I attempted a social experiment on another forum seeking white opinion of blacks.

I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Cosmos. Obama, though he was half white, Colin Powell for his calm demeanor, Harris Faulkner on Fox for her objectivity and reporter instincts, Alex Haley for writing Roots, Grandma Moses for painting, Malcolm X and MLK for leadership in entirely different manners, fellow black workers who saw our group as men in a foxhole.
I never knew Grandma Moses was black. I love her stuff.
I knew Aunt Jemima was black. I love her stuff.

I just found out last week they took away her bandana and 80 lbs. That's what I get for using Log Cabin syrup.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Cosmos. Obama, though he was half white, Colin Powell for his calm demeanor, Harris Faulkner on Fox for her objectivity and reporter instincts, Alex Haley for writing Roots, Grandma Moses for painting, Malcolm X and MLK for leadership in entirely different manners, fellow black workers who saw our group as men in a foxhole.
I never knew Grandma Moses was black. I love her stuff.
I knew Aunt Jemima was black. I love her stuff.

I just found out last week they took away her bandana and 80 lbs. That's what I get for using Log Cabin syrup.

I wish they would take 80 lbs from me.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Sorry I guess I don't see Asians, Latinos, blacks or whites as anything but individuals. To do otherwise would mean I would have to rewrite my whole understanding of people as a whole. I see each individual. I see the good and the bad of each. I see the way they talk, act, dress think as a part of them. I do not generalize any one into a category. I would never say that someone was smart just because of skin color, the way they dress. I do not think that Japanese are any diffrent from Chinese or French or American. Sometimes on this forum I do tend to lump those that think one political way as either right or left. But and that is a big But, I do it only to have to keep from typing numerous names descriptions.

I think you actually believe that.....but that is NOT how the brain works. Have you ever been to Russia? Have you ever been to Cuba? If you answered NO to one or more of those question, that means that you never "met" Russia or Cuba to "know" or have "Experienced" it. Yet, I would almost guarantee that you have images in your mind of what Russia or Cuba is like. Somewhere you have seen images, video or heard people describe Russia and Cuba and that information is not stored in your subconscious.

All that you know is what has entered your brain through sensory receptors (smell, sight, taste, touch, sound). All the information input into your brain is now stored there, whether you are conscious of it or not. Your brain takes that information and finds associations and patterns concerning things.....like Russia, Cuba, Africa, Blacks, whites, Muslim, Conservative, Liberal etc, etc. That is how it works.

One cannot have been raised in this country, unless they are a mute, and not have associations embedded in their subconscious concerning race. Ask any psychologist. We have all been PROGRAMMED by the information provided in our environment. Indeed, racism is largely subconscious. This is why so many people are not CONSCIOUS that they are racist....but others can see their racism because of their subconscious. The conscious mind may be engaged in cognitive dissonance to rationalize the racism....thus not seeing it as racism.
Sorry I have been over a large portion of the world either for work or vacation. I have traveled over the U.S. Constantly once I retired until recently. I think you actually believe that race and everyone fits neatly into some preconceived buttonhole. But once again I judge people by who they are. Race, religion plays no part. Now not having met you but from the things I have read so far I would not care to associate with you since you seem to have preconceived ideas on what everyone is like and must fit them ointo that notion even if you have to use a hammer to get them to fit.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Blacks are:

Hard working

hee hee
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Sorry I guess I don't see Asians, Latinos, blacks or whites as anything but individuals. To do otherwise would mean I would have to rewrite my whole understanding of people as a whole. I see each individual. I see the good and the bad of each. I see the way they talk, act, dress think as a part of them. I do not generalize any one into a category. I would never say that someone was smart just because of skin color, the way they dress. I do not think that Japanese are any diffrent from Chinese or French or American. Sometimes on this forum I do tend to lump those that think one political way as either right or left. But and that is a big But, I do it only to have to keep from typing numerous names descriptions.

I think you actually believe that.....but that is NOT how the brain works. Have you ever been to Russia? Have you ever been to Cuba? If you answered NO to one or more of those question, that means that you never "met" Russia or Cuba to "know" or have "Experienced" it. Yet, I would almost guarantee that you have images in your mind of what Russia or Cuba is like. Somewhere you have seen images, video or heard people describe Russia and Cuba and that information is not stored in your subconscious.

All that you know is what has entered your brain through sensory receptors (smell, sight, taste, touch, sound). All the information input into your brain is now stored there, whether you are conscious of it or not. Your brain takes that information and finds associations and patterns concerning things.....like Russia, Cuba, Africa, Blacks, whites, Muslim, Conservative, Liberal etc, etc. That is how it works.

One cannot have been raised in this country, unless they are a mute, and not have associations embedded in their subconscious concerning race. Ask any psychologist. We have all been PROGRAMMED by the information provided in our environment. Indeed, racism is largely subconscious. This is why so many people are not CONSCIOUS that they are racist....but others can see their racism because of their subconscious. The conscious mind may be engaged in cognitive dissonance to rationalize the racism....thus not seeing it as racism.
Sorry I have been over a large portion of the world either for work or vacation. I have traveled over the U.S. Constantly once I retired until recently. I think you actually believe that race and everyone fits neatly into some preconceived buttonhole. But once again I judge people by who they are. Race, religion plays no part. Now not having met you but from the things I have read so far I would not care to associate with you since you seem to have preconceived ideas on what everyone is like and must fit them ointo that notion even if you have to use a hammer to get them to fit.

There are over 7 Billion people in the world....you don't need to meet me. I can assume everyone takes a piss, takes a crap, eats, sleeps....certain things are just universal to the class animal. There are things that are also universal to the class human. Brains all fundamentally work the same in humans. They all store information from the 5 senses to promote survival. I might not harm a dear as I am not a hunter. However, many dear have associated the scent of a human as a "threat", as they live in the wild. A dear raised by humans may walk right up to a hunter for dear.....because it associates the human scent with comfort....and "BLAM"! All the brain does is store and process information and it makes associations with all phenomenon without prejudice. Again, ask any psychologist.

When people say that they don't "see color", that is just another BS statement, unless they are blind. We see color, race, gender, ethnicity and we ALL make associations. Some people might not know someone on welfare.....but we have an image in our minds of someone on welfare, their lifestyle, etc. Someone, somewhere, we got that input and its stored in our brains. This is not to say that when you meet a person of another race, that you treat or judge them to be a certain way. That is not what I am saying at all. Of course you will see that person as in individual, if its a non threatening situation. What I am saying is this. There are 40 plus million African Americans. How can you explain or have an opinion concerning the statistics of the collective, in terms of things like single parent households, violent crime, poverty rate, unemployment....etc, etc....without having meet all 40 plus million? The statistics are formed from 99.999% of people that you don't KNOW as individuals. Do you form your opinion of the whole and why the poverty rate or single parent household rate is so high based upon individuals you know? You can't.....aside from it being an egregious sampling error, its also known as the fallacy of composition.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Sorry I guess I don't see Asians, Latinos, blacks or whites as anything but individuals. To do otherwise would mean I would have to rewrite my whole understanding of people as a whole. I see each individual. I see the good and the bad of each. I see the way they talk, act, dress think as a part of them. I do not generalize any one into a category. I would never say that someone was smart just because of skin color, the way they dress. I do not think that Japanese are any diffrent from Chinese or French or American. Sometimes on this forum I do tend to lump those that think one political way as either right or left. But and that is a big But, I do it only to have to keep from typing numerous names descriptions.

I think you actually believe that.....but that is NOT how the brain works. Have you ever been to Russia? Have you ever been to Cuba? If you answered NO to one or more of those question, that means that you never "met" Russia or Cuba to "know" or have "Experienced" it. Yet, I would almost guarantee that you have images in your mind of what Russia or Cuba is like. Somewhere you have seen images, video or heard people describe Russia and Cuba and that information is not stored in your subconscious.

All that you know is what has entered your brain through sensory receptors (smell, sight, taste, touch, sound). All the information input into your brain is now stored there, whether you are conscious of it or not. Your brain takes that information and finds associations and patterns concerning things.....like Russia, Cuba, Africa, Blacks, whites, Muslim, Conservative, Liberal etc, etc. That is how it works.

One cannot have been raised in this country, unless they are a mute, and not have associations embedded in their subconscious concerning race. Ask any psychologist. We have all been PROGRAMMED by the information provided in our environment. Indeed, racism is largely subconscious. This is why so many people are not CONSCIOUS that they are racist....but others can see their racism because of their subconscious. The conscious mind may be engaged in cognitive dissonance to rationalize the racism....thus not seeing it as racism.
Sorry I have been over a large portion of the world either for work or vacation. I have traveled over the U.S. Constantly once I retired until recently. I think you actually believe that race and everyone fits neatly into some preconceived buttonhole. But once again I judge people by who they are. Race, religion plays no part. Now not having met you but from the things I have read so far I would not care to associate with you since you seem to have preconceived ideas on what everyone is like and must fit them ointo that notion even if you have to use a hammer to get them to fit.

