I am Stainmaster, "Hey" from Southern California

You didn't answer the question. Please try again.

Ok, for more streamlined communication, let me re-fashion my remarks.

It seems to me that medical care is a big black hole with medical corporations making large profits. One way or another the average taxpayer ends up paying for medical services not covered. Why not be efficient about it. Get the profit motive out of it. It is simple efficiency, the law is passed, let the bean counters make it work.

Thank you for a second opportunity to clarify my opinion on this all important question.

You've learned well from Obama! :rofl:Have you ever asked your good friend if you can see his tax returns? You might be shocked how much profit he makes! :lol:I just HAVE to know: Do you actually believe this idiotic silliness?
Hey, I am no big Obama rah, rah. But, I do think he deserves a chance. My family is split politically, but after Bush who could vote Republican.

Oh I see. A President should be able to lie to Congress under oath. How nice.

An out-of-context shot, and not a very good one.
How many years does 0bama get a "pass" from you "give everyone free healthcare" types?
You didn't answer the question. Please try again.

Ok, for more streamlined communication, let me re-fashion my remarks.

It seems to me that medical care is a big black hole with medical corporations making large profits. One way or another the average taxpayer ends up paying for medical services not covered. Why not be efficient about it. Get the profit motive out of it. It is simple efficiency, the law is passed, let the bean counters make it work.

Thank you for a second opportunity to clarify my opinion on this all important question.

You've learned well from Obama! :rofl:Have you ever asked your good friend if you can see his tax returns? You might be shocked how much profit he makes! :lol:I just HAVE to know: Do you actually believe this idiotic silliness?
Oh I see. A President should be able to lie to Congress under oath. How nice.

I am glad you pointed this out. All the major newscasters have books or opinions on this subject, the bottom line is the quality of reporting to an adult audience while a younger audience is watching - in color - every night - with pictures of that stupid dress!

We can go into the ridiculous circumstances of the cum on the dress, or we can review the misuse of impeachment proceedings for political purposes, or we can consider that leaders like President Reagan or President Johnson would have just taken all parties out to the wood shed and slapped them silly.
Do you or do you not believe a President is above the law? It's a easy yes or no type deal that even your toweringly limited intellect should be able to understand.

And I note in passing, you failed to address this:

Look at this mess all to ask if I think the President is above the law. Duh? NO, but impeachment laws were improperly used, and again we brought America, all by ourselves, down in the eyes of the world. I lived through this impeachment as a child, my opinion of the President of the United States is a lot lower than my relatives who speak of Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson. Where has the respect gone?
OK, I'll bite. I'm very hungry to learn new things.... so, what does it mean?
I'll believe.....:eusa_angel:
Ignore all these crazy people responding to your hello. I'm the only sane person here.

I live in a nest...... on the side of a building...... lots of fresh air......

You are a mysterious primate, I mean pirate!

Thank you. I resemble that remark.
(Could I interest you in any zircon encrusted tweezers, tweezers?)
I believe in getting a buck's worth of bang for every buck spent.... ~ healthcare for all for free.... ~(There ain't no free lunch)
How do you reconcile these? You sound very confused.

It seems to me that medical care is a big black hole with medical corporations making large profits. One way or another the average taxpayer ends up paying for medical services not covered. Why not be efficient about it. Get the profit motive out of it. It is simple efficiency, the law is passed, let the bean counters make it work.

You honestly think the federal government can do it more efficiently and cheaper??!!


You are young.


I mean.

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....No wonder you're so clueless. You seem to lack basic intelligence and skills needed to do even the most simple tasks. Like reading and comprehending.

I do apologize if I have misunderstood what you are saying in your post. I do not claim to be an intellectual like the rest of you.

That is wise. You are quite much behind in that category...and we don't have to claim intelligence...it shows by itself.

I am just an everyday guy with average skills trying to get by,

You may be average for your area, but definitely not in general.

... and I am good looking enough to have run with a dangerous crowd.
If that's really you, your looks are mediocre at best...a pencil neck geek...likely with small balls and a squeaky voice.

