I am going to debate Donald Trump - Biden

Even with prepared and scripted answers, Biden will stutter and mumble as he can't maintain a cogent thought process.

Biden is a walking drool cup. But I don't think I've ever heard anything from Trump that resembled cogent thought.

It's stunning to me how partisans can be so blind to the flaws of their own candidate.
Biden is a walking drool cup. But I don't think I've ever heard anything from Trump that resembled cogent thought.

It's stunning to me how partisans can be so blind to the flaws of their own candidate.

Yes...again it will be sad to sit there and wonder how, out of a country of 330,000,000, this is the best we can do.

Of course, part of it is the way we treat them. Only meglomaniacs run for officce anymore.

Nobody in his right mind would subject himself to the insanity of a national race.

This is one of the fake "journalists" who will feed Biden prepared questions. Tapper is little more than a goofy conspiracy theorist who is relegated to the cesspool of CNN.

CNN's Jake Tapper spent years legitimizing Russiagate before calling the Durham Report 'devastating'​

For years, Jake Tapper spearheaded CNN's coverage of the Russian collusion hoax that plagued the Trump presidency, but his attitude has shifted following the release of the Durham Report.
Agree. That’s why I wouldn’t vote a Trump second term. Utter failure
The only failure in Trump's first term was Covid. Without that this wouldn't even be a discussion and we wouldn't have had to put up with Joe Biden and his merry band of progressive incompetents. Under Trump before Covid the border was under control...inflation was low...unemployment was low...wages were up...energy prices were low...crime rates were lower and most important we didn't have armed conflicts in Europe and the Middle East that was costing us Billions!

Joe Biden has been the utter failure. He inherited an inflation rate of 1.3% and within a year had turned that into an inflation rate of 9%. He inherited a secure border that was being strengthened with more barriers, immediately got rid of all of Trump's border policies, sold off the steel for new walls, deliberately let 8 Million illegals stream across the border and massive amounts of Fentanyl that has now killed more Americans than we lost during the entire Vietnam War! He allowed Putin to make Billions selling energy to Europe that he then spent financing the invasion of Ukraine. He gave the Mullahs in Iran Billions that they then spent arming Hamas and Hezbollah...financing the terror attack on Israel that has led to a bloody war of reprisal and campus riots across the US!

Why would anyone "smart" want four more years of THAT?
Gee, Gator...there were 5 "cuts" in that little 45 second blurb that the Biden camp put out yesterday which means they had to splice together multiple takes just so Joe could read his lines! That's how bad things are right now with President Potato Head. That's the guy that you're going to put on stage with Trump?

Even with CNN running the debate...with moderators that hate Trump...with no crowd so no protesters can start chanting "Genocide Joe!"...with debate questions slanted to help Biden (because you know CNN will go full on Donna Brazile and give the Biden camp the questions in advance!). Even with all of that? They're going to have to put a man up on stage that can't read lines from a teleprompter. They're going to have to get his drugs right. With the amount of uppers they're going to have to feed Joe? He'll be lucky if he doesn't stroke out on stage.

But they don't have a choice. His poll numbers are SO bad it's got them in panic mode! He's losing the Hispanic vote. He's losing the black vote. He's losing the young vote. He's even starting to lose the suburban woman vote! The Main Stream Media is starting to ask him hard questions and call him on his lies. So is he going to get up on stage and keep right on telling lies like inflation being at 9% when he took office? Will Jake Tapper and Dana Bash let him get away with lies like that? It's going to be fascinating watching just how far CNN is willing to go to get Biden across the finish line.
So crowd’s chanting stupid shit is part of a debate?

Only in Trump world
The only failure in Trump's first term was Covid. Without that this wouldn't even be a discussion and we wouldn't have had to put up with Joe Biden and his merry band of progressive incompetents. Under Trump before Covid the border was under control...inflation was low...unemployment was low...wages were up...energy prices were low...crime rates were lower and most important we didn't have armed conflicts in Europe and the Middle East that was costing us Billions!

Joe Biden has been the utter failure. He inherited an inflation rate of 1.3% and within a year had turned that into an inflation rate of 9%. He inherited a secure border that was being strengthened with more barriers, immediately got rid of all of Trump's border policies, sold off the steel for new walls, deliberately let 8 Million illegals stream across the border and massive amounts of Fentanyl that has now killed more Americans than we lost during the entire Vietnam War! He allowed Putin to make Billions selling energy to Europe that he then spent financing the invasion of Ukraine. He gave the Mullahs in Iran Billions that they then spent arming Hamas and Hezbollah...financing the terror attack on Israel that has led to a bloody war of reprisal and campus riots across the US!

Why would anyone "smart" want four more years of THAT?
That’s a mighty big failure dumbass
Fuckwad Biden has so many demands, Trump should get one. Drug test both parties immediately before the debate.

