I am DONE with Democrats.

I said what I said. I stand by what I said. Quoting me to me doesn’t support your mindless contentions. 😂

I don’t assume you’ve ever taken any course in logic. But if you did, you failed.
Continue to be a big bitch about it, I don't mind. 😄

Poor Jerk Chicken. It simply can’t make or support a point.
Why would I need to when you do such a fine job of making my point for me?
Anyone who disapproves of such use of our Federal funds may have a legitimate Constitutional point.

But simpletons, such as you, always boil everything down to “Republicans are mean and bad” and “Democratics are sharing and good.”
Biden hasn't given enough but it's okay for some to question aid all together (so long as they're Republican). 😄
Why would I need to when you do such a fine job of making my point for me?
Your comprehension level is below zero. 👍
Biden hasn't given enough but it's okay for some to question aid all together (so long as they're Republican).
Also not what I said. Of course.

You could be dumber, perhaps. But it’s not clear how.
One article says 1,000 may have been burned alive.

It's an awful tragedy. And?
may. a significant number might just be missing if you can comprehend that.

a devastating fire, families separated and missing, schools that sent the kids home!!! in these conditions (what happened to that policy of keeping them at school and safe) Oprah with her long time association with Weinstein as his pimplady, with an expensive/large mansion in maui, residents denied access to their homes to search for missing or dead, authorities with no answers, black barricades put up, questionable foreign looking police types...sound like the perfect storm for abducting a lot of kids leaving parents with no idea what has happened and authorities happily clouding the trail.

Maui Fires, Directed Energy Weapons, and the Color Blue

video at link. worth the watch.
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just a reminder. Evil never sleeps. you can never kill it permanently. It is always waiting, it is always ready to create chaos and destroy.
Why would I need to when you do such a fine job of making my point for me?

Biden hasn't given enough but it's okay for some to question aid all together (so long as they're Republican). 😄
YOU ought to be questioning this stuff rather than sitting there just swallowing whatever lie of the week they're putting out at the moment. What's wrong with you guys. You believe everything these proven liars tell you!!! how smart is that?!!
YOU ought to be questioning this stuff rather than sitting there just swallowing whatever lie of the week they're putting out at the moment. What's wrong with you guys. You believe everything these proven liars tell you!!! how smart is that?!!
I ought to be questioning what stuff? 😄 Right wing inanity? I do that all the time.
The American holocaust in Moloki. How many children are missing? The media doesn't report it. Biden doesn't care, he takes two weeks to respond in between vacations and yawns. Biden sends WOPPING $700 total to Maui residents. But he sent a mere $250 million to Ukraine. Great message, Biden. Who loves ya, baby?
from your posts would have to say you have been anti Democratic, from 2020 forward if not before.
No new Fake or real info has changed your view.
That's better than Republicans who continually vote against sending aid to other States in emergency, until its their own. 😄

DeSantis voted against Sandy aid a decade ago. Now his state needs the help.

Ted Cruz Defends Vote Against Superstorm Sandy Aid Amid Harvey Destruction

58 GOP lawmakers vote against disaster aid bill

You're really one dumb Simp. 😄
You were duped.
Those bills were fat full of no disaster related pork for democratic pet projects.
And you fell for it when they said "see? The GOP hates America".
You re a tool....you just dont know it.
Yeah, in another thread I posted 'Control-Alternate-Delete.' The Turtle and the Corpse have one thing in common, brain injury. Turtle fell on his noggin and Corpse has had at least 2 brain operations. Both are old and brain damaged it's no wonder they 'check out' from time to time. Turtle may have Parkinsons. My dad died of that and I remember he used to 'freeze' a lot. Lasted seconds to minutes then he snapped back.
IS there ANYONE running who is both healthy & working for All Americans?
You were duped.
Those bills were fat full of no disaster related pork for democratic pet projects.
And you fell for it when they said "see? The GOP hates America".
You re a tool....you just dont know it.
So you lot keep saying but yet not one of you can actually tell be what was in the bill, how much of it was pork and what that pork actually was. A claim isn't proof of anything. You lot want me to question Biden and yet you can't even withstand a simple request to provide evidence of your own claims. 😄

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