I am beginning to think having 300 million +guns in the country isn't working out...

How many shootings in schools is that 11 in 23 days? Great job!

Explain how guns will be banned
After you explain why 11 school shootings in 23 days doesn't bother you.

Everyone is against mass shootings.
Banning guns will not stop them. It would only disarm the shooting victims.
People want the ability to defend themselves and they have the basic human right to self defense.
OK, now it's your turn.
It obviously doesn't bother you if you don't even want to do anything. Pretty simple concept really.

Arm and train Teachers. Problem solved.
You've gotten a false rating on that one.
No evidence that the kickback scheme that defrauded Tenex overlapped with Rosatom’s efforts to buy Uranium One.

You are confused about this.

Hopefully Trump has the courage to do a real investigation and we can find out how come that shithead Clinton managed to get $200 million in her bank account and that the Russians got 20% of our uranium. We know that the filthy ass Obama administration didn't investigate it .,
There is no mystery, she got her money by speeches and writing books like the 43 million dollars she got for the last one. Zzzzzzzzzzz all investigated and not a damn thing.

Aren't you a dumbass? The only idiot left in America that thinks the Clintons are honest and they got $200 million legitimately.
Its legal because of Citizens United.
Legitimacy or honest has nothing to do with, because Citizens united makes it legal.
Give thanks to the GOP.

You are confused.

Citizen United protect free speech and receiving money from donors. Good ruling. It is called freedom of speech. However, what that asshole Crooked Hillary did was sell government influence in exchange for donations to her money laundering foundation and astronomical speaking fees for Slick Willy.

Obama didn't hold the filthy bitch accountable for her treason and corruption. Lets all hope that Trump does. It will be a glorious day for America when we see Crooked Hillary doing her Perp Walk.

The Moon Bats were idiots nominating someone that corrupt and dishonest as their candidate, weren't they? What in the hell were the idiots thinking? It is not like we didn't warn them that Crooked Hillary had more baggage than Delta Airlines. Of course we all know that Moon Bats are not exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, don't we?
How many shootings in schools is that 11 in 23 days? Great job!

Explain how guns will be banned
After you explain why 11 school shootings in 23 days doesn't bother you.

Everyone is against mass shootings.
Banning guns will not stop them. It would only disarm the shooting victims.
People want the ability to defend themselves and they have the basic human right to self defense.
OK, now it's your turn.
It obviously doesn't bother you if you don't even want to do anything. Pretty simple concept really.

Obviously knowing when a given "solution" is unworkable is in no way similar to not wanting to do anything. Pretty simple concept indeed.

Yes....Citizens United allows free speech...you left wingers hate that.

The despicable Moon Bats want to be able to receive tons of money from their greedy Unions, abortion baby killers, Muslim advocacy groups, Wall Street and George Soros but gets pissed when the Conservatives raises funds. That is just the kind of assholes they are and why they hate the court ruling..
It obviously doesn't bother you if you don't even want to do anything. Pretty simple concept really.
People who are depressed and angry will find a way to do a mass shooting if they want.

They will get guns from the inevitable black market (see prohibition and the war on drugs) or they will build their own guns (which is really not too difficult). These are the options:

1. Arm everyone and have a much more polite society.

2. Keep the status quo.

3. Only the government is armed.

More gun control is never going to solve the problem. Complete confiscation and ban will also not solve the problem. Complete repeal of all gun laws where everyone is armed will not solve the problem either, but at least the people getting shot at will have a fighting chance.

Now, I know what leftists will choose. That is because they have a naive faith in government, as well as a complete disregard or disrespect for the power of human nature. They can't see their eventual but certain reduction to serfdom or bondage. They haven't experienced or witnessed that demise enough because America is still here as an example, and as a protector to many. They dismiss examples like Venezuela and North Korea.

It can and will happen.

So, wanting to "do anything about" it is fine, but the best "anything" we can do is decidedly not what your communist overlords want to do.

It really is that simple.
How many shootings in schools is that 11 in 23 days? Great job!
CCR sang "200 million guns are loaded" fifty years ago and we had virtually no school shootings then. Obviously the guns aren't the issue.
Fox is continuing the series The X-Files. Scully and Mulder are back, and I recorded a couple shows and watched them last night. I was a dedicated fan in the 90's when the show was on.
It has become 10 times more violent and the language is coarsened, more like we talk to each other on social media. After watching one and half shows I deleted the rest.
Sometimes in order to see where we are, we need to compare it to where we used to be. Our society is spinning out of control and the unnecessary violence and incivility is exploding. No one cares, or no one sees it. It's not going to end well. Gun violence is all of a piece with this.
Fox is continuing the series The X-Files. Scully and Mulder are back, and I recorded a couple shows and watched them last night. I was a dedicated fan in the 90's when the show was on.
It has become 10 times more violent and the language is coarsened, more like we talk to each other on social media. After watching one and half shows I deleted the rest.
Sometimes in order to see where we are, we need to compare it to where we used to be. Our society is spinning out of control and the unnecessary violence and incivility is exploding. No one cares, or no one sees it. It's not going to end well. Gun violence is all of a piece with this.
The anonymity of cyberspace and some social media has allowed people to avoid the consequences of their rude behavior. The fear is removed.

