Hur Hearing Backfires on Republicans

Lefty has a standard operating procedure called obfuscation by verbal disharmony. They call it jamming for short. Describing something in the terms that want it to be rather than what it really is. They constantly repeat the false idea in slightly reworded phrases with the object goal of changing public perception on the matter.
This is what going to law school teaches a liberal. It teaches them how to go around the law and it teaches them how to construct sentences that can be deceptive and misleading.

If they pass a bill entitled, "Border Security___________" you can rest assure it does nothing to secure the border.
This is what going to law school teaches a liberal. It teaches them how to go around the law and it teaches them how to construct sentences that can be deceptive and misleading.

If they pass a bill entitled, "Border Security___________" you can rest assure it does nothing to secure the border.
Looks like Muddy’s having a bad day
And xiden told his ghost writer in relation to classified docs he was showing him, "they don't even know I have these.? If that doesn't show intent, there's no fucking way to show it. But hey keep supporting that treasonous bastard.

I've read he didn't show them to the ghost writer, he parsed them and spoke to him about them....I think over the phone?
OT, but your sig is fucking wrong:

Liberal agenda: Legalizing small amounts of drugs for personal use.

Legalizing drugs will make it legal to manufacture, which will put..........

Cartel's business plan: Providing small amounts of drugs for personal use.

Qatar is pronounced Gutter.

No, it's pronounced kah-tar where the 'a' sounds like the 'a' in cat and both syllables are evenly stressed, maybe a little more on the second syllable.
Illegally produced drugs will always be cheaper, and possibly stronger, than drugs produced legally under the watchful eye of government agencies. The cartels are already operating within our borders. So, drug manufacture and use would continue to promote crime and violence. Even legal pot dealers out west are buying cheap, illegal pot from cartel-controlled growers as they can't make a profit under the regulations they must follow.

The Qatari's pronounce it "gutter".
I've read he didn't show them to the ghost writer, he parsed them and spoke to him about them....I think over the phone?
Most of Biden's "classified information" was from notes he kept in a journal, just like Ronald Reagan did.

But if Mr. Reagan fails to keep Mr. Poindexter from obtaining the diary excerpts, the former national security adviser may still face difficulties in trying to use the diary entries in court because the material is classified. As such, the excerpts are subject to the Classified Information Procedures Act, which could permit the Attorney General to prohibit their disclosure on national security grounds.
Hur testified that Biden exhibited a photographic memory in his report
It was a joke. The same way southern ladies say " bless your heart" when they really mean fuck off.
Actually the "photographic memory" was from the transcript of the Biden deposition. That comment from Hur, never appeared in the report, because it would have contradicted the political narrative the Trump appointed prosecutor was trying to paint of Biden.
Citizen Biden was in possession of classified documents and they were unsecured. Biden is unfit for the job.
Not only that, he shared them with the ghost writer of his $8 million book and then told him to hide them in the recycle bin.
I've read he didn't show them to the ghost writer, he parsed them and spoke to him about them....I think over the phone?
Yeah.....that must be why Hur said the Ghost Writer put them in the trash right before his eyes.
Hur said these tapes were evidence and this secret person known as "The Ghost Writer" attempted to destroy the tapes.
Actually the "photographic memory" was from the transcript of the Biden deposition. That comment from Hur, never appeared in the report, because it would have contradicted the political narrative the Trump appointed prosecutor was trying to paint of Biden.
Meh....Biden has painted himself. The report would have little to no impact if it wasn't a close match to what we actually see.
Actually the "photographic memory" was from the transcript of the Biden deposition. That comment from Hur, never appeared in the report, because it would have contradicted the political narrative the Trump appointed prosecutor was trying to paint of Biden.
Or the factual depiction that we see everyday.
Citizen Biden was in possession of classified documents and they were unsecured. Biden is unfit for the job.
Ronald Reagan also kept classified materials after he left the white house. The Reagan Diaries.

The judge's order, requiring Mr. Reagan to produce diary entries for 29 dates in 1985 and 1986, is an important victory for Mr. Poindexter. His lawyers have argued that Mr. Reagan's diaries are vital in helping the defense demonstrate that the former President authorized Mr. Poindexter's activities in the Iran-contra affair.

the former national security adviser may still face difficulties in trying to use the diary entries in court because the material is classified. As such, the excerpts are subject to the Classified Information Procedures Act, which could permit the Attorney General to prohibit their disclosure on national security grounds.[/b]
Yeah.....that must be why Hur said the Ghost Writer put them in the trash right before his eyes.
Hur said these tapes were evidence and this secret person known as "The Ghost Writer" attempted to destroy the tapes.
The Neo-GOP did a fine job putting lipstick and makeup all over that swine.

Well enough soundbites to satisfy the anger of their ever shrinking flock who have the memory of a goldfish.......
Having watched it, this board, and another less MAGA board, it has convinced me that the only people who cared were the political hardliners on both sides.

Its amazing that both were instantly out with their little Twit(ter) clips making their side great and the other side corrupt and stupid.
Yeah, tapes.

Recorded audio tapes, discs, whatever the media was, showing Biden discussing classified information with a Ghost Writer who did not have a security clearance.

And what level was the classified material?
Top Secret

Remember, if Biden wrote down what he told a foreign leader, in private, that would be "classified".

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