I am truly honored

Why not talk about the Democrat stance on Kate's Law?

Most Dem's sided with the criminal illegal who shot Kate dead in front of her father.
Hard to believe that blues

The illegal criminal who killed Kate was under Dem protection in a Dem sanctuary city for illegals in spite of his long rap sheet. Go ahead explain it.
All I can say is to take that horror to a higher degree and blame all dems isn't fair or right

Only Dems who refused to vote for Kate's law, oh wait that's almost all Dems.
Here blues check this out and tell me about it
Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and James Comey: Fired while investigating Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com
to being on this board with such great Americans as all our repub flag waving patriots I'm sure they'll all praise Trump for this

David Gergen: For the first time, US president is 'no longer regarded as world leader'

Jul 9th 2017 6:31AM


Veteran political insider David Gergen appears to have offered some conflicting views on Friday about President Trump's performance at the G20 summit in Germany.

The former White House adviser, who has served under both Republican and Democratic administrations, initially appeared on a CNN panel calling Trump "presidential."

Gergen focused on the apparent successes stemming from Trump's meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin including confronting the issue of election hacking, discussing future cyberattacks, and possibly working together on Syria.

He then said, "This was presidential. This was big league stuff."

But hours later, the Harvard professor reappeared on CNN, saying that "this is the first time I've seen a president come to a G20 meeting in which he's no longer regarded as the leader, no longer regarded as the world leader."

Gergen followed up the comment by saying, "Europe is going its own separate way. Japan just signed this big trade agreement with Europe. That is troubling."
How touching it is that you are so emotionally moved by the opinion of one deranged snowflake.

Butt-hurt snowflakes continue to declare 'how things are' now...according to their opinion....and moronically believe we all should just accept it as reality.

Stupid snowflakes
Most Dem's sided with the criminal illegal who shot Kate dead in front of her father.
Hard to believe that blues

The illegal criminal who killed Kate was under Dem protection in a Dem sanctuary city for illegals in spite of his long rap sheet. Go ahead explain it.
All I can say is to take that horror to a higher degree and blame all dems isn't fair or right

Only Dems who refused to vote for Kate's law, oh wait that's almost all Dems.
Here blues check this out and tell me about it
Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and James Comey: Fired while investigating Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com

Comey needed firing.
Hard to believe that blues

The illegal criminal who killed Kate was under Dem protection in a Dem sanctuary city for illegals in spite of his long rap sheet. Go ahead explain it.
All I can say is to take that horror to a higher degree and blame all dems isn't fair or right

Only Dems who refused to vote for Kate's law, oh wait that's almost all Dems.
Here blues check this out and tell me about it
Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and James Comey: Fired while investigating Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com

Comey needed firing.
Yes he did Him and the others getting too close to trump and his buddy putin
The illegal criminal who killed Kate was under Dem protection in a Dem sanctuary city for illegals in spite of his long rap sheet. Go ahead explain it.
All I can say is to take that horror to a higher degree and blame all dems isn't fair or right

Only Dems who refused to vote for Kate's law, oh wait that's almost all Dems.
Here blues check this out and tell me about it
Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and James Comey: Fired while investigating Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com

Comey needed firing.
Yes he did Him and the others getting too close to trump and his buddy putin

He let hillary slide when she obviously committed crimes.
Last time I checked intent isnt an excuse when you break the law.
All I can say is to take that horror to a higher degree and blame all dems isn't fair or right

Only Dems who refused to vote for Kate's law, oh wait that's almost all Dems.
Here blues check this out and tell me about it
Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and James Comey: Fired while investigating Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com

Comey needed firing.
Yes he did Him and the others getting too close to trump and his buddy putin

He let hillary slide when she obviously committed crimes.
Last time I checked intent isnt an excuse when you break the law.
Make excuses for this too herewego
Of course there was collusion going on. Everybody and his mother on the Trump team were talking with the Russians, and none of them could ever seem to remember having done so. They were talking about something. I say once Trump got wind that Russia was interfering with our election for the purposes of undermining Hillary and furthering him, one or more of his surrogates--with his knowledge and blessing--asked the Russians, "How can we help?" Now, he meets with Putin, accepts Putin's denial that there was any Russian interference in our elction, and proposes a USA/Russia Cyber Security team to protect future elections from hacking that Putin just got finished saying never happened! Look, some things in history are to remain as unsolved riddles. How did Oswald kill JFK all by himself and from multiple drections? Did Nixon conspire with South Vietnam to affect an election? Did Reagan's people meet with Iran to strike a deal to hold the hostages until after the election in exchange for a future arms deal? So, that Trump colluded with Russia to get himself elected might be self-evidently true, but will it ever be proven to the point where it bcomes an actionable event? Probably not, history and the American political system don't seem to operate that way. The American public is just not ready or willing to embrace how close we are to being a banana republic.
Only Dems who refused to vote for Kate's law, oh wait that's almost all Dems.
Here blues check this out and tell me about it
Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and James Comey: Fired while investigating Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com

