I attempted a social experiment on another forum seeking white opinion of blacks.

That is not how I define racism. And one can be a racist without admitting it.

How does it ever amount to being anything more than your word against theirs? You are not a mind reader and can't prove them to be a racist, regardless of what they may say that "sounds" racist. Thus, what is the point of calling someone a racist when they will simply deny that they are? People are smart enough to avoid saying things that can directly be said to be racist......or they are not that smart and say things that are.
A person can be a racist without me having to prove it to be true. I don't even have to know that the person exists. The goal posts seem to be moving.

Google is my friend.

Racist -- a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
define racist - Google Search

If the shoe fits......
That is NOT the definition of a racist.
Please enlighten us to the correct definition.

That is the other part of it. There are way too many definitions of racism.....some that people create from their own heads. Thus, when you call someone a racist.....the target will simply use the definition that excludes them....while the accuser is using one that includes him. Which definition, therefore, is binding? That said, I agree with the poster who said your definition was not the definition that I thought I understood.

This goes back to what I said......a person can believe that blacks are inferior, that blacks have brought nothing to civilization and are more of a liability than an asset to this nation.....all while not being a racist in their own mind. Is it even germane whither the person fits some official or unofficial definition of racism? All that matters is that the person finds blacks inferior.....and that is all that needs to be said. Whatever you want to call a person who thinks that way is irrelevant. The point being is that THEY THINK THAT WAY....not what you cal it. I don't need to prove or call someone a racist.....I just need to show that they see black people negatively.
Perhaps I can agree with you on one point. The word racist is overused and the race card has been weaponized. The story of the boy that cried wolf could be rewritten as the boy that called racist. That being said, I believe the definition of racist that I posted is a good one.
How does it ever amount to being anything more than your word against theirs? You are not a mind reader and can't prove them to be a racist, regardless of what they may say that "sounds" racist. Thus, what is the point of calling someone a racist when they will simply deny that they are? People are smart enough to avoid saying things that can directly be said to be racist......or they are not that smart and say things that are.
A person can be a racist without me having to prove it to be true. I don't even have to know that the person exists. The goal posts seem to be moving.

Google is my friend.

Racist -- a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
define racist - Google Search

If the shoe fits......
That is NOT the definition of a racist.
Please enlighten us to the correct definition.

That is the other part of it. There are way too many definitions of racism.....some that people create from their own heads. Thus, when you call someone a racist.....the target will simply use the definition that excludes them....while the accuser is using one that includes him. Which definition, therefore, is binding? That said, I agree with the poster who said your definition was not the definition that I thought I understood.

This goes back to what I said......a person can believe that blacks are inferior, that blacks have brought nothing to civilization and are more of a liability than an asset to this nation.....all while not being a racist in their own mind. Is it even germane whither the person fits some official or unofficial definition of racism? All that matters is that the person finds blacks inferior.....and that is all that needs to be said. Whatever you want to call a person who thinks that way is irrelevant. The point being is that THEY THINK THAT WAY....not what you cal it. I don't need to prove or call someone a racist.....I just need to show that they see black people negatively.
Perhaps I can agree with you on one point. The word racist is overused and the race card has been weaponized. The story of the boy that cried wolf could be rewritten as the boy that called racist. That being said, I believe the definition of racist that I posted is a good one.

Well....here is the thing. In order to play up the doctrine of black inferiority......an enemy of blacks must first play down ANY OTHER opposing or contradictory explanation for blacks being in an inferior socioeconomic condition relative to whites. Racism, is an opposing and contradictory explanation to the narrative that socioeconomic outcome and behavior differentials between blacks and whites is caused by an organic defective NATURE in blacks.

So when people say that racism is overstated.....are they saying that it is overstated as the cause for the socioeconomic differentials between blacks and whites or are they saying that its just overstated? I would agree with the latter and disagree with the former. I think that it is natural that blacks would think that racism exists more than it naturally does, given that past is prologue. The fact that blacks say something is racism, often, when its not, does not change the black socioeconomic skews between blacks and whites as having been rooted in historical racism.

