Zone1 I Am The Chosen one, I Am Your Redemption!


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
I Am The Chosen One, I Am Your Redemption!

Does Donald Trump saying those things to you, blaspheme God? Why does he do this crap? How does he benefit by telling you he is the Christ? It is intentional imo. He seems to be playing with you right wing Trumper Christians....will you or do you accept him as The Chosen One, or as your Redemption... Can he get you to do that...? It's like a game with see how far you'll fall, in your support....?

It drives me he's purposely saying this kind of stuff to make me think.....he is the Antichrist! :D


-deliverance from sin; salvation.

The Chosen One
-person chosen by God to be the Savior of the world
I Am The Chosen One, I Am Your Redemption!

Does Donald Trump saying those things to you, blaspheme God? Why does he do this crap? How does he benefit by telling you he is the Christ? It is intentional imo. He seems to be playing with you right wing Trumper Christians....will you or do you accept him as The Chosen One, or as your Redemption... Can he get you to do that...? It's like a game with see how far you'll fall, in your support....?

It drives me he's purposely saying this kind of stuff to make me think.....he is the Antichrist! :D


-deliverance from sin; salvation.

The Chosen One
-person chosen by God to be the Savior of the world
Link? I tried looking for a source and all I found was this:

From the article:

‘I am your retribution’: Trump rules supreme at CPAC as he relaunches bid for White House​

I Am The Chosen One, I Am Your Redemption!

Does Donald Trump saying those things to you, blaspheme God? Why does he do this crap? How does he benefit by telling you he is the Christ? It is intentional imo. He seems to be playing with you right wing Trumper Christians....will you or do you accept him as The Chosen One, or as your Redemption... Can he get you to do that...? It's like a game with see how far you'll fall, in your support....?

It drives me he's purposely saying this kind of stuff to make me think.....he is the Antichrist! :D


-deliverance from sin; salvation.

The Chosen One
-person chosen by God to be the Savior of the world

You gotta link to these quotes? It's just me being skeptical that he'd suddenly go that delusional.
I Am The Chosen One, I Am Your Redemption!

Does Donald Trump saying those things to you, blaspheme God? Why does he do this crap? How does he benefit by telling you he is the Christ? It is intentional imo. He seems to be playing with you right wing Trumper Christians....will you or do you accept him as The Chosen One, or as your Redemption... Can he get you to do that...? It's like a game with see how far you'll fall, in your support....?

It drives me he's purposely saying this kind of stuff to make me think.....he is the Antichrist! :D


-deliverance from sin; salvation.

The Chosen One
-person chosen by God to be the Savior of the world

He does it because he knows he can get away with it.
He's built up to the point where he can literally say he's Christ and those people will be happy about it.
Link? I tried looking for a source and all I found was this:

From the article:

‘I am your retribution’: Trump rules supreme at CPAC as he relaunches bid for White House​

Me thinks that this is fake news.

Actual quote from the Guardian article is

“Today, I add: I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed: I am your retribution,” he said.

Could be a true statement. No one fights back like Trump does. But then there is this "I am the chosen one" toss off line (tongue in cheek) during a serious and LONG tirade about fixing trade with China that occurred 3 years ago. I'll excuse him for the sarcasm. The left doesn't GET humor and sarcasm much anymore.

I Am The Chosen One, I Am Your Redemption!

Does Donald Trump saying those things to you, blaspheme God? Why does he do this crap? How does he benefit by telling you he is the Christ? It is intentional imo. He seems to be playing with you right wing Trumper Christians....will you or do you accept him as The Chosen One, or as your Redemption... Can he get you to do that...? It's like a game with see how far you'll fall, in your support....?

It drives me he's purposely saying this kind of stuff to make me think.....he is the Antichrist! :D


-deliverance from sin; salvation.

The Chosen One
-person chosen by God to be the Savior of the world

I Am The Chosen One, I Am Your Redemption!

Does Donald Trump saying those things to you, blaspheme God? Why does he do this crap? How does he benefit by telling you he is the Christ? It is intentional imo. He seems to be playing with you right wing Trumper Christians....will you or do you accept him as The Chosen One, or as your Redemption... Can he get you to do that...? It's like a game with see how far you'll fall, in your support....?

