I Am A Bigot And A Terrorist

Well, from the hate expressed he
I realize you are a genius but the reality is that they just recently closed down a couple of stores locally for doing just that. They scan a milk carton, a box of cereal, etc that equals more than the cost of a pack of cigarettes and hand the guy with the card a pack of cigarettes.

So what? They are allotted a certain amount of money per month or week, however they calculate it. If the people spend their money/food stamps on something other than what they were meant for, then they aren't getting anymore money or food stamps. They go hungry or without something else that they need. There are going to be people who take advantage of EVERY system. Also, as you noted, those stores were closed down.

Yes they were but there are many more that are still doing it. The point is who is the loser. The guy paid more for the cigarettes than anyone else who had the cash would have paid. The store owner made a great profit. It was the taxpayer who got screwed again.

Many more people are helped than are harmed by social safety nets. Ask anyone who has ever NEEDED it.

Who said any different? Are you on drugs?

No, I don't do drugs. Are you on drugs?
all the geriatric drugs you could imagine ..
So what? They are allotted a certain amount of money per month or week, however they calculate it. If the people spend their money/food stamps on something other than what they were meant for, then they aren't getting anymore money or food stamps. They go hungry or without something else that they need. There are going to be people who take advantage of EVERY system. Also, as you noted, those stores were closed down.

Yes they were but there are many more that are still doing it. The point is who is the loser. The guy paid more for the cigarettes than anyone else who had the cash would have paid. The store owner made a great profit. It was the taxpayer who got screwed again.

Many more people are helped than are harmed by social safety nets. Ask anyone who has ever NEEDED it.

Who said any different? Are you on drugs?

Well then what is your point? You point out a person who bought cigarettes with his welfare money? How do you know how many actually do this? Again, do you have any supporting data to back up your statements? How is the taxpayer getting screwed? Like I told you, those people get an allotted amount of money and food stamps every month. If they spend it on something other than what it is meant for, they are the ones who are screwed, not you. You are not paying any more for that pack of cigarettes. I don't understand what your issue is, unless you just don't like the fact that some welfare recipients might abuse the system? Well, that happens with pretty much everything. There are always going to be those people who try to screw the system. Rich people do this too with tax evasion, foreign bank accounts, etc., etc. They end of trying to screw the system so that they don't have to even pay taxes.

Take a couple of Midol's and a nap.
diuretics to piss
I just wish people would be honest instead of pretending to care . . . just say what you mean. I'm a greedy fuck and I don't care about poor people. I would rather keep all of my money to myself than have one iota of it spent on those scumbags. :D I think instead of focusing on and attacking your fellow Americans who are less fortunate, it is time that we started to examine our tax dollars that are sent out of the country.

Please Lady. I'm in the top income tax bracket. Why is it that the folks who pay 86% of all the income tax in this country are told by those who pay no income tax at all that they are not paying their fair share? Mind Boggling.

Are you kidding? I pay taxes too, buddy. You aren't so special. Once that tax money leaves your hands, it becomes OUR money. That's right. :D Now, it can go to all the stupid things that lobbyists like and want, or it can go to a good cause like helping those less fortunate than you. Given the fact that there are more than 300 million people in this country (and counting), and there are not NEARLY that many jobs available, anyone with even half a brain could see that we, unfortunately, are always going to have jobless or those who are underemployed. That's life, and no one ever said it was going to be "fair." I'm sure many, many poor people would much rather be in your shoes. Perhaps you should be more grateful for what you have and think about those who have MUCH less for a change. It would be refreshing to hear from a conservative who doesn't despise the poor.

Actually I prefer to choose for myself who gets my money. Organizations such as the DAV, the American Red Cross, St. Jude's Children's Hospital, Waterfront Mission, etc. Since I'm also a hated Christian by you folks, I also support my church through its outreach efforts. The churches in my area mobilized to render aid to the victims of Ivan, Katrina, etc. But don't let me stop you from telling others what they should do.