There are over 7 Billion people in the world....you don't need to meet me. I can assume everyone takes a piss, takes a crap, eats, sleeps....certain things are just universal to the class animal. There are things that are also universal to the class human. Brains all fundamentally work the same in humans. They all store information from the 5 senses to promote survival. I might not harm a dear as I am not a hunter. However, many dear have associated the scent of a human as a "threat", as they live in the wild. A dear raised by humans may walk right up to a hunter for dear.....because it associates the human scent with comfort....and "BLAM"! All the brain does is store and process information and it makes associations with all phenomenon without prejudice. Again, ask any psychologist.

When people say that they don't "see color", that is just another BS statement, unless they are blind. We see color, race, gender, ethnicity and we ALL make associations. Some people might not know someone on welfare.....but we have an image in our minds of someone on welfare, their lifestyle, etc. Someone, somewhere, we got that input and its stored in our brains. This is not to say that when you meet a person of another race, that you treat or judge them to be a certain way. That is not what I am saying at all. Of course you will see that person as in individual, if its a non threatening situation. What I am saying is this. There are 40 plus million African Americans. How can you explain or have an opinion concerning the statistics of the collective, in terms of things like single parent households, violent crime, poverty rate, unemployment....etc, etc....without having meet all 40 plus million? The statistics are formed from 99.999% of people that you don't KNOW as individuals. Do you form your opinion of the whole and why the poverty rate or single parent household rate is so high based upon individuals you know? You can't.....aside from it being an egregious sampling error, its also known as the fallacy of composition.
For someone that attempts to sound educated you should learn the difference between dear and deer. A deer is an animal, a dear is someone close to you.

Also you can suggest anything you want but I do not try to make anyone into a statistic. If you feel that need have at it, I feel no need. If a person is homeless I try and understand what caused them to be homeless, I do not automatically assume everyone like them had the same experiences or same luck. If a person is in a single parent home that maybe due to the partner dying, it could be from an abusive partner, it could be hundreds of little things or one big thing. To assume that everyone fits into a mold simply because you want them to makes an ass out of you.

One of my girl friends many years ago had a brother that was to say the least was very racist and did not like the idea of a "salt and pepper" relationship as he put it. We eventually broke up in part due to him and his hate.

I am sorry that you feel someone needs to always be stuck in some hole of race or some other detractors. Perhaps if you have children they can learn to be more understanding, compassionate and lenient toward others then you are.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Sorry I guess I don't see Asians, Latinos, blacks or whites as anything but individuals. To do otherwise would mean I would have to rewrite my whole understanding of people as a whole. I see each individual. I see the good and the bad of each. I see the way they talk, act, dress think as a part of them. I do not generalize any one into a category. I would never say that someone was smart just because of skin color, the way they dress. I do not think that Japanese are any diffrent from Chinese or French or American. Sometimes on this forum I do tend to lump those that think one political way as either right or left. But and that is a big But, I do it only to have to keep from typing numerous names descriptions.

I think you actually believe that.....but that is NOT how the brain works. Have you ever been to Russia? Have you ever been to Cuba? If you answered NO to one or more of those question, that means that you never "met" Russia or Cuba to "know" or have "Experienced" it. Yet, I would almost guarantee that you have images in your mind of what Russia or Cuba is like. Somewhere you have seen images, video or heard people describe Russia and Cuba and that information is not stored in your subconscious.

All that you know is what has entered your brain through sensory receptors (smell, sight, taste, touch, sound). All the information input into your brain is now stored there, whether you are conscious of it or not. Your brain takes that information and finds associations and patterns concerning things.....like Russia, Cuba, Africa, Blacks, whites, Muslim, Conservative, Liberal etc, etc. That is how it works.

One cannot have been raised in this country, unless they are a mute, and not have associations embedded in their subconscious concerning race. Ask any psychologist. We have all been PROGRAMMED by the information provided in our environment. Indeed, racism is largely subconscious. This is why so many people are not CONSCIOUS that they are racist....but others can see their racism because of their subconscious. The conscious mind may be engaged in cognitive dissonance to rationalize the racism....thus not seeing it as racism.
Sorry I have been over a large portion of the world either for work or vacation. I have traveled over the U.S. Constantly once I retired until recently. I think you actually believe that race and everyone fits neatly into some preconceived buttonhole. But once again I judge people by who they are. Race, religion plays no part. Now not having met you but from the things I have read so far I would not care to associate with you since you seem to have preconceived ideas on what everyone is like and must fit them ointo that notion even if you have to use a hammer to get them to fit.

There are over 7 Billion people in the world....you don't need to meet me. I can assume everyone takes a piss, takes a crap, eats, sleeps....certain things are just universal to the class animal. There are things that are also universal to the class human. Brains all fundamentally work the same in humans. They all store information from the 5 senses to promote survival. I might not harm a dear as I am not a hunter. However, many dear have associated the scent of a human as a "threat", as they live in the wild. A dear raised by humans may walk right up to a hunter for dear.....because it associates the human scent with comfort....and "BLAM"! All the brain does is store and process information and it makes associations with all phenomenon without prejudice. Again, ask any psychologist.

When people say that they don't "see color", that is just another BS statement, unless they are blind. We see color, race, gender, ethnicity and we ALL make associations. Some people might not know someone on welfare.....but we have an image in our minds of someone on welfare, their lifestyle, etc. Someone, somewhere, we got that input and its stored in our brains. This is not to say that when you meet a person of another race, that you treat or judge them to be a certain way. That is not what I am saying at all. Of course you will see that person as in individual, if its a non threatening situation. What I am saying is this. There are 40 plus million African Americans. How can you explain or have an opinion concerning the statistics of the collective, in terms of things like single parent households, violent crime, poverty rate, unemployment....etc, etc....without having meet all 40 plus million? The statistics are formed from 99.999% of people that you don't KNOW as individuals. Do you form your opinion of the whole and why the poverty rate or single parent household rate is so high based upon individuals you know? You can't.....aside from it being an egregious sampling error, its also known as the fallacy of composition.
For someone that attempts to sound educated you should learn the difference between dear and deer. A deer is an animal, a dear is someone close to you.

Also you can suggest anything you want but I do not try to make anyone into a statistic. If you feel that need have at it, I feel no need. If a person is homeless I try and understand what caused them to be homeless, I do not automatically assume everyone like them had the same experiences or same luck. If a person is in a single parent home that maybe due to the partner dying, it could be from an abusive partner, it could be hundreds of little things or one big thing. To assume that everyone fits into a mold simply because you want them to makes an ass out of you.

One of my girl friends many years ago had a brother that was to say the least was very racist and did not like the idea of a "salt and pepper" relationship as he put it. We eventually broke up in part due to him and his hate.

I am sorry that you feel someone needs to always be stuck in some hole of race or some other detractors. Perhaps if you have children they can learn to be more understanding, compassionate and lenient toward others then you are.

Ask yourself why you made the assumption and statement that I am “attempting to sound educated”. You don’t know my educational background. I do often mix homonyms...there and their, hear and here, deer and dear.....but not out of ignorance. To tell you the truth....I never figured out why that happens or know that I have done so until I reread it. That having been said, English has always been my worst subject...and I am not surprised that it shows. However, some crazy accredited University gave me a Bachelor of Science degree and some crazy company is paying me a 6 figure salary....so apparently they don’t know that I sometimes mix up homonyms....probably because I always proofread communications to respected entities. However, I know your goal is an attempt to discredit the messenger in order to discredit the message.

That having been said, are you presenting yourself as the microcosm of “whiteness”? How does something not being true of you as an individual invalidate or debunk a claim made about a collective? The fallacy of composition is to assume what is true of a member is true for the whole, while the fallacy of division is to assume what is true of the whole is true of a member. I am guilty of neither but you are at least guilty of the former, by attempting to use your membership as a white person, and what’s true for you, to exonerate a claim I have made concerning the whole.

Maybe you can find more flaws in my grammar presentation in order to debunk or discredit the substance. Hopefully I did not afford you that deflection this time.
Last edited:
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
I don’t admire people based on their skin color.
Hmmm. I guess I better not pose a question I had myself. I might get reamed.

No. Wait. I will ask it even though its in this thread. Still...its a question and its about race:

Why are there no asian homeless people here in the USA?
Ohhh....tough guy I see....at least on the internet.
What are you talking about ?
Again....miss me with things you do on the net but don't have the courage to do in the streets.
So what did I say I would do on the net but not on the streets ?
If you did....you would be dead or in jail....at least where I am from
Ad hom
....and I doubt that you ever had to sit down in your life
What are you talking about ?
....and you obviously are not dead....but you are now dead to me.
What are you talking about ?
Sorry I guess I don't see Asians, Latinos, blacks or whites as anything but individuals. To do otherwise would mean I would have to rewrite my whole understanding of people as a whole. I see each individual. I see the good and the bad of each. I see the way they talk, act, dress think as a part of them. I do not generalize any one into a category. I would never say that someone was smart just because of skin color, the way they dress. I do not think that Japanese are any diffrent from Chinese or French or American. Sometimes on this forum I do tend to lump those that think one political way as either right or left. But and that is a big But, I do it only to have to keep from typing numerous names descriptions.

I think you actually believe that.....but that is NOT how the brain works. Have you ever been to Russia? Have you ever been to Cuba? If you answered NO to one or more of those question, that means that you never "met" Russia or Cuba to "know" or have "Experienced" it. Yet, I would almost guarantee that you have images in your mind of what Russia or Cuba is like. Somewhere you have seen images, video or heard people describe Russia and Cuba and that information is not stored in your subconscious.

