Hur Hearing Backfires on Republicans

The testimony from Hur was a humiliation for the Dem / Socialist politburo. They tried to interfere in the investigation being led by Hur.

Let’s see if IRS agents show up at Hur’s home as they did with Matt Taibbi with the Biden politburo using Stalinist intimidation tactics.

Sorry, clueless. Hur’s testimony was an utter humiliation to Biden.

Mr. Hur, testifying Tuesday before the House Judiciary Committee about his investigation into Mr. Biden’s possession of classified documents, described audio recordings from 2017 in which Mr. Biden admitted having classified material.(bolded text added by me.)

The former vice president read some of the material to his ghostwriter, who was helping him author his second memoir and did not have a security clearance, Mr. Hur said
Hur was no doubt ordered to BEHAVE on the stand. He resigned in order to be able to speak freely.
The testimony from Hur was a humiliation for the Dem / Socialist politburo. They tried to interfere in the investigation being led by Hur.

Let’s see if IRS agents show up at Hur’s home as they did with Matt Taibbi with the Biden politburo using Stalinist intimidation tactics.

Oh....they will certainly retaliate.
Hur testified that Biden exhibited a photographic memory in his report

But conveniently enough the photographic memory is intermittent. He tends to forget crimes, but nothing else. Nice.
So then Trump can use this as evidence to exonerate him for any of the crimes of which he is being accused? Worked for Biden, right?
Which he returned promptly

What did Trump do?

He wasn’t supposed to have removed them in the first place. He knew he had them because he told the ghost writer before signing and $8 million advance on his book. We also know that the ghost writer intentionally destroyed the audio tapes between he and Biden.
The hearing proved that Biden did far worse with respect to handling of classified documents than Trump ever did. The fact that Biden WILL skate illustrates the blatant Democrat bias of the US Justice system. The Democrats are wrecking the most important institutions of America and that is by design.
It’s funny. Listened to both MSNBC and Fox News to see how each covered the hearing. Two completely opposite worlds of reporting. Fox naturally called it a disaster for Biden but left out all of the points that the OPs video brought up. And if you actually watched the hearing you’d see that the talking points used by Fox and the Republicans actually all get refuted but the report itself.

In the end, the Dems got the Republican prosecutor on camera saying that there was not sufficient evidence to prosecute Biden and that there was for Trump because he obstructed and lied. That speak volumes. Dems won this round
Lefty has a standard operating procedure called obfuscation by verbal disharmony. They call it jamming for short. Describing something in the terms that want it to be rather than what it really is. They constantly repeat the false idea in slightly reworded phrases with the object goal of changing public perception on the matter.

And their fully indoctrinated followers instinctually lap it all up.

Every administration since the '80s has mishandled ...​

NBC News › politics › congress › every-...

May 17, 2023 — Every administration since President Ronald Reagan has mismanaged classified documents, according to National Archives and Records ...

The problem of maintaining classified documents extends beyond just presidents and vice presidents, the National Archives officials said. Mark Bradley, who directs the agency's Information Security Oversight Office, said that since 2010, his office has gotten more than 80 calls from libraries that have found classified information in papers belonging to members of Congress.

When members of Congress give their papers to libraries after they retire, those papers are processed. Bradley said librarians call the Archives to alert it that classified information has been found, at which point agency officials are sent to retrieve the documents.

BUT, only one person made the headlines for NOT returning them, when requested to do so.
He wasn’t supposed to have removed them in the first place. He knew he had them because he told the ghost writer before signing and $8 million advance on his book. We also know that the ghost writer intentionally destroyed the audio tapes between he and Biden.
Link required
The hearing proved that Biden did far worse with respect to handling of classified documents than Trump ever did. The fact that Biden WILL skate illustrates the blatant Democrat bias of the US Justice system. The Democrats are wrecking the most important institutions of America and that is by design.
Biden packed the classified documents BY HIMSELF!

That’s in the report

Xi must have instructed him on which documents to take and what he’d get paid for it
So then Trump can use this as evidence to exonerate him for any of the crimes of which he is being accused? Worked for Biden, right?

I fully support FPOTUS#45 making a defense in the document case that he is mentally incompetent.

It’s funny. Listened to both MSNBC and Fox News to see how each covered the hearing. Two completely opposite worlds of reporting. Fox naturally called it a disaster for Biden but left out all of the points that the OPs video brought up. And if you actually watched the hearing you’d see that the talking points used by Fox and the Republicans actually all get refuted but the report itself.

In the end, the Dems got the Republican prosecutor on camera saying that there was not sufficient evidence to prosecute Biden and that there was for Trump because he obstructed and lied. That speak volumes. Dems won this round
America Last. America Last. America Last. Saul Alinsky "Rules for Radicals". That is the modern Prog. When the time comes never trust them again. Shun them. And if it comes to it, kill them. And they are spewing that now for any who does not agree with their true fascist views.

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