This is why Africans can come to America and live closer to parity with whites than those who are descendants of enslaved Africans in America. Its what the legacy of racism has did to black culture, economics and psychology.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Whey would you ask a question on a forum and then dictate how the white people can or can not answer your question?

Did you bother asking the black people on that forum what they admire about white people and then tell them how they can or can not answer?
After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.
Wow, banned from storefront.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Cosmos. Obama, though he was half white, Colin Powell for his calm demeanor, Harris Faulkner on Fox for her objectivity and reporter instincts, Alex Haley for writing Roots, Grandma Moses for painting, Malcolm X and MLK for leadership in entirely different manners, fellow black workers who saw our group as men in a foxhole.

That is not what I am talking about. The slave master probably found some black women and girls of enough beauty to have sex with or others slaves who demonstrated impressive ingenuity or smarts, all while seeing the "Negro" in general as an ugly, dumb and an inferior race that offered the world nothing of value....other than a source of slave labor.

The fallacy of composition is the error of assuming or arguing that the way one feels about a member of a race t is true of how the view the race as a whole. It's a kind to a racist saying....."but some of my friends are black....therefore I am not a racist", despite them seeing and viewing blacks as a whole with negative stereotypes and assumptions.
I thought my answers were good.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Whey would you ask a question on a forum and then dictate how the white people can or can not answer your question?

Did you bother asking the black people on that forum what they admire about white people and then tell them how they can or can not answer?

Because I am the creator of the said experiment. If you were taking a test in class, that the teacher created, would you have the right to answer the question in the way that YOU wanted to answer, ignoring the goal of what the teacher designed the test to measure? Not if you wanted or valued passing the test.

Here is the thing. You want me to leave in room for avoidance. I know very well what the game is. That is avoiding "pinning the tail on the racist". If you pin the tail on the racist.....the racist looses. Thus, the racist is not going to allow themselves to be "trapped" by the confines of a line of questioning that could lead to the tail being pinned on them. I know this....and you know this. It's a game of "catch me if you can"...and many people know if they walk the path of the line of questioning....they risk being pinned.
Nobody should be admired because of what race they come from.
They should be admired as who they are as an individual.

Until the left figures this out racism will continue to live on.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
You are asking to perpetuate stereotypes. Is stereotyping people the best way to determine "value" in a group?

You see Blacks, Latinos, Asians as groups to be judged.

Responsible adults see people.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Whey would you ask a question on a forum and then dictate how the white people can or can not answer your question?

Did you bother asking the black people on that forum what they admire about white people and then tell them how they can or can not answer?

Because I am the creator of the said experiment. If you were taking a test in class, that the teacher created, would you have the right to answer the question in the way that YOU wanted to answer, ignoring the goal of what the teacher designed the test to measure? Not if you wanted or valued passing the test.

Here is the thing. You want me to leave in room for avoidance. I know very well what the game is. That is avoiding "pinning the tail on the racist". If you pin the tail on the racist.....the racist looses. Thus, the racist is not going to allow themselves to be "trapped" by the confines of a line of questioning that could lead to the tail being pinned on them. I know this....and you know this. It's a game of "catch me if you can"...and many people know if they walk the path of the line of questioning....they risk being pinned.
Teachers who ask a question and then give a list of ways you can´t answer, shouldn´t be teachers.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
You are asking to perpetuate stereotypes. Is stereotyping people the best way to determine "value" in a group?

You see Blacks, Latinos, Asians as groups to be judged.

Responsible adults see people.

Well...then you are being intellectually dishonest....or you do not understand how the subconscious mind works? Your subconscious mind stores everything that you have brought in through sensory input and stored it there for your survival needs. Its nature is to make associations with things to promote your survival. That is its prime directive.....and hence it does it for EVERYTHING that is unique and can be associated with something. For example....A person may have never been to Minnesota....but will associate COLD with Minnesota. Is Minnesota always cold.....no.....but that is what their mind has heard or seen the most....associated with Minnesota. Races are not different. Whatever a persons mind has seen or heard as it relates to black people....ones mind has stored it and looks for patterns to make associations. One of those associations might be "athletics"....it might be...."violence". I mean.....you can't turn off what you have observed in your lifetime. Sure, you can try to consciously override it.....but it is the nature of the human mind to make association with phenomenon. Thus, when people say they don't see color or don't judge people by color.....that may be true consciously, but its NEVER true subconsciously unless they live in a world where everyone is the same color and no other color of people are known.