I'm like Donald Trump in the fact that we really do have a bunch of stupid people running this country. They negotiate us right into the poor house. They don't think anything through or take a widescreen view of any thing. Take Obamacare for instance. Yes, it did provide a means of acquiring health insurance for a number of folks. It also did a whole lot of collateral damage.

Obamacare resulted in a huge increase in the rolls of Medicare, Medicaid, disability recipients, SSI recipients, EBT recipients, etc., while decreasing the total numbers of folks within the workforce. It also stymied wages for workers, shut down some small businesses, decreased small business startups, increased the rolls of persons holding part-time employment, and stymied the growth of existing businesses. Meanwhile many of those who did receive medical coverage under Obamacare cannot use their insurance because of the high deductibles placed upon them. But it's exactly what you Liberals wanted.

Do you have any links including statistics and figures to back any of these assertions that you are making? From what I've heard, Obamacare plan has been pretty successful.

Do you have any links or statistics to back up those claims? My claims are pretty much common knowledge reported by the news media as well as by governmental agencies.
observational selection
Your OP and all of your posts since. :D Lol.

LOL right back at you.

But I didn't create the OP. You did. Lol! :lol:

The more you say, the more you reveal your stupidity.

I think that would be yourself. Lol. You raised a bunch of issues in your OP, but it seems like you don't really want to talk about them. I listed the questions I had for you to make it easier for you in case you are old and forgetful (obviously that is the case), and you still can't seem to address them. Hmm. Sad. I suppose you're just looking for attention.

I realizer it's quite difficult, but one might suppose were you actually interested in finding answers to your concerns over Obamacare, one might suppose you might visit the OBAMACARE forum right here on USMB. There are a lot of links and stats already posted on that forum for you to digest. Why must I reinvent the wheel just to satisfy your uninformed mind?

You are the one who brought up Obamacare and made claims. I would think an adult who starts a thread on a political debate website would be prepared with facts and knowledge and links and statistics. :)
LOL right back at you.

But I didn't create the OP. You did. Lol! :lol:

The more you say, the more you reveal your stupidity.

I think that would be yourself. Lol. You raised a bunch of issues in your OP, but it seems like you don't really want to talk about them. I listed the questions I had for you to make it easier for you in case you are old and forgetful (obviously that is the case), and you still can't seem to address them. Hmm. Sad. I suppose you're just looking for attention.

I realizer it's quite difficult, but one might suppose were you actually interested in finding answers to your concerns over Obamacare, one might suppose you might visit the OBAMACARE forum right here on USMB. There are a lot of links and stats already posted on that forum for you to digest. Why must I reinvent the wheel just to satisfy your uninformed mind?

You are the one who brought up Obamacare and made claims. I would think an adult who starts a thread on a political debate website would be prepared with facts and knowledge and links and statistics. :)

You'll have to excuse me. I am surrounded by people who don't require assistance in researching a topic. If someone comes into my world who requires assistance in researching his questions and concerns, he/she are quickly processed out through the Human Resource Office. Besides, you promised me you were gone bye bye. I already can't get rid of Dawes. He hangs onto my every word. I suppose you are yet another one.
But I didn't create the OP. You did. Lol! :lol:

The more you say, the more you reveal your stupidity.

I think that would be yourself. Lol. You raised a bunch of issues in your OP, but it seems like you don't really want to talk about them. I listed the questions I had for you to make it easier for you in case you are old and forgetful (obviously that is the case), and you still can't seem to address them. Hmm. Sad. I suppose you're just looking for attention.

I realizer it's quite difficult, but one might suppose were you actually interested in finding answers to your concerns over Obamacare, one might suppose you might visit the OBAMACARE forum right here on USMB. There are a lot of links and stats already posted on that forum for you to digest. Why must I reinvent the wheel just to satisfy your uninformed mind?

