I am seeing more and more violatons of free speech

Unfortunately....not the case...others are falling to the same coercion to subvert and or eliminate controversial topics aka anything not pc
Make your own search engine. No one is stopping you.

That is like saying that if Blacks did not want to ride in the back of the bus in Alabama, they should get their own buses.
In a way, they did....they gave each other rides to work and home when possible....some of the first carpooling in our history.
Not what she meant but you knew that and decided to troll anyway. How drole. At least you’re consistently dishonest. LOL
Unfortunately....not the case...others are falling to the same coercion to subvert and or eliminate controversial topics aka anything not pc
Make your own search engine. No one is stopping you.
LOL such a loser
Says an orange cultist who doesn't even know the 1st Amendment and what it protects. :heehee:
What is an “orange cultist”? Show proof of your post. You made an accusation. Stand by it, old hag. Or admit you’re full of shit per usual.
Honey, you've shown on several posts in this thread alone that you have NO CLUE what the 1st Amendment is about and what it protects. You just went on about "renting a car" and that was pretty darn funny! :heehee:
Give one example. Please, old hag. I said renting a car requires as ID when your fellow leftist asked why we need one to vote. Nothing to do with the 1st amendment you ugly gray hag.
Right....show us where the Constitution guarantees the Right to rent a car. I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:
Show where the constitution grants a right to vote for those who aren’t legally allowed to? I ll wait.
Unfortunately....not the case...others are falling to the same coercion to subvert and or eliminate controversial topics aka anything not pc
Make your own search engine. No one is stopping you.

That is like saying that if Blacks did not want to ride in the back of the bus in Alabama, they should get their own buses.
It was a city bus you goof.

Not at all similar.
In a way it was.....no one was forced to ride the bus at all. (Actually, the city of Birmingham tried to make the carpooling illegal)
Unfortunately....not the case...others are falling to the same coercion to subvert and or eliminate controversial topics aka anything not pc
Make your own search engine. No one is stopping you.
LOL such a loser
Says an orange cultist who doesn't even know the 1st Amendment and what it protects. :heehee:
What is an “orange cultist”? Show proof of your post. You made an accusation. Stand by it, old hag. Or admit you’re full of shit per usual.
Honey, you've shown on several posts in this thread alone that you have NO CLUE what the 1st Amendment is about and what it protects. You just went on about "renting a car" and that was pretty darn funny! :heehee:
Give one example. Please, old hag. I said renting a car requires as ID when your fellow leftist asked why we need one to vote. Nothing to do with the 1st amendment you ugly gray hag.
Right....show us where the Constitution guarantees the Right to rent a car. I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:
Show where the constitution grants a right to vote for those who aren’t legally allowed to? I ll wait.
What does having a free ID have to do with "those who aren't legally allowed to"? And it's the Constitution. You must not be from this country.
Unfortunately....not the case...others are falling to the same coercion to subvert and or eliminate controversial topics aka anything not pc
Make your own search engine. No one is stopping you.
LOL such a loser
Says an orange cultist who doesn't even know the 1st Amendment and what it protects. :heehee:
What is an “orange cultist”? Show proof of your post. You made an accusation. Stand by it, old hag. Or admit you’re full of shit per usual.
Honey, you've shown on several posts in this thread alone that you have NO CLUE what the 1st Amendment is about and what it protects. You just went on about "renting a car" and that was pretty darn funny! :heehee:
Give one example. Please, old hag. I said renting a car requires as ID when your fellow leftist asked why we need one to vote. Nothing to do with the 1st amendment you ugly gray hag.
Right....show us where the Constitution guarantees the Right to rent a car. I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:
Need an ID to buy a gun too, old hag. LOL. Are you ever not an idiot?
Unfortunately....not the case...others are falling to the same coercion to subvert and or eliminate controversial topics aka anything not pc
Make your own search engine. No one is stopping you.
LOL such a loser
Says an orange cultist who doesn't even know the 1st Amendment and what it protects. :heehee:
What is an “orange cultist”? Show proof of your post. You made an accusation. Stand by it, old hag. Or admit you’re full of shit per usual.
Honey, you've shown on several posts in this thread alone that you have NO CLUE what the 1st Amendment is about and what it protects. You just went on about "renting a car" and that was pretty darn funny! :heehee:
Give one example. Please, old hag. I said renting a car requires as ID when your fellow leftist asked why we need one to vote. Nothing to do with the 1st amendment you ugly gray hag.
Right....show us where the Constitution guarantees the Right to rent a car. I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:
Show where the constitution grants a right to vote for those who aren’t legally allowed to? I ll wait.
What does having a free ID have to do with "those who aren't legally allowed to"?
ID shows you’re legally allowed to vote. Duh. Constitution grants rights to lawful citizens only. Govt needs a way to prove one is a lawful citizen and an ID does that, old hag.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven
"violations of free speech"? By the government? Because that's what the 1st Amendment applies to......NOT private companies.
Exactly! However Republicans in Government have stripped US citizens of Freedom to Travel & Vote without showing your papers with Real Photo & RFID Tracking!
LOL...you need an ID to rent a car but you don’t want one to vote? You’re an idiot leftist.
No problem having an ID to vote as long as it's free. If you have to pay for it, it's a poll tax.

