"I Am Outraged" DC Bishop Denounces trump's Visit To Church After Police Clear Protesters With Tear Gas

Former Commanders Fault Trump’s Use of Troops Against Protesters

Retired senior military leaders condemned their successors in the Trump administration for ordering active-duty units on Monday to rout those peacefully protesting police violence near the White House.


Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote on Twitter that “America is not a battleground. Our fellow citizens are not the enemy.”

And Gen. Tony Thomas, the former head of the Special Operations Command, tweeted: “The ‘battle space’ of America??? Not what America needs to hear … ever, unless we are invaded by an adversary or experience a constitutional failure … ie a Civil War.”

Police used tear gas to clear protesters from Lafayette park so Trump could take a photo at St. John's Church

Educate yourself
You need to educate YOURself. Federal military personnel were used.

You can see both federal troops and police in the first 30 seconds of video:

"I find it baffling and reprehensible that any Catholic facility would allow itself to be so egregiously misused and manipulated in a fashion that violates our religious principles, which call us to defend the rights of all people even those with whom we might disagree,” the archbishop said in a statement. “Saint Pope John Paul II was an ardent defender of the rights and dignity of human beings. His legacy bears vivid witness to that truth. He certainly would not condone the use of tear gas and other deterrents to silence, scatter or intimidate them for a photo opportunity in front of a place of worship and peace.”

The archbishop is certainly entitled to embrace Socialism and Antifa if he likes. But President Trump isn't going to go for that.
In January 2020, Trump is going to PRISON for a lot of crimes. Clink clink. Lock him up!

So much for "healing". I wonder if the arch bishop will have any strong words for you.

Or will that be different somehow, because he is a political whore.

You are the political whore. Trump used the church for a cheap political photo-op.
Former Commanders Fault Trump’s Use of Troops Against Protesters

Retired senior military leaders condemned their successors in the Trump administration for ordering active-duty units on Monday to rout those peacefully protesting police violence near the White House.


Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote on Twitter that “America is not a battleground. Our fellow citizens are not the enemy.”

And Gen. Tony Thomas, the former head of the Special Operations Command, tweeted: “The ‘battle space’ of America??? Not what America needs to hear … ever, unless we are invaded by an adversary or experience a constitutional failure … ie a Civil War.”

Police used tear gas to clear protesters from Lafayette park so Trump could take a photo at St. John's Church

Educate yourself
You need to educate YOURself. Federal military personnel were used.

You can see both federal troops and police in this video:

I'm thinkin ur a lil blind there Dilbert.
The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes. The purpose of the act – in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807 – is to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.

Yesterday, the current occupant of the White House deployed federal military personnel to disperse a domestic peaceful protest so that he might engage in the most transparent and clumsy of pandering photo ops of all time.

This act was not to quell a riot. This act was not to repel a foreign enemy or a rebellion against the United States.

It was so he could take a picture holding a borrowed bible which, quite frankly, I am amazed did not burst into flames the moment he touched it.

What could POSSIBLY go wrong with this....
What hasn't gone wrong already?
Wait until they get to your beautiful eat in kitchen.

So Trump used riot police and tear gas to clear peaceful protesters from a church way, just so he can go take a P.R. photo. Disgusting.
The U.S.A is really no different than China. Trump and Conservatives always want to make their country more like China. China is passing a law that makes insulting the national anthem illegal. Which is what Trump wanted to do when the football players were taking a knee in protest during the US anthem. And now Trump want to send in the military to be a tough guy against people exercising their democratic right to protest. How is that different than Hong Kong?

The Rev. Mariann Budde, whose diocese St. John's belongs to, said she was "outraged" by Trump's visit and noted that he didn't pray while stopping by the church, a landmark known for its regular visits from sitting presidents since the early 19th century.
He didn't come to church to pray, he didn't come to church to offer condolences to those who are grieving, he didn't come to commit to healing our nation – all the things we would expect and long for from the highest leader in the land.

