Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

So aside from 100s of testimonials?
Right, those are not informative.
These "scientists" Cum "activists in labcoats -- lose 100% of their credibility RIGHT HERE in the link..
Please, you are a nonsecientist and the biggest louodmouth of them all. You have less cred. And certainly none of them have less than this Raoult quack.
So again are you going to answer me? Or keep dodging? You’re such a coward.

There are no testimonials, much less 100% of them.
There are people who survived and believe hydroxychloroquine was responsible, when it likely was not.
Hydroxychloroquine by itself is not showing much promise at all.
The only way it is showing promise is as a transport mechanism for other things like zinc or antibiotics, and only seems to help with extreme cases where the harm it can cause no longer matters.

Just ask yourself why should anything be released to the public, when it is only the doctors who understand what and when anything like this can be helpful?
You're wrong, douchebag. We have a recent study of 1061 patients. 91% of them showed significant improvement in less than 24 hours. I don't know why you keep peddling your theory because it's obviously wrong.

No, the improvement of any significance was only from when done in conjunction with antibiotics and zinc, and was only done on advance patients. If you were to include people who had no COVID-19 infection at all, you would see that hydroxychloroquine actually causes some people to catch COVID-19 more easily.
The ventilator stage only lasts for a few days, so then likely many people would naturally show significant improvement in less than 24 hours.
It is not my theory, but the facts as presented by the medical community.
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
So now you'll tell us what your sister's underlying medical conditions are. Right?

it wouldn't matter - but it sure seems some people are so desperate to get this thing over with - no matter the rush - so donny will not take any more heat for his total incompetent response we are now #1 in the world for infections & deaths.
And you are desperate to keep it going ??? I don't think that President Trump cares about what you think about him or about how this situation is being exploited by the left for political reason's, so don't be so vane as to think that he does.

lol... it should have never even gotten to this point if not for donny's incompetent handling & willful ignorance regarding this disease. oh & make no mistake - he cares all about ratings.
Spare us. No matter what Trump does, you will attack him for it. That's your election strategy.

spare US. no matter what yer chosen one does, you will praise him for it. that's YOUR election strategy.
Your modus operandi is known. No matter what Trump does, you will attack him. Everyone of your attacks is bogus. Why do you expect any Trump supporter to go along with them? They would have to be as sleazy of a douchebag as you to do that.

Since there is so much hysteria, hoarding, self medication, weirds beliefs, etc., it was dangerous for Trump to be so specific and emotional about hydroxychloroquine. He just should have encouraged with generic helpful things being worked on.
The hysteria is generated by douchebags like you. You can only get the drug by prescription, so self medication isn't an option. The only people "hoarding" it are politicians.

That is not at all true.
Almost all drugs used for humans are also sold for veterinary purposes, and no prescription is ever needed for that.
Anyone can always self medicate, and that always has dangers.

The veterinary sources are the same as the human sources, so hoarding will effect hospitals.
So aside from 100s of testimonials?
Right, those are not informative.
These "scientists" Cum "activists in labcoats -- lose 100% of their credibility RIGHT HERE in the link..
Please, you are a nonsecientist and the biggest louodmouth of them all. You have less cred. And certainly none of them have less than this Raoult quack.
So again are you going to answer me? Or keep dodging? You’re such a coward.

There are no testimonials, much less 100% of them.
There are people who survived and believe hydroxychloroquine was responsible, when it likely was not.
Hydroxychloroquine by itself is not showing much promise at all.
The only way it is showing promise is as a transport mechanism for other things like zinc or antibiotics, and only seems to help with extreme cases where the harm it can cause no longer matters.

Just ask yourself why should anything be released to the public, when it is only the doctors who understand what and when anything like this can be helpful?
You're wrong, douchebag. We have a recent study of 1061 patients. 91% of them showed significant improvement in less than 24 hours. I don't know why you keep peddling your theory because it's obviously wrong.

No, the improvement of any significance was only from when done in conjunction with antibiotics and zinc, and was only done on advance patients. If you were to include people who had no COVID-19 infection at all, you would see that hydroxychloroquine actually causes some people to catch COVID-19 more easily.
The ventilator stage only lasts for a few days, so then likely many people would naturally show significant improvement in less than 24 hours.
It is not my theory, but the facts as presented by the medical community.
What is your cred that you’re more proficient in this than Dr Stephen Smith and Dr Mehmet Oz?
So you think every single one is lying.
Not one of the options I listed was "lying". So i can say I don't think any of them are lying at all, and my response still stands, in its entirety. Goddamn, you're like a child. This is pointless.

If you won't put on your big boy pants for me, put them on for yourself and read this:

So aside from 100s of testimonials? Again if your loved one was very ill with the COVID-19 would you ask the MD to use it. Yes or no? I 100% would.

No, the indications are that hydroxychloroquine will make it easier for COVID-19 to start an infection if you do not already have one. In fact, hydroxychloroquine is only good if you already have pneumonia, and your immune system is attacking your lungs.
So only a doctor can tell if it will be helpful or harmful in each case.
Ummm, no. Chloroquine inhibits the virus’ ability to replicate itself.

No, that is not true. That is a guess based on using hydroxychloroquine as a transport mechanism to carry zine or other things into cells, to make them more akaline or otherwise less conducive to virus replication. Nothing totally stops virus replication, and anything interfering with virus replication also is harmful to the human cells as well.
Didn’t say it totally stops it. It disrupts and inhibits it.

The main thing that hydroxychloroquine does that is helpful, has nothing to do with the COVID-19 virus. After a person has pneumonia from COVID-19, then the immune systems starts to kill the perons by attacking the compromised lungs. So then hydroxychloroquine saves lives by suppressing the immune system. When it does this, it saves lives without any effect on the COVID-19 virus at all.
The secondary way hydroxychloroquine does slightly harm COVID-19 virus directly is to help transport drugs and zinc into individual cells, where virus reproduction can then be inhibited. But that is very risky, since anything that inhibits virus reproduction, will also be harming human cells to some degree.
Here's an interesting new development.