BTW, show us where renting a car is a right enumerated in the Constitution, hun.
It's far worse than a poll tax. It's a massive voter & travel restriction!!! State license offices are over a year behind processing ID's yet elections happen ever couple months & people travel daily. With less than six months left until that deadline, the country is far from meeting the new standards, as only 43% of the U.S.-issued driver's licenses are REAL ID-compliant, according to DHS data.
Unfortunately....not the case...others are falling to the same coercion to subvert and or eliminate controversial topics aka anything not pc
Make your own search engine. No one is stopping you.
LOL such a loser
Says an orange cultist who doesn't even know the 1st Amendment and what it protects. :heehee:
What is an “orange cultist”? Show proof of your post. You made an accusation. Stand by it, old hag. Or admit you’re full of shit per usual.
Honey, you've shown on several posts in this thread alone that you have NO CLUE what the 1st Amendment is about and what it protects. You just went on about "renting a car" and that was pretty darn funny! :heehee:
Give one example. Please, old hag. I said renting a car requires as ID when your fellow leftist asked why we need one to vote. Nothing to do with the 1st amendment you ugly gray hag.
Right....show us where the Constitution guarantees the Right to rent a car. I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:
Need an ID to buy a gun too, old hag. LOL. Are you ever not an idiot?
Where does the Constitution say that you don't have to pay to buy a gun? I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:
"violations of free speech"? By the government? Because that's what the 1st Amendment applies to......NOT private companies.

Relevant reading - Democrats push Facebook and Twitter to “address” 12 prominent vaccine skeptics

State Attorneys General also told Facebook and Twitter to kill vaccine skepticism earlier this month.

These crackdowns on vaccine skeptic conversations come amid mass pushes from global governments to introduce digital vaccine passports that force people to prove their vaccination or test status to enter business premises.

Additinally - A Four Person NATO-Funded Team Advises Facebook On Flagging 'Propaganda'

'What's more is that the team of four total individuals running the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFR Lab) is headed by a former National Security Council advisor for the last four years of the Obama administration, Graham Brookie, who is also its founder.''
Last edited:
Unfortunately....not the case...others are falling to the same coercion to subvert and or eliminate controversial topics aka anything not pc
Make your own search engine. No one is stopping you.
LOL such a loser
Says an orange cultist who doesn't even know the 1st Amendment and what it protects. :heehee:
What is an “orange cultist”? Show proof of your post. You made an accusation. Stand by it, old hag. Or admit you’re full of shit per usual.
Honey, you've shown on several posts in this thread alone that you have NO CLUE what the 1st Amendment is about and what it protects. You just went on about "renting a car" and that was pretty darn funny! :heehee:
Give one example. Please, old hag. I said renting a car requires as ID when your fellow leftist asked why we need one to vote. Nothing to do with the 1st amendment you ugly gray hag.
Right....show us where the Constitution guarantees the Right to rent a car. I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:
Show where the constitution grants a right to vote for those who aren’t legally allowed to? I ll wait.
What does having a free ID have to do with "those who aren't legally allowed to"?
ID shows you’re legally allowed to vote. Duh. Constitution grants rights to lawful citizens only. Govt needs a way to prove one is a lawful citizen and an ID does that, old hag.
As I've said before (please try to pay attention)....I have no problem with people having an ID to vote, but that ID must be free if they don't already have one they had to have for other reasons like drivers' licenses.
Don’t use Google’s search engine.

Problem solved.
Anyone using Google's search engine directly is a fool.

