I Am A Yes Vote To DECERTIFY. Many Of My Colleagues In The Arizona Senate Want To Decertify

The election had no integrity you can't delegitimize anymore than it already has been. It is being proven and, again, you just deny it.
Here's the thing, IMHO: the Arizona audit that was done concluded that they could not show that Biden stole the election. IOW, while there was plenty of fraud going on, they did not say that Trump should have won AZ. Nor has that been definitively done in any other state.

Now - if you're going to decertify election results that have been validated and verified by those appointed or elected to do so, IMHO you've gotta have rock-solid proof that will stand up in a court of law that the election was in fact stolen and so far that has not happened. Opinions, surveys, and statistics don't cut it; you've gotta have clear-cut and unassailable proof that the election was in fact awarded fraudulently. And I think you also gotta have laws at the state level to deal with that possibility.

But once the US Congress convenes and verifies the election results, I am not sure there is legally any further action to be taken after that. There are challenges that can be made and voted on for each state's electors, but I believe that once that process is done, IT's DONE. There's currently no redo, even if a state subsequently overturns the election results at a later date. That is uncharted waters that I do not believe the SCOTUS has any Constitutional basis to act on.

I say this as a Trump voter who does not want Biden in the WH. Along with approximately half the country have serious doubts about the 2020 election, I do not know if Biden actually should have won. I am pleased with the fact that many state legislatures around the country have taken steps to improve election integrity. And I hope we aren't going to see a regular occurrence of this shit every 2 or 4 years.

You won't see anything like this again if Trump isn't running. Just like you never saw anything like it in any of the previous 232 years we've been holding elections. Only an uber-egomaniac like Trump would drag the country through this hell because he lacks the character and statesmanship to simply admit he lost. He set it up in 2016 but didn't pull the trigger since he won the election; but basically, only elections he wins are free and fair.
If you let a stolen election stand, it would make elections so meaningless that there would be no sense in even having them in the future. And then there goes of the people, by the people and for the people.
This is the GOP's strategy going forward.

"We don't like the results, we'll say they're fraudulent, we refuse to certify".

That's exactly how this is playing out, right in front of us, in real time, in multiple states.
You don't believe that there was funny business and that's fine, but you act like it is impossible and anyone raising questions is just ass hurt.

That is a quick way to end the U.S. How long do you think we will tolerate that bullshit? Especially when there is zero transparency.
You don't believe that there was funny business and that's fine, but you act like it is impossible and anyone raising questions is just ass hurt.

That is a quick way to end the U.S. How long do you think we will tolerate that bullshit? Especially when there is zero transparency.
We need to do everything we can do maximize election security.

Here's the problem: All these "questions" have come about because a blatant and obvious con man -- one who once claimed that the fucking EMMYS were "rigged" against him -- was making his claims MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION EVEN TOOK PLACE, when he had ZERO proof and was CLEARLY just trying to protect his profoundly brittle ego.

These claims were then advanced and turned into a humiliating circus by the likes of Mr. Pillow, Alex Jones, Dripping Rudy and the Kraken Broad. Trump's motley crew of legal misfits have lost over 60 fucking court cases in their national embarrassment of a "search" for the "truth".

And that doesn't even count Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, all of whom think this is bullshit.

So please forgive us if we fail to take this as seriously as we might. And worse, this fucking clown show has so polluted our electoral process, and Americans' faith in it, that we are now teetering on the edge, ripe for a "boy who cried wolf" moment in the near future to push us into the fucking abyss.
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Why bother? Very little difference between Don and Joe.
When you nest fill your car at the gas station tell yourself there is very little difference between Trump and Biden.
No, it's your fault you're trying to delegitimize the process. You're destroying the country from the inside out. Uncle Putin loves you.
They really don't care. They actually believe they can survive splitting the country. They're brainwashed. They're crazy. There's no reaching them.
We need to do everything we can do maximize election security.

Here's the problem: All these "questions" have come about because a blatant and obvious con man -- one who once claimed that the fucking EMMYS were "rigged" against him -- was making his claims MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION EVEN TOOK PLACE, when he had ZERO proof and was CLEARLY just trying to protect his profoundly brittle ego.

These claims were then advanced and turned into a humiliating circus by the likes of Mr. Pillow, Alex Jones, Dripping Rudy and the Kraken Broad. Trump's motley crew of legal misfits have lost over 60 fucking court cases in their national embarrassment of a "search" for the "truth".

And that doesn't even count Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, all of whom think this is bullshit.

So please forgive us if we fail to take this as seriously as we might. And worse, this fucking clown show has so polluted our electoral process, and Americans' faith in it, that we are now teetering on the edge, ripe for a "boy who cried wolf" moment in the near future to push us into the fucking abyss.
Nice try.
We need to do everything we can do maximize election security.

Here's the problem: All these "questions" have come about because a blatant and obvious con man -- one who once claimed that the fucking EMMYS were "rigged" against him -- was making his claims MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION EVEN TOOK PLACE, when he had ZERO proof and was CLEARLY just trying to protect his profoundly brittle ego.

