I attempted a social experiment on another forum seeking white opinion of blacks.

Give me a list of black INDIVIDUAL genius, in history, that is viewed with being on the level of Isaac Newton, Einstein, Steven Hawkins, Tesla, Aristotle, Copernicus, Plato...etc. Who were the great minds who were also black and on the level of those listed?

What black INDIVIDUALS do you see as being pivotal in the industrial revolution, the technical revolution, space travel. What black genius were you taught about or learned on your own. What black individuals helped make this world a better place?

That's the EASIER challenge. And my list would be similar to that other poster I thanked... But on my list would be the Tuskeegee boys and some CURRENT academics. Because I'm more concerned about the CURRENT state of affairs and the FUTURE...

Have you nothing to say about why your ORIGINAL phrasing of the question as you tried to ask it was akin to being racist?? Because you're asking folks to generalize and stereotype about an ENTIRE RACE -- rather than individual achievements???? I don't do that for any race -- INCLUDING MINE... Because that's generalization and stereotypes are a hallmark of our white racists... As well as some other traits that are patently obvious....
I saw the OP and following posts as an attempt to bait people into being racist. I think I was right. I think you share that opinion with me.

That is ridiculous. It's like saying that someone is trying to "bait you into being a conservative" by asking questions about how you feel on certain issues. If you answer questions honestly....then what you are will be revealed. You should have said I was trying to bait people into exposing what they really think of blacks. If you avoided answering the question because you feared I was attempting to bait people into being racist....that tells me that YOU feel that if you answered the question honestly.....you would sound like a racist.

A person who is honestly not a racist would have NOTHING to fear from answering the questions/challenge as presented.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things t,hat they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Sure .... the blacks I have as friends are successful within their family circles, business circles and friends' circles. The blacks I work with are sharp, educated and contribute a lot towards the development of our systems. What else would you like to know?

I don't believe you. There is nothing in your post that does not suggest your story is not made up just for the purpose of not having to admit something. Based upon my question, you are telling me that these black people you work with....you believe them to be on the level of Newton, Einstein, Aristotle....somehow I don't actually believe that you believe that. If they are indeed on that level....then that is definitely a racist place that you are working for to have those type of minds as your "co workers". I would expect no less brilliance shown from you on this forum....if that are the type of people who are your peers.
Your beliefs are meaningless, baseless, and possibly formed on your own prejudices. I work in software engineering for a top U.S. firm. We hire none but the best and are very diverse. My black friends, as well as every other friend, regardless of race, creed, religion, etc...., are mostly all successful within their respective industries.

Again.......I listed people like Newton, Einstein, Hawkings, Tesla, etc.....and you are telling me that you work with such genius. It seems like that level of genius could not be contained as simply EMPLOYEES....but they would do like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs did and start their own successful company.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things t,hat they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Sure .... the blacks I have as friends are successful within their family circles, business circles and friends' circles. The blacks I work with are sharp, educated and contribute a lot towards the development of our systems. What else would you like to know?

I don't believe you. There is nothing in your post that does not suggest your story is not made up just for the purpose of not having to admit something. Based upon my question, you are telling me that these black people you work with....you believe them to be on the level of Newton, Einstein, Aristotle....somehow I don't actually believe that you believe that. If they are indeed on that level....then that is definitely a racist place that you are working for to have those type of minds as your "co workers". I would expect no less brilliance shown from you on this forum....if that are the type of people who are your peers.
Your beliefs are meaningless, baseless, and possibly formed on your own prejudices. I work in software engineering for a top U.S. firm. We hire none but the best and are very diverse. My black friends, as well as every other friend, regardless of race, creed, religion, etc...., are mostly all successful within their respective industries.

Again.......I listed people like Newton, Einstein, Hawkings, Tesla, etc.....and you are telling me that you work with such genius. It seems like that level of genius could not be contained as simply EMPLOYEES....but they would do like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs did and start their own successful company.
Your OP, to which I responded, said nothing about Newton, Einstein or Aristotle. Which is an absurd test anyway since those three are not representative of their race, but are extreme exceptions, which blacks have too, such as Martin Luther King Jr., Ben Carson, etc...

