I am rewriting the word of God, and I ask that you read - it's short and to the point

At the back of my bible it says:

Despite what they tell you, I didn't write this. It is NOT my word.

Sure, I inspired the good positive love thy neighbor stuff, but the rest is all mans' doing.



Isn't it funny that christians say a god wrote the bible even though they know it has been rewritten, interpreted and translated until there is nothing left of the original.

You can go to the store and buy various "versions" of what they call "the word of god".

Each interpretation or version was written by someone who had an axe to grind. In the case of the morms, he was a criminal, a common hood. He wrote his own pile of gobbledygook as well as pushing his version of the bible.

The bible is fiction. So is the book of mormon and whatever the scientologists and other cults use.

Its all fiction.
Knowing mentality of my dogs, I can GUARANTEE you that if everyone on earth believed in bible, then those same Christians would absolutely not care about the bible just like the dog stops caring about the stick I throw - it's all about dominance, other way it would not matter the name of the prophet at all. (I think you know what I mean)
At the back of my bible it says:

Despite what they tell you, I didn't write this. It is NOT my word.

Sure, I inspired the good positive love thy neighbor stuff, but the rest is all mans' doing.



Then burn it..........
I AM A LIVING GOD - Christians RIDICULE me, because they believe in a god that is DEAD, CRUCIFIED, and as a living God I can confront their hypocrisy, point out their crimes and seek to STOP them. They made out their dead god to be more powerful than he is, and they put all their faith in HIM, the dead god - Their political leaders who have power, are EVIL, and accepted by Christian society, with Liberals acting as a scapegoat for republicans and vice verse.

You're incorrect. You've missed the entire message of the Gospel. The Gospel is the Good news. And what is the good news? The good news is that Jesus Christ conquered death and rose from the grave. We don't put our faith in a dead God, but a living one.

And because He conquered death, we all will conquer death.

You're wrong about money too. It's the love of money that's the root of all evil. When you love your things and use people rather than loving people and using things, you cannot be the person God created you to be.

If this is your rewrite of scriptures, than I am disappointed. Though I am sure Senator McCain would like the fact that he has been mentioned in a new religion's scriptures.
My scriptures deal with reality while your scriptures deal with dead men who have been long out swindled by the new breed of hypocrites. If I come to power, not only McCain and the like be out of power, but their names will be completely erased from history books.

you dont have a clue what the scriptures deal with. You still havent read them.

as for erasing history books, I would much rather learn from history then pretend it doesn't exist.
At the back of my bible it says:

Despite what they tell you, I didn't write this. It is NOT my word.

Sure, I inspired the good positive love thy neighbor stuff, but the rest is all mans' doing.



I admire God's destructive side.
The only other "rule" of Wicca is that whatever you do, good or evil, will come back to you threefold.

Make a lot more sense than all that christian nonsense that christians ignore anyway.

And you would do well to remember that and live it

Damn funny coming from a phony in magic underwear like you.

You're a morm, for crying out loud. Everything about your screwy cult is taking, making money, hurting others.

You consistently post that you hate the innocent, hate anyone who is down and needs help. I have no doubt you would kick a hungry child out of your way before you would actually help anyone.

I know you think telling some lies and throwing some insults around is somehow going to hurt me. But you just end up reaping what you sow.
I AM A LIVING GOD - Christians RIDICULE me, because they believe in a god that is DEAD, CRUCIFIED, and as a living God I can confront their hypocrisy, point out their crimes and seek to STOP them. They made out their dead god to be more powerful than he is, and they put all their faith in HIM, the dead god - Their political leaders who have power, are EVIL, and accepted by Christian society, with Liberals acting as a scapegoat for republicans and vice verse.

You're incorrect. You've missed the entire message of the Gospel. The Gospel is the Good news. And what is the good news? The good news is that Jesus Christ conquered death and rose from the grave. We don't put our faith in a dead God, but a living one.

And because He conquered death, we all will conquer death.

You're wrong about money too. It's the love of money that's the root of all evil. When you love your things and use people rather than loving people and using things, you cannot be the person God created you to be.

If this is your rewrite of scriptures, than I am disappointed. Though I am sure Senator McCain would like the fact that he has been mentioned in a new religion's scriptures.

There you go again.

Preaching what others should believe and what others should do.

You hate people. You say it here every day. But you sure as hell can preach shit to others.

No wonder people don't trust christians and morms.

The truth is the truth, whether you like it or not.

And the only person here who hates people is the one who continually wants to control their lives with more and more government while robbing of their time and labor.
And the only person here who hates people is the one who continually wants to control their lives with more and more government while robbing of their time and labor.
more nations more government, time to start a new thread.

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