I Am A Bigot And A Terrorist

So what? They are allotted a certain amount of money per month or week, however they calculate it. If the people spend their money/food stamps on something other than what they were meant for, then they aren't getting anymore money or food stamps. They go hungry or without something else that they need. There are going to be people who take advantage of EVERY system. Also, as you noted, those stores were closed down.

Yes they were but there are many more that are still doing it. The point is who is the loser. The guy paid more for the cigarettes than anyone else who had the cash would have paid. The store owner made a great profit. It was the taxpayer who got screwed again.

Many more people are helped than are harmed by social safety nets. Ask anyone who has ever NEEDED it.

Who said any different? Are you on drugs?

Well then what is your point? You point out a person who bought cigarettes with his welfare money? How do you know how many actually do this? Again, do you have any supporting data to back up your statements? How is the taxpayer getting screwed? Like I told you, those people get an allotted amount of money and food stamps every month. If they spend it on something other than what it is meant for, they are the ones who are screwed, not you. You are not paying any more for that pack of cigarettes. I don't understand what your issue is, unless you just don't like the fact that some welfare recipients might abuse the system? Well, that happens with pretty much everything. There are always going to be those people who try to screw the system. Rich people do this too with tax evasion, foreign bank accounts, etc., etc. They end of trying to screw the system so that they don't have to even pay taxes.

Take a couple of Midol's and a nap.

How about you try to answer some of the questions? I know they are hard, but just try. :) Now, you started this thread for a reason, no? I thought people started threads because there was something they wanted to discuss. What is that you wanted to talk about. I'm sure it's not my period. :)
False learn some fucking history.
The founding fathers were mostly Deists .
That about as far from what passes as Christianity today as Atheism.

Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were Deists.

I have never understood how people can actually believe that the "Creator of the Heavens and the Earth" is so completely and totally and absolutely dedicated to just one small planet in the hell's half acre of the Milky Way Galaxy that the creator would ignore the rest of the universe.

It is Man who created a fictional Male God Head.

The U.S. has never been a "Christian Nation." One of primary founding principals of this Country is there is no Religious Test for Public Office and no State Religion. There is no form of Religious Law (aka Sharia Law) in the U.S.

The Right to Freedom of Religion is NOT the Right to force Religion down the throats of people who don't want it.

Being a "Christian" does not make a person more moral than non "Christians". Especially when all those so-called "Christians" use their version of their god as weapon against people they consider less moral than they are or believe that because they believe in a fictional god have the right to decide rights for others.

Actually, I have not forced my religion onto anyone on here. In fact, I have hardly mentioned it at all. In return, I have been scolded and ridiculed, called a tightwad and told what I should do with my money and my life.

Awww. Now who's a victim? :(

Apparently you seem to think you are. You have more issues than anyone I have ever seen. Many of them are imaginary.

What issues would those be?

Perfect example of a crack-fried brain
Yes they were but there are many more that are still doing it. The point is who is the loser. The guy paid more for the cigarettes than anyone else who had the cash would have paid. The store owner made a great profit. It was the taxpayer who got screwed again.

Many more people are helped than are harmed by social safety nets. Ask anyone who has ever NEEDED it.

Who said any different? Are you on drugs?

Well then what is your point? You point out a person who bought cigarettes with his welfare money? How do you know how many actually do this? Again, do you have any supporting data to back up your statements? How is the taxpayer getting screwed? Like I told you, those people get an allotted amount of money and food stamps every month. If they spend it on something other than what it is meant for, they are the ones who are screwed, not you. You are not paying any more for that pack of cigarettes. I don't understand what your issue is, unless you just don't like the fact that some welfare recipients might abuse the system? Well, that happens with pretty much everything. There are always going to be those people who try to screw the system. Rich people do this too with tax evasion, foreign bank accounts, etc., etc. They end of trying to screw the system so that they don't have to even pay taxes.

Take a couple of Midol's and a nap.

