I almost feel sorry for Trump supporters

Trump supporters -

You strike me as honest, hard working folks. I think you want the best for your country and your families, but there are some unpleasant things you're going to have to accept:

* Mexico was never going to pay for a border wall, and what little of it that was built under Trump, came directly from your tax dollars and mine.

* Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election. Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence of massive voter fraud, and rejected his claims he won the election.

* Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine, ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.

* Trump's promises of manufacturing jobs for hard working American's never materialized, in fact Trump's trade policies cost many thousands of these jobs.

* Donald J Trump was never was the multi billionaire success he claimed to be. That title goes to Fred Trump. The tax returns and financial records he tried so desperately to hide show Donald went broke multiple times, now has trouble paying even his lawyers, his properties and revenues from them are down sharply, and he has not the funds to even make the payments on the millions of dollars of loans he guaranteed, all of which are coming due soon.

* Donald Trump's repeated attacks on his own fellow Republicans have left the GOP fragmented, smaller, and angry. They now have to resort to district gerrymandering, conspiracy theory's, fear mongering, and name calling just to remain competitive with a larger, more united Democratic party.

Trump supporters - This is what "The Donald" is......

This thread is hilarious.
Not the OP, every point, straight on.

BUT the responses from the Tiny Minded
Not a one able to rebut the OP but my oh my how they whine about those facts.

This is better than whatever's on TV.
Trump supporters -

You strike me as honest, hard working folks. I think you want the best for your country and your families, but there are some unpleasant things you're going to have to accept:

* Mexico was never going to pay for a border wall, and what little of it that was built under Trump, came directly from your tax dollars and mine.

* Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election. Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence of massive voter fraud, and rejected his claims he won the election.

* Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine, ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.

* Trump's promises of manufacturing jobs for hard working American's never materialized, in fact Trump's trade policies cost many thousands of these jobs.

* Donald J Trump was never was the multi billionaire success he claimed to be. That title goes to Fred Trump. The tax returns and financial records he tried so desperately to hide show Donald went broke multiple times, now has trouble paying even his lawyers, his properties and revenues from them are down sharply, and he has not the funds to even make the payments on the millions of dollars of loans he guaranteed, all of which are coming due soon.

* Donald Trump's repeated attacks on his own fellow Republicans have left the GOP fragmented, smaller, and angry. They now have to resort to district gerrymandering, conspiracy theory's, fear mongering, and name calling just to remain competitive with a larger, more united Democratic party.

Trump supporters - This is what "The Donald" is......

NEWSFALSH: Nobody cares about your feelings, Buttercup.
It's time to reform or disband whatever the Democratic party IS. As a former Democrat, I fully support finding out whoever these weasels are, they need to be investigated, arrested and shot as treasonous TRAITORS. And this goofy left wing anti white pogrom needs to be exposed and those that pushed it, end them. By any means necessary.
Trump supporters -

You strike me as honest, hard working folks. I think you want the best for your country and your families, but there are some unpleasant things you're going to have to accept:

* Mexico was never going to pay for a border wall, and what little of it that was built under Trump, came directly from your tax dollars and mine.

* Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election. Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence of massive voter fraud, and rejected his claims he won the election.

* Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine, ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.

* Trump's promises of manufacturing jobs for hard working American's never materialized, in fact Trump's trade policies cost many thousands of these jobs.

* Donald J Trump was never was the multi billionaire success he claimed to be. That title goes to Fred Trump. The tax returns and financial records he tried so desperately to hide show Donald went broke multiple times, now has trouble paying even his lawyers, his properties and revenues from them are down sharply, and he has not the funds to even make the payments on the millions of dollars of loans he guaranteed, all of which are coming due soon.

* Donald Trump's repeated attacks on his own fellow Republicans have left the GOP fragmented, smaller, and angry. They now have to resort to district gerrymandering, conspiracy theory's, fear mongering, and name calling just to remain competitive with a larger, more united Democratic party.