These claims were then advanced and turned into a humiliating circus by the likes of Mr. Pillow, Alex Jones, Dripping Rudy and the Kraken Broad. Trump's motley crew of legal misfits have lost over 60 fucking court cases in their national embarrassment of a "search" for the "truth".

And that doesn't even count Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, all of whom think this is bullshit.

So please forgive us if we fail to take this as seriously as we might. And worse, this fucking clown show has so polluted our electoral process, and Americans' faith in it, that we are now teetering on the edge, ripe for a "boy who cried wolf" moment in the near future to push us into the fucking abyss.
Did you stay up on election night?

I did.

I was screaming bloody murder "bullshit" at all of the sudden shut downs of counting and then sudden resuming of counting in the middle of the night with hundreds of thousands of Biden-only votes.

So don't give me that fucking bullshit.

It has nothing to do with anything Trump said later. We were already there. If anything he was repeating what we have been saying.

This is your biggest weakness. You think that we do not have minds of our own. You underestimate us more than anyone I have ever seen.
You won't see anything like this again if Trump isn't running. Just like you never saw anything like it in any of the previous 232 years we've been holding elections. Only an uber-egomaniac like Trump would drag the country through this hell because he lacks the character and statesmanship to simply admit he lost. He set it up in 2016 but didn't pull the trigger since he won the election; but basically, only elections he wins are free and fair.
There are plenty of uber-egomaniacs out there. And Trump has paved the way. Do you see Rs nominating anything else?
Here's the problem: All these "questions" have come about because a blatant and obvious con man -- one who once claimed that the fucking EMMYS were "rigged" against him -- was making his claims MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION EVEN TOOK PLACE, when he had ZERO proof and was CLEARLY just trying to protect his profoundly brittle ego.
That seems to be their blind spot. Even those smart enough to recognize it, won't admit it.
We need to do everything we can do maximize election security.

Totally agree, and I'm glad you can see the root of the problem. In the 21st century, elections should be inscrutably secure. They are not, and during the 2020 election many last-minute changes were made to the process, many of which are not proven to be illegal changes not approved by state legislatures.

Many suggestions have been made:
  • Do away with mass mailing of ballots through a system that is not designed to handle bulk-rate secure transmissions. Virtually all democratic nations, including many third world countries, have outlawed this practice for the very reason that it is insecure and can lead to fraud. The current system where a voter's name and signature on the envelope violates the concept of vote secrecy. They most certainly can and do keep track of who voted for what in your town office...this alone is a blatant violation of secret and secure voting.
  • Require positive Identification for all ballots handed out at polling places.
  • Make all ballots "money grade" so that they cannot easily be counterfeited on any old printer. One option would be to assign a "Guaranteed Unique Identifier" to each ballot and a list of those valid GUID's kept on a seperate database. It would make counterfeiting impossible, but care would have to be taken so that the GUID could not be traced to a voters name in order to maintain vote secrecy.

Unfortunately, it seems the socialist progressives object to these sorts of security changes...why? Because it makes it harder for the powerful to cheat? Instead, they want to further degrade the system by recommending new voting techniques like "ranked choice". Why? So they can manipulate the vote results easier?
Here's the problem: All these "questions" have come about because a blatant and obvious con man -- one who once claimed that the fucking EMMYS were "rigged" against him -- was making his claims MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION EVEN TOOK PLACE, when he had ZERO proof and was CLEARLY just trying to protect his profoundly brittle ego.
We knew mass mailing of ballots printed on plain paper with no security standards was a bad idea the minute they started talking about it. BAD IDEA. Of course it will lead to fraud. Practically every other civilized democracy or democratic republic in the world has outlawed this barbaric practice.
These claims were then advanced and turned into a humiliating circus by the likes of Mr. Pillow, Alex Jones, Dripping Rudy and the Kraken Broad. Trump's motley crew of legal misfits have lost over 60 fucking court cases in their national embarrassment of a "search" for the "truth".
False. Only a handful of cases were actually heard, and they won in the majority of the cases that were heard. The majority of the 60 cases were thrown out because of technicalities, mostly centering on two problems: the person filing the suits did not have standing to file the suit, or the case had no president or law which would allow a court to hear the case and make a decision: State Legislatures are responsible for vote irregularities, not the court system.
And that doesn't even count Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, all of whom think this is bullshit.

So please forgive us if we fail to take this as seriously as we might. And worse, this fucking clown show has so polluted our electoral process, and Americans' faith in it, that we are now teetering on the edge, ripe for a "boy who cried wolf" moment in the near future to push us into the fucking abyss.
It sounds like you may not be taking the issues seriously because you perceive your party as having won in this case. Understandable, but unfortunate. We should be able to do better for all our sakes. Unless you believe the Marxist idea that the regular people shouldn't be allowed to make decisions, only the socially powerful and elite should decide such things.
That seems to be their blind spot. Even those smart enough to recognize it, won't admit it.
That's the nature of a cult. At some subconscious level, a voice inside is screaming it. But they choose to ignore that voice.

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