Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
No one claimed it was a cure or good for everyone. If it can only be used by a half or even a third of people as an effective treatment, then what is wrong with that?

It’s almost as if the far left don’t want any treatment to work and they want to prolong this whole thing out and have the maximum amount of deaths.

That is exactly what they want.

you're insane. & it's ironic as hell - when you can't stand the idea of wearing a mask to help keep those around you safe & cheerlead for those willing to buck the shelter in place to go to church because of 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you don't give a damn about possibly infecting someone's gramma or a pregger or a newborn.

you're pro life stance is just a farce.

You thugs just want an excuse to shut down churches.

^ um ... no.

Bishop who said 'God is larger than this dreaded virus' dies of Covid-19
By Rebekah Riess, CNN
Updated 5:44 AM ET, Tue April 14, 2020

Bishop who said 'God is larger than this dreaded virus' dies of Covid-19
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
So now you'll tell us what your sister's underlying medical conditions are. Right?

it wouldn't matter - but it sure seems some people are so desperate to get this thing over with - no matter the rush - so donny will not take any more heat for his total incompetent response we are now #1 in the world for infections & deaths.
And you are desperate to keep it going ??? I don't think that President Trump cares about what you think about him or about how this situation is being exploited by the left for political reason's, so don't be so vane as to think that he does.

lol... it should have never even gotten to this point if not for donny's incompetent handling & willful ignorance regarding this disease. oh & make no mistake - he cares all about ratings.
Spare us. No matter what Trump does, you will attack him for it. That's your election strategy.

spare US. no matter what yer chosen one does, you will praise him for it. that's YOUR election strategy.
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
No one claimed it was a cure or good for everyone. If it can only be used by a half or even a third of people as an effective treatment, then what is wrong with that?

It’s almost as if the far left don’t want any treatment to work and they want to prolong this whole thing out and have the maximum amount of deaths.

That is exactly what they want.

you're insane. & it's ironic as hell - when you can't stand the idea of wearing a mask to help keep those around you safe & cheerlead for those willing to buck the shelter in place to go to church because of 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you don't give a damn about possibly infecting someone's gramma or a pregger or a newborn.

you're pro life stance is just a farce.

You thugs just want an excuse to shut down churches.

^ um ... no.

Bishop who said 'God is larger than this dreaded virus' dies of Covid-19
CNN Profiles - Rebekah Riess - News Editor, National Content Center - CNN
By Rebekah Riess, CNN
Updated 5:44 AM ET, Tue April 14, 2020

Bishop who said 'God is larger than this dreaded virus' dies of Covid-19
And? People are dying of the virus with the shutdown in place. Can you prove he wouldn’t had gotten the virus if there was no church services?

Why is it okay for people to go to a grocery store or liquor store, but not a church?
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
No one claimed it was a cure or good for everyone. If it can only be used by a half or even a third of people as an effective treatment, then what is wrong with that?

It’s almost as if the far left don’t want any treatment to work and they want to prolong this whole thing out and have the maximum amount of deaths.

That is exactly what they want.

you're insane. & it's ironic as hell - when you can't stand the idea of wearing a mask to help keep those around you safe & cheerlead for those willing to buck the shelter in place to go to church because of 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you don't give a damn about possibly infecting someone's gramma or a pregger or a newborn.

you're pro life stance is just a farce.
there is no evidence a mask does anything that's why. you just look like a china doll.
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
So now you'll tell us what your sister's underlying medical conditions are. Right?

it wouldn't matter - but it sure seems some people are so desperate to get this thing over with - no matter the rush - so donny will not take any more heat for his total incompetent response we are now #1 in the world for infections & deaths.
And you are desperate to keep it going ??? I don't think that President Trump cares about what you think about him or about how this situation is being exploited by the left for political reason's, so don't be so vane as to think that he does.

lol... it should have never even gotten to this point if not for donny's incompetent handling & willful ignorance regarding this disease. oh & make no mistake - he cares all about ratings.
Spare us. No matter what Trump does, you will attack him for it. That's your election strategy.

spare US. no matter what yer chosen one does, you will praise him for it. that's YOUR election strategy.
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
So now you'll tell us what your sister's underlying medical conditions are. Right?

it wouldn't matter - but it sure seems some people are so desperate to get this thing over with - no matter the rush - so donny will not take any more heat for his total incompetent response we are now #1 in the world for infections & deaths.
And you are desperate to keep it going ??? I don't think that President Trump cares about what you think about him or about how this situation is being exploited by the left for political reason's, so don't be so vane as to think that he does.

lol... it should have never even gotten to this point if not for donny's incompetent handling & willful ignorance regarding this disease. oh & make no mistake - he cares all about ratings.
Spare us. No matter what Trump does, you will attack him for it. That's your election strategy.

spare US. no matter what yer chosen one does, you will praise him for it. that's YOUR election strategy.
Your modus operandi is known. No matter what Trump does, you will attack him. Everyone of your attacks is bogus. Why do you expect any Trump supporter to go along with them? They would have to be as sleazy of a douchebag as you to do that.
Yes and they just all happen to now stand opposed to your freakish Trump cult fetishes. or whatever the hell is worming into your brain on this topic.

