I attempted a social experiment on another forum seeking white opinion of blacks.

You know that I said the two whores in the White House, who are sometimes known as "donald trump" and "mike pence," the guy known as "richard spencer," and the guy whose last name is anglin. So I named your whores for you. Happy that you got me to type these sluts' names? I usually do not type filth. You will notice that I did not call you any name.

I am not consumed by the television or talk radio so the latter two individuals you mention.....I don't know who they are. I am not a big follower of politics.
That is NOT the definition of a racist.
Please enlighten us to the correct definition.

Oxford Dictionary:

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

‘a programme to combat racism’
  1. 1.1The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Note the highlighted part of the definition. It is a Belief. Unless someone specifically states this is their belief, when yo assign a motive to someone without that explicit statement, you are projecting your own beliefs.

No one can read minds.

Please do NOT conflate prejudice or stereotyping as racist, as they are neither. They can, however; be a basis of racism if the person confesses to being a racist.
You defined "Racism". I defined "Racist".

And you are right, no one can read minds. However, a person does not have to confess to be a racist to be a racist. The belief that his own race is superior makes him a racist whether he confesses to that belief or not, whether I know that person is a racist or not.

I am not of the habit of going around calling people racist; however, the speech and actions of some people leave little doubt. I, for example, do not believe Trump is a racist, but I do believe he is often racially insensitive. On the other hand, there are some people that openly state that their race is superior to another. If those people are being honest,then I can conclude they are racist.
Here is the problem with your opening statement. It is true that one does not have to confess to being a racist to be racist, but no one but the individual can declare him or her to be a racist; because without the confession, no one will ever truly know.

My whole point was that racism and being a racist is specifically defined as a belief. No one can know anyone's beliefs unless that beleifs are articulated.

Google attempts to assign beliefs and motivations on the basis of actions that may or may not have been interpreted correctly. As we've seen time and again, to the left, all it takes to assign an belief or motive to someone is to simply disagree with them.
My opining statement was not about declaring another person a racist.

That being said, very few racists are going to declare to the world, I'm a racist. Sometimes I may form an opinion about whether a person is a racist based on his actions (which includes speech). If a person constantly talks down people of another race and treats them unfairly, then its reasonable that I conclude that person is racist. Could my opinion be wrong.....possibly. I will usually give a person the benefit of a doubt when it comes to being a racist, but when one runs out of other reasonable explanations.........

Also, if a person treats people of another race unfairly because of their race, it may not really matter if that person is a racist or if there is some other reason for his behavior.
You're confusing a racist with prejudice.
Oxford Dictionary:

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

‘a programme to combat racism’
  1. 1.1The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Note the highlighted part of the definition. It is a Belief. Unless someone specifically states this is their belief, when yo assign a motive to someone without that explicit statement, you are projecting your own beliefs.

No one can read minds.

Please do NOT conflate prejudice or stereotyping as racist, as they are neither. They can, however; be a basis of racism if the person confesses to being a racist.
With all this arguing, it seems like racism isn't even a thing at all.
It is a thing, but the problem is, it is now a worthless thing as the left use it as a tool to demean anyone who disagrees with them, on anything.

You don't like having your free speech impinged? You're a racist.
You don't like your kids being educated in JUST the three R's? You're a racist.
Common core has you down? Well, your just a racist.

In the face of this and the constant and excessive barrage of such charges, people become immune to it and ignore it, thereby devaluing the word to worthlessness.

who benefits the most from the term becoming meaningless.....the racist or the non-racist? My take on it is that the group that has the most to gain by the term becoming meaningless are those who are actually racist. Indeed if it is the strategy of the left, its not a very smart strategy, but it if is the strategy of the right, it is a very clever strategy because it would discredit any calling out of their racism. Hence, I see the right as having the Motive, Means and Opportunity to devalue/discredit the use of the term.

Who had the most to lose after "cool" was overused? It is still used but the meaning shifts-same with racism. We went from it being about the KKK to segregationists to Republicans to all whites. Even blacks have been included. Nobody owns it, people just use it to further their own arguments.

"Cool" is not an indictment that has the potential to inflict moral, social or professional injury to another. It's nothing like referring to someone as a racist. In order to prevent moral, social or professional injury, the racist has to either change from being a racist or make everyone else seem guilty of being racist or make no one really guilty of being racist, each of the latter being accomplished by changing the definition and or applying towards everything in order to discredit the usage.

I mean....the main people I hear saying/arguing that the term is losing its meaning.....are conservatives. Through the power of suggestion.....this is what they WANT to happen. Thus, they seek to highlight every example of racism being claimed erroneously or unjustifiably, while downplaying and ignoring actual examples of racism. They right sees actual racism as a "win" for the left as it helps justify liberal efforts for policies that seek to offset or counterbalance racism. Racism existence also gives an explanation to counter the "innate defective race" race theory as the root cause of continued socioeconomic racial inequality. They more racism is downplayed.....the more that these problems are seen as rooted in the NATURE of black. Thus, downplaying racism and its impact on blacks helps to promote the theory of black inferiority as the explanation for the issues plaguing the black community.

