Hypocritical phoney outrage over civilian casualties in Gaza


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If they get to bash Israel and/or Jews they'll scream bloody murder about collateral damage. But if civilian casualties in a war is so abhorrent and justifies war crimes charges what about the 114,000 dead civilians in Iraq by US forces? What about the ongoing civilian casualties in drone strikes by the US? It's ok as long as we do it, but someone else does it and an army of lawyers descends on Israel?

That's called hypocrisy friends.
It's a good system for the propaganda value directed at the low information world wide left and the hate filled anti-semites. Hamas puts Palistinians in the line of fire and pretends to care when they are killed and then they make up the casualty numbers.
If they get to bash Israel and/or Jews they'll scream bloody murder about collateral damage. But if civilian casualties in a war is so abhorrent and justifies war crimes charges what about the 114,000 dead civilians in Iraq by US forces? What about the ongoing civilian casualties in drone strikes by the US? It's ok as long as we do it, but someone else does it and an army of lawyers descends on Israel?

That's called hypocrisy friends.

Don't assume those who are concerned and outspoken about casualties in Gaza were not also concerned and outspoken about the huge civilian casualties as a result of our misbegotten invasion of Iraq or for that matter the humanitarian crisis in Syria or at our own border :doubt:

Drones - I have mixed feelings on. Have not sorted that out.
It's a good system for the propaganda value directed at the low information world wide left and the hate filled anti-semites. Hamas puts Palistinians in the line of fire and pretends to care when they are killed and then they make up the casualty numbers.

I am hardly right wing, and I abhor the Gaza deaths, caused by the "Islamic' power hungry militants. The parading of corpses is not in line with the Koran, but the militants do not care.
It's a good system for the propaganda value directed at the low information world wide left and the hate filled anti-semites. Hamas puts Palistinians in the line of fire and pretends to care when they are killed and then they make up the casualty numbers.

World wide left low info, I am glad it meets your low info objectives...
It's a good system for the propaganda value directed at the low information world wide left and the hate filled anti-semites. Hamas puts Palistinians in the line of fire and pretends to care when they are killed and then they make up the casualty numbers.

The "world wide left" needs to wake up then; Hamas parades children killed like trophies, inhuman.
It's a good system for the propaganda value directed at the low information world wide left and the hate filled anti-semites. Hamas puts Palistinians in the line of fire and pretends to care when they are killed and then they make up the casualty numbers.

I am hardly right wing, and I abhor the Gaza deaths, caused by the "Islamic' power hungry militants. The parading of corpses is not in line with the Koran, but the militants do not care.
It's called a funeral procession, not a parade, you freakin nitwit.

And besides, how would you know what the Quran says, or doesn't say, about anything. .. :cuckoo:
It's a good system for the propaganda value directed at the low information world wide left and the hate filled anti-semites. Hamas puts Palistinians in the line of fire and pretends to care when they are killed and then they make up the casualty numbers.

The "world wide left" needs to wake up then; Hamas parades children killed like trophies, inhuman.

Speaking of, watch the videos of wounded children closely. If they care so much, should they be jerking and flinging them around like ragdolls? I bet a lot of the kids' crying is induced by the rough handling they get from "loving" adults. Woudn't doubt it either that they're being deliberately hurt so they cry on camera.
It's a good system for the propaganda value directed at the low information world wide left and the hate filled anti-semites. Hamas puts Palistinians in the line of fire and pretends to care when they are killed and then they make up the casualty numbers.

The "world wide left" needs to wake up then; Hamas parades children killed like trophies, inhuman.

Speaking of, watch the videos of wounded children closely. If they care so much, should they be jerking and flinging them around like ragdolls? I bet a lot of the kids' crying is induced by the rough handling they get from "loving" adults. Woudn't doubt it either that they're being deliberately hurt so they cry on camera.

And the lines of the deceased, placed to photograph.
If they get to bash Israel and/or Jews they'll scream bloody murder about collateral damage. But if civilian casualties in a war is so abhorrent and justifies war crimes charges what about the 114,000 dead civilians in Iraq by US forces? What about the ongoing civilian casualties in drone strikes by the US? It's ok as long as we do it, but someone else does it and an army of lawyers descends on Israel?

That's called hypocrisy friends.

Why are you attacking America in your argument? Why not mention 100s of thousands of civilians massacred in Sudan? What about the over 100K killed in Syria? What about the massacre and murder going on in Iraq by ISIS? What about the displacement of the last Christians from Iraq by ISIS? What about the 1000s of Christians being killed and kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria? What about the current massacre happening in Libya? What about the atrocities inflicted by the Taliban?

