Hunter who?

Doesn't matter, the hard drive and it's contents have been authenticated and show there was no tampering with data stored on it.
Chain of custody has not been authenticated. There has been no court action to do that.

by fbi fkers. bring them all in.
yes the agents would have to testify as well. Thats a straightforward process to establish their portion of the custody.
from whom?
From Mac Isaac. You really need to know your own story. I linked it. Isaac contacted Giuliani. G and B told the NYP they had Hunter's laptop and then gave a copy to the NYP. Per them/Isaac, the government had seized the original laptop, and produced what they purported to be a warrant receipt of inventory.

We need the chain, so we can get to the dirt. Yum.
From Mac Isaac. You really need to know your own story. I linked it. Isaac contacted Giuliani. G and B told the NYP they had Hunter's laptop and then gave a copy to the NYP. Per them/Isaac, the government had seized the original laptop, and produced what they purported to be a warrant receipt of inventory.
no one needed a warrant to get that laptop fool.
Emails released by DailyMail for openers......Deposition by Tony Bobulinski to both Tucker Carlson and the FBI (for several hours).
You're way behind the curve on this...I'd suggest a trip on google.
I know, I know......there's nothing about this on legacy media......they wouldn't report on taking out the guy they helped get elected.
Let’s see the email. “The Big Guy” email is from 2017. So if you’re referring to that, save your time because you’re wrong.

Bobulinski wasn’t involved with the Biden’s until after he left office.

I don’t think I’m behind the times. I think you’ve been misled by conservative media.
The evidence that has been discovered on the laptop seems to suggest that something illegal did occur. How long are you going to dance around in circles. Accept the investigation with the same fervor that you have accepted the frivolous investigations of the past six years. If you are correct in your beliefs, you can do as the republicans have done after being exonerated and say "I told you so."
Seems to suggest that something illegal did occur.

Can you be more vague?
nope, he handed off cause it was his to hand off. you are still confused.

From the article. I will highlight to ease your burden:
Rudy Giuliani provided the materials to the New York Post after they were allegedly found on a water-damaged[32] MacBook Pro left at a Delaware computer repair shop owned by John Paul Mac Isaac.[33] Mac Isaac obtained the laptop in April 2019,[34] and eventually brought the laptop to the attention of the FBI, who seized it in December 2019, under the authority of a subpoena issued by a Wilmington grand jury that had been investigating Hunter Biden for financial matters since 2018.[35][36]He asserted three years later that while he was copying individual files and folders from the laptop's hard drive to another device, he "saw some content that was disturbing and then also raised some red flags", including "criminality ... related to foreign business dealings, to potential money laundering and, more importantly, national security issues and concerns."[34] This caused him "to do a deep dive into the laptop once it became my property".[34] Mac Isaac contacted Giuliani, who he said was his "lifeguard"—voicing credence to the conspiracy theory that the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign was behind the murder of campaign worker Seth Rich.[37] Steve Bannon informed the New York Post of the laptop,[38] and he and Giuliani delivered a copy of the supposed laptop hard drive to the publication.[39] Weeks before, Bannon had boasted on Dutch television that he had Hunter Biden's hard drive.[39] Giuliani was later quoted as saying he had given the copy to the New York Post because "either nobody else would take it, or if they took it, they would spend all the time they could to try to contradict it before they put it out".[26] According to the New York Post story, a person—who Mac Isaac could not identify because he is legally blind[40]—left the computer at the repair shop to repair water damage, but once this was completed, the shop had no contact information for its owner, and nobody ever paid for it or came to pick it up.[41] Criticism has been focused on Mac Isaac over inconsistencies in his accounts of how the laptop came into his possession and how he passed it on to Giuliani and the FBI.[41][37] When interviewed by CBS News, Mac Isaac offered contradictory statements about his motivations.[42] Thomas Rid, a political scientist and disinformation expert at Johns Hopkins University, noted that the emails could have been forged or that forged material could have been mixed with genuine materials, a "common feature" of disinformation operations.[43] The Daily Beast reported that according to two "individuals with direct knowledge", multiple senior officials in the Trump administration and reelection campaign were aware of the laptop hard drive "several weeks" prior to the New York Post story.[44] Giuliani later confirmed to The Daily Beast that he had informed Trump about the material before the New York Post story.[45]

The New York Post reported it had been shown an image purporting to show a federal subpoena that resulted in the computer and an external hard drive being seized by the FBI in December 2019.[23] NBC News reported the FBI had acquired the devices via a grand jury subpoena, though it was unclear if this was the subpoena cited by the New York Post, and was investigating whether the contents were linked to a foreign intelligence operation.[46] The Associated Press confirmed the existence of the FBI investigation into possible foreign-intelligence activity.[47] Citing a "US official and a congressional source briefed on the matter", CNN reported the FBI was specifically investigating possible connections to ongoing Russian disinformation efforts against Joe Biden.[24] In 2022, Mark Zuckerberg stated that an FBI warning about a possible Russian disinformation campaign prompted Facebook to remove content purporting to convey facts concerning the laptop story.[48][49]

I look forward to Isaac, Giuliani, and Bannon on the stand, as well as the agents in charge of the investigation, and copies of all the documents.
Seems to suggest that something illegal did occur.

Can you be more vague?
The laptop is not vague. Take your head out of the sand and investigate it as should have been done since it was discovered and you may find out. I seriously doubt it though.
LaLaLa (2).jpg

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