All that you know is what has entered your brain through sensory receptors (smell, sight, taste, touch, sound). All the information input into your brain is now stored there, whether you are conscious of it or not. Your brain takes that information and finds associations and patterns concerning things.....like Russia, Cuba, Africa, Blacks, whites, Muslim, Conservative, Liberal etc, etc. That is how it works.

One cannot have been raised in this country, unless they are a mute, and not have associations embedded in their subconscious concerning race. Ask any psychologist. We have all been PROGRAMMED by the information provided in our environment. Indeed, racism is largely subconscious. This is why so many people are not CONSCIOUS that they are racist....but others can see their racism because of their subconscious. The conscious mind may be engaged in cognitive dissonance to rationalize the racism....thus not seeing it as racism.
Sorry I have been over a large portion of the world either for work or vacation. I have traveled over the U.S. Constantly once I retired until recently. I think you actually believe that race and everyone fits neatly into some preconceived buttonhole. But once again I judge people by who they are. Race, religion plays no part. Now not having met you but from the things I have read so far I would not care to associate with you since you seem to have preconceived ideas on what everyone is like and must fit them ointo that notion even if you have to use a hammer to get them to fit.

There are over 7 Billion people in the world....you don't need to meet me. I can assume everyone takes a piss, takes a crap, eats, sleeps....certain things are just universal to the class animal. There are things that are also universal to the class human. Brains all fundamentally work the same in humans. They all store information from the 5 senses to promote survival. I might not harm a dear as I am not a hunter. However, many dear have associated the scent of a human as a "threat", as they live in the wild. A dear raised by humans may walk right up to a hunter for dear.....because it associates the human scent with comfort....and "BLAM"! All the brain does is store and process information and it makes associations with all phenomenon without prejudice. Again, ask any psychologist.

When people say that they don't "see color", that is just another BS statement, unless they are blind. We see color, race, gender, ethnicity and we ALL make associations. Some people might not know someone on welfare.....but we have an image in our minds of someone on welfare, their lifestyle, etc. Someone, somewhere, we got that input and its stored in our brains. This is not to say that when you meet a person of another race, that you treat or judge them to be a certain way. That is not what I am saying at all. Of course you will see that person as in individual, if its a non threatening situation. What I am saying is this. There are 40 plus million African Americans. How can you explain or have an opinion concerning the statistics of the collective, in terms of things like single parent households, violent crime, poverty rate, unemployment....etc, etc....without having meet all 40 plus million? The statistics are formed from 99.999% of people that you don't KNOW as individuals. Do you form your opinion of the whole and why the poverty rate or single parent household rate is so high based upon individuals you know? You can't.....aside from it being an egregious sampling error, its also known as the fallacy of composition.
For someone that attempts to sound educated you should learn the difference between dear and deer. A deer is an animal, a dear is someone close to you.

Also you can suggest anything you want but I do not try to make anyone into a statistic. If you feel that need have at it, I feel no need. If a person is homeless I try and understand what caused them to be homeless, I do not automatically assume everyone like them had the same experiences or same luck. If a person is in a single parent home that maybe due to the partner dying, it could be from an abusive partner, it could be hundreds of little things or one big thing. To assume that everyone fits into a mold simply because you want them to makes an ass out of you.

One of my girl friends many years ago had a brother that was to say the least was very racist and did not like the idea of a "salt and pepper" relationship as he put it. We eventually broke up in part due to him and his hate.

I am sorry that you feel someone needs to always be stuck in some hole of race or some other detractors. Perhaps if you have children they can learn to be more understanding, compassionate and lenient toward others then you are.

Ask yourself why you made the assumption and statement that I am “attempting to sound educated”. You don’t know my educational background. I do often mix homonyms...there and their, hear and here, deer and dear.....but not out of ignorance. To tell you the truth....I never figured out why that happens or know that I have done so until I reread it. That having been said, English has always been my worst subject...and I am not surprised that it shows. However, some crazy accredited University gave me a Bachelor of Science degree and some crazy company is paying me a 6 figure salary....so apparently they don’t know that I sometimes mix up homonyms....probably because I always proofread communications to respected entities. However, I know your goal is an attempt to discredit the messenger in order to discredit the message.

That having been said, are you presenting yourself as the microcosm of “whiteness”? How does something not being true of you as an individual invalidate or debunk a claim made about a collective? The fallacy of composition is to assume what is true of a member is true for the whole, while the fallacy of division is to assume what is true of the whole is true of a member. I am guilty of neither but you are at least guilty of the former, by attempting to use your membership as a white person, and what’s true for you, to exonerate a claim I have made concerning the whole.

Maybe you can find more flaws in my grammar presentation in order to debunk or discredit the substance. Hopefully I did not afford you that deflection this time.
Lol you are just so extremely funny. First it was an attempt to help you. You did not mix them if you did you would have gotten at least one right just as a matter of law of averages.

Second you keep trying to tell me that I see color, I see all homeless as the same, I have to see all single parents the same.

Once again I see individuals as ndividuals. I see groups as a collection of individuals, each diffrent. I am not representing myself as anything but me. You are the one working so hard to put me into your little box that you seem to be obsessed with.

I can only hope that if you have children that they learn to go beyond you. You and others like you are the reason for racial hate, hate of those not in that same set, that same financial group. All you have to do is look at how quickly you pointed out your education and financial situation. It saddens me that you and others like you hate only because of arbitrary reasons.
I think you actually believe that.....but that is NOT how the brain works. Have you ever been to Russia? Have you ever been to Cuba? If you answered NO to one or more of those question, that means that you never "met" Russia or Cuba to "know" or have "Experienced" it. Yet, I would almost guarantee that you have images in your mind of what Russia or Cuba is like. Somewhere you have seen images, video or heard people describe Russia and Cuba and that information is not stored in your subconscious.

All that you know is what has entered your brain through sensory receptors (smell, sight, taste, touch, sound). All the information input into your brain is now stored there, whether you are conscious of it or not. Your brain takes that information and finds associations and patterns concerning things.....like Russia, Cuba, Africa, Blacks, whites, Muslim, Conservative, Liberal etc, etc. That is how it works.

One cannot have been raised in this country, unless they are a mute, and not have associations embedded in their subconscious concerning race. Ask any psychologist. We have all been PROGRAMMED by the information provided in our environment. Indeed, racism is largely subconscious. This is why so many people are not CONSCIOUS that they are racist....but others can see their racism because of their subconscious. The conscious mind may be engaged in cognitive dissonance to rationalize the racism....thus not seeing it as racism.
Sorry I have been over a large portion of the world either for work or vacation. I have traveled over the U.S. Constantly once I retired until recently. I think you actually believe that race and everyone fits neatly into some preconceived buttonhole. But once again I judge people by who they are. Race, religion plays no part. Now not having met you but from the things I have read so far I would not care to associate with you since you seem to have preconceived ideas on what everyone is like and must fit them ointo that notion even if you have to use a hammer to get them to fit.

There are over 7 Billion people in the world....you don't need to meet me. I can assume everyone takes a piss, takes a crap, eats, sleeps....certain things are just universal to the class animal. There are things that are also universal to the class human. Brains all fundamentally work the same in humans. They all store information from the 5 senses to promote survival. I might not harm a dear as I am not a hunter. However, many dear have associated the scent of a human as a "threat", as they live in the wild. A dear raised by humans may walk right up to a hunter for dear.....because it associates the human scent with comfort....and "BLAM"! All the brain does is store and process information and it makes associations with all phenomenon without prejudice. Again, ask any psychologist.

When people say that they don't "see color", that is just another BS statement, unless they are blind. We see color, race, gender, ethnicity and we ALL make associations. Some people might not know someone on welfare.....but we have an image in our minds of someone on welfare, their lifestyle, etc. Someone, somewhere, we got that input and its stored in our brains. This is not to say that when you meet a person of another race, that you treat or judge them to be a certain way. That is not what I am saying at all. Of course you will see that person as in individual, if its a non threatening situation. What I am saying is this. There are 40 plus million African Americans. How can you explain or have an opinion concerning the statistics of the collective, in terms of things like single parent households, violent crime, poverty rate, unemployment....etc, etc....without having meet all 40 plus million? The statistics are formed from 99.999% of people that you don't KNOW as individuals. Do you form your opinion of the whole and why the poverty rate or single parent household rate is so high based upon individuals you know? You can't.....aside from it being an egregious sampling error, its also known as the fallacy of composition.
For someone that attempts to sound educated you should learn the difference between dear and deer. A deer is an animal, a dear is someone close to you.

Also you can suggest anything you want but I do not try to make anyone into a statistic. If you feel that need have at it, I feel no need. If a person is homeless I try and understand what caused them to be homeless, I do not automatically assume everyone like them had the same experiences or same luck. If a person is in a single parent home that maybe due to the partner dying, it could be from an abusive partner, it could be hundreds of little things or one big thing. To assume that everyone fits into a mold simply because you want them to makes an ass out of you.

One of my girl friends many years ago had a brother that was to say the least was very racist and did not like the idea of a "salt and pepper" relationship as he put it. We eventually broke up in part due to him and his hate.

I am sorry that you feel someone needs to always be stuck in some hole of race or some other detractors. Perhaps if you have children they can learn to be more understanding, compassionate and lenient toward others then you are.