Can't even FATHOM any research scientist going public with an EXPRESSED POLITICAL HATRED clouding their objectivity.. I have no Trump fetish... I'm STAUNCHLY in favor of both existing political parties getting tarred/feather and boxcar-ed the HELL out of DC...

But here you are looking for the freakish scientists that want to toss their academic fat asses around to the public because "Fuck Trump"...

ALL Trump did here was try to offer hope and compassion to those suffering, scared or worried about older loved ones. And if it turns out -- this WAS one of better therapies, which I think IT MIGHT -- it's just gonna make your head explode -- isn't it???

I don't care if it only save 10,000 lives worldwide and the rest were coinkydinks.. It's NOT gonna hurt a lot of people that DONT have CHFailure or severe arrhythmia..

The problem is that Trump gave hydroxychloroquine a very inaccurate, generic miracle cure image, to a hysterically scared mob.
The truth is hydroxychloroquine will harm those who have not yet gotten a severe case, by suppressing their immune system, and making their infection worse. Hydroxychloroquine actually only helps on more advanced cases where pneumonia has set in.
And clearly Trump did cause the death of one person who overdosed and died from hydroxychloroquine.
What Trump forgot is that everyone can get all the hydroxychloroquine they want, through veterinary sources, so due to his inaccurate over statement, people will harm themselves.
Instead he should have left it in the hands of the doctors.
So you think every single one is lying.
Not one of the options I listed was "lying". So i can say I don't think any of them are lying at all, and my response still stands, in its entirety. Goddamn, you're like a child. This is pointless.

If you won't put on your big boy pants for me, put them on for yourself and read this:

So aside from 100s of testimonials? Again if your loved one was very ill with the COVID-19 would you ask the MD to use it. Yes or no? I 100% would.

No, the indications are that hydroxychloroquine will make it easier for COVID-19 to start an infection if you do not already have one. In fact, hydroxychloroquine is only good if you already have pneumonia, and your immune system is attacking your lungs.
So only a doctor can tell if it will be helpful or harmful in each case.
Ummm, no. Chloroquine inhibits the virus’ ability to replicate itself.

No, that is not true. That is a guess based on using hydroxychloroquine as a transport mechanism to carry zine or other things into cells, to make them more akaline or otherwise less conducive to virus replication. Nothing totally stops virus replication, and anything interfering with virus replication also is harmful to the human cells as well.
So aside from 100s of testimonials?
Right, those are not informative.
These "scientists" Cum "activists in labcoats -- lose 100% of their credibility RIGHT HERE in the link..
Please, you are a nonsecientist and the biggest louodmouth of them all. You have less cred. And certainly none of them have less than this Raoult quack.
So again are you going to answer me? Or keep dodging? You’re such a coward.

There are no testimonials, much less 100% of them.
There are people who survived and believe hydroxychloroquine was responsible, when it likely was not.
Hydroxychloroquine by itself is not showing much promise at all.
The only way it is showing promise is as a transport mechanism for other things like zinc or antibiotics, and only seems to help with extreme cases where the harm it can cause no longer matters.

Just ask yourself why should anything be released to the public, when it is only the doctors who understand what and when anything like this can be helpful?
we dont have the time for sluggish red tape !
And pouring time and resources into an ineffective treatment, instead of better placing those resources, would be a huge mistake.
nope, makes all the sense in the world. you're just wrong, as usual.

But doing the research to decide if, when, how, and why something might be effective is for experts.
No good at all is done by an emotional release to a hysterical public.
Already one person died because of this, overdosing on hydroxychloroquine.
So aside from 100s of testimonials?
Right, those are not informative.
These "scientists" Cum "activists in labcoats -- lose 100% of their credibility RIGHT HERE in the link..
Please, you are a nonsecientist and the biggest louodmouth of them all. You have less cred. And certainly none of them have less than this Raoult quack.
So again are you going to answer me? Or keep dodging? You’re such a coward.

There are no testimonials, much less 100% of them.
There are people who survived and believe hydroxychloroquine was responsible, when it likely was not.
Hydroxychloroquine by itself is not showing much promise at all.
The only way it is showing promise is as a transport mechanism for other things like zinc or antibiotics, and only seems to help with extreme cases where the harm it can cause no longer matters.

Just ask yourself why should anything be released to the public, when it is only the doctors who understand what and when anything like this can be helpful?

I disagree. It is likely that it WAS. So you're smarter than Dr. Stephen Smith who has treated over 100 with this medicine successfully and it has been released to the public. Millions of doses world wide. You are a consistent negative Nelly and a contrarian. Stop telling me my opinion is wrong. Opinions cannot be wrong.
we dont have the time for sluggish red tape !
And pouring time and resources into an ineffective treatment, instead of better placing those resources, would be a huge mistake.
nope, makes all the sense in the world. you're just wrong, as usual.

But doing the research to decide if, when, how, and why something might be effective is for experts.
No good at all is done by an emotional release to a hysterical public.
Already one person died because of this, overdosing on hydroxychloroquine.