So the question I ask simply require people to be HONEST...and or to look into their subconscious. People, however, are deceptive by nature as well. People will not seek to morally injure themselves.....with honesty/truth. They will simply be evasive if it has that potential. Thus, saying that they don't make associations or have not been programmed to associate something with the different races......can likely be an attempt at avoidance to avoid moral injury or avoiding the proving of a point that people don't want proven. It's the nature of humans to stereotype and make associations and to see things like color and differences. Hence, its always suspect when people say they don't.
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I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?

I believe IM2 calls that: REALITY.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Why would it get deleted?

Racist that I am, even I can come up with an honest trait or two I admire about good black culture.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Whey would you ask a question on a forum and then dictate how the white people can or can not answer your question?

Did you bother asking the black people on that forum what they admire about white people and then tell them how they can or can not answer?

Because I am the creator of the said experiment. If you were taking a test in class, that the teacher created, would you have the right to answer the question in the way that YOU wanted to answer, ignoring the goal of what the teacher designed the test to measure? Not if you wanted or valued passing the test.

Here is the thing. You want me to leave in room for avoidance. I know very well what the game is. That is avoiding "pinning the tail on the racist". If you pin the tail on the racist.....the racist looses. Thus, the racist is not going to allow themselves to be "trapped" by the confines of a line of questioning that could lead to the tail being pinned on them. I know this....and you know this. It's a game of "catch me if you can"...and many people know if they walk the path of the line of questioning....they risk being pinned.
Teachers who ask a question and then give a list of ways you can´t answer, shouldn´t be teachers.

Touché, and students who cannot follow the instructions of teachers should not be students.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Whey would you ask a question on a forum and then dictate how the white people can or can not answer your question?

Did you bother asking the black people on that forum what they admire about white people and then tell them how they can or can not answer?

Because I am the creator of the said experiment. If you were taking a test in class, that the teacher created, would you have the right to answer the question in the way that YOU wanted to answer, ignoring the goal of what the teacher designed the test to measure? Not if you wanted or valued passing the test.

Here is the thing. You want me to leave in room for avoidance. I know very well what the game is. That is avoiding "pinning the tail on the racist". If you pin the tail on the racist.....the racist looses. Thus, the racist is not going to allow themselves to be "trapped" by the confines of a line of questioning that could lead to the tail being pinned on them. I know this....and you know this. It's a game of "catch me if you can"...and many people know if they walk the path of the line of questioning....they risk being pinned.
Teachers who ask a question and then give a list of ways you can´t answer, shouldn´t be teachers.

Touché, and students who cannot follow the instructions of teachers should not be students.
Students should be taught to think for themselves and not be indoctrinated into a list of answers that they goose step to.

Sure two plus two equals four, but telling students that only whites can be racist is racist indoctrination.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Whey would you ask a question on a forum and then dictate how the white people can or can not answer your question?

Did you bother asking the black people on that forum what they admire about white people and then tell them how they can or can not answer?

Because I am the creator of the said experiment. If you were taking a test in class, that the teacher created, would you have the right to answer the question in the way that YOU wanted to answer, ignoring the goal of what the teacher designed the test to measure? Not if you wanted or valued passing the test.

Here is the thing. You want me to leave in room for avoidance. I know very well what the game is. That is avoiding "pinning the tail on the racist". If you pin the tail on the racist.....the racist looses. Thus, the racist is not going to allow themselves to be "trapped" by the confines of a line of questioning that could lead to the tail being pinned on them. I know this....and you know this. It's a game of "catch me if you can"...and many people know if they walk the path of the line of questioning....they risk being pinned.
Teachers who ask a question and then give a list of ways you can´t answer, shouldn´t be teachers.

Touché, and students who cannot follow the instructions of teachers should not be students.
Students should be taught to think for themselves and not be indoctrinated into a list of answers that they goose step to.

Sure two plus two equals four, but telling students that only whites can be racist is racist indoctrination.