A small study in Brazil was halted early for safety reasons after coronavirus patients taking a higher dose of chloroquine developed irregular heart rates that increased their risk of a potentially fatal heart arrhythmia.​
Chloroquine is closely related to the more widely used drug hydroxychloroquine. US president Donald Trump has enthusiastically promoted them as a potential treatment for the novel coronavirus despite little evidence that they work, and despite concerns from some of his top health officials.​

we dont have the time for sluggish red tape !
And pouring time and resources into an ineffective treatment, instead of better placing those resources, would be a huge mistake.
nope, makes all the sense in the world. you're just wrong, as usual.

But doing the research to decide if, when, how, and why something might be effective is for experts.
No good at all is done by an emotional release to a hysterical public.
Already one person died because of this, overdosing on hydroxychloroquine.

Who died. Link it! And not that stupid fish tank guy

Much worse than just a fish tank, the guy took enough for a whole fish pond.
That is about a gazillion times more than a body could handle.
But the point is that hydroxychloroquine is readily available to anyone right now, so if you spread rumor of success, then people will self medicate, and many will then die.

As a side interest, Clinton blew up the largest hydroxychloroquine plant in the world.
In 1998, Bill Clinton ordered the bombing of a medicine factory in Sudan. The country has yet to recover.
efore fourteen cruise missiles turned it into a heap of twisted steel and medical detritus, the Al Shifa factory in Khartoum was the largest manufacturer of medicines in all of Sudan, producing over half of the country’s pharmaceutical products and specializing in anti-malaria drugs. But on August 20, 1998, the plant was “pulverized,” reduced to nothing but “broken concrete and iron bars,” leaving “thousands of brown bottles of veterinary and other medicines” littered across the sand. Fourteen years later, its wreckage remained, a shrine to an incident that locals still refer to as a terrorist attack.
so you think people are too stupid huh? just a typical leftist with their constant condescension. what a fking tool

Yes typical people are too stupid.
Because they do not understand the whole mechanisms, they are going to likely take hydroxychloroquine too soon, when it will actually make them sicker instead of healthier.
I think I am smart, but I still would not second guess my doctor, and would do just what he says to do.
So then why even mention hydroxychloroquine to the general public?
The general public has no need to know, because once you tell them, some are going to be harming themselves by self medicating, hoarding, etc.
You are long winded and all over the place. Be concise. Be relevant. Make your point. Hydrox works. Unless you have more impressive cred than Dr. Stephen Smith or Dr. Mehmet Oz.
he thinks he smarter than anyone. it's very obvious.

No, I think I am just smart enough to be able to read and understand what the real experts are telling us. Why believe Trump instead of all the real experts? They are out there telling us the details Trump left out, if you want to bother reading them.
I am not saying Trump was totally wrong.
The is a good point in saying something encouraging, as I think this will be reducing soon, and we do not want total economic chaos.
But Trump should not have been so specific.
He should have been more vague, so that people did not try to self medicate or hoard.
So aside from 100s of testimonials?
Right, those are not informative.
These "scientists" Cum "activists in labcoats -- lose 100% of their credibility RIGHT HERE in the link..
Please, you are a nonsecientist and the biggest louodmouth of them all. You have less cred. And certainly none of them have less than this Raoult quack.
So again are you going to answer me? Or keep dodging? You’re such a coward.

There are no testimonials, much less 100% of them.
There are people who survived and believe hydroxychloroquine was responsible, when it likely was not.
Hydroxychloroquine by itself is not showing much promise at all.
The only way it is showing promise is as a transport mechanism for other things like zinc or antibiotics, and only seems to help with extreme cases where the harm it can cause no longer matters.

Just ask yourself why should anything be released to the public, when it is only the doctors who understand what and when anything like this can be helpful?
You're wrong, douchebag. We have a recent study of 1061 patients. 91% of them showed significant improvement in less than 24 hours. I don't know why you keep peddling your theory because it's obviously wrong.

No, the improvement of any significance was only from when done in conjunction with antibiotics and zinc, and was only done on advance patients. If you were to include people who had no COVID-19 infection at all, you would see that hydroxychloroquine actually causes some people to catch COVID-19 more easily.
The ventilator stage only lasts for a few days, so then likely many people would naturally show significant improvement in less than 24 hours.
It is not my theory, but the facts as presented by the medical community.
What is your cred that you’re more proficient in this than Dr Stephen Smith and Dr Mehmet Oz?

My friend, you should know by now that Dr Oz is a QUACK.
we dont have the time for sluggish red tape !
And pouring time and resources into an ineffective treatment, instead of better placing those resources, would be a huge mistake.
nope, makes all the sense in the world. you're just wrong, as usual.

But doing the research to decide if, when, how, and why something might be effective is for experts.
No good at all is done by an emotional release to a hysterical public.
Already one person died because of this, overdosing on hydroxychloroquine.

Who died. Link it! And not that stupid fish tank guy

Much worse than just a fish tank, the guy took enough for a whole fish pond.
That is about a gazillion times more than a body could handle.
But the point is that hydroxychloroquine is readily available to anyone right now, so if you spread rumor of success, then people will self medicate, and many will then die.