Comey needed firing.
Yes he did Him and the others getting too close to trump and his buddy putin

He let hillary slide when she obviously committed crimes.
Last time I checked intent isnt an excuse when you break the law.
Make excuses for this too herewego
Of course there was collusion going on. Everybody and his mother on the Trump team were talking with the Russians, and none of them could ever seem to remember having done so. They were talking about something. I say once Trump got wind that Russia was interfering with our election for the purposes of undermining Hillary and furthering him, one or more of his surrogates--with his knowledge and blessing--asked the Russians, "How can we help?" Now, he meets with Putin, accepts Putin's denial that there was any Russian interference in our elction, and proposes a USA/Russia Cyber Security team to protect future elections from hacking that Putin just got finished saying never happened! Look, some things in history are to remain as unsolved riddles. How did Oswald kill JFK all by himself and from multiple drections? Did Nixon conspire with South Vietnam to affect an election? Did Reagan's people meet with Iran to strike a deal to hold the hostages until after the election in exchange for a future arms deal? So, that Trump colluded with Russia to get himself elected might be self-evidently true, but will it ever be proven to the point where it bcomes an actionable event? Probably not, history and the American political system don't seem to operate that way. The American public is just not ready or willing to embrace how close we are to being a banana republic.

So I guess you have proof?
Yes he did Him and the others getting too close to trump and his buddy putin

He let hillary slide when she obviously committed crimes.
Last time I checked intent isnt an excuse when you break the law.
Make excuses for this too herewego
Of course there was collusion going on. Everybody and his mother on the Trump team were talking with the Russians, and none of them could ever seem to remember having done so. They were talking about something. I say once Trump got wind that Russia was interfering with our election for the purposes of undermining Hillary and furthering him, one or more of his surrogates--with his knowledge and blessing--asked the Russians, "How can we help?" Now, he meets with Putin, accepts Putin's denial that there was any Russian interference in our elction, and proposes a USA/Russia Cyber Security team to protect future elections from hacking that Putin just got finished saying never happened! Look, some things in history are to remain as unsolved riddles. How did Oswald kill JFK all by himself and from multiple drections? Did Nixon conspire with South Vietnam to affect an election? Did Reagan's people meet with Iran to strike a deal to hold the hostages until after the election in exchange for a future arms deal? So, that Trump colluded with Russia to get himself elected might be self-evidently true, but will it ever be proven to the point where it bcomes an actionable event? Probably not, history and the American political system don't seem to operate that way. The American public is just not ready or willing to embrace how close we are to being a banana republic.

So I guess you have proof?
Herewego I'm a dem but I have a republican memory I can't remember talking to all those russians Sorry
Did Gergen sleep through the election? The American people voted for America First.

Well, THREE MILLION additional American people rejected the orange buffoon.....(nice slogan, however, on those Chinese made hats......LOL)
Comey needed firing.
Yes he did Him and the others getting too close to trump and his buddy putin

He let hillary slide when she obviously committed crimes.
Last time I checked intent isnt an excuse when you break the law.
Make excuses for this too herewego
Of course there was collusion going on. Everybody and his mother on the Trump team were talking with the Russians, and none of them could ever seem to remember having done so. They were talking about something. I say once Trump got wind that Russia was interfering with our election for the purposes of undermining Hillary and furthering him, one or more of his surrogates--with his knowledge and blessing--asked the Russians, "How can we help?" Now, he meets with Putin, accepts Putin's denial that there was any Russian interference in our elction, and proposes a USA/Russia Cyber Security team to protect future elections from hacking that Putin just got finished saying never happened! Look, some things in history are to remain as unsolved riddles. How did Oswald kill JFK all by himself and from multiple drections? Did Nixon conspire with South Vietnam to affect an election? Did Reagan's people meet with Iran to strike a deal to hold the hostages until after the election in exchange for a future arms deal? So, that Trump colluded with Russia to get himself elected might be self-evidently true, but will it ever be proven to the point where it bcomes an actionable event? Probably not, history and the American political system don't seem to operate that way. The American public is just not ready or willing to embrace how close we are to being a banana republic.

