I am truly honored

What harm? You guys were protesting him before he was in office
Remember what McConnell your leader said about Obama before he opened the WH door???

McConnell? Lol who cares
He's repub pos leader trying to get your failures HC bill into law One more failure from the blabbermouth

No. He is trying to push his Obama care lite bill because he lacks the integrity to actually repeal that pos
Your repub AH's had 8 years + 6 months to come up with a better bill They did sheet Now when asked to repeal and replace they wet their pants
We all know Rs have no intention of presenting a Health Care Bill.
Remember what McConnell your leader said about Obama before he opened the WH door???

McConnell? Lol who cares
He's repub pos leader trying to get your failures HC bill into law One more failure from the blabbermouth

No. He is trying to push his Obama care lite bill because he lacks the integrity to actually repeal that pos
Your repub AH's had 8 years + 6 months to come up with a better bill They did sheet Now when asked to repeal and replace they wet their pants
We all know Rs have no intention of presenting a Health Care Bill.
Think that might hurt Repubs in 2018??? just askin
McConnell? Lol who cares
He's repub pos leader trying to get your failures HC bill into law One more failure from the blabbermouth

No. He is trying to push his Obama care lite bill because he lacks the integrity to actually repeal that pos
Your repub AH's had 8 years + 6 months to come up with a better bill They did sheet Now when asked to repeal and replace they wet their pants
We all know Rs have no intention of presenting a Health Care Bill.
Think that might hurt Repubs in 2018??? just askin
If Trump doesn't deliver on eliminating Business Visas or forcing corporations back to the US, he will not win another election.
No bill would be a lot better than the oshit care we don't have. You liberals just cant stand the FACT that Trump has proved what a looser, treasonist and thief your mess-I-ah was. You piles of dog sheet aint seen nuffin yet!!!
Trump will win because the PEOPLE are tired of liberal treason, and socialiocommunist failed ideas being pushed on them. That along with the PC, intimidation, extortion and the violation of the rights of anyone but liberal pet groups; all forced on WE the PEOPLE by liberal dogshit scum mean the dimshits are a failed, out of touch, and soon to be GONE party of lowlife scum.
i thought you liberals wanted globaliazation. you know, equal sharing of power, blur country lines, one money for us all...

in a time when *this* seems to be the rage and trump and many of us say FUCK THAT - of course we won't be a "world leader" to all the lemmings.

but if you think a "one world order" has a snowballs chance in hell - you're being ignorant. we can't even get along in here with a few thousand people yet globally we'll be fine?

put the dumbass away.
Look iceberg goldberg hamberg Our president is supposed to keep us safe That's #1 priority Instead he's honored to meet the man hacking into our elections? Trump is a weasel and a coward and I pray for Americas sake he doesn't last 4 years

Trump is your president, get down on your knees and thank him.
Yes blues just as trump gets on his knees before the great Putin and you on yours for Trump
Link to an image or video of Trump on his knees before Putin?
Not a meme.
I am so honored to be in your presence I'm besides myself with joy AND if you say you didn't hack I believe you FK our intelligence agencies
all 17 of them who all verified it to be true?

oh wait...4....
He's repub pos leader trying to get your failures HC bill into law One more failure from the blabbermouth

No. He is trying to push his Obama care lite bill because he lacks the integrity to actually repeal that pos
Your repub AH's had 8 years + 6 months to come up with a better bill They did sheet Now when asked to repeal and replace they wet their pants
We all know Rs have no intention of presenting a Health Care Bill.
Think that might hurt Repubs in 2018??? just askin
If Trump doesn't deliver on eliminating Business Visas or forcing corporations back to the US, he will not win another election.
Corporations imho like AAPL with 100's of billions overseas would be bringing most of it back if trump gives them a tax break as he promised I don't see a reason for delay Both parties want that money back here to help out with infrastructure
No. He is trying to push his Obama care lite bill because he lacks the integrity to actually repeal that pos
Your repub AH's had 8 years + 6 months to come up with a better bill They did sheet Now when asked to repeal and replace they wet their pants
We all know Rs have no intention of presenting a Health Care Bill.
Think that might hurt Repubs in 2018??? just askin
If Trump doesn't deliver on eliminating Business Visas or forcing corporations back to the US, he will not win another election.
Corporations imho like AAPL with 100's of billions overseas would be bringing most of it back if trump gives them a tax break as he promised I don't see a reason for delay Both parties want that money back here to help out with infrastructure
No member of Congress that requires contributions to run will do anything against their contributors.
Look iceberg goldberg hamberg Our president is supposed to keep us safe That's #1 priority Instead he's honored to meet the man hacking into our elections? Trump is a weasel and a coward and I pray for Americas sake he doesn't last 4 years