This is a projected opinion, not fact. The arguments that conservatives are making on the overuse of the term are valid and solid and true. You are simply trying to impune a motive to further your own agenda.

There are actual cases that can be made that the left is far more racist then Conservatives.
Please enlighten us to the correct definition.

Oxford Dictionary:

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

‘a programme to combat racism’
  1. 1.1The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Note the highlighted part of the definition. It is a Belief. Unless someone specifically states this is their belief, when yo assign a motive to someone without that explicit statement, you are projecting your own beliefs.

No one can read minds.

Please do NOT conflate prejudice or stereotyping as racist, as they are neither. They can, however; be a basis of racism if the person confesses to being a racist.
You defined "Racism". I defined "Racist".

And you are right, no one can read minds. However, a person does not have to confess to be a racist to be a racist. The belief that his own race is superior makes him a racist whether he confesses to that belief or not, whether I know that person is a racist or not.

I am not of the habit of going around calling people racist; however, the speech and actions of some people leave little doubt. I, for example, do not believe Trump is a racist, but I do believe he is often racially insensitive. On the other hand, there are some people that openly state that their race is superior to another. If those people are being honest,then I can conclude they are racist.
Here is the problem with your opening statement. It is true that one does not have to confess to being a racist to be racist, but no one but the individual can declare him or her to be a racist; because without the confession, no one will ever truly know.

My whole point was that racism and being a racist is specifically defined as a belief. No one can know anyone's beliefs unless that beleifs are articulated.

Google attempts to assign beliefs and motivations on the basis of actions that may or may not have been interpreted correctly. As we've seen time and again, to the left, all it takes to assign an belief or motive to someone is to simply disagree with them.
My opining statement was not about declaring another person a racist.

That being said, very few racists are going to declare to the world, I'm a racist. Sometimes I may form an opinion about whether a person is a racist based on his actions (which includes speech). If a person constantly talks down people of another race and treats them unfairly, then its reasonable that I conclude that person is racist. Could my opinion be wrong.....possibly. I will usually give a person the benefit of a doubt when it comes to being a racist, but when one runs out of other reasonable explanations.........

Also, if a person treats people of another race unfairly because of their race, it may not really matter if that person is a racist or if there is some other reason for his behavior.
You're confusing a racist with prejudice.
No. Prejudice can be a symptom of being a racist....just as you posted earlier.

Oxford Dictionary:

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
With all this arguing, it seems like racism isn't even a thing at all.
It is a thing, but the problem is, it is now a worthless thing as the left use it as a tool to demean anyone who disagrees with them, on anything.

You don't like having your free speech impinged? You're a racist.
You don't like your kids being educated in JUST the three R's? You're a racist.
Common core has you down? Well, your just a racist.

In the face of this and the constant and excessive barrage of such charges, people become immune to it and ignore it, thereby devaluing the word to worthlessness.

who benefits the most from the term becoming meaningless.....the racist or the non-racist? My take on it is that the group that has the most to gain by the term becoming meaningless are those who are actually racist. Indeed if it is the strategy of the left, its not a very smart strategy, but it if is the strategy of the right, it is a very clever strategy because it would discredit any calling out of their racism. Hence, I see the right as having the Motive, Means and Opportunity to devalue/discredit the use of the term.

Who had the most to lose after "cool" was overused? It is still used but the meaning shifts-same with racism. We went from it being about the KKK to segregationists to Republicans to all whites. Even blacks have been included. Nobody owns it, people just use it to further their own arguments.

"Cool" is not an indictment that has the potential to inflict moral, social or professional injury to another. It's nothing like referring to someone as a racist. In order to prevent moral, social or professional injury, the racist has to either change from being a racist or make everyone else seem guilty of being racist or make no one really guilty of being racist, each of the latter being accomplished by changing the definition and or applying towards everything in order to discredit the usage.

I mean....the main people I hear saying/arguing that the term is losing its meaning.....are conservatives. Through the power of suggestion.....this is what they WANT to happen. Thus, they seek to highlight every example of racism being claimed erroneously or unjustifiably, while downplaying and ignoring actual examples of racism. They right sees actual racism as a "win" for the left as it helps justify liberal efforts for policies that seek to offset or counterbalance racism. Racism existence also gives an explanation to counter the "innate defective race" race theory as the root cause of continued socioeconomic racial inequality. They more racism is downplayed.....the more that these problems are seen as rooted in the NATURE of black. Thus, downplaying racism and its impact on blacks helps to promote the theory of black inferiority as the explanation for the issues plaguing the black community.

This is a projected opinion, not fact. The arguments that conservatives are making on the overuse of the term are valid and solid and true. You are simply trying to impune a motive to further your own agenda.

There are actual cases that can be made that the left is far more racist then Conservatives.