And Biden should also take the exact same cognitive test that Trump had to take but unfortunately that's not going to happen either.
That’s a mighty big failure dumbass
You know it would be Lesh but not so much when you see that more people died from Covid on Joe Biden's watch than on Trump's and that was AFTER he was given the vaccines and so many ventilators we were giving them away to other countries! You can always count on Joe to fuck things up! It's what he does...it's who he is!
I don’t think the candidates will be asking each other questions. That just leads to chaos and, if it’s allowed, Joe should walk.
Trump caved into everything the Biden team wanted... it will be a very sanitary debate... Trump should have demanded a few things but I'm sure he was worried about Joe saying no the debate is off and blaming Trump....
I would be willing to bet that is what Biden hoped would happen so when Trump agreed the Biden team must of been surprised and a bit worried....
Trump caved into everything the Biden team wanted... it will be a very sanitary debate... Trump should have demanded a few things but I'm sure he was worried about Joe saying no the debate is off and blaming Trump....
I would be willing to bet that is what Biden hoped would happen so when Trump agreed the Biden team must of been surprised and a bit worried....
Biden will have all the questions in advance, and his team will prepare him with a few brief responses. On top of that, the two mods hate Trump and will join forces to trip him up.

This is highly unfair.
The only failure in Trump's first term was Covid. Without that this wouldn't even be a discussion and we wouldn't have had to put up with Joe Biden and his merry band of progressive incompetents. Under Trump before Covid the border was under control...inflation was low...unemployment was low...wages were up...energy prices were low...crime rates were lower and most important we didn't have armed conflicts in Europe and the Middle East that was costing us Billions!

Joe Biden has been the utter failure. He inherited an inflation rate of 1.3% and within a year had turned that into an inflation rate of 9%. He inherited a secure border that was being strengthened with more barriers, immediately got rid of all of Trump's border policies, sold off the steel for new walls, deliberately let 8 Million illegals stream across the border and massive amounts of Fentanyl that has now killed more Americans than we lost during the entire Vietnam War! He allowed Putin to make Billions selling energy to Europe that he then spent financing the invasion of Ukraine. He gave the Mullahs in Iran Billions that they then spent arming Hamas and Hezbollah...financing the terror attack on Israel that has led to a bloody war of reprisal and campus riots across the US!

Why would anyone "smart" want four more years of THAT?
Listen you gave Trump a pass for all the IMMEDIATE Covid issues. Then you want to act like Biden cause the long term effects of Trumps Covid disaster? Supply chains broken (where was infrastructure week?). Housing levels didn’t get short under Biden that happened over years and Covid hyper accelerated. Oil production is all time high even though you fucks said he’d shut it down. And you still blame him not opec for prices and rail against getting off oil to the betterment of our security.

Face it. All of the issues we are dealing with in the economy were born of Covid and Biden handled it better than any other nation. We are the best. What else could you want from a leader? He can’t undo 2m deaths and shut downs under Trump.

Look. You don’t like democrats cuz you think you’ll turn gay so you make up a narrative on the economy. We all know it. Just admit it.
Biden will have all the questions in advance, and his team will prepare him with a few brief responses. On top of that, the two mods hate Trump and will join forces to trip him up.

This is highly unfair.
Snowflake making excuses already.
Listen you gave Trump a pass for all the IMMEDIATE Covid issues. Then you want to act like Biden cause the long term effects of Trumps Covid disaster? Supply chains broken (where was infrastructure week?). Housing levels didn’t get short under Biden that happened over years and Covid hyper accelerated. Oil production is all time high even though you fucks said he’d shut it down. And you still blame him not opec for prices and rail against getting off oil to the betterment of our security.

Face it. All of the issues we are dealing with in the economy were born of Covid and Biden handled it better than any other nation. We are the best. What else could you want from a leader? He can’t undo 2m deaths and shut downs under Trump.

Look. You don’t like democrats cuz you think you’ll turn gay so you make up a narrative on the economy. We all know it. Just admit it.
More Americans died from covid on Biden's watch... numbers do not lie...
You know it would be Lesh but not so much when you see that more people died from Covid on Joe Biden's watch than on Trump's and that was AFTER he was given the vaccines and so many ventilators we were giving them away to other countries! You can always count on Joe to fuck things up! It's what he does...it's who he is!
Trump lets Covid run rampant tolerates morons saying vaccines are suddenly bad even though they saved lives. People didn’t stop dying from Trumps mistakes the day he left.

Trump lacked leadership. He is a coward. He let states, driven by politics, make life and death choices. It’s exactly the time we needed a leader above it all even if it made him a one term leader. He failed and lost anyway. He missed his moment to be great when it mattered. Churchil rose. Trump folded.
Joe Biden is not his son, and his sons businsses dealings were legal. Now if Trump wants to bring up foreign financial entanglements, he has plenty to answer for.
If his business dealings were legal, then why did Briben deny they happened during the debates in 2020? You're a liar.
More Americans died from covid on Biden's watch... numbers do not lie...
Yes. In fact, more people died from Covid during Briben's first year in office than during President Trump's entire administration. Briben Promised to stop covid. That was his main campaign theme.
Biden will have all the questions in advance, and his team will prepare him with a few brief responses. On top of that, the two mods hate Trump and will join forces to trip him up.
This is highly unfair.
It is highly unfair. But Trump will do it because he knows that he alone against Biden and two TDS CNN talking heads is still a mismatch in his favor.

I’ve seen Dana Bash get furious at guests who fact check her Trump bashing. Trump himself doing will probably have her in tears.
Yes. In fact, more people died from Covid during Briben's first year in office than during President Trump's entire administration. Briben Promised to stop covid. That was his main campaign theme.
Covid is on Trump. Give him a pass or don’t. His leadership was horrible. Shining light inside the body? Disinfectant inside the body? Letting states do whatever they wanted in an emergency all guided by politics? We needed leadership and he failed. We needed a Churchil. An FDR. A Kennedy. we got a game show host Donald Trump.

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