You are the one who brought up Obamacare and made claims. I would think an adult who starts a thread on a political debate website would be prepared with facts and knowledge and links and statistics. :)

You'll have to excuse me. I am surrounded by people who don't require assistance in researching a topic. If someone comes into my world who requires assistance in researching his questions and concerns, he/she are quickly processed out through the Human Resource Office. Besides, you promised me you were gone bye bye. I already can't get rid of Dawes. He hangs onto my every word. I suppose you are yet another one.
it's daws...
and you give yourself far too much credit ...
The more you say, the more you reveal your stupidity.

I think that would be yourself. Lol. You raised a bunch of issues in your OP, but it seems like you don't really want to talk about them. I listed the questions I had for you to make it easier for you in case you are old and forgetful (obviously that is the case), and you still can't seem to address them. Hmm. Sad. I suppose you're just looking for attention.

I realizer it's quite difficult, but one might suppose were you actually interested in finding answers to your concerns over Obamacare, one might suppose you might visit the OBAMACARE forum right here on USMB. There are a lot of links and stats already posted on that forum for you to digest. Why must I reinvent the wheel just to satisfy your uninformed mind?

You are the one who brought up Obamacare and made claims. I would think an adult who starts a thread on a political debate website would be prepared with facts and knowledge and links and statistics. :)

You'll have to excuse me. I am surrounded by people who don't require assistance in researching a topic. If someone comes into my world who requires assistance in researching his questions and concerns, he/she are quickly processed out through the Human Resource Office. Besides, you promised me you were gone bye bye. I already can't get rid of Dawes. He hangs onto my every word. I suppose you are yet another one.
it's daws...
and you give yourself far too much credit ...

And I give you none at all.
I think that would be yourself. Lol. You raised a bunch of issues in your OP, but it seems like you don't really want to talk about them. I listed the questions I had for you to make it easier for you in case you are old and forgetful (obviously that is the case), and you still can't seem to address them. Hmm. Sad. I suppose you're just looking for attention.

I realizer it's quite difficult, but one might suppose were you actually interested in finding answers to your concerns over Obamacare, one might suppose you might visit the OBAMACARE forum right here on USMB. There are a lot of links and stats already posted on that forum for you to digest. Why must I reinvent the wheel just to satisfy your uninformed mind?

You are the one who brought up Obamacare and made claims. I would think an adult who starts a thread on a political debate website would be prepared with facts and knowledge and links and statistics. :)

You'll have to excuse me. I am surrounded by people who don't require assistance in researching a topic. If someone comes into my world who requires assistance in researching his questions and concerns, he/she are quickly processed out through the Human Resource Office. Besides, you promised me you were gone bye bye. I already can't get rid of Dawes. He hangs onto my every word. I suppose you are yet another one.
it's daws...
and you give yourself far too much credit ...

And I give you none at all.
as if I need it or care.
I realizer it's quite difficult, but one might suppose were you actually interested in finding answers to your concerns over Obamacare, one might suppose you might visit the OBAMACARE forum right here on USMB. There are a lot of links and stats already posted on that forum for you to digest. Why must I reinvent the wheel just to satisfy your uninformed mind?

You are the one who brought up Obamacare and made claims. I would think an adult who starts a thread on a political debate website would be prepared with facts and knowledge and links and statistics. :)

You'll have to excuse me. I am surrounded by people who don't require assistance in researching a topic. If someone comes into my world who requires assistance in researching his questions and concerns, he/she are quickly processed out through the Human Resource Office. Besides, you promised me you were gone bye bye. I already can't get rid of Dawes. He hangs onto my every word. I suppose you are yet another one.
it's daws...
and you give yourself far too much credit ...

And I give you none at all.
as if I need it or care.

Come on. You care. You keep coming back for more. And more. And more. And more. And more.
That's his best line .
He will make a derogatory statement about your sexuality anytime now.

No. That's the Liberals War On Women thing.

LOL. You mean like funding Viagra but not the pill? You mean trying to shut down the government (again) over Planned Parenthood, a leading medical facility that caters to mostly women?

No one is shutting the government down. Congress is charged with passing a budget, nothing requires them to appease the President. Were the President to veto a budget that Congress passed and a government shutdown resulted, then it would be the President's veto of that budget that resulted in the shutdown. Congress still would have done their jobs.

