I Bet HE is Not Alone

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Trannies are obsessed with the SELF.

Here is a life rule most don't get:
Focus on your problems, and you will see problems
Focus on your blessings and you will be blessed.

As you sow, so shall you reap.

This is proof these people need to be treated. They are ticking time bombs and they are exploited by these reality shows

Trannies are obsessed with the SELF.

Here is a life rule most don't get:
Focus on your problems, and you will see problems
Focus on your blessings and you will be blessed.

As you sow, so shall you reap.

This is proof these people need to be treated. They are ticking time bombs and they are exploited by these reality shows

Trannies are exploited by everyone involved in them, they even exploit themselves.

Trannies desire attention or are confused. So they turn into trannies to exploit themselves for attention by always drawing attention to the fact they are trannies. They use their trannism to exploit themselves by either always talking about how hard it is, or that they are discriminated against, how unsafe they feel and so on. Everything they do is 100% completely about them.

Companies explot trannies by trying to cater to them. They don't give a shit about trannies, they just see them as potential dollars and customers. They also exploit them by supporting them so they don't get called transphobic and attacked.

Parents of trannies exploit them for their own attention so they can parade their tranny kid around on social media so they get thumbs ups. They do it so they feel like they are amazing progressive and open minded parents, no real parent that loved their kid would encourage them to be a tranny. They turn their kids into trannies for their own desires.

Non trannies that support trannies do it for themselves. They loudly and proudly support trannies and cheer and protest for them because they want the attention to show everyone what awesome people they are. They want to be on social media showing everyone they support trannies.

Politicians don't care about trannies, they exploit them for votes and to try and make themselves look better.

No one really cares about trannies. Every single person that says they do is lying to themselves and everyone else. They exploit them for their own selfish reasons and desires. If trannies didn't serve that purpose they wouldn't exist.

You know who doesn't get exploited? Straight non black people. Well, companies and politicians used to exploit them but that's part for the course. But now a straight non black man or woman doesn't exploited, we get shit on.

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