Trump is your president, get down on your knees and thank him.
Yes blues just as trump gets on his knees before the great Putin and you on yours for Trump
Link to an image or video of Trump on his knees before Putin?
Not a meme.
I am so honored to be in your presence I'm besides myself with joy AND if you say you didn't hack I believe you FK our intelligence agencies
all 17 of them who all verified it to be true?

oh wait...4....
What's the big deal ice?? Iceburg greenburg blumburg Just 4 of our top agencies ??? But the good news is after trump belittling them he's made no friends and those are important friends to have
to being on this board with such great Americans as all our repub flag waving patriots I'm sure they'll all praise Trump for this

David Gergen: For the first time, US president is 'no longer regarded as world leader'

Jul 9th 2017 6:31AM


Veteran political insider David Gergen appears to have offered some conflicting views on Friday about President Trump's performance at the G20 summit in Germany.

The former White House adviser, who has served under both Republican and Democratic administrations, initially appeared on a CNN panel calling Trump "presidential."

Gergen focused on the apparent successes stemming from Trump's meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin including confronting the issue of election hacking, discussing future cyberattacks, and possibly working together on Syria.

He then said, "This was presidential. This was big league stuff."

But hours later, the Harvard professor reappeared on CNN, saying that "this is the first time I've seen a president come to a G20 meeting in which he's no longer regarded as the leader, no longer regarded as the world leader."

Gergen followed up the comment by saying, "Europe is going its own separate way. Japan just signed this big trade agreement with Europe. That is troubling."
Just wait for some global crisis. They world will turn to the United States right away demanding we pay for it. I'm not too worried about what a bunch of idiot liberals thinks.
Your repub AH's had 8 years + 6 months to come up with a better bill They did sheet Now when asked to repeal and replace they wet their pants
We all know Rs have no intention of presenting a Health Care Bill.
Think that might hurt Repubs in 2018??? just askin
If Trump doesn't deliver on eliminating Business Visas or forcing corporations back to the US, he will not win another election.
Corporations imho like AAPL with 100's of billions overseas would be bringing most of it back if trump gives them a tax break as he promised I don't see a reason for delay Both parties want that money back here to help out with infrastructure
No member of Congress that requires contributions to run will do anything against their contributors.
so the old saying money talks and bs walks is true
We all know Rs have no intention of presenting a Health Care Bill.
Think that might hurt Repubs in 2018??? just askin
If Trump doesn't deliver on eliminating Business Visas or forcing corporations back to the US, he will not win another election.
Corporations imho like AAPL with 100's of billions overseas would be bringing most of it back if trump gives them a tax break as he promised I don't see a reason for delay Both parties want that money back here to help out with infrastructure
No member of Congress that requires contributions to run will do anything against their contributors.
so the old saying money talks and bs walks is true
Of course!
You think most people enter politics because they want to save the world?
You know better than that...I hope.
Think that might hurt Repubs in 2018??? just askin
If Trump doesn't deliver on eliminating Business Visas or forcing corporations back to the US, he will not win another election.
Corporations imho like AAPL with 100's of billions overseas would be bringing most of it back if trump gives them a tax break as he promised I don't see a reason for delay Both parties want that money back here to help out with infrastructure
No member of Congress that requires contributions to run will do anything against their contributors.
so the old saying money talks and bs walks is true
Of course!
You think most people enter politics because they want to save the world?
You know better than that...I hope.
Yes but besides the money they'll be making I think a power trip is important too Take trump for example
If Trump doesn't deliver on eliminating Business Visas or forcing corporations back to the US, he will not win another election.
Corporations imho like AAPL with 100's of billions overseas would be bringing most of it back if trump gives them a tax break as he promised I don't see a reason for delay Both parties want that money back here to help out with infrastructure
No member of Congress that requires contributions to run will do anything against their contributors.
so the old saying money talks and bs walks is true
Of course!
You think most people enter politics because they want to save the world?
You know better than that...I hope.
Yes but besides the money they'll be making I think a power trip is important too Take trump for example

Health Benefits for life.
Health Club Memberships for life.
Pals with Judges for life.
Excellent pensions.