Get Trump out of office now before he burns down the entire country!!!
1. Trump isn't sending in wanting to send in the military has absolutely nothing to do with those who "PEACEFULLY" protest (which is protected under our Constitution). Rioters and looters have no protections in the Constitution and is clearly falls under the category of violence and theft.
2. As for that Episcopal priest....an investigative search found that the churches were in part, funding those caravans from south of the border, to come north. Thus, the church has been anti-Trump from the beginning. So, it's no surprise she would vilify the president.
Apparently someone chose to close his eyes to "peaceful" rioters burning a church and attacking the white house.

In other words, good luck with that. The entire thread is a lie, and once absolutely nothing happens we should recall that the OP is a liar.
Former Commanders Fault Trump’s Use of Troops Against Protesters

Retired senior military leaders condemned their successors in the Trump administration for ordering active-duty units on Monday to rout those peacefully protesting police violence near the White House.


Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote on Twitter that “America is not a battleground. Our fellow citizens are not the enemy.”

And Gen. Tony Thomas, the former head of the Special Operations Command, tweeted: “The ‘battle space’ of America??? Not what America needs to hear … ever, unless we are invaded by an adversary or experience a constitutional failure … ie a Civil War.”

Police used tear gas to clear protesters from Lafayette park so Trump could take a photo at St. John's Church

Educate yourself

Oh. So they cleared protestors, legally protesting for an offing biblical photo op?

They didn't use the Military. Since this thread is a lie I'd think someone of your......position and rank should fix it.
Coyote is watching the media outlets that aren't covering the destruction of stores and monuments.
Apparently someone chose to close his eyes to "peaceful" rioters burning a church and attacking the white house.

In other words, good luck with that.
They were not rioting when Trump had them attacked to make way for his blasphemous photo.

And where is your source for this information?

After church burning they could have frankly shot all the individuals who refused to back down when asked.
The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes. The purpose of the act – in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807 – is to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.

Yesterday, the current occupant of the White House deployed federal military personnel to disperse a domestic peaceful protest so that he might engage in the most transparent and clumsy of pandering photo ops of all time.

This act was not to quell a riot. This act was not to repel a foreign enemy or a rebellion against the United States.

It was so he could take a picture holding a borrowed bible which, quite frankly, I am amazed did not burst into flames the moment he touched it.

What could POSSIBLY go wrong with this....
So, what do you do when the state and local law enforcement are incapable of controlling the riots?

Earlier curfews? Just like gun control, nobody will heed them.

These rioters have no respect for the law. No respect for people or property. These rioters only respond to force.

Coyote, what would you do to effectively quell the riots and ensure peaceful protest?
Former Commanders Fault Trump’s Use of Troops Against Protesters

Retired senior military leaders condemned their successors in the Trump administration for ordering active-duty units on Monday to rout those peacefully protesting police violence near the White House.


Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote on Twitter that “America is not a battleground. Our fellow citizens are not the enemy.”

And Gen. Tony Thomas, the former head of the Special Operations Command, tweeted: “The ‘battle space’ of America??? Not what America needs to hear … ever, unless we are invaded by an adversary or experience a constitutional failure … ie a Civil War.”

Police used tear gas to clear protesters from Lafayette park so Trump could take a photo at St. John's Church

Educate yourself
You need to educate YOURself. Federal military personnel were used.

You can see both federal troops and police in the first 30 seconds of video:

Yet many Americans don’t know they live in a police state.
The video clearly shows they were peaceful protestors. There was no arson. The Arlington Police force used tear gas on demonstrators. Very shortly after that, the Arlington Police pulled their officers. They realized there were no violent protests.
You are either a very bad liar or very stupid to think others will not actually check the facts.

