Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

So aside from 100s of testimonials?
Right, those are not informative.
These "scientists" Cum "activists in labcoats -- lose 100% of their credibility RIGHT HERE in the link..
Please, you are a nonsecientist and the biggest louodmouth of them all. You have less cred. And certainly none of them have less than this Raoult quack.
So again are you going to answer me? Or keep dodging? You’re such a coward.
So you think every single one is lying.
Not one of the options I listed was "lying". So i can say I don't think any of them are lying at all, and my response still stands, in its entirety. Goddamn, you're like a child. This is pointless.

If you won't put on your big boy pants for me, put them on for yourself and read this:

So aside from 100s of testimonials? Again if your loved one was very ill with the COVID-19 would you ask the MD to use it. Yes or no? I 100% would.

No, the indications are that hydroxychloroquine will make it easier for COVID-19 to start an infection if you do not already have one. In fact, hydroxychloroquine is only good if you already have pneumonia, and your immune system is attacking your lungs.
So only a doctor can tell if it will be helpful or harmful in each case.
So you think every single one is lying.
Not one of the options I listed was "lying". So i can say I don't think any of them are lying at all, and my response still stands, in its entirety. Goddamn, you're like a child. This is pointless.

If you won't put on your big boy pants for me, put them on for yourself and read this:

These "scientists" Cum "activists in labcoats -- lose 100% of their credibility RIGHT HERE in the link..

“What harm could it do?” (Answer: A lot. The specific drugs, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, have toxicities that have been well-known since the 1960s.) Add to that politicians like Donald Trump, full of magical thinking and possessed of a long history of selling snake oil himself, glommed onto these drugs as the solution to the pandemic before clinical trials showed any benefit.

On the "toxicities" SURE -- should NOT BE OVER THE COUNTER for people to guzzle it.. OTHERWISE -- it's perfectly safe for ESTABLISHED protocols...

On the TDS afflications these doctors have ---- disqualifies them from even weighing in...
Exactly. If Andrew Cuomo said it works, FFI and his ilk would be all over it. Their TDS robs them of their logic. I can post dozens of stories of it working and it still won’t be enough. Millions of doses ordered around the world and even that is not enough evidence. This is crazy talk and highly illogical. If my loved one was in the hospital with this, I would 100% request that the doctor prescribe it!!! Hell I would call Dr. Stephen Smith myself. Duke undergrad and Yale medical school. Expert in infectious disease. Treated over 100 patients and called the drug a “game changer”.

Bunch of academics with SEVERE and debilitating TDS don't have the cred that THOUSANDS of doctors world wide USING this drug daily on dozens of patient each have... Not ONE of docs in Fort Fun's link ever put a toe-tag on a COVID patient...
Thank you and he refused to answer if he would want a loved one to take it if they were in the hospital with this disease. Further showing how disingenuous he is.

I've tried that 4 times now on these "conscientious objectors"... NEVER got an answer from ANY them that did not involve Trump.. They either never replied or pretty much admitted it was "political"...

The conversation would go like this...

Hey Grammy don't take HCQuine if the doctor suggest it..

Why darling?

Because "FUCK Trump"....
So you think every single one is lying.
Not one of the options I listed was "lying". So i can say I don't think any of them are lying at all, and my response still stands, in its entirety. Goddamn, you're like a child. This is pointless.

If you won't put on your big boy pants for me, put them on for yourself and read this:

So aside from 100s of testimonials? Again if your loved one was very ill with the COVID-19 would you ask the MD to use it. Yes or no? I 100% would.

No, the indications are that hydroxychloroquine will make it easier for COVID-19 to start an infection if you do not already have one. In fact, hydroxychloroquine is only good if you already have pneumonia, and your immune system is attacking your lungs.
So only a doctor can tell if it will be helpful or harmful in each case.
Who said otherwise?
Again if your loved one was very ill with the COVID-19 would you ask the MD to use it. Yes or no? I 100% would.
Okay, but that's because you have been fooled into thinking there is good evidence for its effectiveness. No, I probably would not ask for it. The more actual evidence that comes out, the less likely it appears that it is effective.
Bunch of academics with SEVERE and debilitating TDS
This freakish comment shows who has the real mental illness, here. No serous person says this. Nobody who respects the scientific process says this. You're embarrassing yourself for Dear Leader.

Au contraire mon ami.... I've worked with a LOT of primadonnas in academics... And I'm not one COMPROMISING my scientific neutrality BY ADMITTING that my politics is in the way of my better scientific judgement.. The guys YOU LINKED have...
I've tried that 4 times now on these "conscientious objectors"
Objectors... to what? The only objection is that their is not good evidence that it will do more good than harm. Because there isn't. Look up U of M hospitals, see what has transpired there in their dabbling in it.
So you think every single one is lying.
Not one of the options I listed was "lying". So i can say I don't think any of them are lying at all, and my response still stands, in its entirety. Goddamn, you're like a child. This is pointless.