Also, I never said I work with such extremely rare people of any race, creed or religion.

The real question is why does it bother you so much to know there are very successful blacks in our society?
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things t,hat they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Sure .... the blacks I have as friends are successful within their family circles, business circles and friends' circles. The blacks I work with are sharp, educated and contribute a lot towards the development of our systems. What else would you like to know?

I don't believe you. There is nothing in your post that does not suggest your story is not made up just for the purpose of not having to admit something. Based upon my question, you are telling me that these black people you work with....you believe them to be on the level of Newton, Einstein, Aristotle....somehow I don't actually believe that you believe that. If they are indeed on that level....then that is definitely a racist place that you are working for to have those type of minds as your "co workers". I would expect no less brilliance shown from you on this forum....if that are the type of people who are your peers.
Your beliefs are meaningless, baseless, and possibly formed on your own prejudices. I work in software engineering for a top U.S. firm. We hire none but the best and are very diverse. My black friends, as well as every other friend, regardless of race, creed, religion, etc...., are mostly all successful within their respective industries.

Again.......I listed people like Newton, Einstein, Hawkings, Tesla, etc.....and you are telling me that you work with such genius. It seems like that level of genius could not be contained as simply EMPLOYEES....but they would do like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs did and start their own successful company.
Your OP, to which I responded, said nothing about Newton, Einstein or Aristotle. Which is an absurd test anyway since those three are not representative of their race, but are extreme exceptions, which blacks have too, such as Martin Luther King Jr., Ben Carson, etc...

Also, I never said I work with such extremely rare people of any race, creed or religion.

The real question is why does it bother you so much to know there are very successful blacks in our society?

You are correct. No..my original post did not. Then someone deflected from it saying that they don't see groups, just individuals. I thought your response was party to that deflection because it was focused on individuals. Hence, my question then became what black individuals helped to spur the advancement of technology, science and modernity, in other words, the world that we enjoy today. Who are the black individuals that you admire for helping to move civilization to this level of modernity?
Sure .... the blacks I have as friends are successful within their family circles, business circles and friends' circles. The blacks I work with are sharp, educated and contribute a lot towards the development of our systems. What else would you like to know?

I don't believe you. There is nothing in your post that does not suggest your story is not made up just for the purpose of not having to admit something. Based upon my question, you are telling me that these black people you work with....you believe them to be on the level of Newton, Einstein, Aristotle....somehow I don't actually believe that you believe that. If they are indeed on that level....then that is definitely a racist place that you are working for to have those type of minds as your "co workers". I would expect no less brilliance shown from you on this forum....if that are the type of people who are your peers.
Your beliefs are meaningless, baseless, and possibly formed on your own prejudices. I work in software engineering for a top U.S. firm. We hire none but the best and are very diverse. My black friends, as well as every other friend, regardless of race, creed, religion, etc...., are mostly all successful within their respective industries.

Again.......I listed people like Newton, Einstein, Hawkings, Tesla, etc.....and you are telling me that you work with such genius. It seems like that level of genius could not be contained as simply EMPLOYEES....but they would do like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs did and start their own successful company.
Your OP, to which I responded, said nothing about Newton, Einstein or Aristotle. Which is an absurd test anyway since those three are not representative of their race, but are extreme exceptions, which blacks have too, such as Martin Luther King Jr., Ben Carson, etc...

Also, I never said I work with such extremely rare people of any race, creed or religion.

The real question is why does it bother you so much to know there are very successful blacks in our society?

You are correct. No..my original post did not. Then someone deflected from it saying that they don't see groups, just individuals. I thought your response was party to that deflection because it was focused on individuals. Hence, my question then became what black individuals helped to spur the advancement of technology, science and modernity, in other words, the world that we enjoy today. Who are the black individuals that you admire for helping to move civilization to this level of modernity?
Among the two I mentioned, Barack Obama; a computer scientist, I don't recall his name, who helped develop IBM's original PC; George Washington Carver.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment.
What do you expect them to say dude ?