I look for who benefits the most from something......who has the motive, means and opportunity. I do believe that many white liberals don't really know what racism is and should not be taking the lead to call something racist, when blacks are perfectly capable of doing that. I think also that terms like "people of color" kind of lumps all other minorities in with blacks in the argument or claim that things said against them are "racist". I don't necessarily agree that other races are experiencing or being treated in the way that blacks have been and are in America. Racism in America, traditionally, has most profoundly been a white/black phenomenon. All these "people of color" jumping in claiming racism is confusing as hell. I can't vouch for that.

That having been said, I do believe that there are racist on the left and racist on the right but racist on the left are not working antithetical to the interest of black people. They might not like black people....but they have decided to form an alliance with black people in order to promote an issue like Labor Unions that the right is against but that they are very vested in. If a person is racist....and not opposing me I don't care. Liberal racist have to work with blacks in order to get what the liberal racist wants....they can't oppose black interest without use opposing their interest and nobody getting anything. So you hold your nose and back the others agenda. I know many liberal black clergy definitely do not support the gay and trans agenda....however, its a package deal....liberalism is, of special interest that are opposed by the right.

If you are racist and opposing me/us then I care.
Last edited:
Oxford Dictionary:

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

‘a programme to combat racism’
  1. 1.1The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Note the highlighted part of the definition. It is a Belief. Unless someone specifically states this is their belief, when yo assign a motive to someone without that explicit statement, you are projecting your own beliefs.

No one can read minds.

Please do NOT conflate prejudice or stereotyping as racist, as they are neither. They can, however; be a basis of racism if the person confesses to being a racist.
You defined "Racism". I defined "Racist".

And you are right, no one can read minds. However, a person does not have to confess to be a racist to be a racist. The belief that his own race is superior makes him a racist whether he confesses to that belief or not, whether I know that person is a racist or not.

I am not of the habit of going around calling people racist; however, the speech and actions of some people leave little doubt. I, for example, do not believe Trump is a racist, but I do believe he is often racially insensitive. On the other hand, there are some people that openly state that their race is superior to another. If those people are being honest,then I can conclude they are racist.
Here is the problem with your opening statement. It is true that one does not have to confess to being a racist to be racist, but no one but the individual can declare him or her to be a racist; because without the confession, no one will ever truly know.

My whole point was that racism and being a racist is specifically defined as a belief. No one can know anyone's beliefs unless that beleifs are articulated.

Google attempts to assign beliefs and motivations on the basis of actions that may or may not have been interpreted correctly. As we've seen time and again, to the left, all it takes to assign an belief or motive to someone is to simply disagree with them.
My opining statement was not about declaring another person a racist.

That being said, very few racists are going to declare to the world, I'm a racist. Sometimes I may form an opinion about whether a person is a racist based on his actions (which includes speech). If a person constantly talks down people of another race and treats them unfairly, then its reasonable that I conclude that person is racist. Could my opinion be wrong.....possibly. I will usually give a person the benefit of a doubt when it comes to being a racist, but when one runs out of other reasonable explanations.........

Also, if a person treats people of another race unfairly because of their race, it may not really matter if that person is a racist or if there is some other reason for his behavior.
You're confusing a racist with prejudice.
No. Prejudice can be a symptom of being a racist....just as you posted earlier.

Oxford Dictionary:

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
yes, but if all you have is the prejudical acts of a person, you don't have any real proof of their being racist. Hell, for all you know, they may have been harmed in some way by the people he or she is treating poorly.
It is a thing, but the problem is, it is now a worthless thing as the left use it as a tool to demean anyone who disagrees with them, on anything.

You don't like having your free speech impinged? You're a racist.
You don't like your kids being educated in JUST the three R's? You're a racist.
Common core has you down? Well, your just a racist.

In the face of this and the constant and excessive barrage of such charges, people become immune to it and ignore it, thereby devaluing the word to worthlessness.

who benefits the most from the term becoming meaningless.....the racist or the non-racist? My take on it is that the group that has the most to gain by the term becoming meaningless are those who are actually racist. Indeed if it is the strategy of the left, its not a very smart strategy, but it if is the strategy of the right, it is a very clever strategy because it would discredit any calling out of their racism. Hence, I see the right as having the Motive, Means and Opportunity to devalue/discredit the use of the term.

Who had the most to lose after "cool" was overused? It is still used but the meaning shifts-same with racism. We went from it being about the KKK to segregationists to Republicans to all whites. Even blacks have been included. Nobody owns it, people just use it to further their own arguments.

"Cool" is not an indictment that has the potential to inflict moral, social or professional injury to another. It's nothing like referring to someone as a racist. In order to prevent moral, social or professional injury, the racist has to either change from being a racist or make everyone else seem guilty of being racist or make no one really guilty of being racist, each of the latter being accomplished by changing the definition and or applying towards everything in order to discredit the usage.