Who died. Link it! And not that stupid fish tank guy
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
No one claimed it was a cure or good for everyone. If it can only be used by a half or even a third of people as an effective treatment, then what is wrong with that?

It’s almost as if the far left don’t want any treatment to work and they want to prolong this whole thing out and have the maximum amount of deaths.

That is exactly what they want.

you're insane. & it's ironic as hell - when you can't stand the idea of wearing a mask to help keep those around you safe & cheerlead for those willing to buck the shelter in place to go to church because of 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you don't give a damn about possibly infecting someone's gramma or a pregger or a newborn.

you're pro life stance is just a farce.
there is no evidence a mask does anything that's why. you just look like a china doll.

That is wrong.
The mask won't help on the receiving end because when you are breathing in, the air gaps will allow too much particles in the air to just go around the mask.
But mask DO HELP on the sending end, where many of the sounds we make when we speakm, cause little droplets of spit to go flying into the air.
A mask does help on the sending end, as a spit shield.
That is so close to the source, our mouth, that it greatly reduces what reaches other people.
So masks greatly help.
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
So now you'll tell us what your sister's underlying medical conditions are. Right?

it wouldn't matter - but it sure seems some people are so desperate to get this thing over with - no matter the rush - so donny will not take any more heat for his total incompetent response we are now #1 in the world for infections & deaths.
And you are desperate to keep it going ??? I don't think that President Trump cares about what you think about him or about how this situation is being exploited by the left for political reason's, so don't be so vane as to think that he does.

lol... it should have never even gotten to this point if not for donny's incompetent handling & willful ignorance regarding this disease. oh & make no mistake - he cares all about ratings.
Spare us. No matter what Trump does, you will attack him for it. That's your election strategy.

spare US. no matter what yer chosen one does, you will praise him for it. that's YOUR election strategy.
Your modus operandi is known. No matter what Trump does, you will attack him. Everyone of your attacks is bogus. Why do you expect any Trump supporter to go along with them? They would have to be as sleazy of a douchebag as you to do that.

Since there is so much hysteria, hoarding, self medication, weirds beliefs, etc., it was dangerous for Trump to be so specific and emotional about hydroxychloroquine. He just should have encouraged with generic helpful things being worked on.
we dont have the time for sluggish red tape !
And pouring time and resources into an ineffective treatment, instead of better placing those resources, would be a huge mistake.
nope, makes all the sense in the world. you're just wrong, as usual.

But doing the research to decide if, when, how, and why something might be effective is for experts.
No good at all is done by an emotional release to a hysterical public.
Already one person died because of this, overdosing on hydroxychloroquine.
why? it's still controlled release. you're just a pandering asshole at this time.
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
No one claimed it was a cure or good for everyone. If it can only be used by a half or even a third of people as an effective treatment, then what is wrong with that?

It’s almost as if the far left don’t want any treatment to work and they want to prolong this whole thing out and have the maximum amount of deaths.

That is exactly what they want.

you're insane. & it's ironic as hell - when you can't stand the idea of wearing a mask to help keep those around you safe & cheerlead for those willing to buck the shelter in place to go to church because of 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you don't give a damn about possibly infecting someone's gramma or a pregger or a newborn.

you're pro life stance is just a farce.
there is no evidence a mask does anything that's why. you just look like a china doll.

That is wrong.
The mask won't help on the receiving end because when you are breathing in, the air gaps will allow too much particles in the air to just go around the mask.
But mask DO HELP on the sending end, where many of the sounds we make when we speakm, cause little droplets of spit to go flying into the air.
A mask does help on the sending end, as a spit shield.
That is so close to the source, our mouth, that it greatly reduces what reaches other people.
So masks greatly help.
nope, the experts said it won't help, that is all bullshit to see if the sheep will wear what they say. another test on the populous on who the weak idiots are. I'll bet if they told you you needed to get in a box car, you'd comply. right?
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
So now you'll tell us what your sister's underlying medical conditions are. Right?

it wouldn't matter - but it sure seems some people are so desperate to get this thing over with - no matter the rush - so donny will not take any more heat for his total incompetent response we are now #1 in the world for infections & deaths.
And you are desperate to keep it going ??? I don't think that President Trump cares about what you think about him or about how this situation is being exploited by the left for political reason's, so don't be so vane as to think that he does.

lol... it should have never even gotten to this point if not for donny's incompetent handling & willful ignorance regarding this disease. oh & make no mistake - he cares all about ratings.
Spare us. No matter what Trump does, you will attack him for it. That's your election strategy.

spare US. no matter what yer chosen one does, you will praise him for it. that's YOUR election strategy.
Your modus operandi is known. No matter what Trump does, you will attack him. Everyone of your attacks is bogus. Why do you expect any Trump supporter to go along with them? They would have to be as sleazy of a douchebag as you to do that.

Since there is so much hysteria, hoarding, self medication, weirds beliefs, etc., it was dangerous for Trump to be so specific and emotional about hydroxychloroquine. He just should have encouraged with generic helpful things being worked on.
who cares what you think. let me know when you are in front of the mic.

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