Likewise, the lack of open carry or fear that EVERYONE is armed has emboldened a bunch of cowards who want to shoot unarmed people.

The fear of being shot by victims has been removed. It should be restored.
Guns keep us safe

With 300 million guns out there, we should be very safe
Most of America is absolutely safe, except progressive controlled urban areas... lol
Red states Louisiana and Mississippi are number one and two in murder rates

FBI ranks Mississippi No. 2 for homicides

Only because their major cities are run by democrats........

Jackson, Mississippi has been run by democrats since 1989

List of mayors of Jackson, Mississippi - Wikipedia

And both New Orleans and Baton Rouge....have also been controlled by democrats.....

That is the problem....not law abiding people owning and carrying guns..
And having GOP tax rates and policies the last 35 years, with the resulting ruin of the non-rich...
Help me out here. We can’t deport 11 million illegal immigrants because that is too hard. We can somehow round up an estimated 300 million firearms from some 150 million people with little or no trouble. It’s just impossible, too expensive, and too hard to deport the illegals. But it would be cheap and easy to round up guns.

Is that an accurate summation?
For the billionth time, super dupe, no one is even talking about taking away anybody's guns... You people are out of your mind s. We're talking about background checks and bump stocks and automatic weapons kits.

Really? Because that isn’t what you said in the OP. You said 300 million + was too many.
Absolutely. But the number would come down slowly with better background checks and a democratic culture rather than this Reaganist Pander to the rich BS and so much poverty really...
Fox is continuing the series The X-Files. Scully and Mulder are back, and I recorded a couple shows and watched them last night. I was a dedicated fan in the 90's when the show was on.
It has become 10 times more violent and the language is coarsened, more like we talk to each other on social media. After watching one and half shows I deleted the rest.
Sometimes in order to see where we are, we need to compare it to where we used to be. Our society is spinning out of control and the unnecessary violence and incivility is exploding. No one cares, or no one sees it. It's not going to end well. Gun violence is all of a piece with this.
The anonymity of cyberspace and some social media has allowed people to avoid the consequences of their rude behavior. The fear is removed.

Likewise, the lack of open carry or fear that EVERYONE is armed has emboldened a bunch of cowards who want to shoot unarmed people.

The fear of being shot by victims has been removed. It should be restored.
The country was never like that, young Spratt super dupe.
How many shootings in schools is that 11 in 23 days? Great job!

The day you think will be the day you stop being a Communist, fascist franco.
So I'm in favor of a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, and I I am in favor of a right-wing corporatist dictatorship at the same time? You have no idea what you're talking about..
You've gotten a false rating on that one.
No evidence that the kickback scheme that defrauded Tenex overlapped with Rosatom’s efforts to buy Uranium One.

You are confused about this.

Hopefully Trump has the courage to do a real investigation and we can find out how come that shithead Clinton managed to get $200 million in her bank account and that the Russians got 20% of our uranium. We know that the filthy ass Obama administration didn't investigate it .,
There is no mystery, she got her money by speeches and writing books like the 43 million dollars she got for the last one. Zzzzzzzzzzz all investigated and not a damn thing.

Aren't you a dumbass? The only idiot left in America that thinks the Clintons are honest and they got $200 million legitimately.
Actually, despite 25 years of fake news character assassination by basically all our pathetic media, probably 40% of the country's still knows that the clintons have been investigated a million times and nothing has been found, super dupe conspiracy Nut Job lol.
How many shootings in schools is that 11 in 23 days? Great job!
CCR sang "200 million guns are loaded" fifty years ago and we had virtually no school shootings then. Obviously the guns aren't the issue.
Fox is continuing the series The X-Files. Scully and Mulder are back, and I recorded a couple shows and watched them last night. I was a dedicated fan in the 90's when the show was on.
It has become 10 times more violent and the language is coarsened, more like we talk to each other on social media. After watching one and half shows I deleted the rest.
Sometimes in order to see where we are, we need to compare it to where we used to be. Our society is spinning out of control and the unnecessary violence and incivility is exploding. No one cares, or no one sees it. It's not going to end well. Gun violence is all of a piece with this.
So you think they should call the new version the XXX-Files?
Idiotic to think you can make school shootings more illegal than they already are. Guns still haven't started killing people and people still are no less dead when killed with any other inanimate object than with a gun. If you wish to cut down on violence just stop beating this dead horse.
Gun laws simply disarm potential victims which empowers criminals.