I mean....the main people I hear saying/arguing that the term is losing its meaning.....are conservatives. Through the power of suggestion.....this is what they WANT to happen. Thus, they seek to highlight every example of racism being claimed erroneously or unjustifiably, while downplaying and ignoring actual examples of racism. They right sees actual racism as a "win" for the left as it helps justify liberal efforts for policies that seek to offset or counterbalance racism. Racism existence also gives an explanation to counter the "innate defective race" race theory as the root cause of continued socioeconomic racial inequality. They more racism is downplayed.....the more that these problems are seen as rooted in the NATURE of black. Thus, downplaying racism and its impact on blacks helps to promote the theory of black inferiority as the explanation for the issues plaguing the black community.

This is a projected opinion, not fact. The arguments that conservatives are making on the overuse of the term are valid and solid and true. You are simply trying to impune a motive to further your own agenda.

There are actual cases that can be made that the left is far more racist then Conservatives.

I look for who benefits the most from something......who has the motive, means and opportunity. I do believe that many white liberals don't really know what racism is and should not be taking the lead to call something racist, when blacks are perfectly capable of doing that. I think also that terms like "people of color" kind of lumps all other minorities in with blacks in the argument or claim that things said against them are "racist". I don't necessarily agree that other races are experiencing or being treated in the way that blacks have been and are in America. Racism in America, traditionally, has most profoundly been a white/black phenomenon. All these "people of color" jumping in claiming racism is confusing as hell. I can't vouch for that.

That having been said, I do believe that there are racist on the left and racist on the right but racist on the left are not working antithetical to the interest of black people. They might not like black people....but they have decided to form an alliance with black people in order to promote an issue like Labor Unions that the right is against but that they are very vested in. If a person is racist....and not opposing me I don't care.

If you are racist and opposing me/us then I care.

Well, I'm not a racist and I agree that there is some racism in this country. In every country in fact. Just not on the order of what the Democrats claim.
who benefits the most from the term becoming meaningless.....the racist or the non-racist? My take on it is that the group that has the most to gain by the term becoming meaningless are those who are actually racist. Indeed if it is the strategy of the left, its not a very smart strategy, but it if is the strategy of the right, it is a very clever strategy because it would discredit any calling out of their racism. Hence, I see the right as having the Motive, Means and Opportunity to devalue/discredit the use of the term.
Who had the most to lose after "cool" was overused? It is still used but the meaning shifts-same with racism. We went from it being about the KKK to segregationists to Republicans to all whites. Even blacks have been included. Nobody owns it, people just use it to further their own arguments.

"Cool" is not an indictment that has the potential to inflict moral, social or professional injury to another. It's nothing like referring to someone as a racist. In order to prevent moral, social or professional injury, the racist has to either change from being a racist or make everyone else seem guilty of being racist or make no one really guilty of being racist, each of the latter being accomplished by changing the definition and or applying towards everything in order to discredit the usage.

I mean....the main people I hear saying/arguing that the term is losing its meaning.....are conservatives. Through the power of suggestion.....this is what they WANT to happen. Thus, they seek to highlight every example of racism being claimed erroneously or unjustifiably, while downplaying and ignoring actual examples of racism. They right sees actual racism as a "win" for the left as it helps justify liberal efforts for policies that seek to offset or counterbalance racism. Racism existence also gives an explanation to counter the "innate defective race" race theory as the root cause of continued socioeconomic racial inequality. They more racism is downplayed.....the more that these problems are seen as rooted in the NATURE of black. Thus, downplaying racism and its impact on blacks helps to promote the theory of black inferiority as the explanation for the issues plaguing the black community.
This is a projected opinion, not fact. The arguments that conservatives are making on the overuse of the term are valid and solid and true. You are simply trying to impune a motive to further your own agenda.

There are actual cases that can be made that the left is far more racist then Conservatives.

I look for who benefits the most from something......who has the motive, means and opportunity. I do believe that many white liberals don't really know what racism is and should not be taking the lead to call something racist, when blacks are perfectly capable of doing that. I think also that terms like "people of color" kind of lumps all other minorities in with blacks in the argument or claim that things said against them are "racist". I don't necessarily agree that other races are experiencing or being treated in the way that blacks have been and are in America. Racism in America, traditionally, has most profoundly been a white/black phenomenon. All these "people of color" jumping in claiming racism is confusing as hell. I can't vouch for that.

That having been said, I do believe that there are racist on the left and racist on the right but racist on the left are not working antithetical to the interest of black people. They might not like black people....but they have decided to form an alliance with black people in order to promote an issue like Labor Unions that the right is against but that they are very vested in. If a person is racist....and not opposing me I don't care.

If you are racist and opposing me/us then I care.
Well, I'm not a racist and I agree that there is some racism in this country. In every country in fact. Just not on the order of what the Democrats claim.

You saying you are not a racist has NO STANDING, has NO PROOF and cannot be proven. Racist say they are not racist as much as liberals say something is racist when its not.