There are many many more rationale and better targets for your argument then the US. America is a source of good in the world. We were wrong for going into Iraq, but I truly believe our intentions were just, even if misguided. We are still the best country in the world and it doesn't make sense why the left hates her so much.
If they get to bash Israel and/or Jews they'll scream bloody murder about collateral damage. But if civilian casualties in a war is so abhorrent and justifies war crimes charges what about the 114,000 dead civilians in Iraq by US forces? What about the ongoing civilian casualties in drone strikes by the US? It's ok as long as we do it, but someone else does it and an army of lawyers descends on Israel?

That's called hypocrisy friends.

Why are you attacking America in your argument? Why not mention 100s of thousands of civilians massacred in Sudan? What about the over 100K killed in Syria? What about the massacre and murder going on in Iraq by ISIS? What about the displacement of the last Christians from Iraq by ISIS? What about the 1000s of Christians being killed and kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria? What about the current massacre happening in Libya? What about the atrocities inflicted by the Taliban?

There are many many more rationale and better targets for your argument then the US. America is a source of good in the world. We were wrong for going into Iraq, but I truly believe our intentions were just, even if misguided. We are still the best country in the world and it doesn't make sense why the left hates her so much.

I agree on that, the best country in the world, but the NATION was misled. I believed Iraq had some WMDs, I could not imagine the President, and most blatantly, the Vice President lying us into war. It is only through constant criticism, and argument, that we have remained great; we examine our past mistakes, and learn from them.
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If they get to bash Israel and/or Jews they'll scream bloody murder about collateral damage. But if civilian casualties in a war is so abhorrent and justifies war crimes charges what about the 114,000 dead civilians in Iraq by US forces? What about the ongoing civilian casualties in drone strikes by the US? It's ok as long as we do it, but someone else does it and an army of lawyers descends on Israel?

That's called hypocrisy friends.

Why are you attacking America in your argument? Why not mention 100s of thousands of civilians massacred in Sudan? What about the over 100K killed in Syria? What about the massacre and murder going on in Iraq by ISIS? What about the displacement of the last Christians from Iraq by ISIS? What about the 1000s of Christians being killed and kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria? What about the current massacre happening in Libya? What about the atrocities inflicted by the Taliban?

There are many many more rationale and better targets for your argument then the US. America is a source of good in the world. We were wrong for going into Iraq, but I truly believe our intentions were just, even if misguided. We are still the best country in the world and it doesn't make sense why the left hates her so much.

I mention America's because America's support for Israel should be absolute, yet it's far from even a majority.

America WAS great until about 1949, but I suppose being no. 1 in the world then resulted in power corrupting. The greatness people speak of re: America hasn't existed for over 50 years.
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No country should be supported absolutely - that's madness.
Don't assume those who are concerned and outspoken about casualties in Gaza were not also concerned and outspoken about the huge civilian casualties as a result of our misbegotten invasion of Iraq

Of course they are concerned with the so-called 100K of civilians killed in Iraq. They are concerned only because they can blame America for the death, even though the VAST majority of the civilian death (probably 90%+) were caused by radical Muslims whether it be radical Shia or Sunnis. They will ignore the blood, sweat and capital utilized by America to take down the radicals and stabilize the country, which we did, however in vain I might add, prior to ISIS moving in.

or for that matter the humanitarian crisis in Syria
With all do respect, leftist around the world don't give two shits about Syria. The Muslims in Europe and America surly don't care. This is Muslims killing Muslims so it can be ignored.

I personally enjoy it, long live AAASSSad! Keep on keeping on my brother!

or at our own border :doubt:


Drones - I have mixed feelings on. Have not sorted that out.
Most leftist don't care, because this is Obama's baby. In Europe they care, because they get to bash Americans for it!
If they get to bash Israel and/or Jews they'll scream bloody murder about collateral damage. But if civilian casualties in a war is so abhorrent and justifies war crimes charges what about the 114,000 dead civilians in Iraq by US forces? What about the ongoing civilian casualties in drone strikes by the US? It's ok as long as we do it, but someone else does it and an army of lawyers descends on Israel?

That's called hypocrisy friends.

Why are you attacking America in your argument? Why not mention 100s of thousands of civilians massacred in Sudan? What about the over 100K killed in Syria? What about the massacre and murder going on in Iraq by ISIS? What about the displacement of the last Christians from Iraq by ISIS? What about the 1000s of Christians being killed and kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria? What about the current massacre happening in Libya? What about the atrocities inflicted by the Taliban?

There are many many more rationale and better targets for your argument then the US. America is a source of good in the world. We were wrong for going into Iraq, but I truly believe our intentions were just, even if misguided. We are still the best country in the world and it doesn't make sense why the left hates her so much.

I mention America's because America's support for Israel should be absolute, yet it's far from even a majority.

America WAS great until about 1949, but I suppose being no. 1 in the world then resulted in power corrupting. The greatness people speak of re: America hasn't existed for over 50 years.

