I Am A Bigot And A Terrorist

Meh, I'm not a big Obama fan myself. I don't agree with a lot of his ideas. However, I certainly do not think he is this socialist monster that those on the right try to make him into. Lol. While I don't like or trust politicians, I also don't really have a "seething" hatred for them either.

Obama is a centrist & he's a corporate Democrat. That's hardly what liberal socialist really is & anybody with a (D) after their name will get labeled as such anyways.
Obama had to make way to compromises to Republicans early on. They had already decided they were going to make him a one term President (how's that one term President working for ya?).

When Mr. Obama did dig in on the A.C.A., they did not know what to do. They were so sure Obama would cave and he did not. Republicans were absolutely sure that by Shutting Down the Government they would force Obama to bend their will and they failed big time. Now over 50+ votes later the A.C.A. provides access to Health Care for over 10,000,000 Americans.

The "Sunday Morning Christians" that comprise the Republican Party ignore the Healing done by their so-called "Lord Savior", all done for free. They cannot and will not see that they have tied themselves to a failure in a philosophy not based on their so-called "Religious, Family Values"
as much as "Fuck You I've Got Mine and Fuck You If You Don't".
What the so-called "Christians" flocking to support Kim Davis forget is that.

1. The so-called "Son of God" named Jesus never said one word about Homosexuality, Homosexual Relationships or Homosexuals. Jesus condemned Divorce, which puts Ms. Davis, Newt Gingrich and Donald Trump on the iffy list as as Jesus is concerned.

2. Early Christians, hiding in caves and painting themselves blue were Socialists.

But what the hell, these so-called "Christians" cherry pick their bible so they can hate who the want.
Meh, I'm not a big Obama fan myself. I don't agree with a lot of his ideas. However, I certainly do not think he is this socialist monster that those on the right try to make him into. Lol. While I don't like or trust politicians, I also don't really have a "seething" hatred for them either.

Obama is a centrist & he's a corporate Democrat. That's hardly what liberal socialist really is & anybody with a (D) after their name will get labeled as such anyways.

Meh, there are not too many politicians that I actually like. In fact, I can't think of even one. :lol:
Meh, I'm not a big Obama fan myself. I don't agree with a lot of his ideas. However, I certainly do not think he is this socialist monster that those on the right try to make him into. Lol. While I don't like or trust politicians, I also don't really have a "seething" hatred for them either.

Obama is a centrist & he's a corporate Democrat. That's hardly what liberal socialist really is & anybody with a (D) after their name will get labeled as such anyways.

Meh, there are not too many politicians that I actually like. In fact, I can't think of even one. :lol:

They are all whores that will sell out to the biggest bidders... for either favors or a lobbying job after they out of office. No doubt about it- but gotta give Bernie kudos for not succumbing to corporate $.
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.
To put things in perspective, my son has an 11 year old friend who calls your worse nightmare.
You are a disgrace to all of us with Indian blood, grow up.
AS a politically Democrat, I take all Pols with a strong dose of cynicism. All of them are self-serving. I have read in this mornings paper that the incoming Republican House Speaker will have to adhere without question the agenda of RW TeaHadist/Religious Right. No deviation will be allowed.

Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Fuhrer.
AS a politically Democrat, I take all Pols with a strong dose of cynicism. All of them are self-serving. I have read in this mornings paper that the incoming Republican House Speaker will have to adhere without question the agenda of RW TeaHadist/Religious Right. No deviation will be allowed.

Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Fuhrer.

& their going after him next.

I liked the original message of the TEA party (which was Taxed Enough Already). However, the religious fanatics took over the movement LONG ago. Big turn off for me personally. :)

Most real Republicans have become extinct.
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.
To put things in perspective, my son has an 11 year old friend who calls your worse nightmare.
You are a disgrace to all of us with Indian blood, grow up.

And I'll bet you are every bit a 1/8 Indian at best.
I liked the original message of the TEA party (which was Taxed Enough Already). However, the religious fanatics took over the movement LONG ago. Big turn off for me personally. :)

Most real Republicans have become extinct.

I thought the movement showed promise at first. A "political" group to oppose the government? Great! Lol. Too bad the whackadoodles took over.

Oh sorry, I'm not talking about republicans. :D I think a lot of people who were interested in the TEA party were independents and libertarians too.
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.
To put things in perspective, my son has an 11 year old friend who calls your worse nightmare.
You are a disgrace to all of us with Indian blood, grow up.