Why don't you research, using google, studies on racism and discrimination? I don't know what the democrats are claiming. I know what the research shows....however.
Who had the most to lose after "cool" was overused? It is still used but the meaning shifts-same with racism. We went from it being about the KKK to segregationists to Republicans to all whites. Even blacks have been included. Nobody owns it, people just use it to further their own arguments.

"Cool" is not an indictment that has the potential to inflict moral, social or professional injury to another. It's nothing like referring to someone as a racist. In order to prevent moral, social or professional injury, the racist has to either change from being a racist or make everyone else seem guilty of being racist or make no one really guilty of being racist, each of the latter being accomplished by changing the definition and or applying towards everything in order to discredit the usage.

I mean....the main people I hear saying/arguing that the term is losing its meaning.....are conservatives. Through the power of suggestion.....this is what they WANT to happen. Thus, they seek to highlight every example of racism being claimed erroneously or unjustifiably, while downplaying and ignoring actual examples of racism. They right sees actual racism as a "win" for the left as it helps justify liberal efforts for policies that seek to offset or counterbalance racism. Racism existence also gives an explanation to counter the "innate defective race" race theory as the root cause of continued socioeconomic racial inequality. They more racism is downplayed.....the more that these problems are seen as rooted in the NATURE of black. Thus, downplaying racism and its impact on blacks helps to promote the theory of black inferiority as the explanation for the issues plaguing the black community.
This is a projected opinion, not fact. The arguments that conservatives are making on the overuse of the term are valid and solid and true. You are simply trying to impune a motive to further your own agenda.

There are actual cases that can be made that the left is far more racist then Conservatives.

I look for who benefits the most from something......who has the motive, means and opportunity. I do believe that many white liberals don't really know what racism is and should not be taking the lead to call something racist, when blacks are perfectly capable of doing that. I think also that terms like "people of color" kind of lumps all other minorities in with blacks in the argument or claim that things said against them are "racist". I don't necessarily agree that other races are experiencing or being treated in the way that blacks have been and are in America. Racism in America, traditionally, has most profoundly been a white/black phenomenon. All these "people of color" jumping in claiming racism is confusing as hell. I can't vouch for that.

That having been said, I do believe that there are racist on the left and racist on the right but racist on the left are not working antithetical to the interest of black people. They might not like black people....but they have decided to form an alliance with black people in order to promote an issue like Labor Unions that the right is against but that they are very vested in. If a person is racist....and not opposing me I don't care.

If you are racist and opposing me/us then I care.
Well, I'm not a racist and I agree that there is some racism in this country. In every country in fact. Just not on the order of what the Democrats claim.

You saying you are not a racist has NO STANDING, has NO PROOF and cannot be proven. Racist say they are not racist as much as liberals say something is racist when its not.

Why don't you research, using google, studies on racism and discrimination? I don't know what the democrats are claiming. I know what the research shows....however.
I don't have to prove it. My life, friends, and achievements speak for themselves.

You're just a name on a website and a means of passing some time away.
You defined "Racism". I defined "Racist".

And you are right, no one can read minds. However, a person does not have to confess to be a racist to be a racist. The belief that his own race is superior makes him a racist whether he confesses to that belief or not, whether I know that person is a racist or not.

I am not of the habit of going around calling people racist; however, the speech and actions of some people leave little doubt. I, for example, do not believe Trump is a racist, but I do believe he is often racially insensitive. On the other hand, there are some people that openly state that their race is superior to another. If those people are being honest,then I can conclude they are racist.
Here is the problem with your opening statement. It is true that one does not have to confess to being a racist to be racist, but no one but the individual can declare him or her to be a racist; because without the confession, no one will ever truly know.

My whole point was that racism and being a racist is specifically defined as a belief. No one can know anyone's beliefs unless that beleifs are articulated.

Google attempts to assign beliefs and motivations on the basis of actions that may or may not have been interpreted correctly. As we've seen time and again, to the left, all it takes to assign an belief or motive to someone is to simply disagree with them.
My opining statement was not about declaring another person a racist.

That being said, very few racists are going to declare to the world, I'm a racist. Sometimes I may form an opinion about whether a person is a racist based on his actions (which includes speech). If a person constantly talks down people of another race and treats them unfairly, then its reasonable that I conclude that person is racist. Could my opinion be wrong.....possibly. I will usually give a person the benefit of a doubt when it comes to being a racist, but when one runs out of other reasonable explanations.........

Also, if a person treats people of another race unfairly because of their race, it may not really matter if that person is a racist or if there is some other reason for his behavior.
You're confusing a racist with prejudice.
No. Prejudice can be a symptom of being a racist....just as you posted earlier.

Oxford Dictionary:

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
yes, but if all you have is the prejudical acts of a person, you don't have any real proof of their being racist. Hell, for all you know, they may have been harmed in some way by the people he or she is treating poorly.
Like I said earlier, I might be wrong. That is why it is called an OPINION and not a FACT. As I get to know people in my life I form lots of opinions about them based on what I observe during my exposure to them. Do you not form opinions about other people?
Give me a list of black INDIVIDUAL genius, in history, that is viewed with being on the level of Isaac Newton, Einstein, Steven Hawkins, Tesla, Aristotle, Copernicus, Plato...etc. Who were the great minds who were also black and on the level of those listed?