How about you try to answer some of the questions? I know they are hard, but just try. :) Now, you started this thread for a reason, no? I thought people started threads because there was something they wanted to discuss. What is that you wanted to talk about. I'm sure it's not my period. :)

Already been answered. Stay sober and read the posts.
So what? They are allotted a certain amount of money per month or week, however they calculate it. If the people spend their money/food stamps on something other than what they were meant for, then they aren't getting anymore money or food stamps. They go hungry or without something else that they need. There are going to be people who take advantage of EVERY system. Also, as you noted, those stores were closed down.

Yes they were but there are many more that are still doing it. The point is who is the loser. The guy paid more for the cigarettes than anyone else who had the cash would have paid. The store owner made a great profit. It was the taxpayer who got screwed again.

Many more people are helped than are harmed by social safety nets. Ask anyone who has ever NEEDED it.

Who said any different? Are you on drugs?

No, I don't do drugs. Are you on drugs?

Hardly. I'm not the one on here bitching about everything.

Lol! YOU started the thread. :lol:
I just wish people would be honest instead of pretending to care . . . just say what you mean. I'm a greedy fuck and I don't care about poor people. I would rather keep all of my money to myself than have one iota of it spent on those scumbags. :D I think instead of focusing on and attacking your fellow Americans who are less fortunate, it is time that we started to examine our tax dollars that are sent out of the country.

Please Lady. I'm in the top income tax bracket. Why is it that the folks who pay 86% of all the income tax in this country are told by those who pay no income tax at all that they are not paying their fair share? Mind Boggling.

Are you kidding? I pay taxes too, buddy. You aren't so special. Once that tax money leaves your hands, it becomes OUR money. That's right. :D Now, it can go to all the stupid things that lobbyists like and want, or it can go to a good cause like helping those less fortunate than you. Given the fact that there are more than 300 million people in this country (and counting), and there are not NEARLY that many jobs available, anyone with even half a brain could see that we, unfortunately, are always going to have jobless or those who are underemployed. That's life, and no one ever said it was going to be "fair." I'm sure many, many poor people would much rather be in your shoes. Perhaps you should be more grateful for what you have and think about those who have MUCH less for a change. It would be refreshing to hear from a conservative who doesn't despise the poor.

Actually I prefer to choose for myself who gets my money. Organizations such as the DAV, the American Red Cross, St. Jude's Children's Hospital, Waterfront Mission, etc. Since I'm also a hated Christian by you folks, I also support my church through its outreach efforts. The churches in my area mobilized to render aid to the victims of Ivan, Katrina, etc. But don't let me stop you from telling others what they should do.

I'm like Donald Trump in the fact that we really do have a bunch of stupid people running this country. They negotiate us right into the poor house. They don't think anything through or take a widescreen view of any thing. Take Obamacare for instance. Yes, it did provide a means of acquiring health insurance for a number of folks. It also did a whole lot of collateral damage.

Obamacare resulted in a huge increase in the rolls of Medicare, Medicaid, disability recipients, SSI recipients, EBT recipients, etc., while decreasing the total numbers of folks within the workforce. It also stymied wages for workers, shut down some small businesses, decreased small business startups, increased the rolls of persons holding part-time employment, and stymied the growth of existing businesses. Meanwhile many of those who did receive medical coverage under Obamacare cannot use their insurance because of the high deductibles placed upon them. But it's exactly what you Liberals wanted.

Do you have any links including statistics and figures to back any of these assertions that you are making? From what I've heard, Obamacare plan has been pretty successful.

Do you have any links or statistics to back up those claims? My claims are pretty much common knowledge reported by the news media as well as by governmental agencies.
Yes they were but there are many more that are still doing it. The point is who is the loser. The guy paid more for the cigarettes than anyone else who had the cash would have paid. The store owner made a great profit. It was the taxpayer who got screwed again.

Many more people are helped than are harmed by social safety nets. Ask anyone who has ever NEEDED it.

Who said any different? Are you on drugs?

No, I don't do drugs. Are you on drugs?

Hardly. I'm not the one on here bitching about everything.

Lol! YOU started the thread. :lol:

Show me where I bitched about anything at all. You can't.
Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were Deists.

