I am disappointed in many of my conservative posters...

We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

Despite the electoral college outcome, the popular election was pretty close.

Had the GOP's candidates and their supporters NOT insulted women, had they not challenged the DREAM ACT, had they not insulted VETERANS, and social security recipients, had they not tipped their HATEFUL hands, the election results would have been different.

So my advise is they take one of two avenues.

1. Either they truly stop hating so many of their neighbors, or

2. They learn to LIE better and not mention their contempt for most Americans.
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We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

Despite the electoral college outcome, the popular election was pretty close.

Had the GOP's candidates and their supporters NOT insulted women, had they not challenged the DREAM ACT, had they not insulted VETERANS, and social security recipients, had they not tipped their HATEFUL hands, the election results would have been different.

So my advise is they take one of two avenues.

1. Either they truly stop hating so many of their neighbors, or

2. They learn to LIE better and not mention their contempt for most Americans.

pure unadulterated dreck!
Steph, your belief that you can continue to openly despise other Americans and get their vote is . . . dreck.
We see the same problem here. A few crazees on the far right are aware they are losing their grip, and the crazee left led by JoeB are afraid they will have to be demonized by middle of the road Dems to stay competitive.

Isolating the far lefties and the far righties is a good thing.

The GOP has about one year, at most, to get its shit together. It needs to decide if it's going to continue on its absolutist/purist route or if it isn't. 2014 campaigning probably starts pretty soon, unfortunately.

Mac1958 is wrong that we have one cycle. We have several but the sooner the better, because the Hispanic vote comes online big big time in 2020.

We can successfully reach out to women the next time by dropping the no abortion plank, substituting no abortion with exceptions for life and incest and rape.

We have to stop right now the war against gays and lesbians. No more. Period.

We repackage big government into social entitlement reform, budget cuts particularly in defense, and concentrate on elder needs.
Mac1958 is wrong that we have one cycle. We have several but the sooner the better, because the Hispanic vote comes online big big time in 2020.

We can successfully reach out to women the next time by dropping the no abortion plank, substituting no abortion with exceptions for life and incest and rape.

We have to stop right now the war against gays and lesbians. No more. Period.

We repackage big government into social entitlement reform, budget cuts particularly in defense, and concentrate on elder needs.

My point was about 2014. The GOP can certainly "evolve", but if they're interested in being relevant on January 1, 2015, they need to make some decisions (like those you list) pretty quickly.

We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

As long as these Liberals are free to smoke weed and suck each others dicks they don't really give a rat's ass about anything else the country goes through.
lots of Conservatives smoke weed and suck Dick Big Foot......
Mac1958 is wrong that we have one cycle. We have several but the sooner the better, because the Hispanic vote comes online big big time in 2020.

We can successfully reach out to women the next time by dropping the no abortion plank, substituting no abortion with exceptions for life and incest and rape.

We have to stop right now the war against gays and lesbians. No more. Period.

We repackage big government into social entitlement reform, budget cuts particularly in defense, and concentrate on elder needs.

So in other words...we abandon our principles and become leftists? Talk about indoctrination. If you can't beat them...join them, is your solution?
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

As long as these Liberals are free to smoke weed and suck each others dicks they don't really give a rat's ass about anything else the country goes through.
lots of Conservatives smoke weed and suck Dick Big Foot......

Uhmmmm, if they smoke weed and suck Dick? They're not REALLY conservatives, they just THINK they are. When, in reality, they're extremely confused leftists who have a demented sense of what being a conservative is.
As long as these Liberals are free to smoke weed and suck each others dicks they don't really give a rat's ass about anything else the country goes through.
lots of Conservatives smoke weed and suck Dick Big Foot......

Uhmmmm, if they smoke weed and suck Dick? They're not REALLY conservatives, they just THINK they are. When, in reality, they're extremely confused leftists who have a demented sense of what being a conservative is.