It drives me he's purposely saying this kind of stuff to make me think.....he is the Antichrist! :D


-deliverance from sin; salvation.

The Chosen One
-person chosen by God to be the Savior of the world
Three possiblities: The Onion, Babylon Bee or Trump is more demented than the Biden Body Double
I Am The Chosen One, I Am Your Redemption!

Does Donald Trump saying those things to you, blaspheme God? Why does he do this crap? How does he benefit by telling you he is the Christ? It is intentional imo. He seems to be playing with you right wing Trumper Christians....will you or do you accept him as The Chosen One, or as your Redemption... Can he get you to do that...? It's like a game with see how far you'll fall, in your support....?

It drives me he's purposely saying this kind of stuff to make me think.....he is the Antichrist! :D


-deliverance from sin; salvation.

The Chosen One
-person chosen by God to be the Savior of the world

Aren't you always telling US that WE fall for fake quotes and fake news?

But why does he do it? To mock God?

He didn't say that. I watched the rally and cheered when he said it just as flacaltenn quoted it in post #9.

You are wrong.

Just watch. It will become one of the standards that he uses in every rally from now to election 2024. He often lacks the originality to refrain from repeating himself.

Me thinks that this is fake news.

Actual quote from the Guardian article is

Could be a true statement. No one fights back like Trump does. But then there is this "I am the chosen one" toss off line (tongue in cheek) during a serious and LONG tirade about fixing trade with China that occurred 3 years ago. I'll excuse him for the sarcasm. The left doesn't GET humor and sarcasm much anymore.

It's hard to see trump as humorous, after the past 6 years of his dark side!!!!


MY MISTAKE! Should have been.

RETRIBUTION instead of Redemption



ret·ri·bu·tion ˌre-trə-ˈbyü-shən

: the dispensing or receiving of reward or punishment especially in the hereafter.

Still, replaces God with himself.....because retribution, vengeance, recompense is reserved for God!

Romans 12:17

17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have[e] regard for good things in the sight of all men. 18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. 20 Therefore
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
If he is thirsty, give him a drink;
For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
The left doesn't GET humor and sarcasm much anymore.
Ain't that the truth? We're all fair game but, make fun of a lefty, they run to an authority to try to get you cancelled.
They do it on this board too.

They are clueless at actual humor.
Remember Ultra MAGA? They got pantsed again when we said "that's cool, sounds like we're super heroes."
They throw barbs that don't stick & then poop the bed when we reciprocate & make fun of them for it.
Their idea of humor is Kathy Griffin holding a fake DT bloody head.

Mostly a bunch of humorless & antagonistic rubes.
I Am The Chosen One, I Am Your Redemption!

Does Donald Trump saying those things to you, blaspheme God? Why does he do this crap? How does he benefit by telling you he is the Christ? It is intentional imo. He seems to be playing with you right wing Trumper Christians....will you or do you accept him as The Chosen One, or as your Redemption... Can he get you to do that...? It's like a game with see how far you'll fall, in your support....?

It drives me he's purposely saying this kind of stuff to make me think.....he is the Antichrist! :D


-deliverance from sin; salvation.

The Chosen One
-person chosen by God to be the Savior of the world
The democrat party full of Godless people talking about Religion as if they are experts in Christianity. Now that's ironic
It's hard to see trump as humorous, after the past 6 years of his dark side!!!!


MY MISTAKE! Should have been.

RETRIBUTION instead of Redemption



ret·ri·bu·tion ˌre-trə-ˈbyü-shən

: the dispensing or receiving of reward or punishment especially in the hereafter.

Still, replaces God with himself.....because retribution, vengeance, recompense is reserved for God!

Romans 12:17

17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have[e] regard for good things in the sight of all men. 18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. 20 Therefore
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
If he is thirsty, give him a drink;
For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Redemption & retribution are completely different aren't they?

Saying I'm here as your redemption means they will fight back for you & hold the perps responsible. That's a warrior.

Saying I'm your redeemer means as a savior. Jesus is redemption.

You can see the difference, right?

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