As a side interest, Clinton blew up the largest hydroxychloroquine plant in the world.
In 1998, Bill Clinton ordered the bombing of a medicine factory in Sudan. The country has yet to recover.
efore fourteen cruise missiles turned it into a heap of twisted steel and medical detritus, the Al Shifa factory in Khartoum was the largest manufacturer of medicines in all of Sudan, producing over half of the country’s pharmaceutical products and specializing in anti-malaria drugs. But on August 20, 1998, the plant was “pulverized,” reduced to nothing but “broken concrete and iron bars,” leaving “thousands of brown bottles of veterinary and other medicines” littered across the sand. Fourteen years later, its wreckage remained, a shrine to an incident that locals still refer to as a terrorist attack.
so you think people are too stupid huh? just a typical leftist with their constant condescension. what a fking tool

Yes typical people are too stupid.
Because they do not understand the whole mechanisms, they are going to likely take hydroxychloroquine too soon, when it will actually make them sicker instead of healthier.
I think I am smart, but I still would not second guess my doctor, and would do just what he says to do.
So then why even mention hydroxychloroquine to the general public?
The general public has no need to know, because once you tell them, some are going to be harming themselves by self medicating, hoarding, etc.
You are long winded and all over the place. Be concise. Be relevant. Make your point. Hydrox works. Unless you have more impressive cred than Dr. Stephen Smith or Dr. Mehmet Oz.
he thinks he smarter than anyone. it's very obvious.

No, I think I am just smart enough to be able to read and understand what the real experts are telling us. Why believe Trump instead of all the real experts? They are out there telling us the details Trump left out, if you want to bother reading them.
I am not saying Trump was totally wrong.
The is a good point in saying something encouraging, as I think this will be reducing soon, and we do not want total economic chaos.
But Trump should not have been so specific.
He should have been more vague, so that people did not try to self medicate or hoard.
So you do not have their educational cred or experience cred. Please stop acting like you do. I believe them over you. They are the real experts, regardless of who is in the WH.
So aside from 100s of testimonials?
Right, those are not informative.
These "scientists" Cum "activists in labcoats -- lose 100% of their credibility RIGHT HERE in the link..
Please, you are a nonsecientist and the biggest louodmouth of them all. You have less cred. And certainly none of them have less than this Raoult quack.
So again are you going to answer me? Or keep dodging? You’re such a coward.

There are no testimonials, much less 100% of them.
There are people who survived and believe hydroxychloroquine was responsible, when it likely was not.
Hydroxychloroquine by itself is not showing much promise at all.
The only way it is showing promise is as a transport mechanism for other things like zinc or antibiotics, and only seems to help with extreme cases where the harm it can cause no longer matters.

Just ask yourself why should anything be released to the public, when it is only the doctors who understand what and when anything like this can be helpful?
You're wrong, douchebag. We have a recent study of 1061 patients. 91% of them showed significant improvement in less than 24 hours. I don't know why you keep peddling your theory because it's obviously wrong.

No, the improvement of any significance was only from when done in conjunction with antibiotics and zinc, and was only done on advance patients. If you were to include people who had no COVID-19 infection at all, you would see that hydroxychloroquine actually causes some people to catch COVID-19 more easily.
The ventilator stage only lasts for a few days, so then likely many people would naturally show significant improvement in less than 24 hours.
It is not my theory, but the facts as presented by the medical community.
What is your cred that you’re more proficient in this than Dr Stephen Smith and Dr Mehmet Oz?

Oh come on, Dr Oz has been completely debunked. He is smart, but often promotes based on profits instead of science. The AMA was considering legal action for some of the goofs he put out.

And Dr. Smith said it himself, that he conducted absolutely no actually tests. So he does not know anything at all about what works and what does not. When someone does a control group, then we will know. And China, France, and Italy have done some small control group testing that seems to show hydroxychloroquine by itself is likely insignificant.
So aside from 100s of testimonials?
Right, those are not informative.
These "scientists" Cum "activists in labcoats -- lose 100% of their credibility RIGHT HERE in the link..
Please, you are a nonsecientist and the biggest louodmouth of them all. You have less cred. And certainly none of them have less than this Raoult quack.
So again are you going to answer me? Or keep dodging? You’re such a coward.

There are no testimonials, much less 100% of them.
There are people who survived and believe hydroxychloroquine was responsible, when it likely was not.
Hydroxychloroquine by itself is not showing much promise at all.
The only way it is showing promise is as a transport mechanism for other things like zinc or antibiotics, and only seems to help with extreme cases where the harm it can cause no longer matters.

Just ask yourself why should anything be released to the public, when it is only the doctors who understand what and when anything like this can be helpful?
You're wrong, douchebag. We have a recent study of 1061 patients. 91% of them showed significant improvement in less than 24 hours. I don't know why you keep peddling your theory because it's obviously wrong.

No, the improvement of any significance was only from when done in conjunction with antibiotics and zinc, and was only done on advance patients. If you were to include people who had no COVID-19 infection at all, you would see that hydroxychloroquine actually causes some people to catch COVID-19 more easily.
The ventilator stage only lasts for a few days, so then likely many people would naturally show significant improvement in less than 24 hours.
It is not my theory, but the facts as presented by the medical community.
What is your cred that you’re more proficient in this than Dr Stephen Smith and Dr Mehmet Oz?

Oh come on, Dr Oz has been completely debunked. He is smart, but often promotes based on profits instead of science. The AMA was considering legal action for some of the goofs he put out.

And Dr. Smith said it himself, that he conducted absolutely no actually tests. So he does not know anything at all about what works and what does not. When someone does a control group, then we will know. And China, France, and Italy have done some small control group testing that seems to show hydroxychloroquine by itself is likely insignificant.
He only saved over 100 persons. Again their cred is far superior to your cred. Sorry.
we dont have the time for sluggish red tape !
And pouring time and resources into an ineffective treatment, instead of better placing those resources, would be a huge mistake.
nope, makes all the sense in the world. you're just wrong, as usual.

But doing the research to decide if, when, how, and why something might be effective is for experts.
No good at all is done by an emotional release to a hysterical public.
Already one person died because of this, overdosing on hydroxychloroquine.