Yeah....children don't even need to go to school.....or listen to their parents.....because its all indoctrination that prevents kids from having original thoughts.....right?

Anyway, I would not tell kids that only whites can be racist. I would say that whites, as a collective, HAVE oppressed, blacks, as a collective, for most of the nations history. I will also say that blacks, as a collective, have NEVER oppressed whites in this nations history, NOR does blacks have the numbers and or POWER to even collectively oppress whites in this nation. Ergo, even if blacks can be racist.....its benign as a threat to the white collective. Sure.....and individual black might lash out at whites in anger.....but if whites ever felt there was a collective threat from the black community.....they would use their superior numbers and economic and political power to CRUSH the black population. So widespread anti-white racism, by blacks, would only hurt blacks more than whites because every action comes with a reaction and whites will react with the full force of their power. There is no check on white power.....but whites....meaning that if they so desired....they could take things back to how they used to be.....or try.....because they would have to kill many black folks before blacks will allow that.....but still......they have the power to kill us off they had to. Blacks don't have the power to do to whites what whites have the power to do to blacks. Whether you want to call the racism or not is a moot point.

This is what conservative whites seem to miss. This is why white racism against blacks is seen as much more threatening that black racism against whites. First, whites have set the precedent of having already oppressed blacks as a collective.....and have the numbers and power to do it again. On the other hand, blacks have NEVER oppressed whites as a collective in this nation and don't even have the power, in any facet, to do so. The only thing that could stop whites in America.....is international condemnation and the inability to call other nations out for human right abuses to forward their geopolitical agenda of global domination and imperialism.
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I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?

Excellent opening post. Because it demonstrates how people dance around race relations without actually engaging in anything constructive..

If you asked people to "generalize" about a race, you are from the very beginning of the conversation asking them to consider that race as a communal blob.. Rather than the individuals they are. I used to think it was generally recognized that generalizing == stereotyping... But then I started to discuss race with contemporary blacks and discovered that MANY of them imagine that all blacks should think alike and act alike and vote alike and just recite the litany... And that any ONE of them that steps OUT of that mold is excommunicated and actually hated...

It's actually racist to generalize and stereotype REGARDLESS of the race... And to pose questions as THO it's possible to that -- is just promoting the view that there is a collective black conscience and set of values that can not be breached...

Same subset of folks I've discussed with would be USELESS to do ANYTHING to actually IMPROVE race relations.. Because to do so -- would lessen their "power" as a collective stereotyped group.... Improving race relations is not really on their radar...
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Cosmos. Obama, though he was half white, Colin Powell for his calm demeanor, Harris Faulkner on Fox for her objectivity and reporter instincts, Alex Haley for writing Roots, Grandma Moses for painting, Malcolm X and MLK for leadership in entirely different manners, fellow black workers who saw our group as men in a foxhole.

See now.. That's the EASIER way to recognize black talent and achievement... Not by asking or answering question as some racially homongeous collective, but by asking for examples of excellence and achievement..

Great list 3rd party.. The problem is you crossed political party lines.. And underneath all this racial division there is a HUGE political component.. So I imagine you'll have points taken off your score for the political affiliations of some of your answers.... :rolleyes:

It's generally easy for whites who are NOT racists to have huge lists of people they admire.. Not so easy to BE a racist and generalize about entire races....

Whites KNOW who the white racists are.. They are very easy to spot..
You define racism as the "self admission of being a racist". One cannot be a racist without admitting to such. Its not about what your words or thoughts say about you.....its what you say about you. That is the popular narrative now. Not even member of the Klan will say that they are "racist". They will likely say that they are "Realist"...not racist.
That is not how I define racism. And one can be a racist without admitting it.

How does it ever amount to being anything more than your word against theirs? You are not a mind reader and can't prove them to be a racist, regardless of what they may say that "sounds" racist. Thus, what is the point of calling someone a racist when they will simply deny that they are? People are smart enough to avoid saying things that can directly be said to be racist......or they are not that smart and say things that are.
A person can be a racist without me having to prove it to be true. I don't even have to know that the person exists. The goal posts seem to be moving.

Google is my friend.

Racist -- a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
define racist - Google Search

If the shoe fits......
That is NOT the definition of a racist.
Please enlighten us to the correct definition.