Trump supporters - This is what "The Donald" is......

Well, some of us have to help keep this country running. Sure won't be the illegals, sure won't be you ass-wipes always looking for free shit.
Trump supporters -

You strike me as honest, hard working folks. I think you want the best for your country and your families, but there are some unpleasant things you're going to have to accept:

* Mexico was never going to pay for a border wall, and what little of it that was built under Trump, came directly from your tax dollars and mine.

* Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election. Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence of massive voter fraud, and rejected his claims he won the election.

* Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine, ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.

* Trump's promises of manufacturing jobs for hard working American's never materialized, in fact Trump's trade policies cost many thousands of these jobs.

* Donald J Trump was never was the multi billionaire success he claimed to be. That title goes to Fred Trump. The tax returns and financial records he tried so desperately to hide show Donald went broke multiple times, now has trouble paying even his lawyers, his properties and revenues from them are down sharply, and he has not the funds to even make the payments on the millions of dollars of loans he guaranteed, all of which are coming due soon.

* Donald Trump's repeated attacks on his own fellow Republicans have left the GOP fragmented, smaller, and angry. They now have to resort to district gerrymandering, conspiracy theory's, fear mongering, and name calling just to remain competitive with a larger, more united Democratic party.

Trump supporters - This is what "The Donald" is......

This thread is hilarious.
Not the OP, every point, straight on.

BUT the responses from the Tiny Minded
Not a one able to rebut the OP but my oh my how they whine about those facts.

This is better than whatever's on TV.

There wasn't anything to discuss. Just more lefty TDS. It's getting a little long in the tooth
I used to be a Democrat. And liberal, too. Key word : "USED" to be. The democratic party seems to forget what it's base, its principles, and became an arm of the Chinese Mafia. They evolved, now they have rackets, (fighting racism and speaking for the oppressed i.e. criminals or the insane) and they use racial intimidation and riots as their club to beat us into submission. Isn't politics great?
Once a person or an organization is willing to lie, cheat, steal, and essentially do ANYTHING it takes, no matter who is harmed, so that they can gain and maintain power, that entity has become evil.
The sad reality is that they are winning. If those on the Right are unwilling to engage them in equally amoral ways, then the Left will win. If those on the Right become as vicious and amoral as the Left, the Left STILL wins.

IMO, the only way to survive this Marxist coup-in-progress is to disengage from the game they are playing by rules that benefit them alone. We've seen the firm, open establishment of a dual system of laws in America. Democrats in government, including the bureaucrats in the alphabet agencies, commit criminal acts and despite evidence being produced to prove their crimes, their allies in DC ignore the calls for prosecution. For PROSECUTION.

Note the extent of their arrogance now. This isn't about sketchy moves to avoid serious fines or prison sentences. These people now face NO CONSEQUENCES at all. They aren't even required to spend resources to fight prosecution while Trump associates and allies are crucified and economically ruined as a means to force them to plead guilty to process crimes. As the band plays on, the Left is having great fun. They've become dangerously self-deluded, IMO. They believe they are above the law and that their political opponents deserve anything that they are subjected to.

Biden's regime has made an app available for Americans to use to report "potentially radicalized" friends, family members, and basically, anyone they become offended by online. I give them a year before we are regularly seeing FBI, DHS, and other entities raiding homes and businesses to round up "domestic terror suspects".

When innocent citizens inevitably fight back, strenuously, they'll be charged with felonies like insurrection or sedition and if they are unwilling to go quietly, we'll see some of them being gunned down in their own homes. Those kinds of killings have already begun by way of "Red Flag" laws in some states. It's time to wake up, people. Either become proactive at your state level and get your local or state representatives to legally carve out Constitutional protections from Federal overreach tyranny, or wake up to 3 am Schutzstaffel (FBI) door-kickers.

