I agree with 80% of the Public that describe Trump as "self-centered"! Definitely!

Not backtracking at all. Either show us how the congress spent money without the over-ride or the president's signature. Now run along boy and back up your statement:

you can't...can you...boy.
We are back to you admitting that Biden has spent a ton of money. I thought you were trying to deny that?
Trump has his faults. Even his supporters are usually willing to concede that.

By contrast, nobody in the Democrap Party cult are interested in exploring Potato’s faults.

We point out that Potato can’t string two sentences together, and the libturds jump to his defense by pretending that we are mocking a mere stutter.

Potato cannot help himself. He is unable (not merely unwilling) to be honest.

He cannot keep his hands off of little girls.

He is far wealthier than all his years in politics (and nothing but politics) can account for. Even adding in some “teaching” gigs and books and his wife’s income. You Dim cultists have zero curiosity about that — even when connections are made via investigations.

Now factor in one more thing. The Dims have NO bench. If Potato drops out, it could well be Trump vs. Kamelhump.
We are back to you admitting that Biden has spent a ton of money. I thought you were trying to deny that?
Every President we've had since Carter has spent a ton of money. According to you; none of them have.

Its a hilarious position you've taken. I don't envy your position.
Trump has his faults. Even his supporters are usually willing to concede that.

By contrast, nobody in the Democrap Party cult are interested in exploring Potato’s faults.

We point out that Potato can’t string two sentences together, and the libturds jump to his defense by pretending that we are mocking a mere stutter.

Potato cannot help himself. He is unable (not merely unwilling) to be honest.

He cannot keep his hands off of little girls.

He is far wealthier than all his years in politics (and nothing but politics) can account for. Even adding in some “teaching” gigs and books and his wife’s income. You Dim cultists have zero curiosity about that — even when connections are made via investigations.

Now factor in one more thing. The Dims have NO bench. If Potato drops out, it could well be Trump vs. Kamelhump.
Your blob is an accused felon. Soon to be proven felon.

You're right about one thing; Trump can't stop sexually assaulting people.
Every President we've had since Carter has spent a ton of money. According to you; none of them have.

Its a hilarious position you've taken. I don't envy your position.
Well, we certainly know Biden has. That's why he has such high disapproval numbers and 70% of the country says we are going in the wrong direction.
Your blob is an accused felon.
So? Anybody can get politically persecuted. It means nothing.
Soon to be proven felon.
Won’t happen. They are all pure Democrap witch-hunt fabrications.
You're right about one thing; Trump can't stop sexually assaulting people.
You’re still wrong. It’s your god, Potato, who showered with his own daughter and is constantly feeling-up little girls.
America loves to be LIED to by their politicians. Clinton, Bush, Bush Jr,, Obama and Biden all LIE their ass off in front of the camera's FAKING the empathy and American sheeple eat it up. Trump, the first authentic POTUS in generations does none of that and the sheeple cry and get their feelings hurt. FFS people grow a f'ing pair and wise up, Trump at least doesn't fake it. He doesn't LIE to your face then talk shit about you when the camera's are off.
Why would I bother posting responses.

1. You've provided no support to your claims
2. You've provided no standard by which you are judging him. (i.e. how does a cult leader behave).

Have a good time. It's going to be a very very long post.
You got one who never responds except with B.S. dodges, or just B.S.---and must always have the last word. Pure playground stuff. Only smart move is "Ignore".
Don't you mean $7.8 trillion in federal spending with printed money they didn't have. We're over $30 trillion in debt.

Usually deficit spending adds to inflation.

Do you know the difference between deficit and debt?

Anything else you want to ramble about?
Cool but trump was able to keep record inflation from happening when he inherited record debt for the Obama/Xiden admin, in fact the most ever added

Xiden wasn’t

Hence why trump was far better, another reason to vote xiden out

Thanks for highlighting that for us

The inflation started long before it really got bad. It was noted by many it was coming if we continued to spend, spend, spend and give money away.

And it did.

I'm not defending Biden as he supported Obama's reckless spending.

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