I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps for the first time for eight years...

I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps the first time in eight years.

The Obama Presidency really caused me a lot of stress.

Every day, another outrage.

An economy in my city that NEVER recovered.

Now, I think things will get better...
All I wanted was to make enough money to support my family, and while Obama was President I couldn't acheive that.

As soon as Trump took office, all my dreams came true, and now I have an awesome job that makes big bucks and I don't know what I'll do with all my money, but I will probably pay off all the debts I incurred during the Obama years.
You let some asshole like trump dictate how you feel, how you're doing? WE all know you work picking up dems garbage

Rave on you idiot....

Trump has exposed you lefties for the fools you are.
The nation is better off. Unemployment among minorities is the lowest ever. N. Korea is talking peace. Companies are handing out raises and bonuses. Things are good. Yet, the left is crying and moaning. We need no more proof that the left hates this country.

Unemployment among minorities has been falling since 2010 with no greater decrease since Trump took office with the sharp rise during BushCo.

FACT CHECK: Trump Touts Low Unemployment Rates For African-Americans, Hispanics

North Korea is talking peace, yet again. How long will it last this time?

Companies are handing out bonuses and raises BUT 7 million working class Americans continue to work a second and third job to make ends meet. Twenty percent of working Americans make at or less than $20K per year.

I think the "BS Filter" is broken.
Many retired seniors are working part time because the money the democrats promised in Social Security and Medicare isn't there. They've stolen it and given it to illegals and immigrants to buy votes.

Many retired seniors are working part-time because their retirement savings were crashed due to BushCo/Republicans and Corporate America.
I said Social security and medicare that have been raided to give handouts to immigrants that never paid in. Idiot.
I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps the first time in eight years.

The Obama Presidency really caused me a lot of stress.

Every day, another outrage.

An economy in my city that NEVER recovered.

Now, I think things will get better...
What city do you live in? And how did Trump help your city recover?

it doesn't matter what city he lives in.

trump didn't help it.
Now now lets be fair. Maybe he lives in coal country

"Get ready," he told them. "Because you're going to be working your asses off!"

Then, after Trump was elected, we wanted to see whether his promise would come true:

Did those miners end up working their asses off? No.

Since Trump was elected, there has been a bump in coal jobs in Virginia and a handful of other states.

That's in part because of the coal companies' new confidence in Trump, but also because demand for metallurgical coal — the kind used to make steel — went up, mainly in China.

(Energy analysts say thermal coal plants, the ones that produce electricity, are continuing to close around the country.)

The company he had contracted with cut what it had agreed to pay Dotson. So Dotson and his partners cut their own salaries by 20 percent. They cut the employees' salaries by 10 percent.

They eliminated the employees' health insurance.

"It scares the s*** out of you, if you don't mind me saying that," he says. "I mean if you got fired tomorrow or quit tomorrow there's absolutely no opportunity to get another [job]."

Even though there has been an upturn in coal, Pennington says it's just a blip. Coal is not going to make a big comeback, he says, like Trump promised and people believed.

I heard that the fresh-outta-prison felon who claimed to be "Trumpier than Trump" - The dude who just spent a year in prison for the negligent incineration of 29 coal miners went down in flames last night.

Sad :)

To be honest, coal minors will still take the job even if they are unsafe. So if they’re ok with voting for unsafe mines just so the owner can make more profit, screw them.

I get it. They are the only jobs available. Coal country sounds sad
I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps the first time in eight years.

The Obama Presidency really caused me a lot of stress.

Every day, another outrage.

An economy in my city that NEVER recovered.

Now, I think things will get better...
So then don’t ask us why we are so upset. We’re as upset as you were during the obama years
You have no reason to be.
Then neither did you when obama was getting us out of Bush’s recession but you hated him from day one.

That’s because you don’t like our middle class first policies. You’re a trickle down guy. You suck rich men’s balls

Hey... shit for brains...

Name the obama policies that got us

out of Bush's recession......
I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps the first time in eight years.

The Obama Presidency really caused me a lot of stress.

Every day, another outrage.

An economy in my city that NEVER recovered.

Now, I think things will get better...
So then don’t ask us why we are so upset. We’re as upset as you were during the obama years
You have no reason to be.
Then neither did you when obama was getting us out of Bush’s recession but you hated him from day one.

That’s because you don’t like our middle class first policies. You’re a trickle down guy. You suck rich men’s balls

Hey... shit for brains...

Name the obama policies that got us

out of Bush's recession......
He and Elizabeth warren did so much. Weren’t you paying attention?

Next you’ll ask me for the policies of Bush’s that led to his Great Recession. If you don’t know it’s because you dont want to know.

Until trump admits bush sucked then you’ll agree because you’re a follower
I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps the first time in eight years.

The Obama Presidency really caused me a lot of stress.