Take Obama for example.
Take Hillary for example.
Take McConnell for example.

Please drop the partisan nonsense..they're all the same.
Corporations imho like AAPL with 100's of billions overseas would be bringing most of it back if trump gives them a tax break as he promised I don't see a reason for delay Both parties want that money back here to help out with infrastructure
No member of Congress that requires contributions to run will do anything against their contributors.
so the old saying money talks and bs walks is true
Of course!
You think most people enter politics because they want to save the world?
You know better than that...I hope.
Yes but besides the money they'll be making I think a power trip is important too Take trump for example

Health Benefits for life.
Health Club Memberships for life.
Pals with Judges for life.
Excellent pensions.

Take Obama for example.
Take Hillary for example.
Take McConnell for example.

Please drop the partisan nonsense..they're all the same.
Don't they have to serve a certain amount of time to receive most of those??
What harm? You guys were protesting him before he was in office
Remember what McConnell your leader said about Obama before he opened the WH door???

McConnell? Lol who cares
He's repub pos leader trying to get your failures HC bill into law One more failure from the blabbermouth

No. He is trying to push his Obama care lite bill because he lacks the integrity to actually repeal that pos
Your repub AH's had 8 years + 6 months to come up with a better bill They did sheet Now when asked to repeal and replace they wet their pants

We dont need a better bill. We need to repeal the old one! Our system was better before Obama care. Just repealing it is better fpe the nation as a whole.

Get government out of health care and the costs will come crashing down
Remember what McConnell your leader said about Obama before he opened the WH door???

McConnell? Lol who cares
He's repub pos leader trying to get your failures HC bill into law One more failure from the blabbermouth

No. He is trying to push his Obama care lite bill because he lacks the integrity to actually repeal that pos
Your repub AH's had 8 years + 6 months to come up with a better bill They did sheet Now when asked to repeal and replace they wet their pants

We dont need a better bill. We need to repeal the old one! Our system was better before Obama care. Just repealing it is better fpe the nation as a whole.

Get government out of health care and the costs will come crashing down
Better put a few more doctors in emergency rooms
No member of Congress that requires contributions to run will do anything against their contributors.
so the old saying money talks and bs walks is true
Of course!
You think most people enter politics because they want to save the world?
You know better than that...I hope.
Yes but besides the money they'll be making I think a power trip is important too Take trump for example

Health Benefits for life.
Health Club Memberships for life.
Pals with Judges for life.
Excellent pensions.

Take Obama for example.
Take Hillary for example.
Take McConnell for example.

Please drop the partisan nonsense..they're all the same.
Don't they have to serve a certain amount of time to receive most of those??
Anyone who serves 6 years plus a fraction of one day.
to being on this board with such great Americans as all our repub flag waving patriots I'm sure they'll all praise Trump for this

David Gergen: For the first time, US president is 'no longer regarded as world leader'

Jul 9th 2017 6:31AM


Veteran political insider David Gergen appears to have offered some conflicting views on Friday about President Trump's performance at the G20 summit in Germany.

The former White House adviser, who has served under both Republican and Democratic administrations, initially appeared on a CNN panel calling Trump "presidential."

Gergen focused on the apparent successes stemming from Trump's meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin including confronting the issue of election hacking, discussing future cyberattacks, and possibly working together on Syria.

He then said, "This was presidential. This was big league stuff."

But hours later, the Harvard professor reappeared on CNN, saying that "this is the first time I've seen a president come to a G20 meeting in which he's no longer regarded as the leader, no longer regarded as the world leader."

Gergen followed up the comment by saying, "Europe is going its own separate way. Japan just signed this big trade agreement with Europe. That is troubling."

Thread is closed. You didn't link to the source you copied from

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