"I Am Outraged" DC Bishop Denounces trump's Visit To Church After Police Clear Protesters With Tear Gas

This Bishop dude don't know Jesus, baby!

Trump knows Jesus!

Trump knows Jesus better than ANYBODY!


You've just shown that you don't know much about this story. The bishops name is Mariann Edgar Budde, and she's not a dude, she's a female.

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington said Monday she is "outraged" after President Donald Trump's visit to her church without advance notice to share "a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus."
Her pointed comments came after the President walked from the White House to the house of worship used by American presidents for more than a century. Peaceful protesters just outside the White House gates were dispersed with tear gas, flash grenades and rubber bullets. It was all, apparently, so Trump could visit the church.

Which means she can't even be a real bishop according to the real version of Christianity.

But sure, the Church of Satan disapproves of Trump, no questions there.

So, Episcopalians aren't "real" Christians because they allow females to be bishops? Depends on the denomination as to who they allow to be preachers and bishops, not you.

I think it has more to do with the way that liberal politics, in this world, is more important than the spiritual journey of the flock to the afterlife, is why they are not real Christians.

So you're politicizing religion. Good to know.
You know, there was a time that God's Chosen People (the Jews), started to use God's power as a tool, and relegated Him to just a relic. They ended up having a really bad time for awhile because God decided that if the Jews were going to treat Him as an object and not the Creator He is, He was going to abandon them and let them fend for themselves for a bit. Israel and the Hebrew nation fell on really hard times for awhile, until they started to recognize God for who He really is. And, if you want to read about it, it's in the book of Judges.

Trump would do well to read that part of the Bible, and realize that treating God as an object is a REALLY bad idea.

Trump isn't the first non-religious President we have had, and he won't be the last.
He is as great as the Caesars at this point, and quite likely soon passes over them.
Greatest president in history.
President Trump is far too close to God and America.
Absolutely fascinating. Historically fascinating.

Absolutely true.

And because you are complicit in the decline of the nation, far, far away from America and God... you can't see it.

And this is an atheist schooling you here. So damn... you are far...
This Bishop dude don't know Jesus, baby!

Trump knows Jesus!

Trump knows Jesus better than ANYBODY!


You've just shown that you don't know much about this story. The bishops name is Mariann Edgar Budde, and she's not a dude, she's a female.

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington said Monday she is "outraged" after President Donald Trump's visit to her church without advance notice to share "a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus."
Her pointed comments came after the President walked from the White House to the house of worship used by American presidents for more than a century. Peaceful protesters just outside the White House gates were dispersed with tear gas, flash grenades and rubber bullets. It was all, apparently, so Trump could visit the church.

Which means she can't even be a real bishop according to the real version of Christianity.

But sure, the Church of Satan disapproves of Trump, no questions there.

So, Episcopalians aren't "real" Christians because they allow females to be bishops? Depends on the denomination as to who they allow to be preachers and bishops, not you.

I think it has more to do with the way that liberal politics, in this world, is more important than the spiritual journey of the flock to the afterlife, is why they are not real Christians.

So you're politicizing religion. Good to know.

Nothing political about my statement at all. Just commenting on the basic heresy of Liberation Theology, which the Bishop seems to be operating from.
He is as great as the Caesars at this point, and quite likely soon passes over them.
Greatest president in history.
President Trump is far too close to God and America.
Absolutely fascinating. Historically fascinating.

Absolutely true.

And because you are complicit in the decline of the nation, far, far away from America and God... you can't see it.

And this is an atheist schooling you here. So damn... you are far...
He is as great as the Caesars at this point, and quite likely soon passes over them.
Greatest president in history.
President Trump is far too close to God and America.
Absolutely fascinating. Historically fascinating.

Absolutely true.

And because you are complicit in the decline of the nation, far, far away from America and God... you can't see it.

And this is an atheist schooling you here. So damn... you are far...

It won't be so cool when the time of judgment comes. Very, very hot.
This was last evening at around 6:30pm. I watched it live. The crowd was peaceful and was never asked to disperse. The police just started with the tear gas.

Imagine having 60 Secret Service agents being injured over the weekend. Imagine having protesters... heh "protesters" tearing down barricades meant to keep them away from the White House complex. Imagine that type of unruliness happening over and over until proper force is applied.