And I'll bet you are every bit a 1/8 Indian at best.
That is a bet you would lose.
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

you're not my worst nightmare.... you're just an ignorant bigot. *shrug*

and thankfully part of a dying breed.

but thanks for trolling by.
I liked the original message of the TEA party (which was Taxed Enough Already). However, the religious fanatics took over the movement LONG ago. Big turn off for me personally. :)

Most real Republicans have become extinct.

I thought the movement showed promise at first. A "political" group to oppose the government? Great! Lol. Too bad the whackadoodles took over.

Oh sorry, I'm not talking about republicans. :D I think a lot of people who were interested in the TEA party were independents and libertarians too.

you can't be employed by the gubmint and say you oppose the gubmint...

and if you don't respect the country you're working for, you really shouldn't have anything to do with it's operation.
I liked the original message of the TEA party (which was Taxed Enough Already). However, the religious fanatics took over the movement LONG ago. Big turn off for me personally. :)

Most real Republicans have become extinct.

I thought the movement showed promise at first. A "political" group to oppose the government? Great! Lol. Too bad the whackadoodles took over.

Oh sorry, I'm not talking about republicans. :D I think a lot of people who were interested in the TEA party were independents and libertarians too.

you can't be employed by the gubmint and say you oppose the gubmint...

and if you don't respect the country you're working for, you really shouldn't have anything to do with it's operation.

That's not true at all. A lot of movements are formed to CHANGE the government and the way they operate. I think it's about time they became accountable for exactly how our tax dollars are being spent! They need an accountant!
I liked the original message of the TEA party (which was Taxed Enough Already). However, the religious fanatics took over the movement LONG ago. Big turn off for me personally. :)

Most real Republicans have become extinct.

I thought the movement showed promise at first. A "political" group to oppose the government? Great! Lol. Too bad the whackadoodles took over.

Oh sorry, I'm not talking about republicans. :D I think a lot of people who were interested in the TEA party were independents and libertarians too.

you can't be employed by the gubmint and say you oppose the gubmint...

and if you don't respect the country you're working for, you really shouldn't have anything to do with it's operation.

Michelle Obama said she had always been ashamed of America.
I liked the original message of the TEA party (which was Taxed Enough Already). However, the religious fanatics took over the movement LONG ago. Big turn off for me personally. :)

Most real Republicans have become extinct.

I thought the movement showed promise at first. A "political" group to oppose the government? Great! Lol. Too bad the whackadoodles took over.

Oh sorry, I'm not talking about republicans. :D I think a lot of people who were interested in the TEA party were independents and libertarians too.

you can't be employed by the gubmint and say you oppose the gubmint...

and if you don't respect the country you're working for, you really shouldn't have anything to do with it's operation.

That's not true at all. A lot of movements are formed to CHANGE the government and the way they operate. I think it's about time they became accountable for exactly how our tax dollars are being spent! They need an accountant!

change.... not destroy and disrespect. and not undermine our government... just seek more just application of our laws or better laws.

for example... for a presidential candidate to tell stupid people that they should't have to listen to the supreme court is fostering a disregard for our rule of law as defined by the constitution.
I liked the original message of the TEA party (which was Taxed Enough Already). However, the religious fanatics took over the movement LONG ago. Big turn off for me personally. :)

Most real Republicans have become extinct.

I thought the movement showed promise at first. A "political" group to oppose the government? Great! Lol. Too bad the whackadoodles took over.

Oh sorry, I'm not talking about republicans. :D I think a lot of people who were interested in the TEA party were independents and libertarians too.

you can't be employed by the gubmint and say you oppose the gubmint...

and if you don't respect the country you're working for, you really shouldn't have anything to do with it's operation.

Michelle Obama said she had always been ashamed of America.

Ummm no, she actually didn't. How about a link to back that up 'eh? Otherwise you'll be considered a troll AND a liar.
I liked the original message of the TEA party (which was Taxed Enough Already). However, the religious fanatics took over the movement LONG ago. Big turn off for me personally. :)

Most real Republicans have become extinct.

I thought the movement showed promise at first. A "political" group to oppose the government? Great! Lol. Too bad the whackadoodles took over.

Oh sorry, I'm not talking about republicans. :D I think a lot of people who were interested in the TEA party were independents and libertarians too.

you can't be employed by the gubmint and say you oppose the gubmint...

and if you don't respect the country you're working for, you really shouldn't have anything to do with it's operation.

Michelle Obama said she had always been ashamed of America.

no liar. she said she was PROUD of America when normal people overrode the bigots.

rightwingnut compulsive liar. :thup:

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