Civil disobedience on a mass scale is a form of effective resistance that requires no violence and it leaves bureaucratic thugs with no easy choices for intimidation or punishment against their political targets. With the current regime in power less than 6 months, we already have 61% of ALL county governments in the U.S. who have proactively legislated "sanctuary" status for 2A and some other fundamental rights. 61 percent of ALL U.S. counties.

If you live in a state or county where you are NOT protected in this way, demand your local representatives create such legislation OR let them know their replacement WILL do so.
This thread, brought to you by........

New DNC.jpg

est. 1993
Trump supporters - You strike me as honest, hard working folks.
Bill, you strike me as an idiot.

* Mexico was never going to pay for a border wall
Yep. Don't know what happened there but that failed promise was one of Trump's biggest blunders.

, and what little of it that was built under Trump, came directly from your tax dollars and mine.
At least he got it done. More than I can say of any DEMOCRAT (or republican for that matter).

* Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election.
Obviously. Now we simply need to KNOW that the election wasn't rigged by all the leftwing organizations which claimed they stole it.

Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence
In other words, had they been Biddum-appointed judges, you can bet your last dollar they would find for the DNC EVERY TIME. Thanks for admitting most judges ain't worth spit.

* Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine, ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.
Sorry but news flash for ya chum, hydroxychloroquine has been shown EFFECTIVE, and Trump never told anyone to inject cleaners or UV rays, that was just crap thrown out there trying to fill air for a media with always 10,000 questions for Trump compared to ice cream questions for Befuddled Joe.

* Trump's promises of manufacturing jobs for hard working American's never materialized, in fact Trump's trade policies cost many thousands of these jobs.

* Donald J Trump was never was the multi billionaire success he claimed to be.
Aside from being wrong, what bearing does that have on his work as President? I wonder what would happen if you weasels applied half as much scrutiny to Joe and Hunter's business dealings!

* Donald Trump's repeated attacks on his own fellow Republicans have left the GOP fragmented, smaller, and angry.
That kinda wore on me, too. Too bad apparently much of what he railed about with the GOP was apparently true.

They now have to resort to district gerrymandering, conspiracy theory's, fear mongering, and name calling
Blah, Blah. Blah, Blah Blah.
Donald Trump was the only pro-America President we've had in the last 30 years. Biden is a Chinese collaborator and a hollow puppet who is destroying America. Those are the things the matter not your laundry list of Trump Hatisms.

Pro americans do not incite riots to try to overthrow our government. The only reason why it failed is because Trump was the one at the head of it. He's a traitor to this country. Putin loved every moment of that insurrection and all the people who supported it and were a part of it.
Trump supporters -

You strike me as honest, hard working folks. I think you want the best for your country and your families, but there are some unpleasant things you're going to have to accept:

* Mexico was never going to pay for a border wall, and what little of it that was built under Trump, came directly from your tax dollars and mine.

* Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election. Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence of massive voter fraud, and rejected his claims he won the election.

* Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine, ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.

* Trump's promises of manufacturing jobs for hard working American's never materialized, in fact Trump's trade policies cost many thousands of these jobs.

* Donald J Trump was never was the multi billionaire success he claimed to be. That title goes to Fred Trump. The tax returns and financial records he tried so desperately to hide show Donald went broke multiple times, now has trouble paying even his lawyers, his properties and revenues from them are down sharply, and he has not the funds to even make the payments on the millions of dollars of loans he guaranteed, all of which are coming due soon.

* Donald Trump's repeated attacks on his own fellow Republicans have left the GOP fragmented, smaller, and angry. They now have to resort to district gerrymandering, conspiracy theory's, fear mongering, and name calling just to remain competitive with a larger, more united Democratic party.

Trump supporters - This is what "The Donald" is......

`You should start paying more attintion
Trump supporters -

You strike me as honest, hard working folks. I think you want the best for your country and your families, but there are some unpleasant things you're going to have to accept:

* Mexico was never going to pay for a border wall, and what little of it that was built under Trump, came directly from your tax dollars and mine.

* Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election. Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence of massive voter fraud, and rejected his claims he won the election.

* Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine, ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.

* Trump's promises of manufacturing jobs for hard working American's never materialized, in fact Trump's trade policies cost many thousands of these jobs.

* Donald J Trump was never was the multi billionaire success he claimed to be. That title goes to Fred Trump. The tax returns and financial records he tried so desperately to hide show Donald went broke multiple times, now has trouble paying even his lawyers, his properties and revenues from them are down sharply, and he has not the funds to even make the payments on the millions of dollars of loans he guaranteed, all of which are coming due soon.

* Donald Trump's repeated attacks on his own fellow Republicans have left the GOP fragmented, smaller, and angry. They now have to resort to district gerrymandering, conspiracy theory's, fear mongering, and name calling just to remain competitive with a larger, more united Democratic party.

Trump supporters - This is what "The Donald" is......

I wouldn't feel sorry for these people because none are going to feel sorry for you when they put on their big boy pants. If you want to show your rage against Trump send him back all the extra cash you received under him or protest when that job found you. As long as you push the agenda of those dirty democRats as Pelosi, Adam Shitt. Waters and the rest of those mentally crazed criminals nothing that comes from your mouth is believable or worth even listening too. It just a shame you support this type of dishonest behaver from supposed adults.
Donald Trump was the only pro-America President we've had in the last 30 years. Biden is a Chinese collaborator and a hollow puppet who is destroying America. Those are the things the matter not your laundry list of Trump Hatisms.

Pro americans do not incite riots to try to overthrow our government. The only reason why it failed is because Trump was the one at the head of it. He's a traitor to this country. Putin loved every moment of that insurrection and all the people who supported it and were a part of it.
You won the freaking election. why not act like winners and tell us how great whispering Joe is? If you judged FDR by his first (of 4 terms) he would be at the bottom of the freaking list. Trump had to deal with a hostile media, federal law enforcement that had become a corrupt political tool, two impeachments over faked documents and the unrelenting opposition by the democrat party.
I used to be a Democrat. I voted for Jimmie Carter, and up to Obama. Damn, I hated Bush and that entire ilk that manufactured war in Iraq. I knew people that where in Iraq. But when those same democrat assholes went from supporting flag burning to burning down cities, no, they crossed a line. When I go to democrat caucus and they dictate the issues and tell me what the issues are, what? Excuse me? Aren't WE supposed to tell our representatives what the issues ARE? Did I miss something? There is a huge disconnect here with the democratic party.
Trump supporters -

You strike me as honest, hard working folks. I think you want the best for your country and your families, but there are some unpleasant things you're going to have to accept:

* Mexico was never going to pay for a border wall, and what little of it that was built under Trump, came directly from your tax dollars and mine.

* Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election. Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence of massive voter fraud, and rejected his claims he won the election.

* Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine, ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.

* Trump's promises of manufacturing jobs for hard working American's never materialized, in fact Trump's trade policies cost many thousands of these jobs.

* Donald J Trump was never was the multi billionaire success he claimed to be. That title goes to Fred Trump. The tax returns and financial records he tried so desperately to hide show Donald went broke multiple times, now has trouble paying even his lawyers, his properties and revenues from them are down sharply, and he has not the funds to even make the payments on the millions of dollars of loans he guaranteed, all of which are coming due soon.

* Donald Trump's repeated attacks on his own fellow Republicans have left the GOP fragmented, smaller, and angry. They now have to resort to district gerrymandering, conspiracy theory's, fear mongering, and name calling just to remain competitive with a larger, more united Democratic party.

Trump supporters - This is what "The Donald" is......

i feel sorry for people like you who cant stop talking about the guy.....
Trump supporters -

You strike me as honest, hard working folks. I think you want the best for your country and your families, but there are some unpleasant things you're going to have to accept:

* Mexico was never going to pay for a border wall, and what little of it that was built under Trump, came directly from your tax dollars and mine.

* Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election. Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence of massive voter fraud, and rejected his claims he won the election.

* Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine, ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.

* Trump's promises of manufacturing jobs for hard working American's never materialized, in fact Trump's trade policies cost many thousands of these jobs.

* Donald J Trump was never was the multi billionaire success he claimed to be. That title goes to Fred Trump. The tax returns and financial records he tried so desperately to hide show Donald went broke multiple times, now has trouble paying even his lawyers, his properties and revenues from them are down sharply, and he has not the funds to even make the payments on the millions of dollars of loans he guaranteed, all of which are coming due soon.

* Donald Trump's repeated attacks on his own fellow Republicans have left the GOP fragmented, smaller, and angry. They now have to resort to district gerrymandering, conspiracy theory's, fear mongering, and name calling just to remain competitive with a larger, more united Democratic party.

Trump supporters - This is what "The Donald" is......

I feel sorry for you.

In fact, I pity you....and those who think like you.
Trump supporters -

You strike me as honest, hard working folks. I think you want the best for your country and your families, but there are some unpleasant things you're going to have to accept:

* Mexico was never going to pay for a border wall, and what little of it that was built under Trump, came directly from your tax dollars and mine.

* Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election. Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence of massive voter fraud, and rejected his claims he won the election.

* Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine, ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.

* Trump's promises of manufacturing jobs for hard working American's never materialized, in fact Trump's trade policies cost many thousands of these jobs.

* Donald J Trump was never was the multi billionaire success he claimed to be. That title goes to Fred Trump. The tax returns and financial records he tried so desperately to hide show Donald went broke multiple times, now has trouble paying even his lawyers, his properties and revenues from them are down sharply, and he has not the funds to even make the payments on the millions of dollars of loans he guaranteed, all of which are coming due soon.

* Donald Trump's repeated attacks on his own fellow Republicans have left the GOP fragmented, smaller, and angry. They now have to resort to district gerrymandering, conspiracy theory's, fear mongering, and name calling just to remain competitive with a larger, more united Democratic party.

Trump supporters - This is what "The Donald" is......

I feel sorry for you.

In fact, I pity you....and those who think like you.

Soooooo, you're saying he's a Bidiot?
Trump supporters -

You strike me as honest, hard working folks. I think you want the best for your country and your families, but there are some unpleasant things you're going to have to accept:

* Mexico was never going to pay for a border wall, and what little of it that was built under Trump, came directly from your tax dollars and mine.

* Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election. Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence of massive voter fraud, and rejected his claims he won the election.

* Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine, ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.

* Trump's promises of manufacturing jobs for hard working American's never materialized, in fact Trump's trade policies cost many thousands of these jobs.

* Donald J Trump was never was the multi billionaire success he claimed to be. That title goes to Fred Trump. The tax returns and financial records he tried so desperately to hide show Donald went broke multiple times, now has trouble paying even his lawyers, his properties and revenues from them are down sharply, and he has not the funds to even make the payments on the millions of dollars of loans he guaranteed, all of which are coming due soon.

* Donald Trump's repeated attacks on his own fellow Republicans have left the GOP fragmented, smaller, and angry. They now have to resort to district gerrymandering, conspiracy theory's, fear mongering, and name calling just to remain competitive with a larger, more united Democratic party.

Trump supporters - This is what "The Donald" is......

I feel sorry for you.

In fact, I pity you....and those who think like you.

Soooooo, you're saying he's a Bidiot?

Sure....but even more that that!:mad: or worse than that...
I feel sorry for all of the TDS infected on this board in the media and across the country who can’t let Trump go. All you guys wanted for four years was for Trump to be out of office he is and yet he is still the center of your universe.
He's still the head of the republican party. You'll be surprised at how fast he disappears when you finally dump him.
at least biden has his notecards to remind his who he is and where hes at during his one or two events weekly

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