Hurricane Sandy thread


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
I'm here in the Outer Banks of North Carolina and this storm is packing a serious punch for being so far out in the ocean.. We've already seen 20 ft plus waves.. 57 mph gusts.. Everyone stay safe!

PS- My power has blinked twice now! :-(
I'm here in the Outer Banks of North Carolina and this storm is packing a serious punch for being so far out in the ocean.. We've already seen 20 ft plus waves.. 57 mph gusts.. Everyone stay safe!

PS- My power has blinked twice now! :-(

Live in Jacksonville lot of rain and wind. If it hits NC be the first real storm in what 6 years?
I'm here in the Outer Banks of North Carolina and this storm is packing a serious punch for being so far out in the ocean.. We've already seen 20 ft plus waves.. 57 mph gusts.. Everyone stay safe!

PS- My power has blinked twice now! :-(

Be safe, I see it has already snaped trees in Florida and it hasn't even hit ground yet. Good Luck and I hope you have everything you need! I'm watching the news every chance I get. I'm hoping it will stay at sea and steer away from land.
Im on Long Island and generally cha-cha this stuff, but this AM.........weird..........strom not suppossed to make landfall until MOnday night and already, Im outside before and seeing some 30mph gusts. No rain yet but this storm isnt anywhere near us and this wind...........LOL..........looking outside right now, the tree's sweeping back and forth a bit.


Stay safe down there Lady............
everyone stay matter what your political leaning.

i'm about a mile away from the atlantic ocean in nyc. so far they haven't said there are going to be any closures tomorrow...but we'll see.
snowing lightly here....high winds...we have been told we will be without electric soon...that the heavy snow and winds will bring down the forth and so on and i got to get to boone....
snowing lightly here....high winds...we have been told we will be without electric soon...that the heavy snow and winds will bring down the forth and so on and i got to get to boone....

stay safe, bones.

our schools are closed, courts are closed, we're in zone B so we weren't evacuated. i hope we keep power. hopefully you won't lose yours for long.

be careful, please.
So far just moderately heavy rain and some not too heavy wind in B'more. Work shut down, but I really don't see why. It's been worse.
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I'm here in the Outer Banks of North Carolina and this storm is packing a serious punch for being so far out in the ocean.. We've already seen 20 ft plus waves.. 57 mph gusts.. Everyone stay safe!

PS- My power has blinked twice now! :-(

Best to you and all others, being threatened, LGS. My thoughts are with you all.

I hope everyone has plenty of pet food in, in addition to dry food and water.
We're hunkered down, schools and work are closed so we're all home which is a huge relief. Well stocked, taking showers now, bathtubs w/be filled in case we lose utilities. My biggest concerns are losing power (because the sump pump won't work and the basement will flood) and the roof blowing off. Have the chest freezer and treadmill up off the ground about 6 inches; heater and hot water heater are up but only on one brick height.

My SIL lives about 45 mins southwest of us, closer Delaware (we're in nw suburbs of Philly) and she's been getting pounding rain for quite a while now. We just started with some heavier bands but it is still breaking with periods of lighter or no rain. Windy. Hubs and kid just took the dogs out cause there was a break.

jillian, I had no idea you were so close to the water . Good luck!

The news is showing moronic people who decided to 'stick it out' and now they have to stay put. Idiots.
Now seeing gusts up here on Long Island to 50 mph.......very little rain. Power already going down all over the place. Im still in business for the moment over here. Storm still hundreds of miles away though = sIcK.
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I pray everyone stays safe.
I am not being hit with much...a bit of a light wind, and we had a little rain...but right now the sun is out.
But I am towards the middle of Tennessee, so we won't get caught up in it.
I have a friend who lives in New York and she has been posting pictures on Facebook....shows where JFK is flooded.....and how people have boarded up. I am surprised at many people have chosen to stay put.

Bones, I was wondering if this would be getting your safe dear friend! its 3:20pm EST........wind is really starting to get sick. Steady at 40 mph at least. Local weather guy known to all New Yorkers for years says the next 6 to 10 hours are going to be the worst of it.

Pictures rollng in of the LOng Island Sound are simply unbelievable. Been around for 52 years and never saw the Sound look like an ocean. According to a friend who went down a couple of hours ago, the 75 foot cliffs of the north shore..........all of the wooden stairs going from the beach up are GONE!!!

Pic of the LI Sound from 2 hours ago............storm still 250 miles away. The Long Island Sound NEVER has looked like this people.................water never gets within 100 feet of the cliffs.
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I hope nobody dies but I really hope this Hurricane hits the White House on a direct hit.

I want Barack Obama to know what it's like to be homeless for a change since he's a SilverSpooner.


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