Ah, the good old arguments.

Guns don't kill people, people do.

Sure. But people with guns kill more easily than people without guns

Also, why do far more police officers die in the line of duty in the US than the UK? The unarmed police officers in the UK are just potential victims, whereas the armed police officers in the US can defend themselves, so they shouldn't actually die. Right?

"Sure. But people with guns kill more easily than people without guns."

Absolutely. Which is what makes it possible for somebodies' little old grandmother to successfully defend herself from a big burly ax murderer. Also makes it possible for armed employees to defend schoolchildren.Gun free zones only serve to attract crazies.

Also, why do far more police officers die in the line of duty in the US than the UK? The unarmed police officers in the UK are just potential victims, whereas the armed police officers in the US can defend themselves, so they shouldn't actually die. Right?

Somehow I suspect there are far more of both police officers and criminals in the US than in the UK and that there are far more lives protected with firearms.

The problem is, if you look at the statistics, it's better to not be able to defend yourself with a gun at the risk of being attacked by a gun.

3/4 of all murders in the US happen with guns. The US murder rate is 4 times higher than the UK murder rate. So the UK murder rate is about the same as the US non-gun murder rate. Coincidence?

Somehow you suspect?

So you don't know? So you're literally taking the facts that I've presented and ignoring them because it's inconvenient for your narrative and making stuff up to fill the gaps?

Oh, wow.

Far more police officers means what?

List of American police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

In 2016 there were 140 US police officers, with guns, killed in the line of duty.

List of British police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

In 2016 there were 0 UK police officers killed in the line of duty.

By the Numbers: How Many Cops Are There In the USA?

This guy estimates that there are at least 900,000 police officers in the US.

List of countries and dependencies by number of police officers - Wikipedia

Wikipedia estimates 913,000.

England and Wales has 198,000, plus 17,000 for Scotland and 7,000 for Northern Ireland. That's like 220,000 police officers which would be about comparible with the US per capita. They have 284 per 100,000 in the US and 302 in England and Wales though it's hard to define what is and what isn't a police officer and how much it impacts crime etc. So, we're almost in the same ballpark.

Are there more criminals? Certainly there are more locked up. But then you'd have to ask why the US has more criminals. I could give lots of suggested answers, like the US just doesn't give a shit.

But here's the reality. If guns save lives, why is the US murder rate higher, and why do FAR MORE police officers die every year?

140 in the US, this would be 28 police officers killed in the UK per year in order to be at the same level. You have to go back to October 1999 in order to achieve this level. That's 19 years. This means in the US a police officer is 19 times more likely to die doing their job than a British police office.
Also a US citizen if 4 times more likely to die than a UK citizen.

These are the facts. You can't dress them up with anything.

Having guns in society is more dangerous.

Somehow you suspect?

So you don't know? So you're literally taking the facts that I've presented and ignoring them because it's inconvenient for your narrative and making stuff up to fill the gaps?

Untrue. Most of the "facts" you've presented are no such thing. Lies, spin, irrelevant, invalid and/or unsupported comparisons, and begging the question.

"The problem is, if you look at the statistics, it's better to not be able to defend yourself with a gun at the risk of being attacked by a gun."

Lie. Which is likely the reason why you fail to link or otherwise support your alleged "fact"
You claim that guns attack people and still pretend to deal with facts. How idiotic.

"3/4 of all murders in the US happen with guns. The US murder rate is 4 times higher than the UK murder rate. So the UK murder rate is about the same as the US non-gun murder rate. Coincidence?"

Unsupported, off topic and pointless..

"England and Wales has 198,000, plus 17,000 for Scotland and 7,000 for Northern Ireland....""If guns save lives, why is the US murder rate higher, and why do FAR MORE police officers die every year?"

Fact: If you have far more police policing a far larger population it is altogether reasonable to expect more on the job deaths. And again you fail to provide support for your claims.

"Having guns in society is more dangerous"

Untrue unproven unsupported and (even if true) off topic. And who makes the claim that a more strictly controlled society is preferable to one that is more free?

So what have I said that is false?

I mean, you've not attacked a single fact of mine for being wrong.

No, I don't claim guns attack people.

The fact that you're saying this after quoting me having said

"Sure. But people with guns kill more easily than people without guns."

and then you go off and insult.

You're deflecting, not debating. So, until you stop acting like a child, we're through.
Idiotic to think you can make school shootings more illegal than they already are. Guns still haven't started killing people and people still are no less dead when killed with any other inanimate object than with a gun. If you wish to cut down on violence just stop beating this dead horse.
Gun laws simply disarm potential victims which empowers criminals.

Ah, the good old arguments.

Guns don't kill people, people do.