As far as Planned Parenthood, it has been reported that they do very little by way of womens health services. Many of theit facilities offer only abortion services. Use your Obamacare insurance and go to a reputable hospital or see a reputable doctor or other medical provider for your health care. I personally know a lot of women who have their own doctors and use the local hospitals.

What reports? Link the unbiased sources. Planned Parenthood clinics are usually placed in urban areas where people who take mass transit can actually get healthcare services they need. Any abortion services they do provide are not paid for by taxpayer $$$ since the 1970s, but account for only 3% of the entire line of services they offer.

Besides... I wasn't exclusively talking about PP, but a variety of issues- including same sex marriage, minimum wage, healthcare, rolling back such things as the ADA, effectively reinstituting a poll tax & broadening Citizen's United.

And you actually expect me to take on all your issues? I don't have the time to take on all of these issues for you. Look them up for yourself if they concern you so much. The things you list don't prey upon my mind. I am not directly effected by Planned Parenthood, same sex marriage, minimum wage, healthcare, etc.

LOL. Then why did you even bring that up? The issues I did raise is what I AM CONCERNED ABOUT & vote accordingly because they directly affect this country turning into a theocracy (because of religious fanaticism) & an oligarchy ( big corp domination).
Why does it matter to you who marries who? It's really none of your business what two gay people do. They are also taxpaying American citizens like yourself. Some of them are also veterans who fought for this country. Some still are active duty military men and women. Who are you, some stranger, to insert yourself into their lives and tell them who they can and cannot marry?

As usual, you wish to dictate to me what I should believe. What gives you the right to do that? I drive a Nissan Titan. I don't fault you if you drive a Ford 150.

Really, self described 'bigot'? You have certain beliefs & those you vote for, who want to change this country into a oligarchical theocracy... makes it an extension of yourself... therefore dictating what others believe.

And you of course don't have beliefs that cause you to vote for the changes in governmental policies that you seek? Hypocrite!!

As long as they don't suppress or hurt society as a whole---I vote to broaden the rights of Americans, not restrict them. You cannot say the same.

Yes I can. You don't own that claim. You just can't see the woods for the trees.

Oh I see quite well. I am not a FOX watching sheep. Nor do I watch MSNBC. I read. I research. I know what IS hurting this country & what is 'perceived'. All you can see is sand because that seems to be where your head is stuck. ( I'm being kind)
No. That's the Liberals War On Women thing.

LOL. You mean like funding Viagra but not the pill? You mean trying to shut down the government (again) over Planned Parenthood, a leading medical facility that caters to mostly women?

No one is shutting the government down. Congress is charged with passing a budget, nothing requires them to appease the President. Were the President to veto a budget that Congress passed and a government shutdown resulted, then it would be the President's veto of that budget that resulted in the shutdown. Congress still would have done their jobs.

As far as Planned Parenthood, it has been reported that they do very little by way of womens health services. Many of theit facilities offer only abortion services. Use your Obamacare insurance and go to a reputable hospital or see a reputable doctor or other medical provider for your health care. I personally know a lot of women who have their own doctors and use the local hospitals.

What reports? Link the unbiased sources. Planned Parenthood clinics are usually placed in urban areas where people who take mass transit can actually get healthcare services they need. Any abortion services they do provide are not paid for by taxpayer $$$ since the 1970s, but account for only 3% of the entire line of services they offer.

Besides... I wasn't exclusively talking about PP, but a variety of issues- including same sex marriage, minimum wage, healthcare, rolling back such things as the ADA, effectively reinstituting a poll tax & broadening Citizen's United.

And you actually expect me to take on all your issues? I don't have the time to take on all of these issues for you. Look them up for yourself if they concern you so much. The things you list don't prey upon my mind. I am not directly effected by Planned Parenthood, same sex marriage, minimum wage, healthcare, etc.