Your silly little "experiment" is as stupid as asking Ronald McDonald to list five things he admires about vegetarians.

Sometimes I realize that a reply is necessary not for you but for others to see the counter points.

I could list five things.

1) Black men are the fathers of Maths
2) Black men are the fathers Chem
3) Black men are the fathers of the written language
4) Black men are the fathers of physics
5) The most important invention was created by a black man

And here's a 6th

6) Black ppl were the first people on the planet. With out black people. There would be no white people. No Asians. No Latinos. No-one. We are the fathers and mothers of all humanity.

I can remember another experiment which was more accurate and more revealing

A few years ago I watched a programme where they asked groups of white and black people what they like about being black or white

For black ppl ? The answers always had to do with the pride we feel coming from families who have struggled against the odds, fought injustice, persevered, and maintained dignity in the face of great obstacles.

To be black has internal meaning derived from the positive actions and experiences of black people ourselves.

But for whites ? If they can come up with anything at all, it was typically something about how nice it was not to have to worry about being racially profiled by police, or how nice it was not to be presumed less competent by employers, or discriminated against when applying for a loan, or looking for a home.

In other words, for whites, their self-definition is wrapped up entirely in terms of what and who they aren’t.

What it means to be white is merely to not be black

And that's WAY more revealing than some silly little question you asked on (probably) some racist gaming forum
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I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment.
What do you expect them to say dude ?

Your silly little "experiment" is as stupid as asking Ronald McDonald to list five things he admires about vegetarians.

Sometimes I realize that a reply is necessary not for you but for others to see the counter points.

I could list five things.

1) Black men are the fathers of Maths
2) Black men are the fathers Chem
3) Black men are the fathers of the written language
4) Black men are the fathers of physics
5) The most important invention was created by a black man

And here's a 6th

6) Black ppl were the first people on the planet. With out black people. There would be no white people. No Asians. No Latinos. No-one. We are the fathers and mothers of all humanity.

I can remember another experiment which was more accurate and more revealing

A few years ago I watched a programme where they asked groups of white and black people what they like about being black or white

For black ppl ? The answers always had to do with the pride we feel coming from families who have struggled against the odds, fought injustice, persevered, and maintained dignity in the face of great obstacles.

To be black has internal meaning derived from the positive actions and experiences of black people ourselves.

But for whites ? If they can come up with anything at all, it was typically something about how nice it was not to have to worry about being racially profiled by police, or how nice it was not to be presumed less competent by employers, or discriminated against when applying for a loan, or looking for a home.

In other words, for whites, their self-definition is wrapped up entirely in terms of what and who they aren’t.

What it means to be white is merely to not be black

And that's WAY more revealing than some silly little question you asked on (probably) some racist gaming forum

Ok....Thanks a lot brother for coming at me like an op. Thanks for calling me my efforts "silly" and "stupid". I guess if we were in the streets you would be trying to run up on me. Yet, you are "pro black".....right? I have read many of your post in the past and found them to be on point and enlightening.....if only people did not have their blinds closed.

In light of that......you can miss me with the rest of that. I am not going to be your op or change the RESPECT that I have for the majority of your post on this forum. Your criticism is duly noted.
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Ok....Thanks a lot brother
I'm not your "brother"
Thanks for calling me my efforts "silly" and "stupid".
Once again. What did you expect them to say ?
I guess if we were in the streets you would be trying to run up on me.
That's just your white supremacist racist fear and part of the system of white supremacy/racism. After all it was not black people who created the image that black men are big, bad and dangerous. It was white people.
Yet, you are "pro black".....right?
Pro black ? What's that ? But yet you ask a dumb question in pro-white forum you clown. I don't want black ppl to hate white ppl. I just want black ppl to stop loving them.
I have read many of your post in the past and found them to be on point and enlightening.....if only people did not have their blinds closed.
Well you ain't learned much from them that's for sure doing stupid sh*t like this
In light of that......you can miss me with the rest of that. I am not going to be your op or change the RESPECT that I have for the majority of your post on this forum. Your criticism is duly noted.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?