Ask yourself why you made the assumption and statement that I am “attempting to sound educated”. You don’t know my educational background. I do often mix homonyms...there and their, hear and here, deer and dear.....but not out of ignorance. To tell you the truth....I never figured out why that happens or know that I have done so until I reread it. That having been said, English has always been my worst subject...and I am not surprised that it shows. However, some crazy accredited University gave me a Bachelor of Science degree and some crazy company is paying me a 6 figure salary....so apparently they don’t know that I sometimes mix up homonyms....probably because I always proofread communications to respected entities. However, I know your goal is an attempt to discredit the messenger in order to discredit the message.

That having been said, are you presenting yourself as the microcosm of “whiteness”? How does something not being true of you as an individual invalidate or debunk a claim made about a collective? The fallacy of composition is to assume what is true of a member is true for the whole, while the fallacy of division is to assume what is true of the whole is true of a member. I am guilty of neither but you are at least guilty of the former, by attempting to use your membership as a white person, and what’s true for you, to exonerate a claim I have made concerning the whole.

Maybe you can find more flaws in my grammar presentation in order to debunk or discredit the substance. Hopefully I did not afford you that deflection this time.
Lol you are just so extremely funny. First it was an attempt to help you. You did not mix them if you did you would have gotten at least one right just as a matter of law of averages.

Second you keep trying to tell me that I see color, I see all homeless as the same, I have to see all single parents the same.

Once again I see individuals as ndividuals. I see groups as a collection of individuals, each diffrent. I am not representing myself as anything but me. You are the one working so hard to put me into your little box that you seem to be obsessed with.

I can only hope that if you have children that they learn to go beyond you. You and others like you are the reason for racial hate, hate of those not in that same set, that same financial group. All you have to do is look at how quickly you pointed out your education and financial situation. It saddens me that you and others like you hate only because of arbitrary reasons.

Again....you made a statement that I was "attempting to sound educated". That statements says two (I actually type "to" first...lol) things to me. One, you found something in my post that sounded educated (which means you heard an "educated sound" in my posts). Two, you found something in my post that is indicative of not being educated. The question is, given that the two thoughts are contradictory, "WHICH ONE DO YOU WANT TO BELIEVE AND WHY? The answer is clear in the fact that you said I was TRYING....which implies that I am not educated. So its obvious, without knowing me as an individual (which you have been arguing that you judge people as individuals...and nothing else)....you judged me to be uneducated. You never would have said I was TRYING to SOUND educated if I did not make that SOUND (whatever that sounds like). However, but despite that sound......you assume the sound is artificial and look for things like wrong homonyms, comma splices, dangling modifiers, etc, etc, as PROOF that I am not educated. Again, you were presented with the sound of education and the sound of not educated, based upon only grammar (not logic or reasoning) and you chose to believe that I am uneducated, despite not knowing me as an individual. Yet....you only judge people based upon knowing them as individuals. Again....BS.

People keep trying to tell anorexics that they are skinny. However, they don't see themselves as skinny. The fact that you keep telling me what you don't see is meaningless in lite of the precedent that humans don't often see what's real. Yeah...in your mind you don't see color. I believe that you believe that, just like I believe that the anorexic believes they don't see skinny.
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Nobody should be admired because of what race they come from.
They should be admired as who they are as an individual.

Until the left figures this out racism will continue to live on.
How about when it comes to chattel slavery, only enslaved as individuals, not as a group?
Sorry I have been over a large portion of the world either for work or vacation. I have traveled over the U.S. Constantly once I retired until recently. I think you actually believe that race and everyone fits neatly into some preconceived buttonhole. But once again I judge people by who they are. Race, religion plays no part. Now not having met you but from the things I have read so far I would not care to associate with you since you seem to have preconceived ideas on what everyone is like and must fit them ointo that notion even if you have to use a hammer to get them to fit.

There are over 7 Billion people in the world....you don't need to meet me. I can assume everyone takes a piss, takes a crap, eats, sleeps....certain things are just universal to the class animal. There are things that are also universal to the class human. Brains all fundamentally work the same in humans. They all store information from the 5 senses to promote survival. I might not harm a dear as I am not a hunter. However, many dear have associated the scent of a human as a "threat", as they live in the wild. A dear raised by humans may walk right up to a hunter for dear.....because it associates the human scent with comfort....and "BLAM"! All the brain does is store and process information and it makes associations with all phenomenon without prejudice. Again, ask any psychologist.

When people say that they don't "see color", that is just another BS statement, unless they are blind. We see color, race, gender, ethnicity and we ALL make associations. Some people might not know someone on welfare.....but we have an image in our minds of someone on welfare, their lifestyle, etc. Someone, somewhere, we got that input and its stored in our brains. This is not to say that when you meet a person of another race, that you treat or judge them to be a certain way. That is not what I am saying at all. Of course you will see that person as in individual, if its a non threatening situation. What I am saying is this. There are 40 plus million African Americans. How can you explain or have an opinion concerning the statistics of the collective, in terms of things like single parent households, violent crime, poverty rate, unemployment....etc, etc....without having meet all 40 plus million? The statistics are formed from 99.999% of people that you don't KNOW as individuals. Do you form your opinion of the whole and why the poverty rate or single parent household rate is so high based upon individuals you know? You can't.....aside from it being an egregious sampling error, its also known as the fallacy of composition.
For someone that attempts to sound educated you should learn the difference between dear and deer. A deer is an animal, a dear is someone close to you.

Also you can suggest anything you want but I do not try to make anyone into a statistic. If you feel that need have at it, I feel no need. If a person is homeless I try and understand what caused them to be homeless, I do not automatically assume everyone like them had the same experiences or same luck. If a person is in a single parent home that maybe due to the partner dying, it could be from an abusive partner, it could be hundreds of little things or one big thing. To assume that everyone fits into a mold simply because you want them to makes an ass out of you.

One of my girl friends many years ago had a brother that was to say the least was very racist and did not like the idea of a "salt and pepper" relationship as he put it. We eventually broke up in part due to him and his hate.

I am sorry that you feel someone needs to always be stuck in some hole of race or some other detractors. Perhaps if you have children they can learn to be more understanding, compassionate and lenient toward others then you are.

Ask yourself why you made the assumption and statement that I am “attempting to sound educated”. You don’t know my educational background. I do often mix homonyms...there and their, hear and here, deer and dear.....but not out of ignorance. To tell you the truth....I never figured out why that happens or know that I have done so until I reread it. That having been said, English has always been my worst subject...and I am not surprised that it shows. However, some crazy accredited University gave me a Bachelor of Science degree and some crazy company is paying me a 6 figure salary....so apparently they don’t know that I sometimes mix up homonyms....probably because I always proofread communications to respected entities. However, I know your goal is an attempt to discredit the messenger in order to discredit the message.

That having been said, are you presenting yourself as the microcosm of “whiteness”? How does something not being true of you as an individual invalidate or debunk a claim made about a collective? The fallacy of composition is to assume what is true of a member is true for the whole, while the fallacy of division is to assume what is true of the whole is true of a member. I am guilty of neither but you are at least guilty of the former, by attempting to use your membership as a white person, and what’s true for you, to exonerate a claim I have made concerning the whole.

Maybe you can find more flaws in my grammar presentation in order to debunk or discredit the substance. Hopefully I did not afford you that deflection this time.
Lol you are just so extremely funny. First it was an attempt to help you. You did not mix them if you did you would have gotten at least one right just as a matter of law of averages.

Second you keep trying to tell me that I see color, I see all homeless as the same, I have to see all single parents the same.

Once again I see individuals as ndividuals. I see groups as a collection of individuals, each diffrent. I am not representing myself as anything but me. You are the one working so hard to put me into your little box that you seem to be obsessed with.

I can only hope that if you have children that they learn to go beyond you. You and others like you are the reason for racial hate, hate of those not in that same set, that same financial group. All you have to do is look at how quickly you pointed out your education and financial situation. It saddens me that you and others like you hate only because of arbitrary reasons.

Again....you made a statement that I was "attempting to sound educated". That statements says two (I actually type "to" first...lol) things to me. One, you found something in my post that sounded educated (which means you heard an "educated sound" in my posts). Two, you found something in my post that is indicative of not being educated. The question is, given that the two thoughts are contradictory, "WHICH ONE DO YOU WANT TO BELIEVE AND WHY? The answer is clear in the fact that you said I was TRYING....which implies that I am not educated. So its obvious, without knowing me as an individual (which you have been arguing that you judge people as individuals...and nothing else)....you judged me to be uneducated. You never would have said I was TRYING to SOUND educated if I did not make that SOUND (whatever that sounds like). However, but despite that sound......you assume the sound is artificial and look for things like wrong homonyms, comma splices, dangling modifiers, etc, etc, as PROOF that I am not educated. Again, you were presented with the sound of education and the sound of not educated, based upon only grammar (not logic or reasoning) and you chose to believe that I am uneducated, despite not knowing me as an individual. Yet....you only judge people based upon knowing them as individuals. Again....BS.

