Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

I've tried that 4 times now on these "conscientious objectors"
Objectors... to what? The only objection is that their is not good evidence that it will do more good than harm. Because there isn't. Look up U of M hospitals, see what has transpired there in their dabbling in it.

Let's try this again.. If you have a loved one circling the drain and being offered a combination of HCQuine and another med --- Would you ADVISE THEM not to take it???

Sure, but Trump should not have implied it prevented getting COVID-19.
It does not do that.
He said it has helped people and those who saw him say that tried it and it helped. His statement saved lives. Like it or not
Would you ADVISE THEM not to take it??
Yes, probably, because at that point, it might be what kills them. There is zero good evidence of its effectiveness. And what kind of a question is that anyway? I would ask the same, vapid question about faith healing, or about any other illness and fake miracle cure out there. The fact that you have to turn to such a desperate state of "no cost" shows how weak your arguments in support of the drug;s effectiveness actually are. "What if there was NO possible harm?? Then would ya do it??"

It's a terrible question.

Do you even understand the origin of this fad? In CHina?
No you answered flac not me. Now answer me. If your loved one was in dire straits would you ask your MD to use it? Answer is “yes”. Checkmate.
Would you ADVISE THEM not to take it??
Yes, probably, because at that point, it might be what kills them. There is zero good evidence of its effectiveness. And what kind of a question is that anyway? I would ask the same, vapid question about faith healing, or about any other illness and fake miracle cure out there. The fact that you have to turn to such a desperate state of "no cost" shows how weak your arguments in support of the drug;s effectiveness actually are. "What if there was NO possible harm?? Then would ya do it??"

It's a terrible question.

Do you even understand the origin of this fad? In CHina?

Kiss Grammy goodbye.. Because her choices pretty much done run out.. And "Fuck Trump"...
flacaltenn always falls back on this same type of pile of shit argument, when the science doesn't align with his personal fetishes. If all the good science so far doesn't say what he wants it to say, then the scientists are all biased. If that's the case, where are the unbiased scientists, producing the compelling science that shows its effectiveness? The more evidence comes out, the less likely it appears that choloroquine is effective. Wouldn't that be exactly the opposite, with an effective medicine? There is very good reason to doubt it is effective. We will know soon.
The scientific evidence is that zinc disrupts the rna replicase of the virus. But to do that zinc must get inside the cell. But since zinc is an ion, zinc can’t cross the lipid membrane of a cell by itself. That’s where hydroquinone comes in. It is an ionophore and serves as a Trojan horse so to speak that serves as a gateway into cells so that the zinc can then disrupt the rna replicase of the virus.

That is true, but allowing heavy metals like zinc into your cells can easily be fatal as well.
Only a physician should be considering extremes like that.

Signs of too much zinc include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and headaches. When people take too much zinc for a long time, they sometimes have problems such as low copper levels, lower immunity, and low levels of HDL cholesterol
Yes, never said there aren’t side effects. But it is effective in combating this virus. It’s also a drug that has been widely used so it’s side affects are well known. As with almost everything, it’s a risk reward proposition. I don’t think I would dismiss it outright because of its side effects. I’d have to look at the cost benefit of it.

But I have no doubt that some people tout it and oppose it because of politics and that really has no place in my calculus. Overall the reward outweighs the risks. In other words, I believe more people will benefit from it than will be harmed by it. If this were not the case it wouldn’t have been used so widely in the treatment of malaria, right?
Yes, probably, because at that point, it might be what kills them. There is zero good evidence of its effectiveness.

We're done.. No therapy at all for what you have...
LOL “No evidence”. LMAO. He has embarrassed himself all over this thread.

Hey !! Lay off him.. :biggrin: He's afflected with a different epidemic illness.. I'll give him cred for ANSWERING the question and letting Grammy die...

I'm a Libertarian.. I'm pro-choice on everything that personal and doesn't hurt others.. So "letting Grammy die" rather than advising her to follow her doctor's suggestions or ASKING about the drug with her doctor -- is HIS burden to bear...
Yes, probably, because at that point, it might be what kills them. There is zero good evidence of its effectiveness.

We're done.. No therapy at all for what you have...
LOL “No evidence”. LMAO. He has embarrassed himself all over this thread.

Hey !! Lay off him.. :biggrin: He's afflected with a different epidemic illness.. I'll give him cred for ANSWERING the question and letting Grammy die...

I'm a Libertarian.. I'm pro-choice on everything that personal and doesn't hurt others.. So "letting Grammy die" rather than advising her to follow her doctor's suggestions or ASKING about the drug with her doctor -- is HIS burden to bear...
The illogic is painful. The hatred of the Leftists is truly off the charts. They are indeed the worst kind of people.
flacaltenn always falls back on this same type of pile of shit argument, when the science doesn't align with his personal fetishes. If all the good science so far doesn't say what he wants it to say, then the scientists are all biased. If that's the case, where are the unbiased scientists, producing the compelling science that shows its effectiveness? The more evidence comes out, the less likely it appears that choloroquine is effective. Wouldn't that be exactly the opposite, with an effective medicine? There is very good reason to doubt it is effective. We will know soon.

I gave you a link to 6200 physicians with DOZENS of covid patients... I've got 8 other studies that say the same thing.. But they'd be wasted on you...
But it is effective in combating this virus.
You do not know that. That counts as a lie. Stop spreading lies.
But I do know that. I understand how and why it works. You don’t. Which is why you don’t know it works. Let me say this again. It works because it is an ionophore and transports zinc intracellularly. Once inside the cell, the zinc ion disrupts/inhibits the virus’s ability to replicate itself.

So now you tell me why it doesn’t work, Ok?
But it is effective in combating this virus.
You do not know that. That counts as a lie. Stop spreading lies.
You just ignored this

It’s also a drug that has been widely used so it’s side affects are well known.
Apparently, not, as the drug caused unexpected heart arrhythmia for the doses given in patients in a trial in Brazil.
So "letting Grammy die" rather than advising her to follow her doctor's suggestions or ASKING about the drug with her doctor -- is HIS burden to bear...
The doctor doesn't known anything more about its effectiveness than you or me, at this point.

What about these doctors? Let me guess: they all hate Trump.

“Our infectious disease division and our antimicrobial pharmacists have reviewed all the available data and we found no convincing evidence that these drugs were effective in treating people with COVID-19,” Kaul says.

That’s consistent with what’s been observed firsthand in Michigan Medicine’s hospitals.

“We haven’t seen any clear evidence of benefit so we aren’t going to use hydroxychloroquine routinely anymore,” Chopra says. “We were initially recommending it to both inpatients and outpatients, but we’re no longer doing that routinely. That’s based upon the fact that we’ve been prescribing hydroxychloroquine for a few weeks, did not see therapeutic benefit, but did see adverse effects.”

Those side effects Chopra has seen in his patients include liver function toxicity, nausea and vomiting.

Moving forward, Chopra and Kaul say the strategy is to individualize these decisions for each patient, considering risks and benefits based on that person’s health history and symptoms.


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