At a minimum use Duck Duck Go. Google results without Google tracking.
Then don't use it. Easy Peasy.
I just told you I didn't...cuz I'm not a fool.

The only time I use Chrome is stuff I could really care less about. Let them build a profile based on that.
Well, Whoopdeedoo! :spinner:
Unfortunately....not the case...others are falling to the same coercion to subvert and or eliminate controversial topics aka anything not pc
Make your own search engine. No one is stopping you.
LOL such a loser
Says an orange cultist who doesn't even know the 1st Amendment and what it protects. :heehee:
What is an “orange cultist”? Show proof of your post. You made an accusation. Stand by it, old hag. Or admit you’re full of shit per usual.
Honey, you've shown on several posts in this thread alone that you have NO CLUE what the 1st Amendment is about and what it protects. You just went on about "renting a car" and that was pretty darn funny! :heehee:
Give one example. Please, old hag. I said renting a car requires as ID when your fellow leftist asked why we need one to vote. Nothing to do with the 1st amendment you ugly gray hag.
Right....show us where the Constitution guarantees the Right to rent a car. I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:
Need an ID to buy a gun too, old hag. LOL. Are you ever not an idiot?
Where does the Constitution say that you don't have to pay to buy a gun? I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:
Where does it say you do? I ll Wait.
Unfortunately....not the case...others are falling to the same coercion to subvert and or eliminate controversial topics aka anything not pc
Make your own search engine. No one is stopping you.
LOL such a loser
Says an orange cultist who doesn't even know the 1st Amendment and what it protects. :heehee:
What is an “orange cultist”? Show proof of your post. You made an accusation. Stand by it, old hag. Or admit you’re full of shit per usual.
Honey, you've shown on several posts in this thread alone that you have NO CLUE what the 1st Amendment is about and what it protects. You just went on about "renting a car" and that was pretty darn funny! :heehee:
Give one example. Please, old hag. I said renting a car requires as ID when your fellow leftist asked why we need one to vote. Nothing to do with the 1st amendment you ugly gray hag.
Right....show us where the Constitution guarantees the Right to rent a car. I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:
Show where the constitution grants a right to vote for those who aren’t legally allowed to? I ll wait.
What does having a free ID have to do with "those who aren't legally allowed to"?
ID shows you’re legally allowed to vote. Duh. Constitution grants rights to lawful citizens only. Govt needs a way to prove one is a lawful citizen and an ID does that, old hag.
As I've said before (please try to pay attention)....I have no problem with people having an ID to vote, but that ID must be free if they don't already have one they had to have for other reasons like drivers' licenses.
OK then pass a bill to provide free IDs. I have zero issues with that. My dad can give me a gun for free, I do not have to pay for one. IDs aren’t pricey.
Unfortunately....not the case...others are falling to the same coercion to subvert and or eliminate controversial topics aka anything not pc
Make your own search engine. No one is stopping you.
LOL such a loser
Says an orange cultist who doesn't even know the 1st Amendment and what it protects. :heehee:
What is an “orange cultist”? Show proof of your post. You made an accusation. Stand by it, old hag. Or admit you’re full of shit per usual.
Honey, you've shown on several posts in this thread alone that you have NO CLUE what the 1st Amendment is about and what it protects. You just went on about "renting a car" and that was pretty darn funny! :heehee:
Give one example. Please, old hag. I said renting a car requires as ID when your fellow leftist asked why we need one to vote. Nothing to do with the 1st amendment you ugly gray hag.
Right....show us where the Constitution guarantees the Right to rent a car. I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:
Need an ID to buy a gun too, old hag. LOL. Are you ever not an idiot?
Where does the Constitution say that you don't have to pay to buy a gun? I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:
Where does it say you do? I ll Wait.
Where does the Constitution say that you don't have to pay to buy a gun? You are trying to compare using ID to buy a gun to using ID to vote.......the Constitution doesn't care if you pay for an ID to buy your gun.....it very much DOES care if you have to pay to get an ID to vote.
"violations of free speech"? By the government? Because that's what the 1st Amendment applies to......NOT private companies.

Relevant reading - Democrats push Facebook and Twitter to “address” 12 prominent vaccine skeptics

State Attorneys General also told Facebook and Twitter to kill vaccine skepticism earlier this month.
Facebook and Twitter are not the government.
No but they also don’t want to be regulated when every other industry is. Doesn’t work that way.

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