I have never understood how people can actually believe that the "Creator of the Heavens and the Earth" is so completely and totally and absolutely dedicated to just one small planet in the hell's half acre of the Milky Way Galaxy that the creator would ignore the rest of the universe.

It is Man who created a fictional Male God Head.

The U.S. has never been a "Christian Nation." One of primary founding principals of this Country is there is no Religious Test for Public Office and no State Religion. There is no form of Religious Law (aka Sharia Law) in the U.S.

The Right to Freedom of Religion is NOT the Right to force Religion down the throats of people who don't want it.

Being a "Christian" does not make a person more moral than non "Christians". Especially when all those so-called "Christians" use their version of their god as weapon against people they consider less moral than they are or believe that because they believe in a fictional god have the right to decide rights for others.

Actually, I have not forced my religion onto anyone on here. In fact, I have hardly mentioned it at all. In return, I have been scolded and ridiculed, called a tightwad and told what I should do with my money and my life.

Awww. Now who's a victim? :(

Apparently you seem to think you are. You have more issues than anyone I have ever seen. Many of them are imaginary.

What issues would those be?

Perfect example of a crack-fried brain

How so? Are you now resorting to personal insults because you cannot address any of these issues in a logical and coherent manner? That's what it seems like! :) One more time for you now, I don't do drugs. My brain is functioning just fine as you can see by my impeccable grammar and spelling. :D
Many more people are helped than are harmed by social safety nets. Ask anyone who has ever NEEDED it.

Who said any different? Are you on drugs?

No, I don't do drugs. Are you on drugs?

Hardly. I'm not the one on here bitching about everything.

Lol! YOU started the thread. :lol:

Show me where I bitched about anything at all. You can't.

Your OP and all of your posts since. :D Lol.
I just wish people would be honest instead of pretending to care . . . just say what you mean. I'm a greedy fuck and I don't care about poor people. I would rather keep all of my money to myself than have one iota of it spent on those scumbags. :D I think instead of focusing on and attacking your fellow Americans who are less fortunate, it is time that we started to examine our tax dollars that are sent out of the country.

Please Lady. I'm in the top income tax bracket. Why is it that the folks who pay 86% of all the income tax in this country are told by those who pay no income tax at all that they are not paying their fair share? Mind Boggling.

Are you kidding? I pay taxes too, buddy. You aren't so special. Once that tax money leaves your hands, it becomes OUR money. That's right. :D Now, it can go to all the stupid things that lobbyists like and want, or it can go to a good cause like helping those less fortunate than you. Given the fact that there are more than 300 million people in this country (and counting), and there are not NEARLY that many jobs available, anyone with even half a brain could see that we, unfortunately, are always going to have jobless or those who are underemployed. That's life, and no one ever said it was going to be "fair." I'm sure many, many poor people would much rather be in your shoes. Perhaps you should be more grateful for what you have and think about those who have MUCH less for a change. It would be refreshing to hear from a conservative who doesn't despise the poor.

Actually I prefer to choose for myself who gets my money. Organizations such as the DAV, the American Red Cross, St. Jude's Children's Hospital, Waterfront Mission, etc. Since I'm also a hated Christian by you folks, I also support my church through its outreach efforts. The churches in my area mobilized to render aid to the victims of Ivan, Katrina, etc. But don't let me stop you from telling others what they should do.

I'm like Donald Trump in the fact that we really do have a bunch of stupid people running this country. They negotiate us right into the poor house. They don't think anything through or take a widescreen view of any thing. Take Obamacare for instance. Yes, it did provide a means of acquiring health insurance for a number of folks. It also did a whole lot of collateral damage.

Obamacare resulted in a huge increase in the rolls of Medicare, Medicaid, disability recipients, SSI recipients, EBT recipients, etc., while decreasing the total numbers of folks within the workforce. It also stymied wages for workers, shut down some small businesses, decreased small business startups, increased the rolls of persons holding part-time employment, and stymied the growth of existing businesses. Meanwhile many of those who did receive medical coverage under Obamacare cannot use their insurance because of the high deductibles placed upon them. But it's exactly what you Liberals wanted.

