I am Charlotte Simmons by Tom Wolfe

Abbey Normal

Senior Member
Jul 9, 2005
Mid-Atlantic region
I was a big fan of Bonfire of the Vanities, so reading Wolfe's latest book was an easy call for me. But even if you do not read Tom Wolfe, this novel is a tremendously fun read. The behind-the-scenes look at a collegiate basketball programs alone was worthwhile.

Here is Amazon's description of the book- much better than I could have come up with. Don't let the lighthearted description fool you. The novel is thought-provoking as well.

Product Description: Dupont University--the Olympian halls of learning housing the cream of America's youth, the roseate Gothic spires and manicured lawns suffused with tradition... Or so it appears to beautiful, brilliant Charlotte Simmons, a sheltered freshman from North Carolina. But Charlotte soon learns, to her mounting dismay, that for the uppercrust coeds of Dupont, sex, Cool, and kegs trump academic achievement every time.

As Charlotte encounters Dupont's privileged elite--her roommate, Beverly, a Groton-educated Brahmin in lusty pursuit of lacrosse players; Jojo Johanssen, the only white starting player on Dupont's godlike basketball team, whose position is threatened by a hotshot black freshman from the projects; the Young Turk of Saint Ray fraternity, Hoyt Thorpe, whose heady sense of entitlement and social domination is clinched by his accidental brawl with a bodyguard for the governor of California; and Adam Geller, one of the Millennial Mutants who run the university's "independent" newspaper and who consider themselves the last bastion of intellectual endeavor on the sex-crazed, jock-obsessed campus--she gains a new, revelatory sense of her own power, that of her difference and of her very innocence, but little does she realize that she will act as a catalyst in all of their lives. With his signature eye for detail, Tom Wolfe draws on extensive observation of campuses across the country to immortalize college life in the '00s. I Am Charlotte Simmons is the much-anticipated triumph of America's master chronicler.
Read somewhere that this is being made into a movie with, I think, Scarlett Johannsen cast as Charlotte. Maybe Dan knows more about this than I do.
Adam's Apple said:
Read somewhere that this is being made into a movie with, I think, Scarlett Johannsen cast as Charlotte. Maybe Dan knows more about this than I do.

Always dicey when they make a movie from a book you like, but I'd check it out. :)
I felt so sorry for Charlotte in this book about
how men have the complete advantage in sex.

Wolf had daughters in college as he was writing the book.

I hope his daughters were happier with men
than any of the female characters in the book-
Charlotte wasn't the only girl who was used.

If there's a sequel, maybe she and Jo Jo Johanssen
will make out alright together.

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