That's a crock. If personal behaviors dictated political affiliation, there wouldn't be an RNC left. The supposed "family values" group loves to hit up strip clubs after conventions, not to mention the retarded amount of sex scandals.
These are 'right' principles, s0n, good conservative principles.

A conservative does not worry about gay sex, a conservative chooses the wise road on abortion, a fiscal conservative does exactly what I said below on the $ issues.

If you are suggesting either extremist religious or libertarian issues, those dogs don't hunt anymore in this GOP.
Mac1958 is wrong that we have one cycle. We have several but the sooner the better, because the Hispanic vote comes online big big time in 2020.

We can successfully reach out to women the next time by dropping the no abortion plank, substituting no abortion with exceptions for life and incest and rape.

We have to stop right now the war against gays and lesbians. No more. Period.

We repackage big government into social entitlement reform, budget cuts particularly in defense, and concentrate on elder needs.

So in other words...we abandon our principles and become leftists? Talk about indoctrination. If you can't beat them...join them, is your solution?
As long as these Liberals are free to smoke weed and suck each others dicks they don't really give a rat's ass about anything else the country goes through.
lots of Conservatives smoke weed and suck Dick Big Foot......

Uhmmmm, if they smoke weed and suck Dick? They're not REALLY conservatives, they just THINK they are. When, in reality, they're extremely confused leftists who have a demented sense of what being a conservative is.

Shut. Up.
lots of Conservatives smoke weed and suck Dick Big Foot......

Uhmmmm, if they smoke weed and suck Dick? They're not REALLY conservatives, they just THINK they are. When, in reality, they're extremely confused leftists who have a demented sense of what being a conservative is.

That's a crock. If personal behaviors dictated political affiliation, there wouldn't be an RNC left. The supposed "family values" group loves to hit up strip clubs after conventions, not to mention the retarded amount of sex scandals.

Speak for yourself. And, that you make such a presumption? This only goes to demonstrate your ideals. You figure if you do it, everyone else must too. And, what do you know of what supposed "family values" group hits up strip clubs after conventions? You the one servicing them...or something? Or, is it just a presumption you came up with? And, retarded amount of sex scandals? Really? On the contrary, what's retarded are the amount of sex scandals which originate out of the left.
The far christian extremists are scandal-ridden all time, google it if you don't believe it.

Soc cons no longer can dictate their social values into the GOP plank to the extreme as they have done in the past. No more being mean to gays, etc., time to be nice to immigrants, going to have to compromise on abortion to allow exceptions for Rape, Incest, and LifeofMother.

Or go start your own Party of God. Gotta share the name with the jihadists, but oh well.
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

All I can do is sit back and chuckle at the ignorance and idiocy of the people who voted for Barack Obama. They really have NO IDEA what they have done to this country, and to themselves.

They have signed their own death warrant. I guess you could call what happened Tuesday a "mass suicide". As the saying goes, "you can't fix stupid".

"My people" have now entered "Code Red", and we are doubling down on our preparations for the complete financial collapse of the United States, and accompanying social unrest and anarchy that will follow.

First there will be massive layoffs all over the United States. Then will come hyper-inflation. Then the domino effect will continue with the collapse of the infrastructure, especially the transportation of essential goods that are needed for survival.

While the Obama zombies are without food, water, and electricity in the big cities, "my people" will be living quite comfortably in our country "fortifications".

The bottom line is, it really didn't matter WHO won the election on Tuesday. If Romney would have won, he would have only been able to temporarily postpone the inevitable. Obama winning the election GUARANTEES the inevitable will occur much sooner.

Yeah, as soon as the US Credit Rating is downgraded just once more due to our debt and entitlement programs that are beyond sustainability is when you will seen the collapse begin. The real collapse happens when the US Dollar is replaced as the World's Currency. That is the only thing keeping us afloat at this time. Watch Gold start hitting crazy highs late next year as the US Dollar slides. Although an emergency and crippling VAT tax should allow Washington to kick the can a bit further.

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