Looks have little to do with being dangerous.
Except for some debate experience in school, I have not been all that political. I vote, I like to think I am a good citizen, and I am an independent voter. I have been called a fiscal conservative because I believe in getting a buck's worth of bang for every buck spent. I have been called a socialist because I supported healthcare for all for free. I do not like political labels, but I think 'independent' or 'citizen' is best for me.

I believe in giving the less fortunate a helping hand when needed, but I think some people need to be motivated toward hard work, (There ain't no free lunch). By motivated, I mean tough love if necessary.

This will probably offend members of both political parties, but I picked the user name 'Stainmaster' because it seems we 'independents/citizens' end up paying the bill, and cleaning up the mess of every half-baked idea political parties promote. I am angry about the Wall Street bail out, as well as the influence of unchecked organized labor.

This 'free for all' healthcare thing that you support. On what fucking planet is that happening?

Welcome to the forum - try not to be a total idiot - it's embarrassing for intelligent Californians. Thanks.

Sorry you feel that way. Where do we as a nation draw the line between what we write in our founding documents and what we actually do it. This Health care for all goes into the "must win," "make it work," "will America actually do what it promises," catagory. Unfortunate that you do not feel this way, but now it is the law, and I am confident it will develop into a successful program.

What would have happened after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor if we had said, "Sorry world, we just can't fit World War II into the budget."

I'm saying there is no such thing as 'free'. It is 'free at the point of delivery'.... that IS NOT 'free'. And.... I am not paying for you. Pay for your own damned care. I don't ask anyone to pay for me, so don't ask me to pay for your ass.

And.... the Government does not have the right to force me to buy a product or service. Clear?
Except for some debate experience in school, I have not been all that political. I vote, I like to think I am a good citizen, and I am an independent voter. I have been called a fiscal conservative because I believe in getting a buck's worth of bang for every buck spent. I have been called a socialist because I supported healthcare for all for free. I do not like political labels, but I think 'independent' or 'citizen' is best for me.

I believe in giving the less fortunate a helping hand when needed, but I think some people need to be motivated toward hard work, (There ain't no free lunch). By motivated, I mean tough love if necessary.

This will probably offend members of both political parties, but I picked the user name 'Stainmaster' because it seems we 'independents/citizens' end up paying the bill, and cleaning up the mess of every half-baked idea political parties promote. I am angry about the Wall Street bail out, as well as the influence of unchecked organized labor.

What is "unchecked" organized labor?

Can you give me an example of it?
put a fucking shirt on...were you raised by wolves or what....i am so sick of seeing mens damn chest...i dont wanna see you without a shirt...have some couth...(is that the word paulie)
:welcome: 2 USMB Stainmaster, and the vision of your nick just did my appetite in.
Take a seat, grab a Xanax, and post away.
Health care for free. So far, the only people that has worked for is the illegal Mexicans. It is one of the biggest reasons California is broke. That and everything else the liberal Californian's can do to support the rift raft that is there because the weather is good and just about everything will be given to you by the State. Generally, I ask all new comers what their blood type is but I'm not so interested in yours... There aren't many Californian's with brains on this board. California Girl and Dude are probably the only two...

Thank you for the welcome, especially the comments about blood type!

California is a financial mess because of years of mismanagement by both political parties. Entitlements don't leave enough money to cover needed things. I am not personally resolved on the solution to illegal immigration, but we anglos better stop blaming the Mexicans for all out problems. Remember their culture was here before we wrote the Declaration of Independence. We better get use to that fact, and stop blaming one group or another and start solving our problems. The governor has my sympathy, but like everyone else, I am tired of hearing the talk, and want California to at least be operational as a government entity.
How do you reconcile these? You sound very confused.

It seems to me that medical care is a big black hole with medical corporations making large profits. One way or another the average taxpayer ends up paying for medical services not covered. Why not be efficient about it. Get the profit motive out of it. It is simple efficiency, the law is passed, let the bean counters make it work.[/quote]

Bean counters? You've come up with a nice riff on the old, "I'm hurt! Quick somebody! Call me a lawyer!"

What the heck does that mean. Money, among other things, is just pieces of paper with numbers on it. Accountants keep track of the numbers, talley them, and give us a perspective on our business or government. As time has gone on these "bean counters" have had more and more influence about the way things are done.