People keep trying to tell anorexics that they are skinny. However, they don't see themselves as skinny. The fact that you keep telling me what you don't see is meaningless in lite of the precedent that humans don't often see what's real. Yeah...in your mind you don't see color. I believe that you believe that, just like I believe that the anorexic believes they don't see skinny.
Lol I love it. You have made more then enough posts for me to judge that I am not interested in being involved with a racist and elitist. I don't have to know everything about you to understand that you are attempting to come across as educated, your use and choice of words proves that. The fact you are still attempting to defend it is further proof. Your use of whiteness proves that you are racist. The fact you feel compelled to point out your salary and education shows that you don't like the idea of dealing with or being associated with those you deem under you.

You are still attempting to place me in that little box. I simply must be racist. I simply must view everything in in the same black or white, good or bad that you do.

I may not like the idea of people like you wanting race and all the other things you consider to be proper indicators, but I know from experience that there are many like you. I feel sorry for all of you. The world must be such a terrible place to live.
There are over 7 Billion people in the world....you don't need to meet me. I can assume everyone takes a piss, takes a crap, eats, sleeps....certain things are just universal to the class animal. There are things that are also universal to the class human. Brains all fundamentally work the same in humans. They all store information from the 5 senses to promote survival. I might not harm a dear as I am not a hunter. However, many dear have associated the scent of a human as a "threat", as they live in the wild. A dear raised by humans may walk right up to a hunter for dear.....because it associates the human scent with comfort....and "BLAM"! All the brain does is store and process information and it makes associations with all phenomenon without prejudice. Again, ask any psychologist.

When people say that they don't "see color", that is just another BS statement, unless they are blind. We see color, race, gender, ethnicity and we ALL make associations. Some people might not know someone on welfare.....but we have an image in our minds of someone on welfare, their lifestyle, etc. Someone, somewhere, we got that input and its stored in our brains. This is not to say that when you meet a person of another race, that you treat or judge them to be a certain way. That is not what I am saying at all. Of course you will see that person as in individual, if its a non threatening situation. What I am saying is this. There are 40 plus million African Americans. How can you explain or have an opinion concerning the statistics of the collective, in terms of things like single parent households, violent crime, poverty rate, unemployment....etc, etc....without having meet all 40 plus million? The statistics are formed from 99.999% of people that you don't KNOW as individuals. Do you form your opinion of the whole and why the poverty rate or single parent household rate is so high based upon individuals you know? You can't.....aside from it being an egregious sampling error, its also known as the fallacy of composition.
For someone that attempts to sound educated you should learn the difference between dear and deer. A deer is an animal, a dear is someone close to you.

Also you can suggest anything you want but I do not try to make anyone into a statistic. If you feel that need have at it, I feel no need. If a person is homeless I try and understand what caused them to be homeless, I do not automatically assume everyone like them had the same experiences or same luck. If a person is in a single parent home that maybe due to the partner dying, it could be from an abusive partner, it could be hundreds of little things or one big thing. To assume that everyone fits into a mold simply because you want them to makes an ass out of you.

One of my girl friends many years ago had a brother that was to say the least was very racist and did not like the idea of a "salt and pepper" relationship as he put it. We eventually broke up in part due to him and his hate.

I am sorry that you feel someone needs to always be stuck in some hole of race or some other detractors. Perhaps if you have children they can learn to be more understanding, compassionate and lenient toward others then you are.

Ask yourself why you made the assumption and statement that I am “attempting to sound educated”. You don’t know my educational background. I do often mix homonyms...there and their, hear and here, deer and dear.....but not out of ignorance. To tell you the truth....I never figured out why that happens or know that I have done so until I reread it. That having been said, English has always been my worst subject...and I am not surprised that it shows. However, some crazy accredited University gave me a Bachelor of Science degree and some crazy company is paying me a 6 figure salary....so apparently they don’t know that I sometimes mix up homonyms....probably because I always proofread communications to respected entities. However, I know your goal is an attempt to discredit the messenger in order to discredit the message.

That having been said, are you presenting yourself as the microcosm of “whiteness”? How does something not being true of you as an individual invalidate or debunk a claim made about a collective? The fallacy of composition is to assume what is true of a member is true for the whole, while the fallacy of division is to assume what is true of the whole is true of a member. I am guilty of neither but you are at least guilty of the former, by attempting to use your membership as a white person, and what’s true for you, to exonerate a claim I have made concerning the whole.

Maybe you can find more flaws in my grammar presentation in order to debunk or discredit the substance. Hopefully I did not afford you that deflection this time.
Lol you are just so extremely funny. First it was an attempt to help you. You did not mix them if you did you would have gotten at least one right just as a matter of law of averages.

Second you keep trying to tell me that I see color, I see all homeless as the same, I have to see all single parents the same.

Once again I see individuals as ndividuals. I see groups as a collection of individuals, each diffrent. I am not representing myself as anything but me. You are the one working so hard to put me into your little box that you seem to be obsessed with.

I can only hope that if you have children that they learn to go beyond you. You and others like you are the reason for racial hate, hate of those not in that same set, that same financial group. All you have to do is look at how quickly you pointed out your education and financial situation. It saddens me that you and others like you hate only because of arbitrary reasons.

Again....you made a statement that I was "attempting to sound educated". That statements says two (I actually type "to" first...lol) things to me. One, you found something in my post that sounded educated (which means you heard an "educated sound" in my posts). Two, you found something in my post that is indicative of not being educated. The question is, given that the two thoughts are contradictory, "WHICH ONE DO YOU WANT TO BELIEVE AND WHY? The answer is clear in the fact that you said I was TRYING....which implies that I am not educated. So its obvious, without knowing me as an individual (which you have been arguing that you judge people as individuals...and nothing else)....you judged me to be uneducated. You never would have said I was TRYING to SOUND educated if I did not make that SOUND (whatever that sounds like). However, but despite that sound......you assume the sound is artificial and look for things like wrong homonyms, comma splices, dangling modifiers, etc, etc, as PROOF that I am not educated. Again, you were presented with the sound of education and the sound of not educated, based upon only grammar (not logic or reasoning) and you chose to believe that I am uneducated, despite not knowing me as an individual. Yet....you only judge people based upon knowing them as individuals. Again....BS.

People keep trying to tell anorexics that they are skinny. However, they don't see themselves as skinny. The fact that you keep telling me what you don't see is meaningless in lite of the precedent that humans don't often see what's real. Yeah...in your mind you don't see color. I believe that you believe that, just like I believe that the anorexic believes they don't see skinny.
Lol I love it. You have made more then enough posts for me to judge that I am not interested in being involved with a racist and elitist. I don't have to know everything about you to understand that you are attempting to come across as educated, your use and choice of words proves that. The fact you are still attempting to defend it is further proof. Your use of whiteness proves that you are racist. The fact you feel compelled to point out your salary and education shows that you don't like the idea of dealing with or being associated with those you deem under you.

You are still attempting to place me in that little box. I simply must be racist. I simply must view everything in in the same black or white, good or bad that you do.

I may not like the idea of people like you wanting race and all the other things you consider to be proper indicators, but I know from experience that there are many like you. I feel sorry for all of you. The world must be such a terrible place to live.
Racists' think everybody is racist, it's just that some won't admit it.
For someone that attempts to sound educated you should learn the difference between dear and deer. A deer is an animal, a dear is someone close to you.

Also you can suggest anything you want but I do not try to make anyone into a statistic. If you feel that need have at it, I feel no need. If a person is homeless I try and understand what caused them to be homeless, I do not automatically assume everyone like them had the same experiences or same luck. If a person is in a single parent home that maybe due to the partner dying, it could be from an abusive partner, it could be hundreds of little things or one big thing. To assume that everyone fits into a mold simply because you want them to makes an ass out of you.

One of my girl friends many years ago had a brother that was to say the least was very racist and did not like the idea of a "salt and pepper" relationship as he put it. We eventually broke up in part due to him and his hate.

I am sorry that you feel someone needs to always be stuck in some hole of race or some other detractors. Perhaps if you have children they can learn to be more understanding, compassionate and lenient toward others then you are.

Ask yourself why you made the assumption and statement that I am “attempting to sound educated”. You don’t know my educational background. I do often mix homonyms...there and their, hear and here, deer and dear.....but not out of ignorance. To tell you the truth....I never figured out why that happens or know that I have done so until I reread it. That having been said, English has always been my worst subject...and I am not surprised that it shows. However, some crazy accredited University gave me a Bachelor of Science degree and some crazy company is paying me a 6 figure salary....so apparently they don’t know that I sometimes mix up homonyms....probably because I always proofread communications to respected entities. However, I know your goal is an attempt to discredit the messenger in order to discredit the message.

That having been said, are you presenting yourself as the microcosm of “whiteness”? How does something not being true of you as an individual invalidate or debunk a claim made about a collective? The fallacy of composition is to assume what is true of a member is true for the whole, while the fallacy of division is to assume what is true of the whole is true of a member. I am guilty of neither but you are at least guilty of the former, by attempting to use your membership as a white person, and what’s true for you, to exonerate a claim I have made concerning the whole.

Maybe you can find more flaws in my grammar presentation in order to debunk or discredit the substance. Hopefully I did not afford you that deflection this time.
Lol you are just so extremely funny. First it was an attempt to help you. You did not mix them if you did you would have gotten at least one right just as a matter of law of averages.

Second you keep trying to tell me that I see color, I see all homeless as the same, I have to see all single parents the same.

