I am Ok with Hillary being bullied

She is a raging bitch and everyone knows it. For some reason she thinks she's entitled to be president, even though she's done nothing but fuck up every opportunity she's had to show leadership. The only reason she's still in the race is because she's been shielded by the media and her party but when she has to face a REAL opponent (like Trump or Cruz) she'll fold like wet cardboard. This is gonna be good.
First of all, if you've been watching her on the trail, it doesn't look like she's disclosed the true status of her health. I'm not going to speculate on what is being kept secret from us, only that it's serious (at times her eyes start crossing) and it's possible that she'll collapse once Trump turns his sights towards her in the general campaign. He will not have any mercy on her and will try to break her down, which he is highly capable of. The Hillary campaign should consider that.
First of all, if you've been watching her on the trail, it doesn't look like she's disclosed the true status of her health. I'm not going to speculate on what is being kept secret from us, only that it's serious (at times her eyes start crossing) and it's possible that she'll collapse once Trump turns his sights towards her in the general campaign. He will not have any mercy on her and will try to break her down, which he is highly capable of. The Hillary campaign should consider that.

As her campaign goes on she seems to be getting more absurd, maybe fatigue is revealing itself. She's no spring chicken
First of all, if you've been watching her on the trail, it doesn't look like she's disclosed the true status of her health. I'm not going to speculate on what is being kept secret from us, only that it's serious (at times her eyes start crossing) and it's possible that she'll collapse once Trump turns his sights towards her in the general campaign. He will not have any mercy on her and will try to break her down, which he is highly capable of. The Hillary campaign should consider that.

As her campaign goes on she seems to be getting more absurd, maybe fatigue is revealing itself. She's no spring chicken

spring chicken?


she was born a vulture, and she'll die a vulture
She is running for president. When she says dumb shit like that and how republicans are her biggest enemy, it makes her sound like a wuss. True story
If she's being bullied now, she really won't be able to take the Big Boys.

You're offending every single women in this country DUMB ASS. Women, regardless of which side of the isle they're on--are going to move in to protect another women from being attacked by Republican Chimpanzees that continually refer to them by using female body parts. Why? Because they know they're next in line.

Trump was up there calling women "disgusting"--just "disgusting I tell you" for taking a potty break. Well, I don't know too many women that don't have to go to the bathroom. Do you?

You can't attack an entire gender with offensive remarks and insults and expect to win elections. Women are the majority voting block in this country today.

The biggest Chimp is Rush Limbaugh, who is continually referring to Hillary as a "cevix" We had another Republican Chimp in Ohio, that referred to Carly Fiorina as a "vagina." As this election moves forward these chimps are going to crazy ivan on female body parts.

Good luck with your assault on the largest voting block in this country today.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

She is running for president. When she says dumb shit like that and how republicans are her biggest enemy, it makes her sound like a wuss. True story
Yep, I'm no fan of Donald Trump but I'll have to admit it was HILarious to watch how the Duchess of Corruption and her sycophants started whining to the press like a bunch of kindergartners once he turned his guns on her, I'm betting she regrets spouting off about Trump being a recruiting tool for ISIS. :)
If she's being bullied now, she really won't be able to take the Big Boys.

You're offending every single women in this country DUMB ASS. Women, regardless of which side of the isle they're on--are going to move in to protect another women from being attacked by Republican Chimpanzees that continually refer to them by using female body parts. Why? Because they know they're next in line.

Trump was up there calling women "disgusting"--just "disgusting I tell you" for taking a potty break. Well, I don't know too many women that don't have to go to the bathroom. Do you?

You can't attack an entire gender with offensive remarks and insults and expect to win elections. Women are the majority voting block in this country today.

The biggest Chimp is Rush Limbaugh, who is continually referring to Hillary as a "cevix" We had another Republican Chimp in Ohio, that referred to Carly Fiorina as a "vagina." As this election moves forward these chimps are going to crazy ivan on female body parts.

Good luck with your assault on the largest voting block in this country today.


regardless of which side of the isle

women are on an island?

Hmm, if they're all on one side, is it in danger of tipping over?
If she wants to play with the boys she can't then claim to deserve to be treated with kid gloves. If you put on boxing gloves expect to get hit in the face.
If she wants to play with the boys she can't then claim to deserve to be treated with kid gloves. If you put on boxing gloves expect to get hit in the face.

Reminds me of some people on this forum, they sling the shit and then are shocked when they get bish slapped

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