerated and say "I told you so."
Yes, I think his name is Mac Isaac. I am sure one of them have a copy of the warrant they state was used to seize the laptop.
what warrant, the pawn dealer had it. it was turned in. did you miss that piece?
The evidence that has been discovered on the laptop seems to suggest that something illegal did occur. How long are you going to dance around in circles. Accept the investigation with the same fervor that you have accepted the frivolous investigations of the past six years. If you are correct in your beliefs, you can do as the republicans have done after being exonerated and say "I told you so."
she sure is trying hard, toilets have flushed with less spins.
what warrant, the pawn dealer had it. it was turned in. did you miss that piece?
Yes, but it was first showed to G and B who were given a copy and then gave said copy to the NY Post. So naturally we'll need to have the committee talk to them, under oath. We have to confirm the chain of custody after all. You do want to confirm the chain of custody yes?
What evidence shows that Joe was involved in Hunter’s business dealings when he was VP?
Emails released by DailyMail for openers......Deposition by Tony Bobulinski to both Tucker Carlson and the FBI (for several hours).
You're way behind the curve on this...I'd suggest a trip on google.
I know, I know......there's nothing about this on legacy media......they wouldn't report on taking out the guy they helped get elected.
Yes, but it was first showed to G and B who were given a copy and then gave said copy to the NY Post. So naturally we'll need to have the committee talk to them, under oath. We have to confirm the chain of custody after all. You do want to confirm the chain of custody yes?
Again, not sure what warrant you're referring to? why didn't you answer me?
Yes, but it was first showed to G and B who were given a copy and then gave said copy to the NY Post. So naturally we'll need to have the committee talk to them, under oath. We have to confirm the chain of custody after all. You do want to confirm the chain of custody yes?
Doesn't matter, the hard drive and it's contents have been authenticated and show there was no tampering with data stored on it.

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