You're "like Donald Trump in the fact that we really do have a bunch of stupid people running this country." Hmm. Interesting statement considering that it makes no sense. Now, who are these "stupid" people running the country and what are they doing that you find stupid?

You're just running on and on and making no sense at all. Did I not post about Obamacare? Take a BOX of Midol and a long long nap.
Actually, I have not forced my religion onto anyone on here. In fact, I have hardly mentioned it at all. In return, I have been scolded and ridiculed, called a tightwad and told what I should do with my money and my life.

Awww. Now who's a victim? :(

Apparently you seem to think you are. You have more issues than anyone I have ever seen. Many of them are imaginary.

What issues would those be?

Perfect example of a crack-fried brain

How so? Are you now resorting to personal insults because you cannot address any of these issues in a logical and coherent manner? That's what it seems like! :) One more time for you now, I don't do drugs. My brain is functioning just fine as you can see by my impeccable grammar and spelling. :D

Your reasoning is impaired. You're not logical and coherent.
Who said any different? Are you on drugs?

No, I don't do drugs. Are you on drugs?

Hardly. I'm not the one on here bitching about everything.

Lol! YOU started the thread. :lol:

Show me where I bitched about anything at all. You can't.

Your OP and all of your posts since. :D Lol.

LOL right back at you.
Many more people are helped than are harmed by social safety nets. Ask anyone who has ever NEEDED it.

Who said any different? Are you on drugs?

Well then what is your point? You point out a person who bought cigarettes with his welfare money? How do you know how many actually do this? Again, do you have any supporting data to back up your statements? How is the taxpayer getting screwed? Like I told you, those people get an allotted amount of money and food stamps every month. If they spend it on something other than what it is meant for, they are the ones who are screwed, not you. You are not paying any more for that pack of cigarettes. I don't understand what your issue is, unless you just don't like the fact that some welfare recipients might abuse the system? Well, that happens with pretty much everything. There are always going to be those people who try to screw the system. Rich people do this too with tax evasion, foreign bank accounts, etc., etc. They end of trying to screw the system so that they don't have to even pay taxes.

Take a couple of Midol's and a nap.

How about you try to answer some of the questions? I know they are hard, but just try. :) Now, you started this thread for a reason, no? I thought people started threads because there was something they wanted to discuss. What is that you wanted to talk about. I'm sure it's not my period. :)

Already been answered. Stay sober and read the posts.

Nope, I'm sorry, but you have not answered any of the questions in my post above.

Let's try it again, shall we?

1) How do you know how many people are bucking the system? Please provide some links including statistics.
2) How is the taxpayer being screwed by a welfare recipient who buys a pack of cigarettes?
3) Did you not know that there is really no "fool-proof" system out there, and that there are always going to be those who screw the system?
4) Did you know that rich people also screw the system, and are probably responsible for MUCH more lost tax money?
5) What was the point of your OP? Do you think you are intimidating or what? Lol.
Awww. Now who's a victim? :(

Apparently you seem to think you are. You have more issues than anyone I have ever seen. Many of them are imaginary.

What issues would those be?

Perfect example of a crack-fried brain

How so? Are you now resorting to personal insults because you cannot address any of these issues in a logical and coherent manner? That's what it seems like! :) One more time for you now, I don't do drugs. My brain is functioning just fine as you can see by my impeccable grammar and spelling. :D

Your reasoning is impaired. You're not logical and coherent.

Did I accuse you of using drugs or having your period?
I just wish people would be honest instead of pretending to care . . . just say what you mean. I'm a greedy fuck and I don't care about poor people. I would rather keep all of my money to myself than have one iota of it spent on those scumbags. :D I think instead of focusing on and attacking your fellow Americans who are less fortunate, it is time that we started to examine our tax dollars that are sent out of the country.

Please Lady. I'm in the top income tax bracket. Why is it that the folks who pay 86% of all the income tax in this country are told by those who pay no income tax at all that they are not paying their fair share? Mind Boggling.