So I guess you have proof?
Herewego I'm a dem but I have a republican memory I can't remember talking to all those russians Sorry

So you're saying with your excellent republican memory you still have no proof.
Yes he did Him and the others getting too close to trump and his buddy putin

He let hillary slide when she obviously committed crimes.
Last time I checked intent isnt an excuse when you break the law.
Make excuses for this too herewego
Of course there was collusion going on. Everybody and his mother on the Trump team were talking with the Russians, and none of them could ever seem to remember having done so. They were talking about something. I say once Trump got wind that Russia was interfering with our election for the purposes of undermining Hillary and furthering him, one or more of his surrogates--with his knowledge and blessing--asked the Russians, "How can we help?" Now, he meets with Putin, accepts Putin's denial that there was any Russian interference in our elction, and proposes a USA/Russia Cyber Security team to protect future elections from hacking that Putin just got finished saying never happened! Look, some things in history are to remain as unsolved riddles. How did Oswald kill JFK all by himself and from multiple drections? Did Nixon conspire with South Vietnam to affect an election? Did Reagan's people meet with Iran to strike a deal to hold the hostages until after the election in exchange for a future arms deal? So, that Trump colluded with Russia to get himself elected might be self-evidently true, but will it ever be proven to the point where it bcomes an actionable event? Probably not, history and the American political system don't seem to operate that way. The American public is just not ready or willing to embrace how close we are to being a banana republic.

So I guess you have proof?
Herewego I'm a dem but I have a republican memory I can't remember talking to all those russians Sorry

So you're saying with your excellent republican memory you still have no proof.
I said repubs have zero memory of speaking with the russians until they are caught NOW we have trump jr and kirshner talking about LOL adoption with the lawyer for the Kremlin??? You gotta be kidding me?
He let hillary slide when she obviously committed crimes.
Last time I checked intent isnt an excuse when you break the law.
Make excuses for this too herewego
Of course there was collusion going on. Everybody and his mother on the Trump team were talking with the Russians, and none of them could ever seem to remember having done so. They were talking about something. I say once Trump got wind that Russia was interfering with our election for the purposes of undermining Hillary and furthering him, one or more of his surrogates--with his knowledge and blessing--asked the Russians, "How can we help?" Now, he meets with Putin, accepts Putin's denial that there was any Russian interference in our elction, and proposes a USA/Russia Cyber Security team to protect future elections from hacking that Putin just got finished saying never happened! Look, some things in history are to remain as unsolved riddles. How did Oswald kill JFK all by himself and from multiple drections? Did Nixon conspire with South Vietnam to affect an election? Did Reagan's people meet with Iran to strike a deal to hold the hostages until after the election in exchange for a future arms deal? So, that Trump colluded with Russia to get himself elected might be self-evidently true, but will it ever be proven to the point where it bcomes an actionable event? Probably not, history and the American political system don't seem to operate that way. The American public is just not ready or willing to embrace how close we are to being a banana republic.

So I guess you have proof?
Herewego I'm a dem but I have a republican memory I can't remember talking to all those russians Sorry

So you're saying with your excellent republican memory you still have no proof.
I said repubs have zero memory of speaking with the russians until they are caught NOW we have trump jr and kirshner talking about LOL adoption with the lawyer for the Kremlin??? You gotta be kidding me?

Still waiting for the evidence....
Get back with me ya have some.
Make excuses for this too herewego
Of course there was collusion going on. Everybody and his mother on the Trump team were talking with the Russians, and none of them could ever seem to remember having done so. They were talking about something. I say once Trump got wind that Russia was interfering with our election for the purposes of undermining Hillary and furthering him, one or more of his surrogates--with his knowledge and blessing--asked the Russians, "How can we help?" Now, he meets with Putin, accepts Putin's denial that there was any Russian interference in our elction, and proposes a USA/Russia Cyber Security team to protect future elections from hacking that Putin just got finished saying never happened! Look, some things in history are to remain as unsolved riddles. How did Oswald kill JFK all by himself and from multiple drections? Did Nixon conspire with South Vietnam to affect an election? Did Reagan's people meet with Iran to strike a deal to hold the hostages until after the election in exchange for a future arms deal? So, that Trump colluded with Russia to get himself elected might be self-evidently true, but will it ever be proven to the point where it bcomes an actionable event? Probably not, history and the American political system don't seem to operate that way. The American public is just not ready or willing to embrace how close we are to being a banana republic.

So I guess you have proof?
Herewego I'm a dem but I have a republican memory I can't remember talking to all those russians Sorry

So you're saying with your excellent republican memory you still have no proof.
I said repubs have zero memory of speaking with the russians until they are caught NOW we have trump jr and kirshner talking about LOL adoption with the lawyer for the Kremlin??? You gotta be kidding me?