Depends on the generation we are discussing...

Baby Boomer and even some generation x blacks were hardworking and innovated individuals that used the resources handed to them to propel themselves from being oppressed to being leaders of their community.
They have excellent taste in cars and clothing.



They also pick the best electronics and shoes.


Ok....Thanks a lot brother
I'm not your "brother"
Thanks for calling me my efforts "silly" and "stupid".
Once again. What did you expect them to say ?
I guess if we were in the streets you would be trying to run up on me.
That's just your white supremacist racist fear and part of the system of white supremacy/racism. After all it was not black people who created the image that black men are big, bad and dangerous. It was white people.
Yet, you are "pro black".....right?
Pro black ? What's that ? But yet you ask a dumb question in pro-white forum you clown. I don't want black ppl to hate white ppl. I just want black ppl to stop loving them.
I have read many of your post in the past and found them to be on point and enlightening.....if only people did not have their blinds closed.
Well you ain't learned much from them that's for sure doing stupid sh*t like this
In light of that......you can miss me with the rest of that. I am not going to be your op or change the RESPECT that I have for the majority of your post on this forum. Your criticism is duly noted.

Ohhh....tough guy I see....at least on the internet. Again....miss me with things you do on the net but don't have the courage to do in the streets. If you did....you would be dead or in jail....at least where I am from....and I doubt that you ever had to sit down in your life....and you obviously are not dead....but you are now dead to me.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Sorry I guess I don't see Asians, Latinos, blacks or whites as anything but individuals. To do otherwise would mean I would have to rewrite my whole understanding of people as a whole. I see each individual. I see the good and the bad of each. I see the way they talk, act, dress think as a part of them. I do not generalize any one into a category. I would never say that someone was smart just because of skin color, the way they dress. I do not think that Japanese are any diffrent from Chinese or French or American. Sometimes on this forum I do tend to lump those that think one political way as either right or left. But and that is a big But, I do it only to have to keep from typing numerous names descriptions.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Cosmos. Obama, though he was half white, Colin Powell for his calm demeanor, Harris Faulkner on Fox for her objectivity and reporter instincts, Alex Haley for writing Roots, Grandma Moses for painting, Malcolm X and MLK for leadership in entirely different manners, fellow black workers who saw our group as men in a foxhole.
I never knew Grandma Moses was black. I love her stuff.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Cosmos. Obama, though he was half white, Colin Powell for his calm demeanor, Harris Faulkner on Fox for her objectivity and reporter instincts, Alex Haley for writing Roots, Grandma Moses for painting, Malcolm X and MLK for leadership in entirely different manners, fellow black workers who saw our group as men in a foxhole.
I never knew Grandma Moses was black. I love her stuff.
I knew Aunt Jemima was black. I love her stuff.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment.

Liberal retards are sharing naked pixx online and you gotta admire their beautiful skin or something stupid like that.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Cosmos. Obama, though he was half white, Colin Powell for his calm demeanor, Harris Faulkner on Fox for her objectivity and reporter instincts, Alex Haley for writing Roots, Grandma Moses for painting, Malcolm X and MLK for leadership in entirely different manners, fellow black workers who saw our group as men in a foxhole.
I never knew Grandma Moses was black. I love her stuff.
I knew Aunt Jemima was black. I love her stuff.

pancake syrup?
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Sorry I guess I don't see Asians, Latinos, blacks or whites as anything but individuals. To do otherwise would mean I would have to rewrite my whole understanding of people as a whole. I see each individual. I see the good and the bad of each. I see the way they talk, act, dress think as a part of them. I do not generalize any one into a category. I would never say that someone was smart just because of skin color, the way they dress. I do not think that Japanese are any diffrent from Chinese or French or American. Sometimes on this forum I do tend to lump those that think one political way as either right or left. But and that is a big But, I do it only to have to keep from typing numerous names descriptions.