Every day, another outrage.

An economy in my city that NEVER recovered.

Now, I think things will get better...
So then don’t ask us why we are so upset. We’re as upset as you were during the obama years
You have no reason to be.
Then neither did you when obama was getting us out of Bush’s recession but you hated him from day one.

That’s because you don’t like our middle class first policies. You’re a trickle down guy. You suck rich men’s balls

Hey... shit for brains...

Name the obama policies that got us

out of Bush's recession......
He and Elizabeth warren did so much. Weren’t you paying attention?

Next you’ll ask me for the policies of Bush’s that led to his Great Recession. If you don’t know it’s because you dont want to know.

Until trump admits bush sucked then you’ll agree because you’re a follower
So no answer....
So then don’t ask us why we are so upset. We’re as upset as you were during the obama years
You have no reason to be.
Then neither did you when obama was getting us out of Bush’s recession but you hated him from day one.

That’s because you don’t like our middle class first policies. You’re a trickle down guy. You suck rich men’s balls

Hey... shit for brains...

Name the obama policies that got us

out of Bush's recession......
He and Elizabeth warren did so much. Weren’t you paying attention?

Next you’ll ask me for the policies of Bush’s that led to his Great Recession. If you don’t know it’s because you dont want to know.

Until trump admits bush sucked then you’ll agree because you’re a follower
So no answer....
Google obama one of the greatest presidents and read up on everything he Reid Pelosi obama and warren did
You have no reason to be.
Then neither did you when obama was getting us out of Bush’s recession but you hated him from day one.

That’s because you don’t like our middle class first policies. You’re a trickle down guy. You suck rich men’s balls

Hey... shit for brains...

Name the obama policies that got us

out of Bush's recession......
He and Elizabeth warren did so much. Weren’t you paying attention?

Next you’ll ask me for the policies of Bush’s that led to his Great Recession. If you don’t know it’s because you dont want to know.

Until trump admits bush sucked then you’ll agree because you’re a follower
So no answer....
Google obama one of the greatest presidents and read up on everything he Reid Pelosi obama and warren did
And then tael the DoDo's to look up all Obama was PREVENTED from doing Jackass republicans
I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps the first time in eight years.

The Obama Presidency really caused me a lot of stress.

Every day, another outrage.

An economy in my city that NEVER recovered.

Now, I think things will get better...
So then don’t ask us why we are so upset. We’re as upset as you were during the obama years
You have no reason to be.
Then neither did you when obama was getting us out of Bush’s recession but you hated him from day one.

That’s because you don’t like our middle class first policies. You’re a trickle down guy. You suck rich men’s balls

Hey... shit for brains...

Name the obama policies that got us

out of Bush's recession......
Noticing a lot of trumpbots joined right when trump won.

I’m making $3000 more a year until the tax break for us expires. I’d give it back to get trump out of office
You have no reason to be.
Then neither did you when obama was getting us out of Bush’s recession but you hated him from day one.

That’s because you don’t like our middle class first policies. You’re a trickle down guy. You suck rich men’s balls

Hey... shit for brains...

Name the obama policies that got us

out of Bush's recession......
He and Elizabeth warren did so much. Weren’t you paying attention?

Next you’ll ask me for the policies of Bush’s that led to his Great Recession. If you don’t know it’s because you dont want to know.

Until trump admits bush sucked then you’ll agree because you’re a follower
So no answer....
Google obama one of the greatest presidents and read up on everything he Reid Pelosi obama and warren did
Absolutely nothing good for the country.
You have no reason to be.
Then neither did you when obama was getting us out of Bush’s recession but you hated him from day one.

That’s because you don’t like our middle class first policies. You’re a trickle down guy. You suck rich men’s balls

Hey... shit for brains...

Name the obama policies that got us

out of Bush's recession......
He and Elizabeth warren did so much. Weren’t you paying attention?

Next you’ll ask me for the policies of Bush’s that led to his Great Recession. If you don’t know it’s because you dont want to know.

Until trump admits bush sucked then you’ll agree because you’re a follower
So no answer....
Google obama one of the greatest presidents and read up on everything he Reid Pelosi obama and warren did

Funny, this appeared. But not to worry, we'll know much more in the coming months.

- 50 Things Barack Obama Has Done Wrong
Then neither did you when obama was getting us out of Bush’s recession but you hated him from day one.

That’s because you don’t like our middle class first policies. You’re a trickle down guy. You suck rich men’s balls

Hey... shit for brains...

Name the obama policies that got us

out of Bush's recession......
He and Elizabeth warren did so much. Weren’t you paying attention?

Next you’ll ask me for the policies of Bush’s that led to his Great Recession. If you don’t know it’s because you dont want to know.