What black INDIVIDUALS do you see as being pivotal in the industrial revolution, the technical revolution, space travel. What black genius were you taught about or learned on your own. What black individuals helped make this world a better place?

That's the EASIER challenge. And my list would be similar to that other poster I thanked... But on my list would be the Tuskeegee boys and some CURRENT academics. Because I'm more concerned about the CURRENT state of affairs and the FUTURE...

Have you nothing to say about why your ORIGINAL phrasing of the question as you tried to ask it was akin to being racist?? Because you're asking folks to generalize and stereotype about an ENTIRE RACE -- rather than individual achievements???? I don't do that for any race -- INCLUDING MINE... Because that's generalization and stereotypes are a hallmark of our white racists and supremacists... As well as some other traits that are patently obvious.... Like distorting history, or misrepresenting science...

And curiously enough, there's an abundance of black racists that stole the same stinky playbook trying to push back on white supremecists on social media....
Give me a list of black INDIVIDUAL genius, in history, that is viewed with being on the level of Isaac Newton, Einstein, Steven Hawkins, Tesla, Aristotle, Copernicus, Plato...etc. Who were the great minds who were also black and on the level of those listed?

What black INDIVIDUALS do you see as being pivotal in the industrial revolution, the technical revolution, space travel. What black genius were you taught about or learned on your own. What black individuals helped make this world a better place?

That's the EASIER challenge. And my list would be similar to that other poster I thanked... But on my list would be the Tuskeegee boys and some CURRENT academics. Because I'm more concerned about the CURRENT state of affairs and the FUTURE...

Have you nothing to say about why your ORIGINAL phrasing of the question as you tried to ask it was akin to being racist?? Because you're asking folks to generalize and stereotype about an ENTIRE RACE -- rather than individual achievements???? I don't do that for any race -- INCLUDING MINE... Because that's generalization and stereotypes are a hallmark of our white racists... As well as some other traits that are patently obvious....
I saw the OP and following posts as an attempt to bait people into being racist. I think I was right. I think you share that opinion with me.
Give me a list of black INDIVIDUAL genius, in history, that is viewed with being on the level of Isaac Newton, Einstein, Steven Hawkins, Tesla, Aristotle, Copernicus, Plato...etc. Who were the great minds who were also black and on the level of those listed?

What black INDIVIDUALS do you see as being pivotal in the industrial revolution, the technical revolution, space travel. What black genius were you taught about or learned on your own. What black individuals helped make this world a better place?

That's the EASIER challenge. And my list would be similar to that other poster I thanked... But on my list would be the Tuskeegee boys and some CURRENT academics. Because I'm more concerned about the CURRENT state of affairs and the FUTURE...

Have you nothing to say about why your ORIGINAL phrasing of the question as you tried to ask it was akin to being racist?? Because you're asking folks to generalize and stereotype about an ENTIRE RACE -- rather than individual achievements???? I don't do that for any race -- INCLUDING MINE... Because that's generalization and stereotypes are a hallmark of our white racists and supremacists... As well as some other traits that are patently obvious.... Like distorting history, or misrepresenting science...

And curiously enough, there's an abundance of black racists that stole the same stinky playbook trying to push back on white supremecists on social media....

If its so easy why not demonstrate that ease and list names and how they advanced humanity? Now, of course, think about if I asked you the same question concerning whites. See the difference?

No. I did not stop to think about what you suggest because generalizing about a race is NOT racism. Obviously you don't understand what racism is and YOU are part of the crowd who misuse the term and thus make the term less meaningful due to the 10,000 different running definitions that people have.

Observations or generalizations about any race is NOT racism in and of itself. The only way that one can glean if it is racism is in the EXPLANATION they give for way the generalization exists. Its human nature to generalize, its NOT human nature to assume that a stereotype or generalization about a race of people is because of GENETICS. People may generalize that blacks are better sprinters than whites. There is an old movie called "white men can't jump". That is a generalization that IS racist because the explanation for the generalization is usually genetics. Ergo, the cause of the differentials being rooted in racial genetics. Now, if one generalizes that "white men can't jump" because they are less interested in jumping or are engaged in other things and hence don't develop that talent....then its NOT racist.

What I find is that many whites are extremely discomforted by the idea that they may be racist. It will cause moral injury if one can demonstrate them to actually be racist. Few will allow themselves to be led down that path and once it becomes obvious what is going to be revealed.....ergo....once the trap is exposed....that is when the topic gets closed, the posts get deleted and the poster gets banned on white dominated forums.