Once again I see individuals as ndividuals. I see groups as a collection of individuals, each diffrent. I am not representing myself as anything but me. You are the one working so hard to put me into your little box that you seem to be obsessed with.

I can only hope that if you have children that they learn to go beyond you. You and others like you are the reason for racial hate, hate of those not in that same set, that same financial group. All you have to do is look at how quickly you pointed out your education and financial situation. It saddens me that you and others like you hate only because of arbitrary reasons.

Again....you made a statement that I was "attempting to sound educated". That statements says two (I actually type "to" first...lol) things to me. One, you found something in my post that sounded educated (which means you heard an "educated sound" in my posts). Two, you found something in my post that is indicative of not being educated. The question is, given that the two thoughts are contradictory, "WHICH ONE DO YOU WANT TO BELIEVE AND WHY? The answer is clear in the fact that you said I was TRYING....which implies that I am not educated. So its obvious, without knowing me as an individual (which you have been arguing that you judge people as individuals...and nothing else)....you judged me to be uneducated. You never would have said I was TRYING to SOUND educated if I did not make that SOUND (whatever that sounds like). However, but despite that sound......you assume the sound is artificial and look for things like wrong homonyms, comma splices, dangling modifiers, etc, etc, as PROOF that I am not educated. Again, you were presented with the sound of education and the sound of not educated, based upon only grammar (not logic or reasoning) and you chose to believe that I am uneducated, despite not knowing me as an individual. Yet....you only judge people based upon knowing them as individuals. Again....BS.

People keep trying to tell anorexics that they are skinny. However, they don't see themselves as skinny. The fact that you keep telling me what you don't see is meaningless in lite of the precedent that humans don't often see what's real. Yeah...in your mind you don't see color. I believe that you believe that, just like I believe that the anorexic believes they don't see skinny.
Lol I love it. You have made more then enough posts for me to judge that I am not interested in being involved with a racist and elitist. I don't have to know everything about you to understand that you are attempting to come across as educated, your use and choice of words proves that. The fact you are still attempting to defend it is further proof. Your use of whiteness proves that you are racist. The fact you feel compelled to point out your salary and education shows that you don't like the idea of dealing with or being associated with those you deem under you.

You are still attempting to place me in that little box. I simply must be racist. I simply must view everything in in the same black or white, good or bad that you do.

I may not like the idea of people like you wanting race and all the other things you consider to be proper indicators, but I know from experience that there are many like you. I feel sorry for all of you. The world must be such a terrible place to live.
Racists' think everybody is racist, it's just that some won't admit it.
I agree. They see everything colored by their racism. They see everything colored by their place within the social economic position within society. So they refuse to believe that not everyone feels that need.
There are over 7 Billion people in the world....you don't need to meet me. I can assume everyone takes a piss, takes a crap, eats, sleeps....certain things are just universal to the class animal. There are things that are also universal to the class human. Brains all fundamentally work the same in humans. They all store information from the 5 senses to promote survival. I might not harm a dear as I am not a hunter. However, many dear have associated the scent of a human as a "threat", as they live in the wild. A dear raised by humans may walk right up to a hunter for dear.....because it associates the human scent with comfort....and "BLAM"! All the brain does is store and process information and it makes associations with all phenomenon without prejudice. Again, ask any psychologist.

When people say that they don't "see color", that is just another BS statement, unless they are blind. We see color, race, gender, ethnicity and we ALL make associations. Some people might not know someone on welfare.....but we have an image in our minds of someone on welfare, their lifestyle, etc. Someone, somewhere, we got that input and its stored in our brains. This is not to say that when you meet a person of another race, that you treat or judge them to be a certain way. That is not what I am saying at all. Of course you will see that person as in individual, if its a non threatening situation. What I am saying is this. There are 40 plus million African Americans. How can you explain or have an opinion concerning the statistics of the collective, in terms of things like single parent households, violent crime, poverty rate, unemployment....etc, etc....without having meet all 40 plus million? The statistics are formed from 99.999% of people that you don't KNOW as individuals. Do you form your opinion of the whole and why the poverty rate or single parent household rate is so high based upon individuals you know? You can't.....aside from it being an egregious sampling error, its also known as the fallacy of composition.
For someone that attempts to sound educated you should learn the difference between dear and deer. A deer is an animal, a dear is someone close to you.

Also you can suggest anything you want but I do not try to make anyone into a statistic. If you feel that need have at it, I feel no need. If a person is homeless I try and understand what caused them to be homeless, I do not automatically assume everyone like them had the same experiences or same luck. If a person is in a single parent home that maybe due to the partner dying, it could be from an abusive partner, it could be hundreds of little things or one big thing. To assume that everyone fits into a mold simply because you want them to makes an ass out of you.

One of my girl friends many years ago had a brother that was to say the least was very racist and did not like the idea of a "salt and pepper" relationship as he put it. We eventually broke up in part due to him and his hate.

I am sorry that you feel someone needs to always be stuck in some hole of race or some other detractors. Perhaps if you have children they can learn to be more understanding, compassionate and lenient toward others then you are.

Ask yourself why you made the assumption and statement that I am “attempting to sound educated”. You don’t know my educational background. I do often mix homonyms...there and their, hear and here, deer and dear.....but not out of ignorance. To tell you the truth....I never figured out why that happens or know that I have done so until I reread it. That having been said, English has always been my worst subject...and I am not surprised that it shows. However, some crazy accredited University gave me a Bachelor of Science degree and some crazy company is paying me a 6 figure salary....so apparently they don’t know that I sometimes mix up homonyms....probably because I always proofread communications to respected entities. However, I know your goal is an attempt to discredit the messenger in order to discredit the message.

That having been said, are you presenting yourself as the microcosm of “whiteness”? How does something not being true of you as an individual invalidate or debunk a claim made about a collective? The fallacy of composition is to assume what is true of a member is true for the whole, while the fallacy of division is to assume what is true of the whole is true of a member. I am guilty of neither but you are at least guilty of the former, by attempting to use your membership as a white person, and what’s true for you, to exonerate a claim I have made concerning the whole.

Maybe you can find more flaws in my grammar presentation in order to debunk or discredit the substance. Hopefully I did not afford you that deflection this time.
Lol you are just so extremely funny. First it was an attempt to help you. You did not mix them if you did you would have gotten at least one right just as a matter of law of averages.

Second you keep trying to tell me that I see color, I see all homeless as the same, I have to see all single parents the same.

Once again I see individuals as ndividuals. I see groups as a collection of individuals, each diffrent. I am not representing myself as anything but me. You are the one working so hard to put me into your little box that you seem to be obsessed with.

I can only hope that if you have children that they learn to go beyond you. You and others like you are the reason for racial hate, hate of those not in that same set, that same financial group. All you have to do is look at how quickly you pointed out your education and financial situation. It saddens me that you and others like you hate only because of arbitrary reasons.

Again....you made a statement that I was "attempting to sound educated". That statements says two (I actually type "to" first...lol) things to me. One, you found something in my post that sounded educated (which means you heard an "educated sound" in my posts). Two, you found something in my post that is indicative of not being educated. The question is, given that the two thoughts are contradictory, "WHICH ONE DO YOU WANT TO BELIEVE AND WHY? The answer is clear in the fact that you said I was TRYING....which implies that I am not educated. So its obvious, without knowing me as an individual (which you have been arguing that you judge people as individuals...and nothing else)....you judged me to be uneducated. You never would have said I was TRYING to SOUND educated if I did not make that SOUND (whatever that sounds like). However, but despite that sound......you assume the sound is artificial and look for things like wrong homonyms, comma splices, dangling modifiers, etc, etc, as PROOF that I am not educated. Again, you were presented with the sound of education and the sound of not educated, based upon only grammar (not logic or reasoning) and you chose to believe that I am uneducated, despite not knowing me as an individual. Yet....you only judge people based upon knowing them as individuals. Again....BS.

People keep trying to tell anorexics that they are skinny. However, they don't see themselves as skinny. The fact that you keep telling me what you don't see is meaningless in lite of the precedent that humans don't often see what's real. Yeah...in your mind you don't see color. I believe that you believe that, just like I believe that the anorexic believes they don't see skinny.

Lol I love it. You have made more then enough posts for me to judge that I am not interested in being involved with a racist and elitist. I don't have to know everything about you to understand that you are attempting to come across as educated, your use and choice of words proves that. The fact you are still attempting to defend it is further proof. Your use of whiteness proves that you are racist. The fact you feel compelled to point out your salary and education shows that you don't like the idea of dealing with or being associated with those you deem under you.

You are still attempting to place me in that little box. I simply must be racist. I simply must view everything in in the same black or white, good or bad that you do.

I may not like the idea of people like you wanting race and all the other things you consider to be proper indicators, but I know from experience that there are many like you. I feel sorry for all of you. The world must be such a terrible place to live.

You are not really lol....and you know it. You are like the boxer who smiles after getting hit with an uppercut.....pretending that they are not phased or hurt by it. Yeah.....you are laughing out loud. Suuurrrreeeee!

There is no PROOF on the internet. Only that which you want to believe and the use of selection bias to support it. You WANT to believe that I am uneducated and TRYING to sound educated (whatever that means). Again, you don't KNOW me as an individual....yet....you don't believe that I am college educated (actually....I don't even know what your working definition of "educated" is. Maybe educated simply means never making a grammatical error.). However, you are a person who only judge people as INDIVIDUALS and what you know of them.

