Hunter who?

It is not illegal to investigate suspected wrong doing--as was born out by Trumps exoneration in the senate.

Debunked how? I've seen the video where he brags about doing exactly that.

You have been shown by multiple posters but you are too obtuse accept it. I will leave you with this quote “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” ― Mark Twain.
Using the power of the presidency to harm a political opponent is abuse of power. The fact that Trump was pushing this “investigation” through conversations with Zelensky and not through legitimate means demonstrates the abuse.

The impetus to get the prosecutor fired was driven by state department officials whose efforts to reform Ukraine’s corrupt judicial system were stymied by the prosecutor. It had nothing to do with Burisma and it wasn’t even Biden’s idea.

It’s not been shown. Just vague assertions that something in the laptop show something illegal.
It went nowhere because Trump obstructed justice at every turn.
Oh Boo HOO Fucking Hoo. A partisan democrat congress could not PROVE he committed ANY crime, moron. That is how the US justice system works. It is incumbent on the ACCUSERS to PROVE someone guilty. The ACCUSED has no responsibility to even answer the accusations. Your heeeeeroes were unable to PROVE anything--even after six years of frivolous investigations.
Oh Boo HOO Fucking Hoo. A partisan democrat congress could not PROVE he committed ANY crime, moron. That is how the US justice system works. It is incumbent on the ACCUSERS to PROVE someone guilty. The ACCUSED has no responsibility to even answer the accusations. Your heeeeeroes were unable to PROVE anything--even after six years of frivolous investigations.
Except they did prove it. The Mueller Report proved it. But Bill Barr would not prosecute.
Using the power of the presidency to harm a political opponent is abuse of power.
You are a moron. So you are contending that, a sitting POTUS is not allowed to garner evidence of criminal activity against a political opponent? That is abuse of power? Only in your twisted mind. Where did you obtain your law degree?
This is just another example of right wing bullshit! No different than the bullshit Bengazi investigations!
You are a moron. So you are contending that, a sitting POTUS is not allowed to garner evidence of criminal activity against a political opponent? That is abuse of power? Only in your twisted mind. Where did you obtain your law degree?
The DoJ performs criminal investigations.

They wouldn’t go near these allegations against Biden because there was nothing there. Trump had to use political leverage against Zelensky. He couldn’t go through legitimate routes.

But it goes well beyond that. Trump was adamant that any such investigation into Biden be made public by Zelensky. This demonstrates the intention was to harm Biden. Legitimate investigations are not made public for this very reason.

You see how I can discuss this with actual specificity?

It’s a bit more than the “seems like something illegal happened”.
The DoJ performs criminal investigations.

They wouldn’t go near these allegations against Biden because there was nothing there. Trump had to use political leverage against Zelensky. He couldn’t go through legitimate routes.

But it goes well beyond that. Trump was adamant that any such investigation into Biden be made public by Zelensky. This demonstrates the intention was to harm Biden. Legitimate investigations are not made public for this very reason.

You see how I can discuss this with actual specificity?

It’s a bit more than the “seems like something illegal happened”.

Read this slowly. You're part of the cover up.


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