Who died. Link it! And not that stupid fish tank guy

Much worse than just a fish tank, the guy took enough for a whole fish pond.
That is about a gazillion times more than a body could handle.
But the point is that hydroxychloroquine is readily available to anyone right now, so if you spread rumor of success, then people will self medicate, and many will then die.

As a side interest, Clinton blew up the largest hydroxychloroquine plant in the world.
In 1998, Bill Clinton ordered the bombing of a medicine factory in Sudan. The country has yet to recover.
efore fourteen cruise missiles turned it into a heap of twisted steel and medical detritus, the Al Shifa factory in Khartoum was the largest manufacturer of medicines in all of Sudan, producing over half of the country’s pharmaceutical products and specializing in anti-malaria drugs. But on August 20, 1998, the plant was “pulverized,” reduced to nothing but “broken concrete and iron bars,” leaving “thousands of brown bottles of veterinary and other medicines” littered across the sand. Fourteen years later, its wreckage remained, a shrine to an incident that locals still refer to as a terrorist attack.
so you think people are too stupid huh? just a typical leftist with their constant condescension. what a fking tool

Yes typical people are too stupid.
Because they do not understand the whole mechanisms, they are going to likely take hydroxychloroquine too soon, when it will actually make them sicker instead of healthier.
I think I am smart, but I still would not second guess my doctor, and would do just what he says to do.
So then why even mention hydroxychloroquine to the general public?
The general public has no need to know, because once you tell them, some are going to be harming themselves by self medicating, hoarding, etc.
You are long winded and all over the place. Be concise. Be relevant. Make your point. Hydrox works. Unless you have more impressive cred than Dr. Stephen Smith or Dr. Mehmet Oz.
he thinks he smarter than anyone. it's very obvious.

No, I think I am just smart enough to be able to read and understand what the real experts are telling us. Why believe Trump instead of all the real experts? They are out there telling us the details Trump left out, if you want to bother reading them.
I am not saying Trump was totally wrong.
The is a good point in saying something encouraging, as I think this will be reducing soon, and we do not want total economic chaos.
But Trump should not have been so specific.
He should have been more vague, so that people did not try to self medicate or hoard.
So you do not have their educational cred or experience cred. Please stop acting like you do. I believe them over you. They are the real experts, regardless of who is in the WH.

I do not have to have the education, credentials, experience, etc., as long as I can tell who does have them.
And all the people who to have them are saying hydroxychloroquine by itself has too many downsides, and by itself, very little upside. They say it can be useful, but only at certain conditions, and only with other drugs.

Why would anyone want to encourage people to self mediate with hydroxychloroquine or hoard hydroxychloroquine?
That can only be bad.
Just let the experts who do know, decide when and how.
we dont have the time for sluggish red tape !
And pouring time and resources into an ineffective treatment, instead of better placing those resources, would be a huge mistake.
nope, makes all the sense in the world. you're just wrong, as usual.

But doing the research to decide if, when, how, and why something might be effective is for experts.
No good at all is done by an emotional release to a hysterical public.
Already one person died because of this, overdosing on hydroxychloroquine.

Who died. Link it! And not that stupid fish tank guy

Much worse than just a fish tank, the guy took enough for a whole fish pond.
That is about a gazillion times more than a body could handle.
But the point is that hydroxychloroquine is readily available to anyone right now, so if you spread rumor of success, then people will self medicate, and many will then die.

As a side interest, Clinton blew up the largest hydroxychloroquine plant in the world.
In 1998, Bill Clinton ordered the bombing of a medicine factory in Sudan. The country has yet to recover.
efore fourteen cruise missiles turned it into a heap of twisted steel and medical detritus, the Al Shifa factory in Khartoum was the largest manufacturer of medicines in all of Sudan, producing over half of the country’s pharmaceutical products and specializing in anti-malaria drugs. But on August 20, 1998, the plant was “pulverized,” reduced to nothing but “broken concrete and iron bars,” leaving “thousands of brown bottles of veterinary and other medicines” littered across the sand. Fourteen years later, its wreckage remained, a shrine to an incident that locals still refer to as a terrorist attack.
so you think people are too stupid huh? just a typical leftist with their constant condescension. what a fking tool

Yes typical people are too stupid.
Because they do not understand the whole mechanisms, they are going to likely take hydroxychloroquine too soon, when it will actually make them sicker instead of healthier.
I think I am smart, but I still would not second guess my doctor, and would do just what he says to do.
So then why even mention hydroxychloroquine to the general public?
The general public has no need to know, because once you tell them, some are going to be harming themselves by self medicating, hoarding, etc.
You are long winded and all over the place. Be concise. Be relevant. Make your point. Hydrox works. Unless you have more impressive cred than Dr. Stephen Smith or Dr. Mehmet Oz.
he thinks he smarter than anyone. it's very obvious.

No, I think I am just smart enough to be able to read and understand what the real experts are telling us. Why believe Trump instead of all the real experts? They are out there telling us the details Trump left out, if you want to bother reading them.
I am not saying Trump was totally wrong.
The is a good point in saying something encouraging, as I think this will be reducing soon, and we do not want total economic chaos.
But Trump should not have been so specific.
He should have been more vague, so that people did not try to self medicate or hoard.
who are the real experts exactly, the people you decide? hahaahhahahahahaha too fking funny. dude you're hilarious. do us all a favor and find another sand box.
So aside from 100s of testimonials?
Right, those are not informative.
These "scientists" Cum "activists in labcoats -- lose 100% of their credibility RIGHT HERE in the link..
Please, you are a nonsecientist and the biggest louodmouth of them all. You have less cred. And certainly none of them have less than this Raoult quack.
So again are you going to answer me? Or keep dodging? You’re such a coward.

There are no testimonials, much less 100% of them.
There are people who survived and believe hydroxychloroquine was responsible, when it likely was not.
Hydroxychloroquine by itself is not showing much promise at all.
The only way it is showing promise is as a transport mechanism for other things like zinc or antibiotics, and only seems to help with extreme cases where the harm it can cause no longer matters.