I think you actually believe that.....but that is NOT how the brain works. Have you ever been to Russia? Have you ever been to Cuba? If you answered NO to one or more of those question, that means that you never "met" Russia or Cuba to "know" or have "Experienced" it. Yet, I would almost guarantee that you have images in your mind of what Russia or Cuba is like. Somewhere you have seen images, video or heard people describe Russia and Cuba and that information is not stored in your subconscious.

All that you know is what has entered your brain through sensory receptors (smell, sight, taste, touch, sound). All the information input into your brain is now stored there, whether you are conscious of it or not. Your brain takes that information and finds associations and patterns concerning things.....like Russia, Cuba, Africa, Blacks, whites, Muslim, Conservative, Liberal etc, etc. That is how it works.

One cannot have been raised in this country, unless they are a mute, and not have associations embedded in their subconscious concerning race. Ask any psychologist. We have all been PROGRAMMED by the information provided in our environment. Indeed, racism is largely subconscious. This is why so many people are not CONSCIOUS that they are racist....but others can see their racism because of their subconscious. The conscious mind may be engaged in cognitive dissonance to rationalize the racism....thus not seeing it as racism.
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I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Cosmos. Obama, though he was half white, Colin Powell for his calm demeanor, Harris Faulkner on Fox for her objectivity and reporter instincts, Alex Haley for writing Roots, Grandma Moses for painting, Malcolm X and MLK for leadership in entirely different manners, fellow black workers who saw our group as men in a foxhole.
I never knew Grandma Moses was black. I love her stuff.
I knew Aunt Jemima was black. I love her stuff.

pancake syrup?

And pancake mix!
Denzel Washington Jr..... for his roles in The Equalizer, Glory, and The Magnificent Seven.

Eddy Murphy for Beverly Hills Cop.

Dwayne Johnson "The Rock" for everything he does.

Prince..... for the best halftime performance in Super Bowl history.

Clarence Thomas......for leaving the plantation.
Here is the thing. Racism is largely subconscious. That which is largely conscious is the need not to sound or be seen as racist. Thus, peoples brain usually have this "app" running the "scrubs" their thoughts and actions in such a way that they don't appear as racist. However, that app is only as good as the stored known words, phrases and actions that are said to be racist. Hence, the more people learn what is considered "racist" the better the conscious scrubber works to clean up presentation to the public. That which is being scrubbed is the subconscious thoughts. This is why instinctive behavior is often good at revealing racism.....because a nano second decision must be made and the conscious mind does not have time to scrub the subconscious analysis. Ergo.....black man pulls his hands out of his pockets in front of the police and the police shoots him. Would he have shot a white man doing the same? His subconscious has been programmed to see black men as violent and a threat.....and maybe not so much white men....and he did not have time to be politically correct or would he risk his life for political correctness.

Whoever that you love the most in this world, if someone held them and said they would kill them unless you could solve this complex math problem and you could use the help of only three others who are in the room with you. The room consists of 3 Asians, 3 whites and 3 blacks. There are all well groomed, all wearing glasses and all look to be equal in socioeconomic status and you are NOT allowed to talk to any of them in order to make your choice. What would the racial makeup of the team likely look like?

Take the same scenario but this time the thing that will save your loved one is a basketball game or sprint relay race. Would the racial makeup of the team look any different? We are ALL programmed to make associations with race.....because society is sending out such associations whether we are conscious of it or not. If its not a life threatening or serious situation, we will "scrub" such racial association because it is deemed by the scrubber app to be "racist". We may also scrub picking a team composed only of our own race because that too may seem "racist". So in times of comfort......the teams will look a lot different than in times of stress because pretense will be dropped during times of stress and people are just going to follow their gut...which is there subconscious usually.

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