And considering there definitely was arson caused by rioters the rest of your post, the Arlington Police,
part is a lie too. There is literally fire damage on the outside of the church as well as the inside.
The citation clearly discusses damage to the church. The part that angers me is how little regard you have for others that you would lie so blatantly like no one will ever know.
You are a shitbag! 100%

If Trump hadn't walked the short distance to look at the damage lying assholes like you would be on
his back for not giving a damn!
The deployment of active-duty troops to confront protesters and looters prompted one military official to liken the order to Mr. Trump requesting his own “palace guard.”

While Pentagon leaders stand in fear of invoking the 1807 Insurrection Act, they fail to see that local and state law enforcement and passive support from the National Guard are not enough to stop the riots completely.


What exactly would you do to stop the violence? Spare me the talking points and dish out immediate, pertinent solutions to the violence.
The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes. The purpose of the act – in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807 – is to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.

Yesterday, the current occupant of the White House deployed federal military personnel to disperse a domestic peaceful protest so that he might engage in the most transparent and clumsy of pandering photo ops of all time.

This act was not to quell a riot. This act was not to repel a foreign enemy or a rebellion against the United States.

It was so he could take a picture holding a borrowed bible which, quite frankly, I am amazed did not burst into flames the moment he touched it.

What could POSSIBLY go wrong with this....
So, what do you do when the state and local law enforcement are incapable of controlling the riots?

Earlier curfews? Just like gun control, nobody will heed them.

These rioters have no respect for the law. No respect for people or property. These rioters only respond to force.

Coyote, what would you do to effectively quell the riots and ensure peaceful protest?
That's when you call in the National Guard. The National Guard is under the authority of their state governors, not the federal government.
Apparently someone chose to close his eyes to "peaceful" rioters burning a church and attacking the white house.

In other words, good luck with that.
They were not rioting when Trump had them attacked to make way for his blasphemous photo.

How were you going to make them move? Ask politely?

Peaceful protests are sometimes, seemingly, a guise for a riot later on in the night. You must assume these tactics are in play by the agitators even during the day.

The time for diplomacy has passed. The time for speaking softly has passed. No tolerance.

Also, were you expecting the president to walk into a mob of protesters? Or were you hoping he would for a negative outcome?
"I find it baffling and reprehensible that any Catholic facility would allow itself to be so egregiously misused and manipulated in a fashion that violates our religious principles, which call us to defend the rights of all people even those with whom we might disagree,” the archbishop said in a statement. “Saint Pope John Paul II was an ardent defender of the rights and dignity of human beings. His legacy bears vivid witness to that truth. He certainly would not condone the use of tear gas and other deterrents to silence, scatter or intimidate them for a photo opportunity in front of a place of worship and peace.”

The archbishop is certainly entitled to embrace Socialism and Antifa if he likes. But President Trump isn't going to go for that.
In January 2020, Trump is going to PRISON for a lot of crimes. Clink clink. Lock him up!

So much for "healing". I wonder if the arch bishop will have any strong words for you.

Or will that be different somehow, because he is a political whore.

You are the political whore. Trump used the church for a cheap political photo-op.

I'm not the one making a big deal about "healing" and attacking some guy for giving a speech, while not addressing the violent mobs that tried to burn down my church and are actually MURDERING PEOPLE.

That is the type of moral fortitude you would expect from a whore. And that is why I called the Arch Bishop that.

Me? What have I said, that justified your smear of me? Or are you just rushing to defend your partisan allies, just like him?
Apparently someone chose to close his eyes to "peaceful" rioters burning a church and attacking the white house.

In other words, good luck with that.
They were not rioting when Trump had them attacked to make way for his blasphemous photo.

How were you going to make them move? Ask politely?

Peaceful protests are sometimes, seemingly, a guise for a riot later on in the night. You must assume these tactics are in play by the agitators even during the day.

The time for diplomacy has passed. The time for speaking softly has passed. No tolerance.

Also, were you expecting the president to walk into a mob of protesters? Or were you hoping he would for a negative outcome?
Trump had no need to go on a walkabout. He did it as a show of force just to be a c*nt.

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