The time for words passed when these "protesters" decided to engage in aggressive tactics.

Force with force. That's it. That's all.

But were they peaceful or were they engaging in aggressive tactics at the time of the action? That is not clear.
It is clear, the Park Police cleared them out not even knowing President Trump would be coming. The “protesters” were throwing things at the cops, and climbing buildings in the area. They refused to move after being told repeatedly to move back.
Then Park police moved them back.
it is clear now, is it? Some 20 priests disagree. But I'm sure you'd say they were throwing bricks.

Unfortunately...with these kinds of actions...all of Trump's desired symbolism has kind of backfired.

What I don't understand is this....usually outings by a president are well planned in advance and the way cleared. Understandably, there likely couldn't be a LOT of advance time for this, due to the fast pace of events, but still - there could have been a 12 hour window, at least, to set things up. Move people, clear the area, and create an understanding with the relevant clergy. I don't understand why that did not happen here.

The Arch Bishop has more of a problem with the President calling for Law and Order, than she does with the rioters that tried to burn down her church.

That is the problem, specifically in this case and generally speaking with that level of hate and hysteria.

Neither of them is Trump's fault.
The Arch Bishop has more of a problem with the President calling for Law and Order, than she does with the rioters that tried to burn down her church.
There's a lesson in her mindset if you cared to see it.

I think I see the lesson fine. Her culture is insane and suicidal. It is part and parcel of the decline of our civilization.
I think I see the lesson fine. Her culture is insane and suicidal. It is part and parcel of the decline of our civilization.
Yes! That's it. It has nothing at all to do with caring more about your fellow man than a building or a president's vanity.

Correct. If it was something like that, the people physically hurt by the riots, and the violence, would be what she was talking about.

She is a marxist pretending to be a religious leader, to gain power and a platform to spread lies from.
You are truly deranged. :cuckoo:
A lunatic who sees everything as political.
This was last evening at around 6:30pm. I watched it live. The crowd was peaceful and was never asked to disperse. The police just started with the tear gas.

Imagine having 60 Secret Service agents being injured over the weekend. Imagine having protesters... heh "protesters" tearing down barricades meant to keep them away from the White House complex. Imagine that type of unruliness happening over and over until proper force is applied.

The time for words passed when these "protesters" decided to engage in aggressive tactics.

Force with force. That's it. That's all.

But were they peaceful or were they engaging in aggressive tactics at the time of the action? That is not clear.
It is clear, the Park Police cleared them out not even knowing President Trump would be coming. The “protesters” were throwing things at the cops, and climbing buildings in the area. They refused to move after being told repeatedly to move back.
Then Park police moved them back.
it is clear now, is it? Some 20 priests disagree. But I'm sure you'd say they were throwing bricks.

Unfortunately...with these kinds of actions...all of Trump's desired symbolism has kind of backfired.

What I don't understand is this....usually outings by a president are well planned in advance and the way cleared. Understandably, there likely couldn't be a LOT of advance time for this, due to the fast pace of events, but still - there could have been a 12 hour window, at least, to set things up. Move people, clear the area, and create an understanding with the relevant clergy. I don't understand why that did not happen here.

The Arch Bishop has more of a problem with the President calling for Law and Order, than she does with the rioters that tried to burn down her church.

That is the problem, specifically in this case and generally speaking with that level of hate and hysteria.

Neither of them is Trump's fault.
The Arch Bishop has more of a problem with the President calling for Law and Order, than she does with the rioters that tried to burn down her church.
There's a lesson in her mindset if you cared to see it.

I think I see the lesson fine. Her culture is insane and suicidal. It is part and parcel of the decline of our civilization.
I think I see the lesson fine. Her culture is insane and suicidal. It is part and parcel of the decline of our civilization.
Yes! That's it. It has nothing at all to do with caring more about your fellow man than a building or a president's vanity.

Correct. If it was something like that, the people physically hurt by the riots, and the violence, would be what she was talking about.

She is a marxist pretending to be a religious leader, to gain power and a platform to spread lies from.
You are truly deranged. :cuckoo:
A lunatic who sees everything as political.

She is political. In with the Church of Satan.