Take a guy like Howard Hughes for example. He didn't put up with accountant crap. He said, "this is what I want to do, make it happen." If they hesitated he fired them and got someone else to make it work. That is what the new Health Care program is for America, Make it work. Simple and to the point. This goes right back to the point I made about Pearl Harbor, what if we had said, "The bombing of Pearl Harbor was bad, but the accountants say we can't afford a war right now we are in a depression."

Now, someone is going to complain about fiscal irresponsibility. And, I am going to suggest running up the debt, go bankrupt, refinance and the United States is open again for business. I will be most interested to hear the kind of excuses out there for not bankrupting and refinancing because as my grandpop says, we owe this money to ourselves. He says the same remarks were made by accountants when Social Security became law. By the way I am not encouraging redistribution of wealth. It is the insecurity of the wealthy protecting their money. Accountants, figure it out, and make health care work. Like it or not it is the law of the land, and this country was founded on compromise. That is the American way in our blessed democracy!
How do you reconcile these? You sound very confused.

It seems to me that medical care is a big black hole with medical corporations making large profits. One way or another the average taxpayer ends up paying for medical services not covered. Why not be efficient about it. Get the profit motive out of it. It is simple efficiency, the law is passed, let the bean counters make it work.

You honestly think the federal government can do it more efficiently and cheaper??!!

You are young.

I mean.

I recall an article I read about Social Security efficiency, but could not find it again on Google. All the Google stuff on Social Security efficiency is about ten years old. Anyway I recall that the efficiency of Social Security in getting out 40-50 million checks per month was greater than any private insurance company. Throw in some bonus money for workers, and it should get better. Eliminate profits for the private sector and you can throw that back at the taxpayer. We would be dollars ahead.

Let me make it clear, I encourage free enterprise. I believe the word "Government" equals "People." Making profits in the private sector encourages "building the better mouse trap." However, when it comes to things that are pretty generic like hospital care, pharmaceuticals, or insurance coverage profitability is not necessary. Why should the taxpayer underwrite profits in a necessary industry?

Please don't throw the great innovations of the phamaceutical industry at me. Most of their 'medications' are half-baked, the side-effects are worse than the good they are supposed to do. A research lab is a research lab government or privately owned. Talent is talent - anyone is going to have to pay the going rate for the best scientists. There is a compromise to be made here, it is not an either or proposition.

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I do apologize if I have misunderstood what you are saying in your post. I do not claim to be an intellectual like the rest of you.

That is wise. You are quite much behind in that category...and we don't have to claim intelligence...it shows by itself.

You may be average for your area, but definitely not in general.

... and I am good looking enough to have run with a dangerous crowd.
If that's really you, your looks are mediocre at best...a pencil neck geek...likely with small balls and a squeaky voice.

Looks have little to do with being dangerous.

I like your talk, are you female? Single? Available? Maybe no one has yet discovered the real reason my nickname is "Stainmaster."
OK, I'll bite. I'm very hungry to learn new things.... so, what does it mean?
I'll believe.....:eusa_angel:

I am eager to learn new things. From the nice response I have gotten from member's here it looks like there could be some reason, maturity, and willingness to compromise here on the USMessageBoard. I have been in a site that was a free-for-all constantly, and never got around to deeper look at the issues.
Except for some debate experience in school, I have not been all that political. I vote, I like to think I am a good citizen, and I am an independent voter. I have been called a fiscal conservative because I believe in getting a buck's worth of bang for every buck spent. I have been called a socialist because I supported healthcare for all for free. I do not like political labels, but I think 'independent' or 'citizen' is best for me.

I believe in giving the less fortunate a helping hand when needed, but I think some people need to be motivated toward hard work, (There ain't no free lunch). By motivated, I mean tough love if necessary.

This will probably offend members of both political parties, but I picked the user name 'Stainmaster' because it seems we 'independents/citizens' end up paying the bill, and cleaning up the mess of every half-baked idea political parties promote. I am angry about the Wall Street bail out, as well as the influence of unchecked organized labor.

What is "unchecked" organized labor?

Can you give me an example of it?

Yes, don't look at the man behind that curtain.


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