I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps for the first time for eight years...

why are you upset?
all the policies are doing well
the negative stuff is the made up Russian scandal.

during Obama he injected his shit into local matters all the time, which is why we didn't like him and his policies were pretty bad.

Hypocrites! Trump tweets about local crap all
The time . But when the black guy does it it’s a different story .

Yup. Bigot boy didn’t like it when the black guy was president and the majority of the country voted for him.
What's your label for the person that voted for Obama and Trump?

What percentage is that nutter butter. Romney lost with more votes than trump got.

Now be a good boy and run along. :cuckoo:
You should know, you know everything. I mean if Trump voters are idiots, then there were some Obama voters that were idiots, simply because many people that voted for Obama voted for Trump out of dislike for Hillary. Duh! !
They are idiots who got conned like trump university students
What percentage is that nutter butter. Romney lost with more votes than trump got.

Now be a good boy and run along.
Repeal the 19th Amendment NOW.

Get over yourself. Never going to happen. You know you’re kind of sick, right?
I notice you skip the hard questions. Why don't you try working on that so you'll appear as smart as you want to think you are.
She’s pretty smart. She’s probably answered your simple question a thousand times
I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps the first time in eight years.

The Obama Presidency really caused me a lot of stress.

Every day, another outrage.

An economy in my city that NEVER recovered.

Now, I think things will get better...
So then don’t ask us why we are so upset. We’re as upset as you were during the obama years

Over what? The economy is doing well. The unemployment rate is at a 30 year low. North Korea is becoming less of a threat. 401Ks are skyrocketing. The border is more secure. The President is putting YOU first. Unless you hate America I can't imagine why you're upset.
This thread was revived yesterday by a liberal, and now it's going gangbusters.
I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps the first time in eight years.

The Obama Presidency really caused me a lot of stress.

Every day, another outrage.

An economy in my city that NEVER recovered.

Now, I think things will get better...
So then don’t ask us why we are so upset. We’re as upset as you were during the obama years

Over what? The economy is doing well. The unemployment rate is at a 30 year low. North Korea is becoming less of a threat. 401Ks are skyrocketing. The border is more secure. The President is putting YOU first. Unless you hate America I can't imagine why you're upset.
I hate the conservative agenda. He didn’t put us first. This is Reagan all over again.

But I hope you are right. Last time your boy did the same stuff republicans are doing now and it led to the greatest recession since the Great Depression.

Bush squeezed out a second term. I wouldn’t be surprised if trump wins or loses. Nothing will surprise me.

Fact is obama did a fine job without giving away all those tax breaks. I don’t feel better off because of republicans and I worry trumps trade wars could affect manufacturing. Suddenly companies aren’t buying what I’m selling.

I was doing well before trump and so far he hasn’t rocked my boat. I’d still prefer a democratic president liberal
I've disagreed with a lot but the only time I've had presidents provoke my ire were LBJ over Vietnam and GW Bush over Iraq. Please, no more Texans.
I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps the first time in eight years.

The Obama Presidency really caused me a lot of stress.

Every day, another outrage.

An economy in my city that NEVER recovered.

Now, I think things will get better...
So then don’t ask us why we are so upset. We’re as upset as you were during the obama years

why are you upset?
all the policies are doing well
the negative stuff is the made up Russian scandal.

during Obama he injected his shit into local matters all the time, which is why we didn't like him and his policies were pretty bad.

Hypocrites! Trump tweets about local crap all
The time . But when the black guy does it it’s a different story .

Yup. Bigot boy didn’t like it when the black guy was president and the majority of the country voted for him.

yeah I hate Obama because he was black, it had nothing to do with him being leftwing and a Democrat

you people are so fucking stupid.
I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps the first time in eight years.

The Obama Presidency really caused me a lot of stress.

Every day, another outrage.

An economy in my city that NEVER recovered.

Now, I think things will get better...
So then don’t ask us why we are so upset. We’re as upset as you were during the obama years

why are you upset?
all the policies are doing well
the negative stuff is the made up Russian scandal.

during Obama he injected his shit into local matters all the time, which is why we didn't like him and his policies were pretty bad.

Hypocrites! Trump tweets about local crap all
The time . But when the black guy does it it’s a different story .

Yup. Bigot boy didn’t like it when the black guy was president and the majority of the country voted for him.
What's your label for the person that voted for Obama and Trump?

she doesn't answer. she repeats talking points, shes just a typical sjw
I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps the first time in eight years.

The Obama Presidency really caused me a lot of stress.

Every day, another outrage.

An economy in my city that NEVER recovered.

Now, I think things will get better...


How lovely that you’re happy marinating in your insane hate.

that was a positive post

everything with you is hate
why are you upset?
all the policies are doing well
the negative stuff is the made up Russian scandal.

during Obama he injected his shit into local matters all the time, which is why we didn't like him and his policies were pretty bad.

Hypocrites! Trump tweets about local crap all
The time . But when the black guy does it it’s a different story .

Yup. Bigot boy didn’t like it when the black guy was president and the majority of the country voted for him.
What's your label for the person that voted for Obama and Trump?

What percentage is that nutter butter. Romney lost with more votes than trump got.

Now be a good boy and run along. :cuckoo:
You should know, you know everything. I mean if Trump voters are idiots, then there were some Obama voters that were idiots, simply because many people that voted for Obama voted for Trump out of dislike for Hillary. Duh! !

haha she has to deny the truth, because he only argument is racism....that's it

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