Just ask yourself why should anything be released to the public, when it is only the doctors who understand what and when anything like this can be helpful?
You're wrong, douchebag. We have a recent study of 1061 patients. 91% of them showed significant improvement in less than 24 hours. I don't know why you keep peddling your theory because it's obviously wrong.

No, the improvement of any significance was only from when done in conjunction with antibiotics and zinc, and was only done on advance patients. If you were to include people who had no COVID-19 infection at all, you would see that hydroxychloroquine actually causes some people to catch COVID-19 more easily.
The ventilator stage only lasts for a few days, so then likely many people would naturally show significant improvement in less than 24 hours.
It is not my theory, but the facts as presented by the medical community.
What is your cred that you’re more proficient in this than Dr Stephen Smith and Dr Mehmet Oz?

Oh come on, Dr Oz has been completely debunked. He is smart, but often promotes based on profits instead of science. The AMA was considering legal action for some of the goofs he put out.

And Dr. Smith said it himself, that he conducted absolutely no actually tests. So he does not know anything at all about what works and what does not. When someone does a control group, then we will know. And China, France, and Italy have done some small control group testing that seems to show hydroxychloroquine by itself is likely insignificant.
He only saved over 100 persons. Again their cred is far superior to your cred. Sorry.

The normal death rate is only 1.8%, so of the 72 in Smith's group, it was not likely anyone would have died no matter what he did.

You need much larger groups and control groups in order to be able to tell anything statistically.
So aside from 100s of testimonials?
Right, those are not informative.
These "scientists" Cum "activists in labcoats -- lose 100% of their credibility RIGHT HERE in the link..
Please, you are a nonsecientist and the biggest louodmouth of them all. You have less cred. And certainly none of them have less than this Raoult quack.
So again are you going to answer me? Or keep dodging? You’re such a coward.

There are no testimonials, much less 100% of them.
There are people who survived and believe hydroxychloroquine was responsible, when it likely was not.
Hydroxychloroquine by itself is not showing much promise at all.
The only way it is showing promise is as a transport mechanism for other things like zinc or antibiotics, and only seems to help with extreme cases where the harm it can cause no longer matters.

Just ask yourself why should anything be released to the public, when it is only the doctors who understand what and when anything like this can be helpful?

I disagree. It is likely that it WAS. So you're smarter than Dr. Stephen Smith who has treated over 100 with this medicine successfully and it has been released to the public. Millions of doses world wide. You are a consistent negative Nelly and a contrarian. Stop telling me my opinion is wrong. Opinions cannot be wrong.

No, Dr. Smith ran no tests at all.
Here is what he did:
Smith, who is treating 72 COVID-19 patients, said that he has been treating "everybody with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin [an antibiotic]. We’ve been doing so for a while.”
Notice first of all he treated "everybody" the same.
That means he had no control group.
He then has no idea if anyone in such a small group would have died at all.
Remember it only has a 1.8% death rate, so one would not expect anyone to die in a group of only 72.
In order to tell what effect any particular drug has, you have to divide into 2 groups, one with and one without, and then compare. He did not do that. So has nothing to base anything on.

Second is that he is only treating people who are already in advances cases and have pneumonia, and it is then not at all surprising that giving antibiotics helps. Of course we should expect antibiotics to help with those who have advanced pneumonia. But that does not allow us to tell if hydroxychloroquine alone helps or not?

Of course opinions can be wrong when they are not based on fact, but instead on emotional reaction. Opinions based on emotions can be wrong but still useful before you have any facts. But once you have the facts, then you are supposed to re-evaluate your opinion to base it on fact instead of emotions.

And it is easy to show why it is wrong to be overly enthusiastic about hydroxychloroquine at this point. One is that already such over confidence has killed one person who over dosed on hydroxychloroquine. Second is that this over confidence is going to cause hoading of hydroxychloroquine, which will harm medical facilities that can actually use it. Third is that since it lowers the immune response of the person, it likely will increase spread if lots of uninfected people start taking it.
Why would he need a control group when it worked on 99% of his patients? He is not running an experiment, he is saving lives. Control group means you let people die.

I already explained that.
The COVID-19 only has a mortality rate of 1.8%.
So working on 99% of his patients is pretty much identical to what you would expect if you gave them just a placebo instead.
It is true that with a control group, you are not doing everything for that small test group you use as a control, but then without a control group, you have no idea if anything you did had any effect at all. The total infection period is only about 2 weeks, and the sever risk period is only about 3 days, so these patients could all just have gotten over it on their own. He and we have no way of knowing.
You just proved what a dumbass you are. Even if the mortality rate is 1.8% (extreme exagerated), the mortality rate with medication will be fare lower because a large percentage of the people who would have died will no longer die. You have to be a real dumbass not to understand that.
So aside from 100s of testimonials?
Right, those are not informative.
These "scientists" Cum "activists in labcoats -- lose 100% of their credibility RIGHT HERE in the link..
Please, you are a nonsecientist and the biggest louodmouth of them all. You have less cred. And certainly none of them have less than this Raoult quack.
So again are you going to answer me? Or keep dodging? You’re such a coward.

There are no testimonials, much less 100% of them.
There are people who survived and believe hydroxychloroquine was responsible, when it likely was not.
Hydroxychloroquine by itself is not showing much promise at all.
The only way it is showing promise is as a transport mechanism for other things like zinc or antibiotics, and only seems to help with extreme cases where the harm it can cause no longer matters.

Just ask yourself why should anything be released to the public, when it is only the doctors who understand what and when anything like this can be helpful?