The joggers looting TVs just want their new shiny TVs.
This Bishop dude don't know Jesus, baby!

Trump knows Jesus!

Trump knows Jesus better than ANYBODY!


In truth, nobody does. If we did, there wouldn't be so many denominations of the Christian faith.

I am a budding Agnostic.
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This Bishop dude don't know Jesus, baby!

Trump knows Jesus!

Trump knows Jesus better than ANYBODY!


In truth, nobody does. If we did, there would be so many denominations of the Christian faith.

I am a budding Agnostic.

Trump certainly knows Jesus better than this Servant of Satan,

I as an atheist can confidently say that, without any doubt.
This Bishop dude don't know Jesus, baby!

Trump knows Jesus!

Trump knows Jesus better than ANYBODY!


In truth, nobody does. If we did, there would be so many denominations of the Christian faith.

I am a budding Agnostic.

Trump certainly knows Jesus better than this Servant of Satan,

I as an atheist can confidently say that, without any doubt.
Okay, time out, hold on a sec. I need to catch up here.

First you tell me "It won't be so cool when the time of judgment comes. Very, very hot," then you say "I as an atheist...."

What the fuck?

I certainly believe that you're an atheist, given your white separatist bigotry, but why did you toss in that Christian "judgment day" thing?

Are you high? Are you trying to cover all your bases? What was that?
This Bishop dude don't know Jesus, baby!

Trump knows Jesus!

Trump knows Jesus better than ANYBODY!


In truth, nobody does. If we did, there would be so many denominations of the Christian faith.

I am a budding Agnostic.

Trump certainly knows Jesus better than this Servant of Satan,

I as an atheist can confidently say that, without any doubt.

Interesting perspective. But I'm not sure I understand. Atheism is the belief of no religion. None. Not Christianity, not Judaism, not Islam, nor any of their concepts.

So how can you believe that there is a Satan?
This Bishop dude don't know Jesus, baby!

Trump knows Jesus!

Trump knows Jesus better than ANYBODY!


You've just shown that you don't know much about this story. The bishops name is Mariann Edgar Budde, and she's not a dude, she's a female.

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington said Monday she is "outraged" after President Donald Trump's visit to her church without advance notice to share "a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus."
Her pointed comments came after the President walked from the White House to the house of worship used by American presidents for more than a century. Peaceful protesters just outside the White House gates were dispersed with tear gas, flash grenades and rubber bullets. It was all, apparently, so Trump could visit the church.

Which means she can't even be a real bishop according to the real version of Christianity.

But sure, the Church of Satan disapproves of Trump, no questions there.

So, Episcopalians aren't "real" Christians because they allow females to be bishops? Depends on the denomination as to who they allow to be preachers and bishops, not you.

I think it has more to do with the way that liberal politics, in this world, is more important than the spiritual journey of the flock to the afterlife, is why they are not real Christians.

So you're politicizing religion. Good to know.

And by replying, so are you.

Good to know.
Wow................just more proof that if someone says something against Trump, his followers will attack them without reservation.

Never thought I would see so many people getting their knickers in a twist over a bishop criticizing the president, but here we are.
Let the bishop stew.

Who cares?
Looked like one of those Lesbian preachers that pass themselves off as a person of the cloth.
Jesus wouldn't act like that fake Bishop and she needs to put a cork in it.

Trump supporters are the fake Christians. You people ignore the teachings of Jesus Christ. We need to put a cork in you.

What qualifies you to determine who is a "fake" Christian and who is a "real" Christian? Is Sleepy Joe going to appoint a Grand Inquisitor or something?
What qualifies me?
I can read.....and reading the Bible tells anyone that that false prophet shouldn't become political....and that's all she's doing.
She's talking and thinking like a liberal instead of a spiritual being.
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Let the bishop stew.

Who cares?
Looked like one of those Lesbian preachers that pass themselves off as a person of the cloth.
Jesus wouldn't act like that fake Bishop and she needs to put a cork in it.

Trump supporters are the fake Christians. You people ignore the teachings of Jesus Christ. We need to put a cork in you.
How so?
I figure it like this.....

"If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless." James: 1.26
Any religious figures who attacks Pres.Trump works for Satan.

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