Still waiting for the evidence....
Get back with me ya have some.
Maybe this will keep you busy
‘Uneasy, lonely, awkward figure’: Brutal Trump take-down
So I guess you have proof?
Herewego I'm a dem but I have a republican memory I can't remember talking to all those russians Sorry

So you're saying with your excellent republican memory you still have no proof.
I said repubs have zero memory of speaking with the russians until they are caught NOW we have trump jr and kirshner talking about LOL adoption with the lawyer for the Kremlin??? You gotta be kidding me?

Still waiting for the evidence....
Get back with me ya have some.
Maybe this will keep you busy
‘Uneasy, lonely, awkward figure’: Brutal Trump take-down

With headlines like these you know they're serious about journalism!!! :lmao:

Jackson’s first abuse accuser hunted

Hot mugshot guy’s wife breaks silence

Green Day slammed over acrobat’s death

Toadie’s daughter plans head shave
Most Dem's sided with the criminal illegal who shot Kate dead in front of her father.
Hard to believe that blues

The illegal criminal who killed Kate was under Dem protection in a Dem sanctuary city for illegals in spite of his long rap sheet. Go ahead explain it.
All I can say is to take that horror to a higher degree and blame all dems isn't fair or right

Only Dems who refused to vote for Kate's law, oh wait that's almost all Dems.
Here blues check this out and tell me about it
Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and James Comey: Fired while investigating Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com

Presidential Election Results: Donald J. Trump Wins https://www.nytimes.com/elections/results/president
to being on this board with such great Americans as all our repub flag waving patriots I'm sure they'll all praise Trump for this

David Gergen: For the first time, US president is 'no longer regarded as world leader'

Jul 9th 2017 6:31AM


Veteran political insider David Gergen appears to have offered some conflicting views on Friday about President Trump's performance at the G20 summit in Germany.

The former White House adviser, who has served under both Republican and Democratic administrations, initially appeared on a CNN panel calling Trump "presidential."

Gergen focused on the apparent successes stemming from Trump's meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin including confronting the issue of election hacking, discussing future cyberattacks, and possibly working together on Syria.

He then said, "This was presidential. This was big league stuff."

But hours later, the Harvard professor reappeared on CNN, saying that "this is the first time I've seen a president come to a G20 meeting in which he's no longer regarded as the leader, no longer regarded as the world leader."

Gergen followed up the comment by saying, "Europe is going its own separate way. Japan just signed this big trade agreement with Europe. That is troubling."
Yeah the Japanese will flood their market with cheap priced goods..
Did Gergen sleep through the election? The American people voted for America First.

Well, THREE MILLION additional American people rejected the orange buffoon.....(nice slogan, however, on those Chinese made hats......LOL)

Hillary won the popular vote in 2008 yet Obama was the Dem nominee and became president, lets see you choke that one down :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Did Gergen sleep through the election? The American people voted for America First.
Electoral College selected Trump

We the People voted for Hillary
The 3 major slums of America with God knows how much voter fraud.
Now tell us again how Trump isn't President.
Up to five million Russians voted for Trump

And all the Communists voted for Hillary. What's your point?
Did Gergen sleep through the election? The American people voted for America First.
Electoral College selected Trump

We the People voted for Hillary
The 3 major slums of America with God knows how much voter fraud.
Now tell us again how Trump isn't President.
Up to five million Russians voted for Trump

And all the Communists voted for Hillary. What's your point?
We couldn't beat the alt right and KKK Better luck next time I hope
Trump is your president, get down on your knees and thank him.
Yes blues just as trump gets on his knees before the great Putin and you on yours for Trump
Link to an image or video of Trump on his knees before Putin?
Not a meme.
I am so honored to be in your presence I'm besides myself with joy AND if you say you didn't hack I believe you FK our intelligence agencies
all 17 of them who all verified it to be true?

oh wait...4....
What's the big deal ice?? Iceburg greenburg blumburg Just 4 of our top agencies ??? But the good news is after trump belittling them he's made no friends and those are important friends to have
then hillary lied, right? she said 17. hell you ALL LEMMINGED UP AND SAID SEVENTEEN!!!

everyone who wasn't eating their shit sundae said not all 17 gave a shit nor were qualified to do so but you lemmings kept screaming SEVENTEN DAMNIT WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!!!

then, as usual when proven wrong, you act like it was never a big deal to begin with even though it was the crux of your issues the previous day.

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