I am really down guys, any positive sentiments would be appreciated.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Just too miuch going on for one man. Too many years of battlling and I tried to deal with it the best I could, dealt with so much and didn't break. Thus, I'm trained for this through experience, truly, however this is an entirely different ball of wax. That is all, thank you for your time.
oh, i am sorry you are having a rough time right now. we all have our crosses to bear; & if you can break it down into smaller hurdles - tackle one at a time... it might be a little less overwhelming than to keep seeing the whole picture all at once.
Yes this is sound advice, thanks. It is just a never ending stream and completely different and foreiign to me.
Just too miuch going on for one man. Too many years of battlling and I tried to deal with it the best I could, dealt with so much and didn't break. Thus, I'm trained for this through experience, truly, however this is an entirely different ball of wax. That is all, thank you for your time.
Get out of Canada, and start feeling a lot better....

Just too miuch going on for one man. Too many years of battlling and I tried to deal with it the best I could, dealt with so much and didn't break. Thus, I'm trained for this through experience, truly, however this is an entirely different ball of wax. That is all, thank you for your time.
Don't feel like the lone Ranger...
I just lost my best friend a month ago and I still expect to see him walking up my driveway with a couple of beers in his hand for us to share... it was sudden and not expected... I saw him the day before he died.... and I'm heartbroken over it.... we have been friends for over 35 years....
I just try and stay busy so I don't think about him but I took his dog in and that poor girl is missing him too..... and that makes it hard for me to move on....
Yes this is sound advice, thanks. It is just a never ending stream and completely different and foreiign to me.
It is impossible to really understand a person, much less help him or her when so little info is available. I began examining my own past life in order to understand myself. I still don't u/stand myself well, but I know Jesus does, so I don't sweat the small stuff (try not to).

I have been down so many times in life, I can't begin to count.. But I've noticed that when I talk to Jesus about all that isbothering me, it's amazing how uplifted I am. I am Catholic and so in bad moments of life, when the cross seems unbearable, I have the resource not all have, namely, of remembering times I spent in the Real Presence (no longer actually available to me... long story).

Anyway, just talking to Jesus, whether you know His tangible Presence or not, is very... helpful, for lack of a better way to put it. He understands crosses very well, of course. And he knows well the enemy who causes them.

I hope everyone reading your thread prays for you. Sometimes that is all we have is a prayer---

and the devil will lie and tell you that you don't even have that.. a real POS :dev3:
Just too miuch going on for one man. Too many years of battlling and I tried to deal with it the best I could, dealt with so much and didn't break. Thus, I'm trained for this through experience, truly, however this is an entirely different ball of wax. That is all, thank you for your time.
you are always down,, at some point you just need to get over it and move on with your life,,
Don't feel like the lone Ranger...
I just lost my best friend a month ago and I still expect to see him walking up my driveway with a couple of beers in his hand for us to share... it was sudden and not expected... I saw him the day before he died.... and I'm heartbroken over it.... we have been friends for over 35 years....
I just try and stay busy so I don't think about him but I took his dog in and that poor girl is missing him too..... and that makes it hard for me to move on....
sorry to hear this..

Was he in the Marines with you? (I seem to recall you were in the Marines, like my father was)
Just too miuch going on for one man. Too many years of battlling and I tried to deal with it the best I could, dealt with so much and didn't break. Thus, I'm trained for this through experience, truly, however this is an entirely different ball of wax. That is all, thank you for your time.
So sorry you're having so rough a time. I suppose at some time many of us have experienced, have felt as you are feeling. Not knowing the situation, the best advice I can give you is remove yourself from it if you can, and if you can't hang on with the hope and knowledge that this too shall pass.
Just too miuch going on for one man. Too many years of battlling and I tried to deal with it the best I could, dealt with so much and didn't break. Thus, I'm trained for this through experience, truly, however this is an entirely different ball of wax. That is all, thank you for your time.
Too little information. I suspect it has to do with the problem you’ve had with your spouse and Canadian law. That’s problem enough. I hope your problem isn’t now any worse.
That sounds very un-empathetic.

Sometimes life is just too much.. or so we FEEL and we can't always get beyond our feelings. And it's not like every time we pray about our problems, God appears w/ a magic wand and makes all things lovely for us!
every week hes on here talking about how bad his life is,, at some point he just needss to get over it and move on,,

everybodys life sucks in one way or another,,
Well, the years of abuse from my wife which is going to lead to divorce, 18 years of my life down the drain. I foolishly let my.drivers license expire so if I move, it is going to cost me much more. Now my dog is struggling and I spend as much on him as myself for food, he needs back leg wheels probably. He has been very close to my side today as he always is when he senses I am down. It is all too much, in a system that people don't realize is far more abusive than they could imagine.
Without more, this appears to be more of your inability to realistically deal with your wife. Despite how bad this situation is, the only explanation for your reactions is that you do experience a payoff. Find out what is giving you pleasure in your life and you will get your freedom.
Just too miuch going on for one man. Too many years of battlling and I tried to deal with it the best I could, dealt with so much and didn't break. Thus, I'm trained for this through experience, truly, however this is an entirely different ball of wax. That is all, thank you for your time.
If you experience long periods of depression you should see a doctor and get on an anti depressant. They work
Well, the years of abuse from my wife which is going to lead to divorce, 18 years of my life down the drain. I foolishly let my.drivers license expire so if I move, it is going to cost me much more. Now my dog is struggling and I spend as much on him as myself for food, he needs back leg wheels probably. He has been very close to my side today as he always is when he senses I am down. It is all too much, in a system that people don't realize is far more abusive than they could imagine.
Divorce is hard....but one day you may be grateful you broke up

Best thing to happen to me

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