I Actually Felt Sorry For Trump Yesterday...


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
...when the NY Times story broke. He saw his worse fears come true although I guess it's must have been gratifying on some level to know that he wasn't just being paranoid [/sarc]

On the hunt for a betrayer, a 'volcanic' Trump lashes out

The president vented his frustration Wednesday in the wake of an anonymous op-ed article that rattled the White House.

by Hallie Jackson, Kristen Welker and Peter Alexander / Sep.05.2018 / 7:40 PM ET / Updated Sep.06.2018 / 1:26 AM ET

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump, forced to contend with the possibility that a senior member of his administration, along with others, may be trying to undermine his authority, erupted in private on Wednesday, according to multiple aides and allies familiar with his thinking. They described his mood as “volcanic.”

An anonymous opinion article published in The New York Times earlier in the day, which the newspaper said was written by a senior administration official, asserted that a handful of appointees, serving at the highest levels of the Trump administration, consider the president to be “amoral,” and on the precipice of dangerous decisions that could put the country at risk.

The president publicly described the article as "gutless" as his press secretary berated the author as a "coward" who, she suggested, should resign.

The article followed published excerpts from a forthcoming book by Bob Woodward that included examples of Trump’s own cabinet officials and senior aides balking at his orders, defying his commands and privately disparaging him to others.​
and they think its pence lol the writer of this....use of the word lodestar
I read about that. I had never even heard that word before today. So, it’s either Pence, or somebody threw that word in knowing it would lead to speculation that it was Pence and away from them.
I got a kick out of the end when it said "this is not the deep state" :lol:
and they think its pence lol the writer of this....use of the word lodestar
I read about that. I had never even heard that word before today. So, it’s either Pence, or somebody threw that word in knowing it would lead to speculation that it was Pence and away from them.
Pence has already denied it was him.

If he actually did it after denying it his political career would be over.
This entire shit show put on by the New York Slimes is one of the funniest things I've seen.

Some self proclaimed patriot has now shot his own dick off. Trump will now make damn sure no one inside his administration gets in his way and it will be easy to find out who it is.
pence denies it of course...but isnt he the only person trump really cant fire
If Pence wrote it, it is one more reason I don't like him besides him giving me the creeps. That op ed says, basically, "don't worry, folks, you vote for the economy and us Republicans in the WH will protect you from ole goobernuts so the planet won't blow up on his watch. Go ahead and vote for us again in November so we can keep making you rich. No worries."
dan coats might be someone to consider... but whoever it is needs to out themselves.
dan coats might be someone to consider... but whoever it is needs to out themselves.
Why? Then that person would be instantaneously fired. No more protecting the world when you're fired.
No, it's someone at the NYT lying gain, or a butthurt liberal. I don't really care either way, my only question is why so many fools believe everything the media tells them?
and they think its pence lol the writer of this....use of the word lodestar
I read about that. I had never even heard that word before today. So, it’s either Pence, or somebody threw that word in knowing it would lead to speculation that it was Pence and away from them.
Pence has already denied it was him.

If he actually did it after denying it his political career would be over.

He is now tied to Rump, his political career may be heading that way regardless.
It's another unnamed source for cryin' out loud. How many times are people gonna fall for that shit?
Once Trump is removed from office, every White House staffer is gonna claim to be the anonymous author!
No, it's someone at the NYT lying gain, or a butthurt liberal. I don't really care either way, my only question is why so many fools believe everything the media tells them?
You mean like when dump tells you what all his ""friends"" are saying? and nitwits believe him?

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