Hur Hearing Backfires on Republicans

Sure Joe did great at the State of the Union,

Screaming like Abe Simpson is your idea of great?

Biden had "photographic understanding and recall,"

Was that how he remembered talking to Helmut Kohl and François Mitterrand, photographically?

Or how he remembered Golda Meir asking him to be a liaison between Israel and Egypt?
Todd: still flailing and failing.
The hearing proved that Biden did far worse with respect to handling of classified documents than Trump ever did. The fact that Biden WILL skate illustrates the blatant Democrat bias of the US Justice system. The Democrats are wrecking the most important institutions of America and that is by design.
Yeah, right.

Citizen Biden was in possession of classified documents and they were unsecured. Biden is unfit for the job.
while i totally agree thast biden;'s casual handling of classified documents woui8d disqualify him in my opinion, trump's egregious and ridiculous attitude that classified information is "his" to sell or give to his auticrati8c buddies is treasonous.

neither should ever receive real classified information, and i hope the "deep state" has that covered.
Sure Joe did great at the State of the Union, but don't change the subject, just because you don't like it. This is thread is about how Hur testified, in front of Congress and the United States, that Biden had "photographic understanding and recall," in his interview of the President, but failed to mention it, in his report, apparently dogging the President as he didn't have the evidence to believe he could be convicted.
Stop lying. Hur stated that Xiden WILLFULLY broke the law and stole classified documents. Which he had NO intention of returning. Kept them in his unsecured garage, an unsecured office the Chinese had full access to, and up and down the East Coast. And said that the defense would be that Xiden didn't know what he was doing. Can't recall his son's death within years, talks to dead people, asks dead and disabled people to stand, the list goes on.
Stop lying. Hur stated that Xiden WILLFULLY broke the law and stole classified documents. Which he had NO intention of returning. Kept them in his unsecured garage, an unsecured office the Chinese had full access to, and up and down the East Coast. And said that the defense would be that Xiden didn't know what he was doing. Can't recall his son's death within years, talks to dead people, asks dead and disabled people to stand, the list goes on.
Biden WILLFULLY took his Diary to his home when he left office. Some of his diary entries, had classified information.
OT, but your sig is fucking wrong:

Liberal agenda: Legalizing small amounts of drugs for personal use.

Legalizing drugs will make it legal to manufacture, which will put..........

Cartel's business plan: Providing small amounts of drugs for personal use.

Qatar is pronounced Gutter.

No, it's pronounced kah-tar where the 'a' sounds like the 'a' in cat and both syllables are evenly stressed, maybe a little more on the second syllable.
Stop lying. Hur stated that Xiden WILLFULLY broke the law and stole classified documents. Which he had NO intention of returning. Kept them in his unsecured garage, an unsecured office the Chinese had full access to, and up and down the East Coast. And said that the defense would be that Xiden didn't know what he was doing. Can't recall his son's death within years, talks to dead people, asks dead and disabled people to stand, the list goes on.

DOJ doesn't prosecute for mere possession, Reagan did, too. they only prosecute if there are aggravated circumstances.

To wit:

This was a disaster for Gym Jordan and the Republicans. Madeleine Dean and Eric Swalwell did some of the most effective questioning. By merely having Hur read his own words, his own transcript, his own report.

And xiden told his ghost writer in relation to classified docs he was showing him, "they don't even know I have these.? If that doesn't show intent, there's no fucking way to show it. But hey keep supporting that treasonous bastard.

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DOJ doesn't prosecute for mere possession, Reagan did, too. they only prosecute if there are aggravated circumstances.

To wit:

A president has a right to classified info, xiden wasn't president, so there's no comparison. Also xiden deliberately took documents out of a SCIF when he was in the senate, they have cameras outside those facilities, so he had to conceal them in or under his clothing. Once again, a firm declaration of INTENT. And Hur's failure to seek an indictment, just proves once again we have a two tiered justice system

This was a disaster for Gym Jordan and the Republicans. Madeleine Dean and Eric Swalwell did some of the most effective questioning. By merely having Hur read his own words, his own transcript, his own report.

Anyone that walks away from a hearing that showed xiden willfully stole and disclosed classified documents for profit, as a “backfire” to republicans, is a cultist
Anyone that walks away from a hearing that showed xiden willfully stole and disclosed classified documents for profit, as a “backfire” to republicans, is a cultist
Lefty has a standard operating procedure called obfuscation by verbal disharmony. They call it jamming for short. Describing something in the terms that want it to be rather than what it really is. They constantly repeat the false idea in slightly reworded phrases with the object goal of changing public perception on the matter.
Lefty has a standard operating procedure called obfuscation by verbal disharmony. They call it jamming for short. Describing something in the terms that want it to be rather than what it really is. They constantly repeat the false idea in slightly reworded phrases with the object goal of changing public perception on the matter.
Yep, pure cult tactics
So Robert Hur is a liar, and what he has said should be dismissed?
What we saw from the Progressive Socialists at the hearing yesterday was classic Saul Alinsky "Rules for Radicals" tactics. And the same people who are snakes and rats who were part of the so-called Insurrection hearings. Trusting these traitors who are for their own power and will screw their own over for it, is destruction.
This was a disaster for Gym Jordan and the Republicans. Madeleine Dean and Eric Swalwell did some of the most effective questioning. By merely having Hur read his own words, his own transcript, his own report.

Sorry, clueless. Hur’s testimony was an utter humiliation to Biden.

Mr. Hur, testifying Tuesday before the House Judiciary Committee about his investigation into Mr. Biden’s possession of classified documents, described audio recordings from 2017 in which Mr. Biden admitted having classified material.(bolded text added by me.)

The former vice president read some of the material to his ghostwriter, who was helping him author his second memoir and did not have a security clearance, Mr. Hur said

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