Hurray for CO2!

ALL plants live off of CO2, photosynthesis cannot occur without it.

If you are deprived of salt for a time, you will die. So, since salt is absolutely neccessary for your existance, just go ahead and eat a quart of it. See how that works. For that is your logic.
prove it dude. Prove an over abundance of CO2 is bad for a plant. Let's see that evidence. hahahahaahahaha

Admit it, you hate humanity!!!!

That salt analogy is pseudo logic and had nothing to do with CO2 and photosynthesis.
Optimum CO2 for greenhouses:
Carbon Dioxide In Greenhouses
For the majority of greenhouse crops, net photosynthesis increases as CO2 levels increase from 340–1,000 ppm (parts per million). Most crops show that for any given level of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), increasing the CO2 level to 1,000 ppm will increase the photosynthesis by about 50% over ambient CO2 levels.
If CO2 is a problem how come we do not make more dry ice and promote that as the solution.

LOL. Oh well, what else to expect of someone with your reasoning powers:lol:

CO2 is turned into Dry Ice everyday, and at that, its your Scientist that I took this little bit from, yes that right the "Scientists" Old Crock worships has suggested we remove CO2 directly from the air, yet when I post the idea to turn CO2 into Dry Ice, Old Crock laughs at me and suggests my "reasoning powers" should be laughed at.

So Old Crock, this in not simply an idea I posted but something that is being Researched and Developed by you Green Nuts.


Capturing CO2 directly from the air allows emissions originating from any source to be managed with standardized scalable industrial facilities. Our full-scale design, for example, could absorb the emissions created by 300,000 typical cars.

Air capture is a tool for managing the buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere which drives climate change. Since much of the CO2 already emitted to the atmosphere will stay there for hundreds of years, air capture can serve as a complement to climate strategies that reduce emissions at their source. Air capture requires an energy source - such as natural gas, concentrated solar power, or nuclear – but typically energy is generated on-site so that any emissions incurred can be captured and delivered along with the CO2 from the air.

Direct air capture can remove far more CO2 per acre of land footprint than trees and plants (see FAQ for more details), and air capture produces a stream of pure CO2 as its principal output, for use in industrial applications or storage in geological formations deep underground.

So with such an inexpensive simple solution, why do people think manufacturing billions of tons of raw materials such as Silica into Windmills and Solar Panels is the solution.

Why is the Solution proposed costing us a $Trillion$ dollars and destroying thousands of miles of land?

One use, CO2 is turned into Dry Ice.

How about the other, use CO2 for Lasers!!!!!!!
No, Mamooth is stating what experimentors have found when exposing plants to higher levels of CO2.

ALL plants live off of CO2, photosynthesis cannot occur without it.

If you are deprived of salt for a time, you will die. So, since salt is absolutely neccessary for your existance, just go ahead and eat a quart of it. See how that works. For that is your logic.

Hey dumbass, plants don't consciously decide to take in CO2 like humans can with salt. They take in only what is required. An excess of CO2 will have no effect on them. You just aren't too bright are you?
So I had a brief conversation with someone who is a professional landscaper with a horticultural degree. He told me that the only thing bad about all this rain is mold. We have to be vigilant about watching for it and treating it.

More rain today. Hurray CO2! Hurray climate change!
Hurray climate change!

Unusually rainy spring and early summer. By this time we usually have lie water levels in the lakes, water restrictions, and parched lawns. This year the lakes are full and the lawns and flowers are flourishing.

Build more coal plants please!
If CO2 is a problem how come we do not make more dry ice and promote that as the solution.

LOL. Oh well, what else to expect of someone with your reasoning powers:lol:

CO2 is turned into Dry Ice everyday, and at that, its your Scientist that I took this little bit from, yes that right the "Scientists" Old Crock worships has suggested we remove CO2 directly from the air, yet when I post the idea to turn CO2 into Dry Ice, Old Crock laughs at me and suggests my "reasoning powers" should be laughed at.

So Old Crock, this in not simply an idea I posted but something that is being Researched and Developed by you Green Nuts.


Capturing CO2 directly from the air allows emissions originating from any source to be managed with standardized scalable industrial facilities. Our full-scale design, for example, could absorb the emissions created by 300,000 typical cars.

Air capture is a tool for managing the buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere which drives climate change. Since much of the CO2 already emitted to the atmosphere will stay there for hundreds of years, air capture can serve as a complement to climate strategies that reduce emissions at their source. Air capture requires an energy source - such as natural gas, concentrated solar power, or nuclear – but typically energy is generated on-site so that any emissions incurred can be captured and delivered along with the CO2 from the air.