Oxford Dictionary:

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

‘a programme to combat racism’
  1. 1.1The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Note the highlighted part of the definition. It is a Belief. Unless someone specifically states this is their belief, when yo assign a motive to someone without that explicit statement, you are projecting your own beliefs.

No one can read minds.

Please do NOT conflate prejudice or stereotyping as racist, as they are neither. They can, however; be a basis of racism if the person confesses to being a racist.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?

Excellent opening post. Because it demonstrates how people dance around race relations without actually engaging in anything constructive..

If you asked people to "generalize" about a race, you are from the very beginning of the conversation asking them to consider that race as a communal blob.. Rather than the individuals they are. I used to think it was generally recognized that generalizing == stereotyping... But then I started to discuss race with contemporary blacks and discovered that MANY of them imagine that all blacks should think alike and act alike and vote alike and just recite the litany... And that any ONE of them that steps OUT of that mold is excommunicated and actually hated...

It's actually racist to generalize and stereotype REGARDLESS of the race... And to pose questions as THO it's possible to that -- is just promoting the view that there is a collective black conscience and set of values that can not be breached...

Same subset of folks I've discussed with would be USELESS to do ANYTHING to actually IMPROVE race relations.. Because to do so -- would lessen their "power" as a collective stereotyped group.... Improving race relations is not really on their radar...

I think psychologist would disagree with the notion that generalizing is not NATURAL or pandemic or ubiquitous among humans. That is simply how the mind works. I don't think its wrong to associate certain behaviors with a particular race of people and I don't think that is racist. I think the demarcation between stereotyping/generalizing and racism is when people link the behavior or stereotype to genetics and then have an hierarchical order with some races being seen as above or superior to another race.

To generalize or assume that a black child that you see is probably living in a single parent home is not racist unless you assume that genetics have something to do with blacks not being good parents or making good choices relative to those races who have lesser levels of single parent households. Ergo, racism cannot be determined by the observations/associations/generalizations that people make.....but rather, its determined by the EXPLANATION people have for the phenomenon that they are observing, generalizing, stereotyping.

A person might think that black men are violent or angry. Is that racist? Well, what if a person explains that generalization as being the consequence of being treated violently by society because of their race? They are not linking their generalization to genetics, but rather, to their mistreatment at the hands of the larger society. Every action creates a reaction....right? What one may be observing may not be genetic predisposition linked to race, like the sickle cell trait, but rather, the REACTION to being ACTED upon by an outside force, Hence, the reaction to years of being treated wrongly and violently likely manifest the consequence of anger and violence. Now, on the other hand, if a person generalizes black men to be violent and or angry and they then DISMISS all other reasons that are external, like how society mistreated them, they are implicitly saying that the behavior is linked to racial genetics (not culture because culture is pliable and influenced and changed by what people experience....like racism).

I think any group of people is stronger unified than divided. Its not that black people expect the community to be a monolith from henceforth, but rather, as a strategy of unity to reach a goal of socioeconomic parity in this society.
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That is not how I define racism. And one can be a racist without admitting it.

How does it ever amount to being anything more than your word against theirs? You are not a mind reader and can't prove them to be a racist, regardless of what they may say that "sounds" racist. Thus, what is the point of calling someone a racist when they will simply deny that they are? People are smart enough to avoid saying things that can directly be said to be racist......or they are not that smart and say things that are.
A person can be a racist without me having to prove it to be true. I don't even have to know that the person exists. The goal posts seem to be moving.

Google is my friend.

Racist -- a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
define racist - Google Search

If the shoe fits......
That is NOT the definition of a racist.
Please enlighten us to the correct definition.

Oxford Dictionary:

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

‘a programme to combat racism’
  1. 1.1The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Note the highlighted part of the definition. It is a Belief. Unless someone specifically states this is their belief, when yo assign a motive to someone without that explicit statement, you are projecting your own beliefs.

No one can read minds.

Please do NOT conflate prejudice or stereotyping as racist, as they are neither. They can, however; be a basis of racism if the person confesses to being a racist.
With all this arguing, it seems like racism isn't even a thing at all.

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