Are you kidding? I pay taxes too, buddy. You aren't so special. Once that tax money leaves your hands, it becomes OUR money. That's right. :D Now, it can go to all the stupid things that lobbyists like and want, or it can go to a good cause like helping those less fortunate than you. Given the fact that there are more than 300 million people in this country (and counting), and there are not NEARLY that many jobs available, anyone with even half a brain could see that we, unfortunately, are always going to have jobless or those who are underemployed. That's life, and no one ever said it was going to be "fair." I'm sure many, many poor people would much rather be in your shoes. Perhaps you should be more grateful for what you have and think about those who have MUCH less for a change. It would be refreshing to hear from a conservative who doesn't despise the poor.

Actually I prefer to choose for myself who gets my money. Organizations such as the DAV, the American Red Cross, St. Jude's Children's Hospital, Waterfront Mission, etc. Since I'm also a hated Christian by you folks, I also support my church through its outreach efforts. The churches in my area mobilized to render aid to the victims of Ivan, Katrina, etc. But don't let me stop you from telling others what they should do.

I'm like Donald Trump in the fact that we really do have a bunch of stupid people running this country. They negotiate us right into the poor house. They don't think anything through or take a widescreen view of any thing. Take Obamacare for instance. Yes, it did provide a means of acquiring health insurance for a number of folks. It also did a whole lot of collateral damage.

Obamacare resulted in a huge increase in the rolls of Medicare, Medicaid, disability recipients, SSI recipients, EBT recipients, etc., while decreasing the total numbers of folks within the workforce. It also stymied wages for workers, shut down some small businesses, decreased small business startups, increased the rolls of persons holding part-time employment, and stymied the growth of existing businesses. Meanwhile many of those who did receive medical coverage under Obamacare cannot use their insurance because of the high deductibles placed upon them. But it's exactly what you Liberals wanted.

Right here (see above - last paragraph). Are you that forgetful?
No, I don't do drugs. Are you on drugs?

Hardly. I'm not the one on here bitching about everything.

Lol! YOU started the thread. :lol:

Show me where I bitched about anything at all. You can't.

Your OP and all of your posts since. :D Lol.

LOL right back at you.

But I didn't create the OP. You did. Lol! :lol:
Hardly. I'm not the one on here bitching about everything.

Lol! YOU started the thread. :lol:

Show me where I bitched about anything at all. You can't.

Your OP and all of your posts since. :D Lol.

LOL right back at you.

But I didn't create the OP. You did. Lol! :lol:

The more you say, the more you reveal your stupidity.
Lol! YOU started the thread. :lol:

Show me where I bitched about anything at all. You can't.

Your OP and all of your posts since. :D Lol.

LOL right back at you.

But I didn't create the OP. You did. Lol! :lol:

The more you say, the more you reveal your stupidity.

I think that would be yourself. Lol. You raised a bunch of issues in your OP, but it seems like you don't really want to talk about them. I listed the questions I had for you to make it easier for you in case you are old and forgetful (obviously that is the case), and you still can't seem to address them. Hmm. Sad. I suppose you're just looking for attention.
Well, when you decide you want to tackle the questions, then we can talk. Until then, I am not going to sit around and placate you and keep you from feeling lonely. You can find someone else for that task. :D
Show me where I bitched about anything at all. You can't.

Your OP and all of your posts since. :D Lol.

LOL right back at you.

But I didn't create the OP. You did. Lol! :lol:

The more you say, the more you reveal your stupidity.

I think that would be yourself. Lol. You raised a bunch of issues in your OP, but it seems like you don't really want to talk about them. I listed the questions I had for you to make it easier for you in case you are old and forgetful (obviously that is the case), and you still can't seem to address them. Hmm. Sad. I suppose you're just looking for attention.

I realizer it's quite difficult, but one might suppose were you actually interested in finding answers to your concerns over Obamacare, one might suppose you might visit the OBAMACARE forum right here on USMB. There are a lot of links and stats already posted on that forum for you to digest. Why must I reinvent the wheel just to satisfy your uninformed mind?
Well, when you decide you want to tackle the questions, then we can talk. Until then, I am not going to sit around and placate you and keep you from feeling lonely. You can find someone else for that task. :D

Good. I won't say it's been fun but I have been amused.

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