Direct air capture can remove far more CO2 per acre of land footprint than trees and plants (see FAQ for more details), and air capture produces a stream of pure CO2 as its principal output, for use in industrial applications or storage in geological formations deep underground.

So with such an inexpensive simple solution, why do people think manufacturing billions of tons of raw materials such as Silica into Windmills and Solar Panels is the solution.

Why is the Solution proposed costing us a $Trillion$ dollars and destroying thousands of miles of land?

One use, CO2 is turned into Dry Ice.

How about the other, use CO2 for Lasers!!!!!!!
Roxy thinks you're dumb for suggesting it, but climate "scientists" are brilliant for suggesting it.

Progressive doublethink.
No, Mamooth is stating what experimentors have found when exposing plants to higher levels of CO2.

Yeah -- that's why commercial greenhouses don't have CO2 pumps in their greenhouses.

Hydrofarm - Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Methods

Biologists and plant physiologists have long recognized the benefits of higher CO2 content in the air for plant growth. Horticulturists and greenhouse growers have used CO generators to enhance growth rates on plants for many years with good results.

With the advent of home greenhouses and indoor growing under artificial lights and the developments in hydroponics in recent years, the need for CO2 generation has drastically increased. Plants growing in a sealed greenhouse or indoor grow room will often deplete the available CO2 and stop growing. The following graph will show what depletion and enrichment does to plant growth:

Below 200 PPM, plants do not have enough CO2 to carry on the photosynthesis process and essentially stop growing. Because 300 PPM is the atmospheric CO content, this amount is chosen as the 100% growth point. You can see from the chart that increased CO can double or more the growth rate on most normal plants. Above 2,000 PPM, CO2 starts to become toxic to plants and above 4,000 PPM it becomes toxic to people.

With the advent of ideal growing conditions conditions provided by metal high-intensity discharge (H.I.D.) lighting systems, hydroponics, environmental controls such as temp., humidity, etc. and complete, balanced plant nutrients such as Ecogrow, the limiting factor on plant growth rate, quality, size and time to maturity becomes the amount of carbon dioxide available to the plants.

Dutch aubergine grower pipes carbon dioxide into greenhouses - Telegraph

Similarly, CO2 released during the manufacture of ammonia is injected into the greenhouse to stimulate growth.
"It's the basic principle of photosynthesis," van Duijn said. Combined with water and light, the plants convert the carbon dioxide into organic compounds, releasing oxygen as a side product.
The level of CO2 inside is three times higher than outside, giving a crop yield that according to van Duijn is two to three times greater.

WarmCO2, which also supplies greenhouses producing tomatoes and peppers, is aiming eventually to pipe CO2 to 168 hectares under glass at Terneuzen.
The Earth's temperature increasing will have lots of different effects. Raising the average by 1C is not going to make all the ice on the planet disappear overnight. Raising the average by 1C is not going to kill us all from heat exhaustion. But it is enough to cause ice melt to increase and the amount of ice on the planet to shrink. It is enough to make the incidence of extreme high temperatures increase and the incidence of extreme colds decrease. It's also enough to change the patterns of winds and ocean currents and rainfall and dry air. It's enough to do a lot of things.

Did you have a point? Or a question?
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If we could ever get the AGW church to finally step aside so we can conduct some real science on this matter, the better off we will all be.

Right now we live in a religious fairy tale about CO2 brought on by the AGW cult.
Yeah -- that's why commercial greenhouses don't have CO2 pumps in their greenhouses.

In terms of displaying how you fail so much at logical thinking, that was average. Not as dumb as some of your other faceplants, but still fairly amusing.

I pointed out how, out in nature, CO2 makes vines grow much faster. You countered with an anecdote that CO2 is used in greenhouses. Which, last I checked, did not simulate nature. That's one of your fails. The other is its red herring nature. How does an anecdote about greenhouses refute the observed fact that CO2 out in the real world accelerates vine growth much more than tree growth? Our mere earth logic can't explain it, so you'll need to expand on your reasoning.

You deniers need to all stop avoiding the actual science. That's why the world correctly ignores you all, because none of you understand what you're babbling about. Denier unicorn-and-rainbows talk isn't harmless, in the same way that a drunk driver isn't harmless. Even if the drunk doesn't mean to injure anyone, his irresponsibility and ignorance still causes damage. Same with deniers.
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