If you won't put on your big boy pants for me, put them on for yourself and read this:

So aside from 100s of testimonials? Again if your loved one was very ill with the COVID-19 would you ask the MD to use it. Yes or no? I 100% would.

No, the indications are that hydroxychloroquine will make it easier for COVID-19 to start an infection if you do not already have one. In fact, hydroxychloroquine is only good if you already have pneumonia, and your immune system is attacking your lungs.
So only a doctor can tell if it will be helpful or harmful in each case.
Ummm, no. Chloroquine inhibits the virus’ ability to replicate itself.
I've tried that 4 times now on these "conscientious objectors"
Objectors... to what? The only objection is that their is not good evidence that it will do more good than harm. Because there isn't. Look up U of M hospitals, see what has transpired there in their dabbling in it.
I just explained to you the good evidence. :lol:

I explained how it works.
Au contraire mon ami.... I've worked with a LOT of primadonnas in academics...
Yes and they just all happen to now stand opposed to your freakish Trump cult fetishes. or whatever the hell is worming into your brain on this topic.

If you claim there is good, scientific evidence choloroquine is effective, your'e wrong. it's that simple. Do you claim this? No,? then what the hell are you whining about?
I've tried that 4 times now on these "conscientious objectors"
Objectors... to what? The only objection is that their is not good evidence that it will do more good than harm. Because there isn't. Look up U of M hospitals, see what has transpired there in their dabbling in it.

Let's try this again.. If you have a loved one circling the drain and being offered a combination of HCQuine and another med --- Would you ADVISE THEM not to take it???
The scientific evidence is that zinc disrupts the rna replicase of the virus. But to do that zinc must get inside the cell. But since zinc is an ion, zinc can’t cross the lipid membrane of a cell by itself. That’s where hydroquinone comes in. It is an ionophore and serves as a Trojan horse so to speak that serves as a gateway into cells so that the zinc can then disrupt the rna replicase of the virus.

That is true, but allowing heavy metals like zinc into your cells can easily be fatal as well.
Only a physician should be considering extremes like that.

Signs of too much zinc include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and headaches. When people take too much zinc for a long time, they sometimes have problems such as low copper levels, lower immunity, and low levels of HDL cholesterol
Would you ADVISE THEM not to take it??
Yes, probably, because at that point, it might be what kills them. There is zero good evidence of its effectiveness. And what kind of a question is that anyway? I would ask the same, vapid question about faith healing, or about any other illness and fake miracle cure out there. The fact that you have to turn to such a desperate state of "no cost" shows how weak your arguments in support of the drug;s effectiveness actually are. "What if there was NO possible harm?? Then would ya do it??"

It's a terrible question.

Do you even understand the origin of this fad? In CHina?
I've tried that 4 times now on these "conscientious objectors"
Objectors... to what? The only objection is that their is not good evidence that it will do more good than harm. Because there isn't. Look up U of M hospitals, see what has transpired there in their dabbling in it.

Let's try this again.. If you have a loved one circling the drain and being offered a combination of HCQuine and another med --- Would you ADVISE THEM not to take it???

Sure, but Trump should not have implied it prevented getting COVID-19.
It does not do that.
Yes and they just all happen to now stand opposed to your freakish Trump cult fetishes. or whatever the hell is worming into your brain on this topic.

Can't even FATHOM any research scientist going public with an EXPRESSED POLITICAL HATRED clouding their objectivity.. I have no Trump fetish... I'm STAUNCHLY in favor of both existing political parties getting tarred/feather and boxcar-ed the HELL out of DC...

But here you are looking for the freakish scientists that want to toss their academic fat asses around to the public because "Fuck Trump"...

ALL Trump did here was try to offer hope and compassion to those suffering, scared or worried about older loved ones. And if it turns out -- this WAS one of better therapies, which I think IT MIGHT -- it's just gonna make your head explode -- isn't it???

I don't care if it only save 10,000 lives worldwide and the rest were coinkydinks.. It's NOT gonna hurt a lot of people that DONT have CHFailure or severe arrhythmia..
I've tried that 4 times now on these "conscientious objectors"
Objectors... to what? The only objection is that their is not good evidence that it will do more good than harm. Because there isn't. Look up U of M hospitals, see what has transpired there in their dabbling in it.

Let's try this again.. If you have a loved one circling the drain and being offered a combination of HCQuine and another med --- Would you ADVISE THEM not to take it???
He did not answer me. Let’s see if he answers you. Convenient that he dodges this question consistently.

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