LOL. Then why did you even bring that up? The issues I did raise is what I AM CONCERNED ABOUT & vote accordingly because they directly affect this country turning into a theocracy (because of religious fanaticism) & an oligarchy ( big corp domination).

Where did I say anything at all about it other than in my OP where I was strictly speaking toward MY beliefs?
As usual, you wish to dictate to me what I should believe. What gives you the right to do that? I drive a Nissan Titan. I don't fault you if you drive a Ford 150.

Really, self described 'bigot'? You have certain beliefs & those you vote for, who want to change this country into a oligarchical theocracy... makes it an extension of yourself... therefore dictating what others believe.

And you of course don't have beliefs that cause you to vote for the changes in governmental policies that you seek? Hypocrite!!

As long as they don't suppress or hurt society as a whole---I vote to broaden the rights of Americans, not restrict them. You cannot say the same.

Yes I can. You don't own that claim. You just can't see the woods for the trees.

Oh I see quite well. I am not a FOX watching sheep. Nor do I watch MSNBC. I read. I research. I know what IS hurting this country & what is 'perceived'. All you can see is sand because that seems to be where your head is stuck. ( I'm being kind)

Yes, I agree you certainly do have a world of issues to contend with.
LOL. You mean like funding Viagra but not the pill? You mean trying to shut down the government (again) over Planned Parenthood, a leading medical facility that caters to mostly women?

No one is shutting the government down. Congress is charged with passing a budget, nothing requires them to appease the President. Were the President to veto a budget that Congress passed and a government shutdown resulted, then it would be the President's veto of that budget that resulted in the shutdown. Congress still would have done their jobs.

As far as Planned Parenthood, it has been reported that they do very little by way of womens health services. Many of theit facilities offer only abortion services. Use your Obamacare insurance and go to a reputable hospital or see a reputable doctor or other medical provider for your health care. I personally know a lot of women who have their own doctors and use the local hospitals.

What reports? Link the unbiased sources. Planned Parenthood clinics are usually placed in urban areas where people who take mass transit can actually get healthcare services they need. Any abortion services they do provide are not paid for by taxpayer $$$ since the 1970s, but account for only 3% of the entire line of services they offer.

Besides... I wasn't exclusively talking about PP, but a variety of issues- including same sex marriage, minimum wage, healthcare, rolling back such things as the ADA, effectively reinstituting a poll tax & broadening Citizen's United.

And you actually expect me to take on all your issues? I don't have the time to take on all of these issues for you. Look them up for yourself if they concern you so much. The things you list don't prey upon my mind. I am not directly effected by Planned Parenthood, same sex marriage, minimum wage, healthcare, etc.

LOL. Then why did you even bring that up? The issues I did raise is what I AM CONCERNED ABOUT & vote accordingly because they directly affect this country turning into a theocracy (because of religious fanaticism) & an oligarchy ( big corp domination).

Where did I say anything at all about it other than in my OP where I was strictly speaking toward MY beliefs?

When you called me a hypocrite. When I said I vote to try to prevent this country turning into a oligarchical theocracy, & you apparently don't mind by the way you vote which is an extension of your ideology. That's when you brought up Planned parenthood & that they are nothing but an abortion mill that is all they do -some '97%' & the government pays for it. That's pure bullshit btw, but that's what you are told 'in the news' therefore it MUST be true. Did you believe Fiorina at the last debate about the fictional 'baby' kept alive for its brain? That was a total lie you know...
Really, self described 'bigot'? You have certain beliefs & those you vote for, who want to change this country into a oligarchical theocracy... makes it an extension of yourself... therefore dictating what others believe.

And you of course don't have beliefs that cause you to vote for the changes in governmental policies that you seek? Hypocrite!!

As long as they don't suppress or hurt society as a whole---I vote to broaden the rights of Americans, not restrict them. You cannot say the same.

Yes I can. You don't own that claim. You just can't see the woods for the trees.

Oh I see quite well. I am not a FOX watching sheep. Nor do I watch MSNBC. I read. I research. I know what IS hurting this country & what is 'perceived'. All you can see is sand because that seems to be where your head is stuck. ( I'm being kind)

Yes, I agree you certainly do have a world of issues to contend with.

