I am DONE with Democrats.

That's better than Republicans who continually vote against sending aid to other States in emergency, until its their own. 😄

DeSantis voted against Sandy aid a decade ago. Now his state needs the help.

Ted Cruz Defends Vote Against Superstorm Sandy Aid Amid Harvey Destruction

58 GOP lawmakers vote against disaster aid bill

You're really one dumb Simp. 😄

Hey moron, the dems/leftists loaded the aide packages with pork. Aide packages are not intended for vote buying. Wake up useful idiot.
Well, you know what the answer is to that one.

That's not what our "system" incentivizes or rewards.
That's true, Yet shouldn't we be looking for that more Honest person who wants to work in the best interest of all of us?
An why do we pick Billionaires who know nothing about average or poor people?
who most likely never have even gone to the grocery store to personally buy milk, much less know how much it costs.


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