Racism in whites must be downplayed in order for whites to play up black inferiority. If racism has not caused blacks to perform and behave differently than whites, statistically speaking, what else is there to explain it but the inherent nature of blacks? Of course, conservatives will say its black culture.....but blacks in Africa don't have a culture like African Americans. African culture is TRUE black culture....so where did African Americans pick up the culture they practice? Who were they emulating given the culture is learned? Then conservatives will say that its liberalism that caused blacks these problems. Well....how is that? We all existed in America....so what made blacks so weak and dumb that they fell victim to liberalism more so than whites? Do blacks have a genetic trait that makes us suckers to fall for scams like liberalism? Do we have smaller brains or something? Then you say its the "victim mentality". Why would blacks be more susceptible to have a victim mentality for any other reason than being victims more in this society? Every thing the conservative does is to deflect from the impact of white racism on the black condition and to deflect from their line or reasoning and explaining things that implicitly reasons that blacks are innately inferior and hence we can't be good parents like whites, we are more prone to violence than whites, we are less hard working than whites, we are less intelligent than whites, etc, etc....NOT because any unfairness the last 300 plus years and not because anything else but not use looking at ourselves as the root of the problem.
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No. I did not stop to think about what you suggest because generalizing about a race is NOT racism. Obviously you don't understand what racism is and YOU are part of the crowd who misuse the term and thus make the term less meaningful due to the 10,000 different running definitions that people have.

Generalizations and stereotyping is the KEY weapon of racists.. The hate is rooted in GROUP identities. Not in recognizing the individuality.. I've thrashed my share of haters and racists. Probably BANNED several dozen in the past few years. I KNOW how they operate.. The reason for the 10,000 "definitions" is a BLACK construct.. It's not generally useful to have that many definitions of ANYTHING -- but go talk to IM2 -- he has somewhere just short of 1000 different definitions.. And I suspect, since you're a "trap springer" -- you also have more definitions of it than you really need..
Observations or generalizations about any race is NOT racism in and of itself. The only way that one can glean if it is racism is in the EXPLANATION they give for way the generalization exists. Its human nature to generalize, its NOT human nature to assume that a stereotype or generalization about a race of people is because of GENETICS. People may generalize that blacks are better sprinters than whites. There is an old movie called "white men can't jump". That is a generalization that IS racist because the explanation for the generalization is usually genetics. Ergo, the cause of the differentials being rooted in racial genetics. Now, if one generalizes that "white men can't jump" because they are less interested in jumping or are engaged in other things and hence don't develop that talent....then its NOT racist.

You haven't been reading the "dumb black" video threads that USMB usually moves to Badlands or closes then.. Because it IMMEDIATELY attracts certified racists to opine about "all blacks" and do exactly what I just asserted that REAL racists do... They generalize and stereotype and CHERRY PICK factoids in order to slime the ENTIRE group...

If you just hated white Republicans, that would not be racist... (Or maybe you hate Black Repubs more --- LOL). But as soon as you generalize to the entire group -- that's racist...

So asking me what I admire about ALL white people? I just don't do that. That means I'm NOT Interested in white supremacy... It's a lot simpler than you think.....
No. I did not stop to think about what you suggest because generalizing about a race is NOT racism. Obviously you don't understand what racism is and YOU are part of the crowd who misuse the term and thus make the term less meaningful due to the 10,000 different running definitions that people have.

Generalizations and stereotyping is the KEY weapon of racists.. The hate is rooted in GROUP identities. Not in recognizing the individuality.. I've thrashed my share of haters and racists. Probably BANNED several dozen in the past few years. I KNOW how they operate.. The reason for the 10,000 "definitions" is a BLACK construct.. It's not generally useful to have that many definitions of ANYTHING -- but go talk to IM2 -- he has somewhere just short of 1000 different definitions.. And I suspect, since you're a "trap springer" -- you also have more definitions of it than you really need..

The belief in another races inferiority to your own race is the root of racism. A callous heart is the root of murderers.....but the tool of choice of the murderous heart is the gun. The gun can be used, however, to capture a people.....or liberate a people and is not inherently good or bad. The same is true for generalizations. Keep in mind also that statistics are another form of generalizing and stereotyping. Kind of like generalizing blacks families to be headed by single mothers. If the statics show that most black families are headed by single mothers. Should statistics be used given that they are essentially stereotyping a group?

Racism has always been how one feels about the GROUP more than it has been about how one feels about an individual. When a person will grant exception to NO individual of a race that they disfavor....that is called HATRED and is an extreme manifestation of racism. Politics is nothing more than generalizations. If someone says that they are a liberal......you will make a generalization about them and their beliefs. You have a generalization about liberals despite the fact of never having met all liberals to say that you are not generalizing.

The only way that I would buy your argument is if you did not grow up watching TV, did not read books, did not watch movies, did not hear the opinion of others concerning different races, but instead, only know of different races by the ones you have actually met in your life. That is the ONLY way I would believe that you don't have generalizations in your subconscious. Everyone who has existed in this society has generalizations formed about race and children are a good example of that.