I disagree. It is likely that it WAS. So you're smarter than Dr. Stephen Smith who has treated over 100 with this medicine successfully and it has been released to the public. Millions of doses world wide. You are a consistent negative Nelly and a contrarian. Stop telling me my opinion is wrong. Opinions cannot be wrong.

No, Dr. Smith ran no tests at all.
Here is what he did:
Smith, who is treating 72 COVID-19 patients, said that he has been treating "everybody with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin [an antibiotic]. We’ve been doing so for a while.”
Notice first of all he treated "everybody" the same.
That means he had no control group.
He then has no idea if anyone in such a small group would have died at all.
Remember it only has a 1.8% death rate, so one would not expect anyone to die in a group of only 72.
In order to tell what effect any particular drug has, you have to divide into 2 groups, one with and one without, and then compare. He did not do that. So has nothing to base anything on.

Second is that he is only treating people who are already in advances cases and have pneumonia, and it is then not at all surprising that giving antibiotics helps. Of course we should expect antibiotics to help with those who have advanced pneumonia. But that does not allow us to tell if hydroxychloroquine alone helps or not?

Of course opinions can be wrong when they are not based on fact, but instead on emotional reaction. Opinions based on emotions can be wrong but still useful before you have any facts. But once you have the facts, then you are supposed to re-evaluate your opinion to base it on fact instead of emotions.

And it is easy to show why it is wrong to be overly enthusiastic about hydroxychloroquine at this point. One is that already such over confidence has killed one person who over dosed on hydroxychloroquine. Second is that this over confidence is going to cause hoading of hydroxychloroquine, which will harm medical facilities that can actually use it. Third is that since it lowers the immune response of the person, it likely will increase spread if lots of uninfected people start taking it.
Why would he need a control group when it worked on 99% of his patients? He is not running an experiment, he is saving lives. Control group means you let people die.

I already explained that.
The COVID-19 only has a mortality rate of 1.8%.
So working on 99% of his patients is pretty much identical to what you would expect if you gave them just a placebo instead.
It is true that with a control group, you are not doing everything for that small test group you use as a control, but then without a control group, you have no idea if anything you did had any effect at all. The total infection period is only about 2 weeks, and the sever risk period is only about 3 days, so these patients could all just have gotten over it on their own. He and we have no way of knowing.
You just proved what a dumbass you are. Even if the mortality rate is 1.8% (extreme exagerated), the mortality rate with medication will be fare lower because a large percentage of the people who would have died will no longer die. You have to be a real dumbass not to understand that.
Duh....he is a real dumbass. Arguing against real doctors when he is a librarian.
we dont have the time for sluggish red tape !
And pouring time and resources into an ineffective treatment, instead of better placing those resources, would be a huge mistake.
nope, makes all the sense in the world. you're just wrong, as usual.

But doing the research to decide if, when, how, and why something might be effective is for experts.
No good at all is done by an emotional release to a hysterical public.
Already one person died because of this, overdosing on hydroxychloroquine.

Who died. Link it! And not that stupid fish tank guy

Much worse than just a fish tank, the guy took enough for a whole fish pond.
That is about a gazillion times more than a body could handle.
But the point is that hydroxychloroquine is readily available to anyone right now, so if you spread rumor of success, then people will self medicate, and many will then die.

As a side interest, Clinton blew up the largest hydroxychloroquine plant in the world.
In 1998, Bill Clinton ordered the bombing of a medicine factory in Sudan. The country has yet to recover.
efore fourteen cruise missiles turned it into a heap of twisted steel and medical detritus, the Al Shifa factory in Khartoum was the largest manufacturer of medicines in all of Sudan, producing over half of the country’s pharmaceutical products and specializing in anti-malaria drugs. But on August 20, 1998, the plant was “pulverized,” reduced to nothing but “broken concrete and iron bars,” leaving “thousands of brown bottles of veterinary and other medicines” littered across the sand. Fourteen years later, its wreckage remained, a shrine to an incident that locals still refer to as a terrorist attack.
so you think people are too stupid huh? just a typical leftist with their constant condescension. what a fking tool

Yes typical people are too stupid.
Because they do not understand the whole mechanisms, they are going to likely take hydroxychloroquine too soon, when it will actually make them sicker instead of healthier.
I think I am smart, but I still would not second guess my doctor, and would do just what he says to do.
So then why even mention hydroxychloroquine to the general public?
The general public has no need to know, because once you tell them, some are going to be harming themselves by self medicating, hoarding, etc.
You are long winded and all over the place. Be concise. Be relevant. Make your point. Hydrox works. Unless you have more impressive cred than Dr. Stephen Smith or Dr. Mehmet Oz.
he thinks he smarter than anyone. it's very obvious.

No, I think I am just smart enough to be able to read and understand what the real experts are telling us. Why believe Trump instead of all the real experts? They are out there telling us the details Trump left out, if you want to bother reading them.
I am not saying Trump was totally wrong.
The is a good point in saying something encouraging, as I think this will be reducing soon, and we do not want total economic chaos.
But Trump should not have been so specific.
He should have been more vague, so that people did not try to self medicate or hoard.
who are the real experts exactly, the people you decide? hahaahhahahahahaha too fking funny. dude you're hilarious. do us all a favor and find another sand box.

It is easy to tell who are the real experts.
Those are the people who can explain how and why something works.
For example, with malaria, lupus, and arthritis, clearly it is the immune system out of control that is causing the problem. Malaria kills from a high fever, and it is the immune system that causes the high fever. So then clearly the main advantage of hydroxychloroquine is to reduce the immune response, when the immune response is worse than what else you have.
So then when an expert explains this and tells you that you do not want to suppress the immune response in someone who has no COVID-19 infection yet, that makes a lot of sense.
It does not require for me to be an expert to understand who this works then, once an expert explains the logical details.
So read the experts, and you will then see that hydroxychloroquine by itself is not very helpful, and people should not try to self medicate.
So aside from 100s of testimonials?
Right, those are not informative.
These "scientists" Cum "activists in labcoats -- lose 100% of their credibility RIGHT HERE in the link..
Please, you are a nonsecientist and the biggest louodmouth of them all. You have less cred. And certainly none of them have less than this Raoult quack.
So again are you going to answer me? Or keep dodging? You’re such a coward.