I don't live in a RWNJ bubble, however it's obvious you have a penthouse view.
No one is shutting the government down. Congress is charged with passing a budget, nothing requires them to appease the President. Were the President to veto a budget that Congress passed and a government shutdown resulted, then it would be the President's veto of that budget that resulted in the shutdown. Congress still would have done their jobs.

As far as Planned Parenthood, it has been reported that they do very little by way of womens health services. Many of theit facilities offer only abortion services. Use your Obamacare insurance and go to a reputable hospital or see a reputable doctor or other medical provider for your health care. I personally know a lot of women who have their own doctors and use the local hospitals.

What reports? Link the unbiased sources. Planned Parenthood clinics are usually placed in urban areas where people who take mass transit can actually get healthcare services they need. Any abortion services they do provide are not paid for by taxpayer $$$ since the 1970s, but account for only 3% of the entire line of services they offer.

Besides... I wasn't exclusively talking about PP, but a variety of issues- including same sex marriage, minimum wage, healthcare, rolling back such things as the ADA, effectively reinstituting a poll tax & broadening Citizen's United.

And you actually expect me to take on all your issues? I don't have the time to take on all of these issues for you. Look them up for yourself if they concern you so much. The things you list don't prey upon my mind. I am not directly effected by Planned Parenthood, same sex marriage, minimum wage, healthcare, etc.

LOL. Then why did you even bring that up? The issues I did raise is what I AM CONCERNED ABOUT & vote accordingly because they directly affect this country turning into a theocracy (because of religious fanaticism) & an oligarchy ( big corp domination).

Where did I say anything at all about it other than in my OP where I was strictly speaking toward MY beliefs?

When you called me a hypocrite. When I said I vote to try to prevent this country turning into a oligarchical theocracy, & you apparently don't mind by the way you vote which is an extension of your ideology. That's when you brought up Planned parenthood & that they are nothing but an abortion mill that is all they do -some '97%' & the government pays for it. That's pure bullshit btw, but that's what you are told 'in the news' therefore it MUST be true. Did you believe Fiorina at the last debate about the fictional 'baby' kept alive for its brain? That was a total lie you know...

Of course I have the right to vote for candidates that support my beliefs, do you not. I don't remember anything about any 97% though, you may be right. There's way over 300 posts on this thing. In all honesty though, your problems are yours - not mine. As I stated, I'm happy with my life.
And you of course don't have beliefs that cause you to vote for the changes in governmental policies that you seek? Hypocrite!!

As long as they don't suppress or hurt society as a whole---I vote to broaden the rights of Americans, not restrict them. You cannot say the same.

Yes I can. You don't own that claim. You just can't see the woods for the trees.

Oh I see quite well. I am not a FOX watching sheep. Nor do I watch MSNBC. I read. I research. I know what IS hurting this country & what is 'perceived'. All you can see is sand because that seems to be where your head is stuck. ( I'm being kind)

Yes, I agree you certainly do have a world of issues to contend with.

I don't live in a RWNJ bubble, however it's obvious you have a penthouse view.

Whatever lights your fuse. Have you tried professional help?
Why is this in the Politics section? Shouldn't it be in Humor?
You are the one who brought up Obamacare and made claims. I would think an adult who starts a thread on a political debate website would be prepared with facts and knowledge and links and statistics. :)

You'll have to excuse me. I am surrounded by people who don't require assistance in researching a topic. If someone comes into my world who requires assistance in researching his questions and concerns, he/she are quickly processed out through the Human Resource Office. Besides, you promised me you were gone bye bye. I already can't get rid of Dawes. He hangs onto my every word. I suppose you are yet another one.
it's daws...
and you give yourself far too much credit ...

And I give you none at all.
as if I need it or care.

Come on. You care. You keep coming back for more. And more. And more. And more. And more.
Like I said you give yourself too much credit pretentious people fascinate me.

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