For the record, I never argued that you were racist. I have argued that everyone sees color and everyone make associations with color and race. The problem is that YOU think that is racism. Observations and stereotypes are not racism. It only becomes racism if you link it to racial genetics. In other words, blacks have high crime rates because of a genetic predisposition, as opposed to blacks having high crime rates due to high rates of poverty. The former is racism the latter is not, despite both being a stereotype/association with blacks.

I don't know the income and education of anyone on this forum to assume any elite status.
Ask yourself why you made the assumption and statement that I am “attempting to sound educated”. You don’t know my educational background. I do often mix homonyms...there and their, hear and here, deer and dear.....but not out of ignorance. To tell you the truth....I never figured out why that happens or know that I have done so until I reread it. That having been said, English has always been my worst subject...and I am not surprised that it shows. However, some crazy accredited University gave me a Bachelor of Science degree and some crazy company is paying me a 6 figure salary....so apparently they don’t know that I sometimes mix up homonyms....probably because I always proofread communications to respected entities. However, I know your goal is an attempt to discredit the messenger in order to discredit the message.

That having been said, are you presenting yourself as the microcosm of “whiteness”? How does something not being true of you as an individual invalidate or debunk a claim made about a collective? The fallacy of composition is to assume what is true of a member is true for the whole, while the fallacy of division is to assume what is true of the whole is true of a member. I am guilty of neither but you are at least guilty of the former, by attempting to use your membership as a white person, and what’s true for you, to exonerate a claim I have made concerning the whole.

Maybe you can find more flaws in my grammar presentation in order to debunk or discredit the substance. Hopefully I did not afford you that deflection this time.
Lol you are just so extremely funny. First it was an attempt to help you. You did not mix them if you did you would have gotten at least one right just as a matter of law of averages.

Second you keep trying to tell me that I see color, I see all homeless as the same, I have to see all single parents the same.

Once again I see individuals as ndividuals. I see groups as a collection of individuals, each diffrent. I am not representing myself as anything but me. You are the one working so hard to put me into your little box that you seem to be obsessed with.

I can only hope that if you have children that they learn to go beyond you. You and others like you are the reason for racial hate, hate of those not in that same set, that same financial group. All you have to do is look at how quickly you pointed out your education and financial situation. It saddens me that you and others like you hate only because of arbitrary reasons.

Again....you made a statement that I was "attempting to sound educated". That statements says two (I actually type "to" first...lol) things to me. One, you found something in my post that sounded educated (which means you heard an "educated sound" in my posts). Two, you found something in my post that is indicative of not being educated. The question is, given that the two thoughts are contradictory, "WHICH ONE DO YOU WANT TO BELIEVE AND WHY? The answer is clear in the fact that you said I was TRYING....which implies that I am not educated. So its obvious, without knowing me as an individual (which you have been arguing that you judge people as individuals...and nothing else)....you judged me to be uneducated. You never would have said I was TRYING to SOUND educated if I did not make that SOUND (whatever that sounds like). However, but despite that sound......you assume the sound is artificial and look for things like wrong homonyms, comma splices, dangling modifiers, etc, etc, as PROOF that I am not educated. Again, you were presented with the sound of education and the sound of not educated, based upon only grammar (not logic or reasoning) and you chose to believe that I am uneducated, despite not knowing me as an individual. Yet....you only judge people based upon knowing them as individuals. Again....BS.

People keep trying to tell anorexics that they are skinny. However, they don't see themselves as skinny. The fact that you keep telling me what you don't see is meaningless in lite of the precedent that humans don't often see what's real. Yeah...in your mind you don't see color. I believe that you believe that, just like I believe that the anorexic believes they don't see skinny.
Lol I love it. You have made more then enough posts for me to judge that I am not interested in being involved with a racist and elitist. I don't have to know everything about you to understand that you are attempting to come across as educated, your use and choice of words proves that. The fact you are still attempting to defend it is further proof. Your use of whiteness proves that you are racist. The fact you feel compelled to point out your salary and education shows that you don't like the idea of dealing with or being associated with those you deem under you.

You are still attempting to place me in that little box. I simply must be racist. I simply must view everything in in the same black or white, good or bad that you do.

I may not like the idea of people like you wanting race and all the other things you consider to be proper indicators, but I know from experience that there are many like you. I feel sorry for all of you. The world must be such a terrible place to live.
Racists' think everybody is racist, it's just that some won't admit it.
I agree. They see everything colored by their racism. They see everything colored by their place within the social economic position within society. So they refuse to believe that not everyone feels that need.

The problem is that the only person you can vouch for......IS YOURSELF....and even that is questionable given that humans have the propensity of denial and delusion and therefore you don't know if your in denial or delusion. You then argue that you form opinions about INDIVIDUALS....and not GROUP. Well....how can you vouch for the majority of white people, and what and how they think (discrediting the liberal argument of racism nearly everywhere) when you don't even KNOW 99.999% of whites?

Your goal/aim in these post is to discredit the claims of racism being made by liberals. However, unless someone is calling you a racist....you cannot defend anyone else. You don't KNOW Donald Trump to defend him against being a racist....right? Again, you said you only judge people as individuals based upon knowing them.....YOU DON'T KNOW TRUMP......yet....you defend him against the claim of being a racist. You are so full of contradictions its hard to keep up with them.

Essentially what you are guilty of is what you are saying that you are not guilty of. The only evidence you have in this country of 300 plus million, IS YOURSELF. You don't KNOW 99.999% of the whites in the country. However, you come on here posting how something is not TRUE OF YOU! Then you extrapolate that since its NOT TRUE FOR YOU....then it not true for most other whites....DESPITE YOU NOT KNOWING MOST OTHER WHITES!!! That is called the FALLACY OF COMPOSITION. Assuming that what is true of a member is thus true for the whole.

Whether you are or are not a racist has no standing against the charges of racism in another or at large in the nation. Since no one posted a topic about YOU....what the hell does YOU have to do with discrediting any general arguments being made about this nation and its people? The only argument that you have is that ALL WHITES ARE NOT RACIST......and they only evidence that you can have of that is you not being a racist, which then debunks the claim that all whites are racist. However, NOBODY ever said all whites are racist and no argument concerning the validity of racism requires that ALL whites be racist for it to be true.
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Lol you are just so extremely funny. First it was an attempt to help you. You did not mix them if you did you would have gotten at least one right just as a matter of law of averages.

Second you keep trying to tell me that I see color, I see all homeless as the same, I have to see all single parents the same.

Once again I see individuals as ndividuals. I see groups as a collection of individuals, each diffrent. I am not representing myself as anything but me. You are the one working so hard to put me into your little box that you seem to be obsessed with.

I can only hope that if you have children that they learn to go beyond you. You and others like you are the reason for racial hate, hate of those not in that same set, that same financial group. All you have to do is look at how quickly you pointed out your education and financial situation. It saddens me that you and others like you hate only because of arbitrary reasons.

Again....you made a statement that I was "attempting to sound educated". That statements says two (I actually type "to" first...lol) things to me. One, you found something in my post that sounded educated (which means you heard an "educated sound" in my posts). Two, you found something in my post that is indicative of not being educated. The question is, given that the two thoughts are contradictory, "WHICH ONE DO YOU WANT TO BELIEVE AND WHY? The answer is clear in the fact that you said I was TRYING....which implies that I am not educated. So its obvious, without knowing me as an individual (which you have been arguing that you judge people as individuals...and nothing else)....you judged me to be uneducated. You never would have said I was TRYING to SOUND educated if I did not make that SOUND (whatever that sounds like). However, but despite that sound......you assume the sound is artificial and look for things like wrong homonyms, comma splices, dangling modifiers, etc, etc, as PROOF that I am not educated. Again, you were presented with the sound of education and the sound of not educated, based upon only grammar (not logic or reasoning) and you chose to believe that I am uneducated, despite not knowing me as an individual. Yet....you only judge people based upon knowing them as individuals. Again....BS.

People keep trying to tell anorexics that they are skinny. However, they don't see themselves as skinny. The fact that you keep telling me what you don't see is meaningless in lite of the precedent that humans don't often see what's real. Yeah...in your mind you don't see color. I believe that you believe that, just like I believe that the anorexic believes they don't see skinny.
Lol I love it. You have made more then enough posts for me to judge that I am not interested in being involved with a racist and elitist. I don't have to know everything about you to understand that you are attempting to come across as educated, your use and choice of words proves that. The fact you are still attempting to defend it is further proof. Your use of whiteness proves that you are racist. The fact you feel compelled to point out your salary and education shows that you don't like the idea of dealing with or being associated with those you deem under you.

You are still attempting to place me in that little box. I simply must be racist. I simply must view everything in in the same black or white, good or bad that you do.

I may not like the idea of people like you wanting race and all the other things you consider to be proper indicators, but I know from experience that there are many like you. I feel sorry for all of you. The world must be such a terrible place to live.
Racists' think everybody is racist, it's just that some won't admit it.
I agree. They see everything colored by their racism. They see everything colored by their place within the social economic position within society. So they refuse to believe that not everyone feels that need.