There are no testimonials, much less 100% of them.
There are people who survived and believe hydroxychloroquine was responsible, when it likely was not.
Hydroxychloroquine by itself is not showing much promise at all.
The only way it is showing promise is as a transport mechanism for other things like zinc or antibiotics, and only seems to help with extreme cases where the harm it can cause no longer matters.

Just ask yourself why should anything be released to the public, when it is only the doctors who understand what and when anything like this can be helpful?

I disagree. It is likely that it WAS. So you're smarter than Dr. Stephen Smith who has treated over 100 with this medicine successfully and it has been released to the public. Millions of doses world wide. You are a consistent negative Nelly and a contrarian. Stop telling me my opinion is wrong. Opinions cannot be wrong.

No, Dr. Smith ran no tests at all.
Here is what he did:
Smith, who is treating 72 COVID-19 patients, said that he has been treating "everybody with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin [an antibiotic]. We’ve been doing so for a while.”
Notice first of all he treated "everybody" the same.
That means he had no control group.
He then has no idea if anyone in such a small group would have died at all.
Remember it only has a 1.8% death rate, so one would not expect anyone to die in a group of only 72.
In order to tell what effect any particular drug has, you have to divide into 2 groups, one with and one without, and then compare. He did not do that. So has nothing to base anything on.

Second is that he is only treating people who are already in advances cases and have pneumonia, and it is then not at all surprising that giving antibiotics helps. Of course we should expect antibiotics to help with those who have advanced pneumonia. But that does not allow us to tell if hydroxychloroquine alone helps or not?

Of course opinions can be wrong when they are not based on fact, but instead on emotional reaction. Opinions based on emotions can be wrong but still useful before you have any facts. But once you have the facts, then you are supposed to re-evaluate your opinion to base it on fact instead of emotions.

And it is easy to show why it is wrong to be overly enthusiastic about hydroxychloroquine at this point. One is that already such over confidence has killed one person who over dosed on hydroxychloroquine. Second is that this over confidence is going to cause hoading of hydroxychloroquine, which will harm medical facilities that can actually use it. Third is that since it lowers the immune response of the person, it likely will increase spread if lots of uninfected people start taking it.
Why would he need a control group when it worked on 99% of his patients? He is not running an experiment, he is saving lives. Control group means you let people die.

I already explained that.
The COVID-19 only has a mortality rate of 1.8%.
So working on 99% of his patients is pretty much identical to what you would expect if you gave them just a placebo instead.
It is true that with a control group, you are not doing everything for that small test group you use as a control, but then without a control group, you have no idea if anything you did had any effect at all. The total infection period is only about 2 weeks, and the sever risk period is only about 3 days, so these patients could all just have gotten over it on their own. He and we have no way of knowing.
You just proved what a dumbass you are. Even if the mortality rate is 1.8% (extreme exagerated), the mortality rate with medication will be fare lower because a large percentage of the people who would have died will no longer die. You have to be a real dumbass not to understand that.
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
So now you'll tell us what your sister's underlying medical conditions are. Right?

it wouldn't matter - but it sure seems some people are so desperate to get this thing over with - no matter the rush - so donny will not take any more heat for his total incompetent response we are now #1 in the world for infections & deaths.
And you are desperate to keep it going ??? I don't think that President Trump cares about what you think about him or about how this situation is being exploited by the left for political reason's, so don't be so vane as to think that he does.

lol... it should have never even gotten to this point if not for donny's incompetent handling & willful ignorance regarding this disease. oh & make no mistake - he cares all about ratings.
Spare us. No matter what Trump does, you will attack him for it. That's your election strategy.

spare US. no matter what yer chosen one does, you will praise him for it. that's YOUR election strategy.
Your modus operandi is known. No matter what Trump does, you will attack him. Everyone of your attacks is bogus. Why do you expect any Trump supporter to go along with them? They would have to be as sleazy of a douchebag as you to do that.

Since there is so much hysteria, hoarding, self medication, weirds beliefs, etc., it was dangerous for Trump to be so specific and emotional about hydroxychloroquine. He just should have encouraged with generic helpful things being worked on.
The hysteria is generated by douchebags like you. You can only get the drug by prescription, so self medication isn't an option. The only people "hoarding" it are politicians.

That is not at all true.
Almost all drugs used for humans are also sold for veterinary purposes, and no prescription is ever needed for that.
Anyone can always self medicate, and that always has dangers.

The veterinary sources are the same as the human sources, so hoarding will effect hospitals.
Which animals get Malaria or Lupus?
So aside from 100s of testimonials?
Right, those are not informative.
These "scientists" Cum "activists in labcoats -- lose 100% of their credibility RIGHT HERE in the link..
Please, you are a nonsecientist and the biggest louodmouth of them all. You have less cred. And certainly none of them have less than this Raoult quack.
So again are you going to answer me? Or keep dodging? You’re such a coward.

There are no testimonials, much less 100% of them.
There are people who survived and believe hydroxychloroquine was responsible, when it likely was not.
Hydroxychloroquine by itself is not showing much promise at all.
The only way it is showing promise is as a transport mechanism for other things like zinc or antibiotics, and only seems to help with extreme cases where the harm it can cause no longer matters.

Just ask yourself why should anything be released to the public, when it is only the doctors who understand what and when anything like this can be helpful?

I disagree. It is likely that it WAS. So you're smarter than Dr. Stephen Smith who has treated over 100 with this medicine successfully and it has been released to the public. Millions of doses world wide. You are a consistent negative Nelly and a contrarian. Stop telling me my opinion is wrong. Opinions cannot be wrong.