I disagree, America remains. With faults, mistakes and the ability to make amends for same.
Why are you attacking America in your argument? Why not mention 100s of thousands of civilians massacred in Sudan? What about the over 100K killed in Syria? What about the massacre and murder going on in Iraq by ISIS? What about the displacement of the last Christians from Iraq by ISIS? What about the 1000s of Christians being killed and kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria? What about the current massacre happening in Libya? What about the atrocities inflicted by the Taliban?

There are many many more rationale and better targets for your argument then the US. America is a source of good in the world. We were wrong for going into Iraq, but I truly believe our intentions were just, even if misguided. We are still the best country in the world and it doesn't make sense why the left hates her so much.

I mention America's because America's support for Israel should be absolute, yet it's far from even a majority.

America WAS great until about 1949, but I suppose being no. 1 in the world then resulted in power corrupting. The greatness people speak of re: America hasn't existed for over 50 years.

I disagree, America remains. With faults, mistakes and the ability to make amends for same.

Shoe me the link to a global ranking where America comes in at no. 1. Other than most citizens incarcerated like.
Gross national income - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Gross domestic product - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The United States is the world's largest national economy with a GDP of approximately $16.8 trillion, due to high average incomes, a large population,[6] capital investment, moderate unemployment,[7] high consumer spending,[8] a relatively young population,[9] and technological innovation.[10] Tuvalu is the world's smallest national economy with a GDP of about $40 million because of its very small population, a lack of natural resources, reliance on foreign aid, negligible capital investment, demographic problems, and low average incomes.[11]

China may reach the US as the world's largest economy, if you do not correct for population that is.
Gross national income - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Gross domestic product - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The United States is the world's largest national economy with a GDP of approximately $16.8 trillion, due to high average incomes, a large population,[6] capital investment, moderate unemployment,[7] high consumer spending,[8] a relatively young population,[9] and technological innovation.[10] Tuvalu is the world's smallest national economy with a GDP of about $40 million because of its very small population, a lack of natural resources, reliance on foreign aid, negligible capital investment, demographic problems, and low average incomes.[11]

China may reach the US as the world's largest economy, if you do not correct for population that is.

Swell. I'm sure US veterans who die in defense of the US will be comforted by our having the biggest economy.

You're easy to please.
Don't assume those who are concerned and outspoken about casualties in Gaza were not also concerned and outspoken about the huge civilian casualties as a result of our misbegotten invasion of Iraq

Of course they are concerned with the so-called 100K of civilians killed in Iraq. They are concerned only because they can blame America for the death, even though the VAST majority of the civilian death (probably 90%+) were caused by radical Muslims whether it be radical Shia or Sunnis. They will ignore the blood, sweat and capital utilized by America to take down the radicals and stabilize the country, which we did, however in vain I might add, prior to ISIS moving in.

I'm not concerned because it's a reason to "blame" America, though I think our misbegotten policies set it in motion. I'm concerned because it's a huge humanitarian nightmare that's threatening to engulf the entire region. The human cost is horrendous and there is no clear way to fix anything. You can blame radical Muslims but it goes deeper than that - it's the rupture of an artificial framework left over from the Ottomans and western Colonial powers that divied the ME with complete disregard for ethnic and religious differences and a resulting set of countries held together by dictators and a culture of corruption. We were idiots to mess with it and our elected officials were too arrogant to listen to opposing opinions. Take down the radicals? We empowered them with our naivity. We empowered Iran in the proceess by removing Iraq from the equation. We will be taking our lumps for this for a long time while we sit safe in our airconditioned homes an ocean away tut-tutting.

or for that matter the humanitarian crisis in Syria
With all do respect, leftist around the world don't give two shits about Syria. The Muslims in Europe and America surly don't care. This is Muslims killing Muslims so it can be ignored.

I personally enjoy it, long live AAASSSad! Keep on keeping on my brother!

With all due respect - speak for yourself.

Drones - I have mixed feelings on. Have not sorted that out.
Most leftist don't care, because this is Obama's baby. In Europe they care, because they get to bash Americans for it!

How do you know most leftists don't care?

Like I said - I have very mixed feelings on them. We've set a precedent that is legally and morally dubious and we have removed ourselves one more step from the direct consequences of our actions. It is all remote now. Somehow I wonder if that makes it easier to kill. So no, I'm not keen on drones.
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Gross national income - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Gross domestic product - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The United States is the world's largest national economy with a GDP of approximately $16.8 trillion, due to high average incomes, a large population,[6] capital investment, moderate unemployment,[7] high consumer spending,[8] a relatively young population,[9] and technological innovation.[10] Tuvalu is the world's smallest national economy with a GDP of about $40 million because of its very small population, a lack of natural resources, reliance on foreign aid, negligible capital investment, demographic problems, and low average incomes.[11]

China may reach the US as the world's largest economy, if you do not correct for population that is.

Swell. I'm sure US veterans who die in defense of the US will be comforted by our having the biggest economy.

You're easy to please.

How are you connecting being "No. 1" which is what you asked about to the death of those who served and were killed in action?

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