Sure. But people with guns kill more easily than people without guns

Also, why do far more police officers die in the line of duty in the US than the UK? The unarmed police officers in the UK are just potential victims, whereas the armed police officers in the US can defend themselves, so they shouldn't actually die. Right?

"Sure. But people with guns kill more easily than people without guns."

Absolutely. Which is what makes it possible for somebodies' little old grandmother to successfully defend herself from a big burly ax murderer. Also makes it possible for armed employees to defend schoolchildren.Gun free zones only serve to attract crazies.

Also, why do far more police officers die in the line of duty in the US than the UK? The unarmed police officers in the UK are just potential victims, whereas the armed police officers in the US can defend themselves, so they shouldn't actually die. Right?

Somehow I suspect there are far more of both police officers and criminals in the US than in the UK and that there are far more lives protected with firearms.

The problem is, if you look at the statistics, it's better to not be able to defend yourself with a gun at the risk of being attacked by a gun.

3/4 of all murders in the US happen with guns. The US murder rate is 4 times higher than the UK murder rate. So the UK murder rate is about the same as the US non-gun murder rate. Coincidence?

Somehow you suspect?

So you don't know? So you're literally taking the facts that I've presented and ignoring them because it's inconvenient for your narrative and making stuff up to fill the gaps?

Oh, wow.

Far more police officers means what?

List of American police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

In 2016 there were 140 US police officers, with guns, killed in the line of duty.

List of British police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

In 2016 there were 0 UK police officers killed in the line of duty.

By the Numbers: How Many Cops Are There In the USA?

This guy estimates that there are at least 900,000 police officers in the US.

List of countries and dependencies by number of police officers - Wikipedia

Wikipedia estimates 913,000.

England and Wales has 198,000, plus 17,000 for Scotland and 7,000 for Northern Ireland. That's like 220,000 police officers which would be about comparible with the US per capita. They have 284 per 100,000 in the US and 302 in England and Wales though it's hard to define what is and what isn't a police officer and how much it impacts crime etc. So, we're almost in the same ballpark.

Are there more criminals? Certainly there are more locked up. But then you'd have to ask why the US has more criminals. I could give lots of suggested answers, like the US just doesn't give a shit.

But here's the reality. If guns save lives, why is the US murder rate higher, and why do FAR MORE police officers die every year?

140 in the US, this would be 28 police officers killed in the UK per year in order to be at the same level. You have to go back to October 1999 in order to achieve this level. That's 19 years. This means in the US a police officer is 19 times more likely to die doing their job than a British police office.
Also a US citizen if 4 times more likely to die than a UK citizen.

These are the facts. You can't dress them up with anything.

Having guns in society is more dangerous.

Somehow you suspect?

So you don't know? So you're literally taking the facts that I've presented and ignoring them because it's inconvenient for your narrative and making stuff up to fill the gaps?

Untrue. Most of the "facts" you've presented are no such thing. Lies, spin, irrelevant, invalid and/or unsupported comparisons, and begging the question.

"The problem is, if you look at the statistics, it's better to not be able to defend yourself with a gun at the risk of being attacked by a gun."

Lie. Which is likely the reason why you fail to link or otherwise support your alleged "fact"
You claim that guns attack people and still pretend to deal with facts. How idiotic.

"3/4 of all murders in the US happen with guns. The US murder rate is 4 times higher than the UK murder rate. So the UK murder rate is about the same as the US non-gun murder rate. Coincidence?"

Unsupported, off topic and pointless..

"England and Wales has 198,000, plus 17,000 for Scotland and 7,000 for Northern Ireland....""If guns save lives, why is the US murder rate higher, and why do FAR MORE police officers die every year?"

Fact: If you have far more police policing a far larger population it is altogether reasonable to expect more on the job deaths. And again you fail to provide support for your claims.

"Having guns in society is more dangerous"

Untrue unproven unsupported and (even if true) off topic. And who makes the claim that a more strictly controlled society is preferable to one that is more free?

So what have I said that is false?

I mean, you've not attacked a single fact of mine for being wrong.

No, I don't claim guns attack people.

The fact that you're saying this after quoting me having said

"Sure. But people with guns kill more easily than people without guns."

and then you go off and insult.

You're deflecting, not debating. So, until you stop acting like a child, we're through.
You’re fucked in the head, the firearm ownership of other people is none of your fucking business. Stay the fuck out of other peoples lives you cowardly fuck...
When the government raids my house with Abrams tanks, I am going to exercise my constitutional right to stop them dead in their tracks with my 9 cartridge 9 MM!
When the government raids my house with Abrams tanks, I am going to exercise my constitutional right to stop them dead in their tracks with my 9 cartridge 9 MM!
You forgot one thing, The military is very pro-Second Amendment in fact overwhelmingly so they would never back the federal government against its own citizens. You stupid ass fucker

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