Hunter who?

Who is this Hunter Biden? And why is he such a threat to our national security?
He’s proof that Republicans have contempt for sound, responsible governance.

So much so that House Republicans are going to launch an unwarranted, bad-faith ‘investigation,’ wasting the time and money of the American people.
The government has already looked into this and there is nothing there. This is a bullshit, made up, Russian story.

Boy are you behind the times. You need to expand your horizon to include some news sources that are not just democrat propaganda. The liberal news media has been deceiving you for years. Remember all the Trump/Putin collusion BS.

Don’t be confused about why The Washington Post changed its tune this week, admitting that the Hunter Biden laptop is the real deal, or why The New York Times ’fessed up last month: Reality forced their hand, and they can’t downplay the scandal’s impact on President Joe Biden without acknowledging the facts.

Eighteen months ago, both papers (Mottos: “All the news that’s fit to print” and “Democracy dies in darkness”) joined in the drive to suppress The Post’s reporting off the laptop, playing up bogus, clearly partisan claims that it was somehow “Russian disinformation.

Never mind that we had not only authenticated the info and produced confirming sources like former Hunter business partner Tony Bobulinski, but also openly reported how we got it — unlike both the other papers’ endless, anonymously sourced reporting on the Trump Russiagate “scandal,” which eventually proved to be utterly fake, the product of Clinton-campaign disinformation.

And where Big Tech gleefully promoted the Russiagate nonsense, it censored The Post’s scoops.

Does anyone still believe the story that Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to win the 2016 presidential election? If so, special counsel John Durham’s indictment of Igor Danchenko should put their minds at rest.

The 39-page document is rich with detail on the origins, use and abuse of the Russian collusion story as a means to undermine the 2016 Trump campaign.
no criminal indictments will ever come from these investigations until the republicans take full control of the White House and Congress after the 2024 elections and replace the leadership in the DOJ and FBI.

Like they did in 2016?
Boy are you behind the times. You need to expand your horizon to include some news sources that are not just democrat propaganda. The liberal news media has been deceiving you for years. Remember all the Trump/Putin collusion BS.

Don’t be confused about why The Washington Post changed its tune this week, admitting that the Hunter Biden laptop is the real deal, or why The New York Times ’fessed up last month: Reality forced their hand, and they can’t downplay the scandal’s impact on President Joe Biden without acknowledging the facts.

Eighteen months ago, both papers (Mottos: “All the news that’s fit to print” and “Democracy dies in darkness”) joined in the drive to suppress The Post’s reporting off the laptop, playing up bogus, clearly partisan claims that it was somehow “Russian disinformation.

Never mind that we had not only authenticated the info and produced confirming sources like former Hunter business partner Tony Bobulinski, but also openly reported how we got it — unlike both the other papers’ endless, anonymously sourced reporting on the Trump Russiagate “scandal,” which eventually proved to be utterly fake, the product of Clinton-campaign disinformation.

And where Big Tech gleefully promoted the Russiagate nonsense, it censored The Post’s scoops.

Does anyone still believe the story that Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to win the 2016 presidential election? If so, special counsel John Durham’s indictment of Igor Danchenko should put their minds at rest.

The 39-page document is rich with detail on the origins, use and abuse of the Russian collusion story as a means to undermine the 2016 Trump campaign.
Dude, you are all over the map! Just answer this one simple question, why is Hunter Biden a threat to national security?

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