Observations or generalizations about any race is NOT racism in and of itself. The only way that one can glean if it is racism is in the EXPLANATION they give for way the generalization exists. Its human nature to generalize, its NOT human nature to assume that a stereotype or generalization about a race of people is because of GENETICS. People may generalize that blacks are better sprinters than whites. There is an old movie called "white men can't jump". That is a generalization that IS racist because the explanation for the generalization is usually genetics. Ergo, the cause of the differentials being rooted in racial genetics. Now, if one generalizes that "white men can't jump" because they are less interested in jumping or are engaged in other things and hence don't develop that talent....then its NOT racist.

You haven't been reading the "dumb black" video threads that USMB usually moves to Badlands or closes then.. Because it IMMEDIATELY attracts certified racists to opine about "all blacks" and do exactly what I just asserted that REAL racists do... They generalize and stereotype and CHERRY PICK factoids in order to slime the ENTIRE group...

If you just hated white Republicans, that would not be racist... (Or maybe you hate Black Repubs more --- LOL). But as soon as you generalize to the entire group -- that's racist...

So asking me what I admire about ALL white people? I just don't do that. That means I'm NOT Interested in white supremacy... It's a lot simpler than you sthink.....

That is NOT the same thing. Maybe I am guilty of using the wrong term. I see what you are talking about now. You are talking about "the fallacy of composition". That is when one attempts to say what is true for a part is therefore true for the whole. Honestly.....I rarely see racism of that nature argued on forums. I have never read something that a white person accused ALL black people of being guilty of....not even crime or being from single parent homes. I just assume intelligence in people. Nobody is that DUMB....if they are able to sign up and sign into an internet forum, to think that something like criminality applies to ALL, without exception. I NEVER assume that is what anyone means and I would think that the only type of people who would think people/others are suggesting ALL is one who actually thinks that way.

What I find is that white racist like to focus on statistics and that the ONLY think that they are concerned with highlighting is NOT that ALL blacks are guilty of it, but that blacks data is inferior to white data. The data, in their minds is PROOF of black innate inferiority to whites, which is gleaned by their dismissal of any and all possible causes for the differentials EXCEPT INNATE INFERIORITY!!!
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things that they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Sure .... the blacks I have as friends are successful within their family circles, business circles and friends' circles. The blacks I work with are sharp, educated and contribute a lot towards the development of our systems. What else would you like to know?
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things t,hat they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Sure .... the blacks I have as friends are successful within their family circles, business circles and friends' circles. The blacks I work with are sharp, educated and contribute a lot towards the development of our systems. What else would you like to know?

I don't believe you. There is nothing in your post that does not suggest your story is not made up just for the purpose of not having to admit something. Based upon my question, you are telling me that these black people you work with....you believe them to be on the level of Newton, Einstein, Aristotle....somehow I don't actually believe that you believe that. If they are indeed on that level....then that is definitely a racist place that you are working for to have those type of minds as your "co workers". I would expect no less brilliance shown from you on this forum....if that are the type of people who are your peers.
I asked if the white forum participants could list 5 things that they admire about black people that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Or what are 5 positive stereotypes held about blacks that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. I posted it in a forum for politics and controversies, which I deemed my question would fall under the latter. After a day, no one could come up with one single thing that they admired about black people.....and eventually the topic got deleted and I was banned for 30 days from the forum.

I mean....Asians are considered smart by many whites. If the "smart Asian" is a stereotype or something that whites admire or associate with Asians in general, you can see how that could work to benefit Asian in hiring and investment, because they can see an ROI, by white employers who tend to look for best and the brightest.

Then you have Hispanic or Latino immigrants, most profoundly influenced by Mexican immigrants. They are often seen as "very hard workers" as a stereotype. Again, many white employers would therefore be attracted to hire them because of this positive stereotype and the see a positive ROI by hiring Latino immigrants (even as exploited labor), as well as investment in places like Mexico and Asian nations.

What do white people see as of value, in black people, that does not involve sports and entertainment? Lets forget the argument of whether whites are racist or not. What do you call it when another race can come up with many more things that they dislike about you.....than they can come up with things t,hat they like about you and can't see anything that you have added positively to the growth of the country or humanity (civilization)?
Sure .... the blacks I have as friends are successful within their family circles, business circles and friends' circles. The blacks I work with are sharp, educated and contribute a lot towards the development of our systems. What else would you like to know?

I don't believe you. There is nothing in your post that does not suggest your story is not made up just for the purpose of not having to admit something. Based upon my question, you are telling me that these black people you work with....you believe them to be on the level of Newton, Einstein, Aristotle....somehow I don't actually believe that you believe that. If they are indeed on that level....then that is definitely a racist place that you are working for to have those type of minds as your "co workers". I would expect no less brilliance shown from you on this forum....if that are the type of people who are your peers.
Your beliefs are meaningless, baseless, and possibly formed on your own prejudices. I work in software engineering for a top U.S. firm. We hire none but the best and are very diverse. My black friends, as well as every other friend, regardless of race, creed, religion, etc...., are mostly all successful within their respective industries.

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