The problem is that the only person you can vouch for......IS YOURSELF....and even that is questionable given that humans have the propensity of denial and delusion and therefore you don't know if your in denial or delusion. You then argue that you form opinions about INDIVIDUALS....and not GROUP. Well....how can you vouch for the majority of white people, and what and how they think (discrediting the liberal argument of racism nearly everywhere) when you don't even KNOW 99.999% of whites?

Your goal/aim in these post is to discredit the claims of racism being made by liberals. However, unless someone is calling you a racist....you cannot defend anyone else. You don't KNOW Donald Trump to defend him against being a racist....right? Again, you said you only judge people as individuals based upon knowing them.....YOU DON'T KNOW TRUMP......yet....you defend him against the claim of being a racist. You are so full of contradictions its hard to keep up with them.

Essentially what you are guilty of is what you are saying that you are not guilty of. The only evidence you have in this country of 300 plus million, IS YOURSELF. You don't KNOW 99.999% of the whites in the country. However, you come on here posting how something is not TRUE OF YOU! Then you extrapolate that since its NOT TRUE FOR YOU....then it not true for most other whites....DESPITE YOU NOT KNOWING MOST OTHER WHITES!!! That is called the FALLACY OF COMPOSITION. Assuming that what is true of a member is thus true for the whole.

Whether you are or are not a racist has no standing against the charges of racism in another or at large in the nation. Since no one posted a topic about YOU....what the hell does YOU have to do with discrediting any general arguments being made about this nation and its people? The only argument that you have is that ALL WHITES ARE NOT RACIST......and they only evidence that you can have of that is you not being a racist, which then debunks the claim that all whites are racist. However, NOBODY ever said all whites are racist and no argument concerning the validity of racism requires that ALL whites be racist for it to be true.
Lol you are just way too funny. In case you forgot this whole thing started because you claimed I absolutely had to see race. You were trying to prove that people saw blacks as unable to make contributions. You don't even seem to be able to follow your own racist illusions. You have been saying that I MUST see color. I must see homelessness. I must see single parents. All those must be lumped together into neat little packages. Simply because you feel that it must be true.

I see blue, green and purple but that does not mean that I have any hate for those colors. Color to me is color. Just as turkey is turkey.

You can keep trying to place me in your little racist box all you want it just proves that you have that need so that your world view is validated. I have actually grown very tired of talking with you and hearing your you MUST see things my way. So I will say good bye and good luck.
Again....you made a statement that I was "attempting to sound educated". That statements says two (I actually type "to" first...lol) things to me. One, you found something in my post that sounded educated (which means you heard an "educated sound" in my posts). Two, you found something in my post that is indicative of not being educated. The question is, given that the two thoughts are contradictory, "WHICH ONE DO YOU WANT TO BELIEVE AND WHY? The answer is clear in the fact that you said I was TRYING....which implies that I am not educated. So its obvious, without knowing me as an individual (which you have been arguing that you judge people as individuals...and nothing else)....you judged me to be uneducated. You never would have said I was TRYING to SOUND educated if I did not make that SOUND (whatever that sounds like). However, but despite that sound......you assume the sound is artificial and look for things like wrong homonyms, comma splices, dangling modifiers, etc, etc, as PROOF that I am not educated. Again, you were presented with the sound of education and the sound of not educated, based upon only grammar (not logic or reasoning) and you chose to believe that I am uneducated, despite not knowing me as an individual. Yet....you only judge people based upon knowing them as individuals. Again....BS.

People keep trying to tell anorexics that they are skinny. However, they don't see themselves as skinny. The fact that you keep telling me what you don't see is meaningless in lite of the precedent that humans don't often see what's real. Yeah...in your mind you don't see color. I believe that you believe that, just like I believe that the anorexic believes they don't see skinny.
Lol I love it. You have made more then enough posts for me to judge that I am not interested in being involved with a racist and elitist. I don't have to know everything about you to understand that you are attempting to come across as educated, your use and choice of words proves that. The fact you are still attempting to defend it is further proof. Your use of whiteness proves that you are racist. The fact you feel compelled to point out your salary and education shows that you don't like the idea of dealing with or being associated with those you deem under you.

You are still attempting to place me in that little box. I simply must be racist. I simply must view everything in in the same black or white, good or bad that you do.

I may not like the idea of people like you wanting race and all the other things you consider to be proper indicators, but I know from experience that there are many like you. I feel sorry for all of you. The world must be such a terrible place to live.
Racists' think everybody is racist, it's just that some won't admit it.
I agree. They see everything colored by their racism. They see everything colored by their place within the social economic position within society. So they refuse to believe that not everyone feels that need.

The problem is that the only person you can vouch for......IS YOURSELF....and even that is questionable given that humans have the propensity of denial and delusion and therefore you don't know if your in denial or delusion. You then argue that you form opinions about INDIVIDUALS....and not GROUP. Well....how can you vouch for the majority of white people, and what and how they think (discrediting the liberal argument of racism nearly everywhere) when you don't even KNOW 99.999% of whites?

Your goal/aim in these post is to discredit the claims of racism being made by liberals. However, unless someone is calling you a racist....you cannot defend anyone else. You don't KNOW Donald Trump to defend him against being a racist....right? Again, you said you only judge people as individuals based upon knowing them.....YOU DON'T KNOW TRUMP......yet....you defend him against the claim of being a racist. You are so full of contradictions its hard to keep up with them.

Essentially what you are guilty of is what you are saying that you are not guilty of. The only evidence you have in this country of 300 plus million, IS YOURSELF. You don't KNOW 99.999% of the whites in the country. However, you come on here posting how something is not TRUE OF YOU! Then you extrapolate that since its NOT TRUE FOR YOU....then it not true for most other whites....DESPITE YOU NOT KNOWING MOST OTHER WHITES!!! That is called the FALLACY OF COMPOSITION. Assuming that what is true of a member is thus true for the whole.

Whether you are or are not a racist has no standing against the charges of racism in another or at large in the nation. Since no one posted a topic about YOU....what the hell does YOU have to do with discrediting any general arguments being made about this nation and its people? The only argument that you have is that ALL WHITES ARE NOT RACIST......and they only evidence that you can have of that is you not being a racist, which then debunks the claim that all whites are racist. However, NOBODY ever said all whites are racist and no argument concerning the validity of racism requires that ALL whites be racist for it to be true.
Lol you are just way too funny. In case you forgot this whole thing started because you claimed I absolutely had to see race. You were trying to prove that people saw blacks as unable to make contributions. You don't even seem to be able to follow your own racist illusions. You have been saying that I MUST see color. I must see homelessness. I must see single parents. All those must be lumped together into neat little packages. Simply because you feel that it must be true.

I see blue, green and purple but that does not mean that I have any hate for those colors. Color to me is color. Just as turkey is turkey.

You can keep trying to place me in your little racist box all you want it just proves that you have that need so that your world view is validated. I have actually grown very tired of talking with you and hearing your you MUST see things my way. So I will say good bye and good luck.

I am still claiming that you absolutely have to see race. You have eyesight don't you? If you are saying you don't see race I don't believe you. That would be akin to saying that you can't distinguish genders.

I was not attempting to prove that people don't see blacks as making contributions. I was trying to determine if whites see blacks as having something that they admire. Something good that people attributed to blacks as a group, but don't necessarily think that all blacks demonstrate this (which should be implied if one assumes intelligence).

You DO see color (which is different from acting differently based upon color. The latter is racist the former is not), unless you are blind. If you can see the red, blue and green.....you see color. You are saying when you meet a person from West African origin, they look no different from a person of European origin. You be dumbfounded if asked to say what person genetics is West African and which is European. Yeah....right!

I never said a thing about homelessness. However, I assume you would picture someone without a home/house/apartment.....but maybe I am wrong. Some image exists in your subconscious whether you personally know a homeless person or not.

I am not saying what I feel must be true. That is like saying that I feel that people need to sleep. Its a human function. I am telling you that making associations in the brain is a HUMAN FUNCTION. If I give you a term......and you have seen this term before....you have an image stored in your brain and associations linked to it. Again, ask any psychologist. If your brain is working properly is recording everything and making associations. This is like sleep. Its instinctive....reptilian.

I am not trying to place you in any box. Did you comprehend what I wrote in my previous post. I am saying that YOU and what is TRUE for you is irrelevant to my point. Whether you see color, whether you are racist, whether you don't make group associations....none of that is relevant unless the topic is YOU. When someone post a topic about the American people.....or white people, you can't debunk it by talking about YOU Again, that is called the fallacy of composition. Just because you are white does not mean you can accredited the thinking and motive of the other 200 million white folks in the nation....THAT YOU HAVE NEVER MET!!!

What is the point of you telling me about YOU in the context of you trying to refute my argument about the whole? You are NOT the whole. You don't even KNOW 99.9999% of the whole. You never met them. You can't say that because you are white and not a racist and don't see color....that its therefore NOT true for the other 99.9999%. Aside from that, no one has ever claimed that one needs ALL whites to be racist for an assertion about racism to hole true. Yet, you keep talking about you as if your personal story debunks my general argument. That would only be true if my argument was that ALL WHITES THINK LIKE THIS.

Stop talking about YOU....it disprove nothing because, as I said before, humans have a propensity for denial, delusion and deception....so what you are telling me about yourself means NOTHING and refutes NOTHING.

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