No, Dr. Smith ran no tests at all.
Here is what he did:
Smith, who is treating 72 COVID-19 patients, said that he has been treating "everybody with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin [an antibiotic]. We’ve been doing so for a while.”
Notice first of all he treated "everybody" the same.
That means he had no control group.
He then has no idea if anyone in such a small group would have died at all.
Remember it only has a 1.8% death rate, so one would not expect anyone to die in a group of only 72.
In order to tell what effect any particular drug has, you have to divide into 2 groups, one with and one without, and then compare. He did not do that. So has nothing to base anything on.

Second is that he is only treating people who are already in advances cases and have pneumonia, and it is then not at all surprising that giving antibiotics helps. Of course we should expect antibiotics to help with those who have advanced pneumonia. But that does not allow us to tell if hydroxychloroquine alone helps or not?

Of course opinions can be wrong when they are not based on fact, but instead on emotional reaction. Opinions based on emotions can be wrong but still useful before you have any facts. But once you have the facts, then you are supposed to re-evaluate your opinion to base it on fact instead of emotions.

And it is easy to show why it is wrong to be overly enthusiastic about hydroxychloroquine at this point. One is that already such over confidence has killed one person who over dosed on hydroxychloroquine. Second is that this over confidence is going to cause hoading of hydroxychloroquine, which will harm medical facilities that can actually use it. Third is that since it lowers the immune response of the person, it likely will increase spread if lots of uninfected people start taking it.
Why would he need a control group when it worked on 99% of his patients? He is not running an experiment, he is saving lives. Control group means you let people die.

I already explained that.
The COVID-19 only has a mortality rate of 1.8%.
So working on 99% of his patients is pretty much identical to what you would expect if you gave them just a placebo instead.
It is true that with a control group, you are not doing everything for that small test group you use as a control, but then without a control group, you have no idea if anything you did had any effect at all. The total infection period is only about 2 weeks, and the sever risk period is only about 3 days, so these patients could all just have gotten over it on their own. He and we have no way of knowing.
You just proved what a dumbass you are. Even if the mortality rate is 1.8% (extreme exagerated), the mortality rate with medication will be fare lower because a large percentage of the people who would have died will no longer die. You have to be a real dumbass not to understand that.
Duh....he is a real dumbass. Arguing against real doctors when he is a librarian.
no way he's a librarian, Marian is mad at you.
we dont have the time for sluggish red tape !
And pouring time and resources into an ineffective treatment, instead of better placing those resources, would be a huge mistake.
nope, makes all the sense in the world. you're just wrong, as usual.

But doing the research to decide if, when, how, and why something might be effective is for experts.
No good at all is done by an emotional release to a hysterical public.
Already one person died because of this, overdosing on hydroxychloroquine.

Who died. Link it! And not that stupid fish tank guy

Much worse than just a fish tank, the guy took enough for a whole fish pond.
That is about a gazillion times more than a body could handle.
But the point is that hydroxychloroquine is readily available to anyone right now, so if you spread rumor of success, then people will self medicate, and many will then die.

As a side interest, Clinton blew up the largest hydroxychloroquine plant in the world.
In 1998, Bill Clinton ordered the bombing of a medicine factory in Sudan. The country has yet to recover.
efore fourteen cruise missiles turned it into a heap of twisted steel and medical detritus, the Al Shifa factory in Khartoum was the largest manufacturer of medicines in all of Sudan, producing over half of the country’s pharmaceutical products and specializing in anti-malaria drugs. But on August 20, 1998, the plant was “pulverized,” reduced to nothing but “broken concrete and iron bars,” leaving “thousands of brown bottles of veterinary and other medicines” littered across the sand. Fourteen years later, its wreckage remained, a shrine to an incident that locals still refer to as a terrorist attack.
so you think people are too stupid huh? just a typical leftist with their constant condescension. what a fking tool

Yes typical people are too stupid.
Because they do not understand the whole mechanisms, they are going to likely take hydroxychloroquine too soon, when it will actually make them sicker instead of healthier.
I think I am smart, but I still would not second guess my doctor, and would do just what he says to do.
So then why even mention hydroxychloroquine to the general public?
The general public has no need to know, because once you tell them, some are going to be harming themselves by self medicating, hoarding, etc.
You are long winded and all over the place. Be concise. Be relevant. Make your point. Hydrox works. Unless you have more impressive cred than Dr. Stephen Smith or Dr. Mehmet Oz.
he thinks he smarter than anyone. it's very obvious.

No, I think I am just smart enough to be able to read and understand what the real experts are telling us. Why believe Trump instead of all the real experts? They are out there telling us the details Trump left out, if you want to bother reading them.
I am not saying Trump was totally wrong.
The is a good point in saying something encouraging, as I think this will be reducing soon, and we do not want total economic chaos.
But Trump should not have been so specific.
He should have been more vague, so that people did not try to self medicate or hoard.
who are the real experts exactly, the people you decide? hahaahhahahahahaha too fking funny. dude you're hilarious. do us all a favor and find another sand box.

It is easy to tell who are the real experts.
Those are the people who can explain how and why something works.
For example, with malaria, lupus, and arthritis, clearly it is the immune system out of control that is causing the problem. Malaria kills from a high fever, and it is the immune system that causes the high fever. So then clearly the main advantage of hydroxychloroquine is to reduce the immune response, when the immune response is worse than what else you have.
So then when an expert explains this and tells you that you do not want to suppress the immune response in someone who has no COVID-19 infection yet, that makes a lot of sense.
It does not require for me to be an expert to understand who this works then, once an expert explains the logical details.
So read the experts, and you will then see that hydroxychloroquine by itself is not very helpful, and people should not try to self medicate.

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