Until trump admits bush sucked then you’ll agree because you’re a follower
So no answer....
Google obama one of the greatest presidents and read up on everything he Reid Pelosi obama and warren did

Funny, this appeared. But not to worry, we'll know much more in the coming months.

- 50 Things Barack Obama Has Done Wrong

And every president did things wrong.

The article you've presented cherry picks beyond belief.
What's your label for the person that voted for Obama and Trump?

What percentage is that nutter butter. Romney lost with more votes than trump got.

Now be a good boy and run along. :cuckoo:
You should know, you know everything. I mean if Trump voters are idiots, then there were some Obama voters that were idiots, simply because many people that voted for Obama voted for Trump out of dislike for Hillary. Duh! !
They are idiots who got conned like trump university students


we wanted a better economy
we wanted to pursue us interests internationally
we wanted to leave bad trade deals and the Paris accords and iran deal
we wanted a ban on crazies comming here
we wanted a tougher foreign policy
we wanted more jobs
we wanted illegals, especially criminals deported

what exactly were we conned on?

the economy is NOT better. it is progressing largely as it progressed under Obama.

except now your lying sociopathic orange sexual predator blew a hole in the deficit.

you did not have bad trade deals. you got a moron who abdicated our leadership to the Chinese.

you did not get a ban on crazies anything. you did get a moron who said it's ok for crazies to have guns.

you did not get more jobs. jobs were increasing at approximately 220,000 a month.

criminals were already being sent out of the country at such high rates that they were calling president Obama the deporter in chief. (not that trumptards are smart enough or informed enough to know that). you got a piece of garbage trying to send out kids who only know this country and didn't choose to come here illegally or otherwise. because your boys are white supremacist pieces of garbage.

all you got was a voice for imbecilic racist moronic polices that have cost us the respect of most of the country and all of the rest of the world... unless of course you want Russia running our foreign policy in which case it's awesome.

so yes, you got conned.

now stop whining.

how was that whining? I started what he did....do you just pull shit out of you ass?
you do know what whining is....you guys do it all day.

the economy is better in every way
I have more money in my paycheck
we did get a ban...which you oppose
we love the 2nd amendment and the first. both of which you hate
anyone who disagrees with you is racist, sexist , homophobe, uncle tom and promoted white supremacy
do you have any posts about facts and no sjw bulldhit?
Hey... shit for brains...

Name the obama policies that got us

out of Bush's recession......
He and Elizabeth warren did so much. Weren’t you paying attention?

Next you’ll ask me for the policies of Bush’s that led to his Great Recession. If you don’t know it’s because you dont want to know.

Until trump admits bush sucked then you’ll agree because you’re a follower
So no answer....
Google obama one of the greatest presidents and read up on everything he Reid Pelosi obama and warren did

Funny, this appeared. But not to worry, we'll know much more in the coming months.

- 50 Things Barack Obama Has Done Wrong

And every president did things wrong.

The article you've presented cherry picks beyond belief.

well at least you admit that, most Obama supports lick his ass daily
So then don’t ask us why we are so upset. We’re as upset as you were during the obama years

why are you upset?
all the policies are doing well
the negative stuff is the made up Russian scandal.

during Obama he injected his shit into local matters all the time, which is why we didn't like him and his policies were pretty bad.

Hypocrites! Trump tweets about local crap all
The time . But when the black guy does it it’s a different story .

Yup. Bigot boy didn’t like it when the black guy was president and the majority of the country voted for him.

yeah I hate Obama because he was black, it had nothing to do with him being leftwing and a Democrat

you people are so fucking stupid.

So it isn't that he did a bad job, you just don't like our liberal policies like middle class first, regulate the banks, regulate the healthcare industry and make them accept people with pre existing conditions, making corporations pay their fair share, pro social security and public schools, etc.

What do you do for a living?

those policies sucked, which is why I dont like them

Cuba is not something I strive to be
I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps the first time in eight years.

The Obama Presidency really caused me a lot of stress.

Every day, another outrage.

An economy in my city that NEVER recovered.

Now, I think things will get better...

So how'd that work out for ya?


I hate guys like blackrook who joined right after Trump won. Can't go back and find out what an idiot he was during the Obama years.

All we know is his city "never recovered" under Obama but somehow recovered under Trump. I'm curious what city that is.

many places are like that....the economy is so much better and i have more cash in my pocket.
Obamacare disaster
he did make the bush tax cuts permanet, which I applaud him for and it helped the economy

see when he puts good policies I will praise him, when he does Obamacare I'll shot on him
I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps the first time in eight years.

The Obama Presidency really caused me a lot of stress.

Every day, another outrage.

An economy in my city that NEVER recovered.

Now, I think things will get better...
What city do you live in? And how did Trump help your city recover?

it doesn't matter what city he lives in.

trump didn't help it.
julian ladies and gentlemen....this is a post that shows her intellect and objectivity

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